Friday, December 5, 2008

5th December Gre Quants Question


1. Given N is a positive odd integer. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place then what is the value of N?
A. n>90
B. 30C. N>50
D. 30

2. Given a series of numbers 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3.......
Col A: The sum of the first 67 terms
Col B: 34


Given a figure like above, with the sector angle given as 45degree & the side of the square is given as 'x'. Find the area of the shaded region?

4. If a, b, c are three integers with value 0, 1 or 2 and if (3^2)a + 3b + c = 25, then what is the value of a + b + c?

5. Given
3.s(n) = 1; if n is even
3.s(n) = -1; if n is odd
then what is 2^s(3) - 3^s(4)?

6. Given length of hall is 48 feet and width of hall is 10 feet. If it has to be covered by square tiles of length 8 inches and tiles come in packets of 100 tiles, then how many packets have to be brought?

7. Given four consecutive numbers and if the least number is x, then what is the arithmetic mean in terms of x?
(given question is similar to this)

8. If y > 0, 2x = y + 1, then for xy>0 what is the value of x?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3rd dec Gre Quants Question


1. There are 1 badger and 1 panderer. If each badger has 6 flavors and each panderer has 3 flavors, then what is the total number of ways of selecting 4 flavors from badger and 1 flavor from panderer?

2. Given 'A' works 25mins to produce 1 ton of oil and 'B' works 30mins to produce 1 ton of oil, If they work simultaneously, then in how many hours they can produce 15 tons of oil?

3. 1/2(10^6) =??
A. 5*10^5
& four other options were given.

4. Col A: (0.02)^2
Col B: (-0.05)^2

5. If -10 <= X <= 6, then what is the maximum possible greatest value of -X^2+X^4?

6. If length of the triangle is 16 and perimeter is 40, then what is the area of the rectangle?

7. If 'A' is three times of 'B' and 'B' is five times of 'C', then how many times is 'A' when compared to 'C'?
& so on....

8. If the arithmetic mean of 4 boys salary is X and average of 3 girls salary is y, then
Col A: Mean of 7 members salary
Col B: (x+y)/2

9. Given that there are 'x' girls and boys are 4 more than girls, if the probability of girls from the total(G+B) is 3/7, then totally how many girls are there?

10. In a line, if x-intercept is given as 2 and Y-intercept is given as 8, then which of the following below is true?
A. y-intercept is always 4 times of x-intercept.
B. y-intercept is always 6 more than x-intercept.
& 3 more options were given

11. A graph is given, in that 2 lines are drawn. Line L1 is drawn from left-right downward and line L2 is drawn left-right upward.
Col A: Slope of line L1
Col B: Slope of line L2
(Given question is something like this)

12. There are 4 members and each of their salary is 'h' and the mean of their salary is 'x' dollars & there are other 3 members each of their salary is 2h and the mean of their salary is 'y' dollars.
Col A: Standard Deviation of salary of 4 members
Col B: Standard Deviation of salary of all 7 members
(Given question is similar to this).


Here ‘C’ is the centre and those lines are tangents to the circle which meets at ‘O’. If the angle it makes is 60`(or 30`-- not sure), then what is the circumference of the circle?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

25th November GRE Quants Question


1. If the median of first 40 students score is 74 and last 65 students score is 78, then what is the median of all 115 scores?

2. If f(x) = 2x-3 & f(g(x)) = x, then
g(x) = ?
A. (x+3)/2
& 4 other options were given.

3. If the sum of 5Y2 and 257 is 8N9 & 8N9 is divisible by 3, then what is the least possible values of N and Y?
Col A: Y+N
Col B: 9

4. Which of the following is less than 3% of 1
A. 3/17
B. 1/3
C. 22/25
D. 0.6
& so on…

5. Given two points A(3, 1) & B(-1, 5) and a perpendicular is drawn from point ‘p’ to this line AB
Col A: Slope of the perpendicular line
Col B: 1


Which of the following is true?
A. L^2 + W^2 = 50
B. L^2 + W^2 = 25
C. L^2 + W^2 = 100
D. L^2 + W^2 = 75
E. L^2 + W^2 = 125

7. If a rectangle's length is increased by 15% and width is decreased by 15%, then
Col A: Area of the initial rectangle
Col B: Area of the later(changed) rectangle

8. If g(x) = 3^(x-1), then what is the value of [g(x+1)-g(x)]/2?

9. Col A: 2^x * 4^ x
Col B: 2^3x

10. There are two names given JOHNSON and JONES. If one letter is picked from both simultaneously at random, then find the probability that the letter is same?

11. Given a series p1, p2, p3, p4................ If p1 = 1 & pn = 24*p(n-1)+8, then
Col A: The remainder when p66 is divided by 6
Col B: 4
(Here 1, 2, 3, 4, 66, n & n-1 are suffixes)

12. There are two similar cylinders. One cylinder ‘A’ has water filled to half of its height and is standing on its base. Other cylinder ‘B’ is lying down with water filled to two third of its height (i.e. its diameter).
Col A: Volume of the Cylinder A
Col B: Volume of the Cylinder B

13. If the average of 6, x and y is 0, then what is the average of x and y?

14. If n is a positive integer, then
Col A: Remainder when n^2 - n is divided by 2
Col B: 0

15. Col A: (n^2 + 2n)/(n^3+2n^2)
Col B: 1/n

16. Col A: x^2 + y^2
Col B: (x-1)^2 + (y+1)^2

17. If x/y = (sqrt(2)-1)/2 & z = x + y, then the value of z/y?

18. A hexagon is embedded in a circle with radius xxx(some value). Find the perimeter of the hexagon in terms of diameter?
(Question is similar to this)

19. If class A has the average score of 40 for 65 students & class B has the average score of XXX for 55 students, then
Col A: Total average score
Col B: Total number of students

20. An equilateral triangle is given with its side around some 20(approx). If its height is 20x, then find the value of x?

21. A question with Venn diagram is given like this...
A class has above 100 students. If a teacher took 100 answer sheets & out of them she corrected 22 and all of these 22 got 'A' grade & if 25% of the remaining get 'A' grade, then find the total number of students with 'A' grade?

22. There are two plants 'A' & 'B'.
If the plant 'A', in
1st week grows 1/4th
2nd week grows 1/5th
3rd week grows 1/6th
4th week grows 1/7th
5th week grows 1/8th
6th week grows 1/9th
& if plant B grows 3/4th in these 6weeks period, then
Col A: Growth of plant 'A' in 6weeks
Col B: Growth of plant 'B' in 6weeks.

23. For any series, which of these options are equal normally?
I. Mean
II. Median
III. Mode
A. I
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II and III

24. If a wheel 'A' has half the diameter of wheel B, then
Col A: Number of revolutions made by wheel A to cover 5000 miles
Col B: Number of revolutions made by wheel B to cover 2500 miles

25. Col A: The distance from origin to the point (3, 4)
Col B: The distance from origin to the (5, 2)

26. Given a rectangle field whose length ‘l’ and breath ‘b’ is made area=25000, such that its length is increased by 10% and its breadth is been decreased by 5 %.
Col A: Change in area of the rectangle
Col B: 1200

27. Given numbers from 1 to 10. Two numbers are to be selected from these 10 numbers and they can be same also. What is the probability that at least one of them is even?
A. 1/2
B. 3/4
C. 1/4
& so on....


Given a figure like above with a circle inscribed in an equilateral triangle whose length of one side is given as 6
Col A: Area of circular region
Col B: 9 pi

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

18th November Gre Quants Question


1. How many integers are there between 176 and 256, which are not the multiples of 7?

2. Which is the greatest prime factor of 3^100 - 3^97?

3. Find the area of the square which has its diagonal length 10?

4. The x and y coordinates of two points were given and was asked to find its slope.

5. Given coordinates of two points P, Q on a graph
Col A:Distance of point 'P' from origin
Col B:Distance of Point 'Q' from origin
(Question is similar to this.. with P & Q values given)

6. If 'n' is an integer and 26n is a multiple of 12, then
Col A: Value of n
Col B: 11

7. If x^2 = 9, then
Col A: x-2
Col B: 0

8. Two frequency distribution tables are given.
Table I:
Value Frequency
-1 2
-2 3
-3 5
0 7
1 1
2 3
3 3

Table II:
Value Frequency
-1 3
-2 1
-3 4
0 6
1 1
2 3
3 4
Out of mean, median & mode which quantity is common for both tables?
A. Mean only
B. Median only
C. Mode only
D. Median & Mode
E. Mean & mode

9. There are two plants 'A' & 'B'. The plant 'A'
In, 1st week grows 1/4th
2nd week grows 1/5th
3rd week grows 1/6th
4th week grows 1/7th
5th week grows 1/8th
6th week grows 1/9th
& if plant B grows 3/4th in these 6weeks period, then
Col A: Growth of plant 'A' in 6weeks
Col B: Growth of plant 'B' in 6weeks.

10. A company gives a employee code to each of its employees. It consists of 4 alphabets followed by two numbers. All alphabets from A to Z (except A, E, I, O, U, Z) can be used & all numbers from 0 to 9 can be used. How many different possible employee codescan be made using these conditions?

11. A solid has dimensions of 12inchesx20inchesx15 inches. If the solid has a mass of 7kg, then what is the density of the box & its volume in cubic foot?
(Question is similar to this)

12. Two figures R & S given. R is a square with side 9 each & S is a square whose top right quater part has been cut(it is similar to R just a square part on top right is removed) & have side of 9 each. However the dimension of the area removed from top right quater is not given.
Col A: Area of R
Col B: 4/3 of are of S

Monday, November 17, 2008

17th Nov Gre Quants Question

1. If from 1982 to 1990, a company made 210000$ profit & from 1988 to 1992 the same company made 180000$ profit, then what is the profit the company made between 1988 and 1990?


Given a figure as above, with a square ABCD of side 'x'
Col A: Area of shaded region
Col B: x^2/4

3. If Bn = (-1)^n (T)^n-1, then find B5?
Col A: -1-t^2-t^3-t^4
Col B: -1+t^2-t^3+t^4

4. Find the closest value of a100, if an = [n^4+(n+100)^2]/xxx(some bigger value).
(Question is similar to this)

5. Which of the following is less than 30% of 1
A. 3/17
B. 1/3
C. 22/25
D. 0.6

6. The value of 208 + 1/2 (208) + 1/4 (208) is ………….


Given a figure similar to the above, as EFGH inscribed in ABCD, 'E' on AB, 'H' on AD; 'F' is on BC and is the midpoint of BC & a line segment connecting H and C. The point where 'F' intersects HC is G. Here E and H are not mid-pts of respective sides as “F”. If angle DHC=45 and side AE=5, then find the area of rectangle EFGH?

8. Given two points A(3, 1) & B(-1, 5) and a perpendicular is drawn from point ‘p’ to this line AB
Col A: Slope of the perpendicular line
Col B: 1


If the area of ABCD is 180, then find the value of ‘X’?

10. What is the highest prime factor of 3^100 - 3^97?

11. Col A: Sqrt(120) + Sqrt(50)
Col B: Sqrt( 80) + Sqrt(90)

12. If 0 < M < N < P < Q < R, then
Col A: Median of M, N, P, Q & R
Col B: Arithmetic Mean of M, N, P, Q & R.

13. If perimeter of a rectangle A is 20 & perimeter of rectangle B is 24, then
Col A: Area of the rectangle
Col B: Area of the rectangle


Given a figure as above with circle inside a square, if the area of the square is 16, then
Col A: Area of circle
Col B: 4PIE

15.If 61% supports ‘X’ and 55% supports ‘Y’ and out of those who support ‘Y’ 80% also supports ‘X’ , then what percentage of people supports neither ‘X’ nor ‘Y’?

16. If the probability of getting females in a group of people is 3/5, then
Col A: Ratio of male to female in that group
Col B: 3/2

17. Given x, y as integers. If A = 896*355*(x-1)(y+2), then
Col A: Unit digit of A
Col B: 0

18.Given an equation of the form [x+3] < =5 ( [ ] implies mod) and there were number lines given
A. Number line saying x lies between -2 to 8
B. Number line saying x lies between -2 to 2
C. Number line saying x lies between -8 to 2
D. Number line saying x lies between -8 to 8
& so on....

19. Given three variables a, b & c which can take any of the three values 0, 1 or 2. If a^2(9) + b(3) + c = 25, then what is the value of a + b + c?

20. If x > 0, then
Col A: [(2x)^0 + (2x)^1] / [(2x) + (2x)^2 ]
Col B: (2X)^-1

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5th november Gre Quants Question

1. What is the range of numbers between 400 and 700 that are divisible by 2 and 3?

2. Col A: x^2 + y^2
Col B: (x + 1)^2 * (y + 1)^2

3. Given a series p1, p2, p3, p4................ If p1 = 1 & pn = 24*p(n-1)+8, then
Col A: The remainder when p66 is divided by 6
Col B: 4
(Here 1, 2, 3, 4, 66, n & n-1 are suffixes)

4. If 1pen & 1stapler costs 12.50$ and 3pens & 2staplers costs 25$, then
Col A: Cost of 1pen
Col B: 4.20$

5. Given a circle in the coordinate system with centre at (3, 4), find the radius of the circle?

6. Given average of a & b as 10. When 'c' is added to a & b, then the average is 10(again).
Col A: Value of 'c'
Col B: 10

7. If -1 < x < 0, then which of the following will have greater value?
B. 1/sqrt(x)
C. (5x)/6
D. sqrt(x)
& so on......


Col A: a^2 + b^2 + c^2
Col B: f^2

Answers and Explanations

1. 51. Since the question asks for both divisible by 2 and 3. We need to find the numbers divisible by 6. Now 402 is the first number in the range that is divisible by 6. Starting from 402 there are 17 numbers in the range 400 to 500 divisible by 6. 17 again in 500 to 600 as well as 600 to 700. So the answer is 17*3= 51

2. Relationship cannot be determined. take x and y 0 and take x and y -1 and test.

3. Col B is greater. because the first term is Pn is multiplied by 24 so it will give remainder 0 when divided by 6 but the +8 in the end will give remainder 2.

However P66 = 24^66 + 8*24^65 + 8*24^64 + .... + 8*24 + 8

4. I think the answer is Col B is greater. its given that 1pen & 1stapler costs $12.50 which means 2pen & 2stapler costs $25. But its also given that 3pens & 2staplers costs $25. his is only possible when pens are given for free i.e. zero cost.

5. Radius of the circle cannon be found just from the center

6. Col A and Col B are equal

7. based on the given options the answer is A. As 5/6 is .83 and B and D are not feasible as complex number is not in GRE syllabus.

8. Both Cols are equal.

Friday, October 31, 2008

31st october Gre Quants Question


1. If the area of rectangle 'S' is twice that of the rectangle 'T', then
Col A: The side of rectangle S
Col B: The diagonal side of rectangle T

2. If n > 10,000, then which of the following is the closest to 3?
A. 1/(3^n)
B. 3 + 1/3^n
C. n/(3^n)
& so on....

3. If 2 < a < 6 < b < 10 & the arithmetic mean of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6.2, then
Col A: 6 - a
Col B: b - 6

4. A line passes through a point (p, r) and its slope is 'p'. If pr < 0, then
Col A: The x-intercept of the line
Col B: 0

5. A ball is dropped from 6metres. If it bounces a height of 90% of previous height, then after 5 bounces to how much height will it bounce?

6. Given two points (3, 0) & (3, 3) in the coordinate system. If these two points are equidistant from a point (x, y), then
Col A: x
Col B: 3

7. Given an equation of a line and asked to find the x-intercept of that?


Given that L1 is parallel to L2. If AB = BC, then
Col A: x
Col B: 60

9. Given ‘x’ is an integer. If x^2 – 10 < 0, then how many such values of ‘x’ satisfies the given condition?
A. one
B. Two
C. Three
& so on…

10. Col A: Standard Deviation of numbers having an average 60
Col B: Standard Deviation of numbers having an average 65

11. Given n > 10,000;
Col A: The unit digit value of ‘n’ when divided by 8
Col B: 7

12. Given a set of numbers 19, 22, 25, 26 & 28. When each number is added by ‘k’, then the sum of the numbers would be 142.5. Find the median of the numbers?

13. For a rectangle, if the breadth is 8 & A(area) + L(length) = 130, then the area of the rectangle 'A' is?

14. If 0 < x < y < z, then
Col A: x/y
Col B: y/z

15. Given a series 3 + 3^2 + 3^3 +….+3^k. What is the value of 'k' at which the summation will be divisible by 6?
A. 15
B. 18
C. 21
D. 28
E. 53

16. Given that, when ‘N’ is divided by 7, it leaves a remainder of 4.
If N^2 +5 is divided by 7, then the remainder is?

17. In a distribution of 8500 parameters, if 26.7 is 56 percentile & 37.1 is 78 percentile, then what is the percentile of x (26.7 <= x <= 37), that is closest in this range?
A. 1888
B. 4500
D. 6650

18. The probability of a person getting a line busy every time when she calls is 1/3 and if she makes one call on each of 4 consecutive days, then
Col A: Probability of getting the line busy on each of the 4 days
Col B: ¼

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

29 October Gre Quants Que


1. If 3/5 =x/y
Col A: X - 3
Col B: Y - 5

2. If the letters of the word A, F, T, E, R are permuted and arranged in a dictionary form like after, then for some (n > 2) how many other possible ways are there?
A. 119
B. 117
C. 88
& so on....

3. Given y = ax+b and if x-intercept is 5 and slope =2
Col A: x-intercept
Col B: -10

4. If x is negative integer, then
Col A: (-x)^(3*x)
Col B: (-3*x)^(x)

5. In how many ways can 5 prizes, each having 1st, 2nd, 3rdpositions can be given to 3 boys?

6. Given three points (2,4), (5,3) & (k,1). If these three points are collinear, then find value of k?

7. There were 37 employees in a company. If the month July has more number of birthdays than any other month then what is the number of birthdays in July? (Provided every month should have at least 3 birthdays)
Col A: Number of birthdays in July
Col B: 3

8. Given two parallel lines 'L1' and 'L2' which are cut by a transversal at 'B' and 'A' respectively. 'E' is a point on 'L2' such that angle BAE = 58. 'C' is a point on 'L1' on the other side of transversal as 'E' such that BC = CA.
Col A: Angle BCA
Col B: 60
Note: All angles are in degrees and figure was given.

9. Given a square with vertex ‘O’ and centre ‘C’, when rotated by 45 degree with respect to vertex ‘O’ the centre is changed to ‘C1’.
Col A: Distance between centre’s ‘C’ & ‘C1’
Col B: {5*sqrt(2)}/2

10. Given following table
Data Percentile
16.8 43th percentile
17.1 49th percentile
17.3 52th percentile
17.8 55th percentile
18.2 60th percentile
Find the median of the above observation?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

22nd October Gre Quants Question


1. If an integer n>2 takes the form k! And this satisfies if and only if the product of the 'n' numbers in that factorial should be less than or equal to k.
Col A: n!/(n-1)!
Col B: n!-(n-1)!/(n-2)!

2. Given a table
X f
0 n
1 100-n
Col A: Value of n for mean to be greater than 0.5
Col B: 50

3. If S1 = 2 and if Sn =S(n-1)*1/2 then
Col A: S6
Col B: 2^14(S20)

4. A bar graph with number of students and marks obtained.
Marks No. of students
40 3
60 4
70 14
80 8
90 11
If the total number of students is 40, then
Col A: Median of the data
Col B: Average of the data
(@ all: this is the appropriate question)

5. If 14% people have ovens and 27% have washing machines, then what is the range of the people having neither oven nor washing machines?
A. 0-14%
B. 27-41%
C. 59-73%
D. 73-86%
(Options were something like that)

6. For a line 'l', if x-intercept = y-intercept = 4, then
Col A: Slope of line 'l'
Col B: -1

7. If 2 < a < 6 < b < 10 & the arithmetic mean of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6.2, then
Col A: 6 - a
Col B: b - 6

8. If there is a list of some numbers, whose mean is 10.8 and standard deviation is '0', then
Col A: Range of that list
Col B: 0

9. If 'x' is 130% of 'y', then 'y' is what percentage of x?

10. If the total amount is calculated, by multiplying the number of goods and the price of each good, then if the number of goods is decreased by 20%, by what percentage must the price should increase to compensate the decrease?

11. If xy =! 0 and y^-1 = 3x^-1, then which of the following is equivalent to it?
Options in terms of x & y were given
(To the given options, examiners answer: y = x/3)

12. If 0 < x < y < z, then
Col A: x/y
Col B: y/z

13. If b = -8 & (a+b)^2 = 36, then
Col A: a
Col B: 14

14. In 1990, the wages of the employees in a company is 'x'. If from 1990-1995, the increment of wages is 15% and from 1990-2000 the increment is 30% then
Col A: Percentage increment form 1995-2000
Col B: 15%

15. How many number of even squares are their between 60 and 625.
A. one
B. Two
& so on..


If x < y, then
Col A: Area of the triangle ABC
Col B: Area of the triangle PQR

22nd October Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Callous

2. Compassion

3. Indigenous

4. Gullibility

5. Credulity

6. Prosaic

7. Plucky

8. Oblivious

9. Obfuscate

10. Aesthetic

11. Gregarious

12. Sociable

13. Tractable

14. Venerate

15. Demagogue

16. Resplendent

17. Slur

18. Curb

19. Presumptuous

20. Pontificate


1. Callous: Compassion

2. Gullibility: Credulity

Issue Topic:

1. "It is not good to conclude without enough data".

2. "Socialization decides the future of society".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

21st October Gre Quants Question


1. The value of (5*4) + 2(5-8+3) = ?

2. Col A: (-36)^49
Col B: 36^(-49)

3. If x > 0, then
Col A: 2^2 * sqrt(x)
Col B: 4^2 * sqrt(x^2)

4. If t^2 = -3(2t + 3), then the value of t is?


If the area of the above circle is 4pie and area of the triangle
is 3, then find the hypotenuse “PQ”?

6. A bar graph with number of students and marks obtained.
Marks No. of students
40 3
60 4
70 14
80 2
90 11
If the total number of students is 40, then
Col A: Median of the data
Col B: Average of the data

7. Given a table of Category and Number of students
Category No. of students
Elementary school 5
Junior school 4
High school 17
College 9
If total students = 35
Col A: probability that a student chosen randomly will not cross junior school
Col B: probability that a student chosen randomly is from college

8. Given x-intercept and y-intercept and asked to find the slope?

9. Given slope as 2.5 and a point on the line as (30, 50).
Col A: y-intercept
Col B: xxx (some value)

10. Given two points and asked to find the distance between the points.

11. If x =! 1, then
Col A: 1/( 2x+2)
Col B: 2x+2

12. Data Interpretation: Minimum wage per person is given for 5 countries.
First question was "percentage by which one countries wage per person was more than the other".
Second question: What is the per person wage of country X & O combined?
Country X - 564 & Country O - 705 --- (given in the data)
a. 500
b. 600
c. 635
d. 692
e. 705

13. If an integer n>2 takes the form k! and this satisfies if and only if the product of the 'n' numbers in that factorial should be less than or equal to k.
Col A: n!/(n-1)!
Col B: n!-(n-1)!/(n-2)!

21st October Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Court(v): to try to win the favor, preference, or goodwill of; to seek the affections of; (of animals) to attempt to attract (a mate) by engaging in certain species-specific behaviors; to act in such a manner as to cause, lead to, or provoke; to seek another's love.
Synonyms: adjective, aulic, forensic, in camera, judicial, judiciary, juridical, juristic, justiciable, sub judice, substantive.

2. Conscientious(adj):careful; characterized by extreme care and great effort; controlled by or done according to conscience; guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong.
Synonyms: complete, diligent, exact, exacting, faithful, fastidious, fussy, hanging in, heedful, meticulous, painstaking, particular, playing safe, punctilious, punctual, reliable, tough, just, upright, honest, faithful, devoted.
Antonyms: careless, inexact, irresponsible, uncareful, unconscientious, unscrupulous.

3. Watershed(n): the region or area drained by a river, stream, etc.; drainage area. ; an important point of division or transition between two phases, conditions, etc.; an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend.

4. Apostasy(n): a total desertion of or departure from one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc. ; the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause.
Synonyms: recreance, recreancy, tergiversation.

5. Trite(adj): lacking in freshness or effectiveness because of constant use or excessive repetition; characterized by hackneyed expressions, ideas, etc; Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; frayed or worn out by use; repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
Synonyms: ordinary
Antonyms: original.

6. Malefeasance(n): the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used esp. of an act in violation of a public trust); Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
Synonyms: crime, delinquency, misconduct, wrongdoing.

7. Mollify(v): To calm in temper or feeling; soothe; To reduce the rigidity of; cause to be more favorably inclined; make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate; to assuage, as pain or irritation, to appease, as excited feeling or passion; to pacify; to calm.
Synonyms: abate, allay, alleviate, ameliorate, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, compose, conciliate, cool, cushion, decrease, diminish, dulcify, ease, fix up, lessen, lighten, lull, mellow, mitigate, moderate, modify, pacify, patch things up, placate, propitiate, quell, quiet, reduce, relieve, soften, sweeten, take sting out, temper, tranquilize.
Antonyms: agitate, depress, exasperate, harass, incite, provoke, trouble, upset, worry.

8. Banality(n): Something commonplace, hackneyed, or trivial; The condition or quality of being banal; triviality; Something that is trite, obvious, or predictable.
Synonyms: adage, buzzword, hokum, old chestnut, platitude, prosaicism, prosaism, trite phrase, trivia, triviality, truism
Antonyms: coinage, nuance, original saying.

9. Extol(v): to praise highly; laud; eulogize; To place on high; to lift up; to elevate; To elevate by praise; to eulogize; to praise; to magnify.
Synonyms: acclaim, applaud, bless, boost, celebrate, commend, cry up, eulogize, exalt, give a boost to, givea bouquet, glorify, hand it to, hats off to, hear it for, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize, pay tribute to, praise, puff up, push, rave, root.
Antonyms: blame, criticize, disparage.

10. Sapient(adj): having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; acutely insightful and wise; Having great wisdom and discernment.
Synonyms: acute, astucious, astute, cagey*, canny, clear-sighted, clever, contemplative, discerning, discriminating, educated, enlightened, experienced, farsighted, foxy*, informed, insightful, intelligent, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, reflective, sage, scholarly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smart, thoughtful, wise.

11. Explicate(v): to make plain or clear; explain; interpret; to develop (a principle, theory, etc.); To make clear the meaning of; explain; make plain and comprehensible; elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; To unfold; to expand; to lay open; To unfold the meaning or sense of; to explain; to clear of difficulties or obscurity.
Synonyms: amplify, clear up, construe, demonstrate, develop, dilate, elucidate, enlarge upon, enucleate, expatiate, explain, expound, give the big picture, illustrate, interpret, make clear, make explicit, make plain, run down, unfold, untangle, work out.
Antonyms: cloud, complicate, confuse, mystify, obscure, tangle.

12. Hackneyed(adj): made commonplace or trite; stale; banal; A coach or carriage for hire; To cause to become banal and trite through overuse; To hire out; let; Overfamiliar through overuse; repeated too often,
Synonyms: antiquated, banal, common, commonplace, conventional, everyday, familiar tune, obsolete, old, old-chestnut, old-hat, old-saw, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, overworked, quotidian, stale, stereotyped, stock, timeworn, tripe, trite, unoriginal, well-worn.
Antonyms: fresh, new, original, uncommon

13. Exegesis(n): critical explanation or interpretation of a text or portion of a text; Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text; Exposition.
Synonyms: analysis, critique, explanation, exposition, interpretation.

14. Pontificate(v): to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner; to express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way; talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner; the state or dignity of a high priest; specifically, the office of the pope.
Synonyms: address, admonish, dogmatize, evangelize, get on a soapbox, give sermon, harangue, lecture, minister, moralize, preach, pulpiteer, teach.

15. Gregarious(adj): fond of company; pertaining to a flock or crowd; living in flocks or herds, as animals; Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.
Synonyms: affable, clubby, companionable, convivial, cordial, fun, outgoing, sociable, genial, outgoing, convivial, companionable, friendly, extroverted.
Antonyms: cold, cool, introverted, unfriendly, unhospitable, unsociable.

16. Excoriate(v):to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally; to strip off or remove the skin from; to tear or wear off the skin of; abrade; express strong disapproval of.
Synonyms: abrade, chafe, flay, fret, gall, peel, rub, scarify, scratch, skin, strip.

17. Awning(n): a rooflike shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, from the top of a window, over a deck, etc., in order to provide protection, as from the sun; a shelter; a rooflike structure, often made of canvas or plastic, that serves as a shelter, as over a storefront, window, door, or deck.
Synonyms: covering, door cover, marquee, protection, shade, shelter, sunshade, tent.


1. Awning: Sun

Issue Topic:

1. Art reveals the hidden impulses of the society

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.
"The population of Balmer Island increases to 100,000 duing the summer months. To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians, the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day during the summer season. By limiting the number of rentals, the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in moped accidents that was achieved last year in the neighboring island of Torseau, when Torseau's town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals."

Monday, October 20, 2008

20nd October Gre verbal Quants

Today's Words:

1. Plumb

2. Trenchancy

3. Lackluster

4. Burnish

5. Expatriate

6. Diaphanous

7. Periphery

8. Proximity

9. Guffaw

10. Amusement

11. Exonerate

12. Trudge

13. Sapient

14. Bellicose

15. Didactic

16. Mellifluous

17. Gullible

18. Naive

19. Futile

20. Innocuous

21. Jest

22. Skirt

23. Iridescent

24. Exalt


1. Lackluster: Burnish

2. Guffaw: Amusement

3. Exonerate: Blame

4. Balm: Soothing

Issue Topic:

1. Now-a- days people choose their career on the basis of economy, money and job opportunities in future rather than talent, skill and interest.

2. With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society—including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences—will benefit greatly from international influences.

Friday, October 17, 2008

17 October Gre Verbal Questions

Today's Words:

1. Obstreperous

2. Animate

3. Balm

4. Deplore

5. Fringe

6. Fertile

7. Censorious

8. Bellicose

9. Idiosyncratic

10. Hiatus

11. Abatement

12. Supine

13. Acerbic

14. Trenchancy


1. Ambrosial x Unsavory

2. Timorous x Tardy

3. Cogent x Unconvincing

4. Congenital x not innate

5. Torpor x Animation

6. Natty x Sloven

7. Succinct x Prolixity

8. Gregarious x Aloofness

9. Aligned x Neutral


1. Pragmatist: Practicability

2. Encomiastic: Eulogy

3. Defer: Leader

4. Admire: Hero

5. Impressionable: Influence

6. Servile: Compliant

7. Belligerent: Assertive

8. Quibbler: Cavil

9. Guffaw: Amusement

10. Trenchancy: Insipid

Issue Topic:

1. "It is the artist and not the critic who is of some value to the society."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

16th October Gre vaerbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Guffaw(n): a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter; a hearty, boisterous burst of laughter.
Synonyms: belly laugh, deep laugh, howl, howling, laughter, loud laugh, roar, shout, shriek, snort.

2. Sapient(adj): having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; acutely insightful and wise.
Synonyms: acute, astucious, astute, canny, clear-sighted, clever, contemplative, discerning, discriminating, educated, enlightened, experienced, farsighted, informed, insightful, intelligent, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, reflective, sage, scholarly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smart, thoughtful, wise.

3. Natty(adj): neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners.
Synonyms: neat, chic, dapper, fashionable, jaunty, neat, posh, smart, spruce, tidy, trim.

4. Trenchancy(adj): clearly or sharply defined; effective; energetic; Forceful; Distinct; clear-cut; keenness and forcefulness of thought or expression or intellect; incisive or keen; vigorous; caustic.
Synonyms: sharp, biting, acute

5. Novice(n): a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner; tyro; A person who has entered a religious order but has not yet taken final vows; a recent convert to christianity.
Synonyms: amateur, apprentice, beginner, first of May, fledgling, greenhorn, gremlin, know from nothing, learner, neophyte, newcomer, new kid on the block, novitiate, plebe, postulant, prentice, probationer, proselyte, pupil, recruit, rookie, starter, student, trainee.

6. Pretend(adj): to appear falsely; to make believe; to cause or attempt to cause (what is not so) to seem so; to allege or profess, esp. insincerely or falsely; counterfeit.
Synonyms:affected, affectional, barmecidal, bogus, disingenuous, hypocritical, ostensible, ostensive, pretended, quasi, self-styled, sham, simulated, so-called; simulate, fake, sham, counterfeit.

7. Illicit(adj): not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful; disapproved of or not permitted for moral or ethical reasons; Not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful;Improperly formed; ungrammatical; contrary to accepted morality.
Synonyms: adulterous, black-market, clandestine, contraband, contrary to law, criminal, crooked, felonious, furtive, guilty, illegal, illegitimate, immoral, improper, in violation of law, lawless, out of line, prohibited, racket, unauthorized, unlawful, unlicensed, wrong, wrongful.
Antonyms: blessed, good, legal, legitimate, licit, moral, noble, proper, right.

8. Brazenness(adj): shameless or impudent; made of brass, like brass, as in sound, color, or strength; to face boldly or shamelessly; Having a loud, usually harsh, resonant sound; Marked by flagrant and insolent audacity.
Synonyms: assumption, audaciousness, audacity, boldness, brashness, cheek, cheekiness, chutzpah, discourtesy, disrespect, effrontery, face, familiarity, forwardness, gall, impertinence, impudency, incivility, insolence, nerve, nerviness, overconfidence, pertness,presumptuousness, pushiness, rudeness, sassiness, sauciness.

9. Cogitate(v): to think about; to think hard; ponder; meditate; To take careful thought or think carefully about; consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind; use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
Synonyms: Cerebrate, chew the cud, conceive, consider, contemplate, deliberate, envisage, envision, figure, flash on, imagine, meditate, mull over, muse, noodle around, ponder, reason, reflect, ruminate, speculate, stew over.
Antonyms: ignore.

10. Propensity(n): a natural inclination or tendency; favorable disposition or partiality; an innate inclination; a tendency; The quality or state of being propense; disposition to do good or evil; bias; bent; tendency.
Synonyms: ability, aptness, bias, capacity, competence, disposition, flash, inclining, leaning, liability, partiality, penchant, predilection,predisposition, proclivity, proneness, susceptibility, sweet tooth, talent, tendency, yen.
Antonyms:antipathy, disinclination, dislike, hate.

11. Succinct(adj): expressed in few words;compressed into a small area, scope, or compass; Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; briefly giving the gist of something.
Synonyms: blunt, boiled down, breviloquent, brusque, compact, compendiary, compendious, concise, condensed, curt, cut to the bone, in a nutshell, in few words, laconic, pithy, short, summary, terse
Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded, wordy.

12. Slovenly(adj): untidy or unclean in appearance or habits;untidy or unclean in appearance or habits; negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt.
Synonyms: bedraggled, botched, careless, dingy, disheveled, disorderly, dowdy, grody, grubby, heedless, loose, messed up, messy, mussy, negligent, raunchy, seedy, slack, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy, tacky, topsy-turvy, unfastidious, unkempt, unthorough, untidy.
Antonyms: clean, ordered, organized.

13. Dapper(adj): lively and brisk; neat; trim; smart; small and active; Very stylish in dress.
Synonyms: bandbox, brisk, chic, chichi, classy, clean, dainty, dashing, doggy, dressed to kill, dressed to nines, jaunty, natty, nice, nifty, nimble, nobby, posh, prim, rakish, ritzy, sassy, sharp, showy, smart, snug, spiff, spiffy, spruce, spry, stylish, swank, swanky, swell, trim, turned out, well turned out.
Antonyms: dirty, dishevelled, ruffled, rumpled, scruffy, shabby, sloppy, tousled, ungroomed, wrinkled.

14. Redress(n): the setting right of what is wrong; relief from wrong or injury; compensation or satisfaction for a wrong or injury; To make amends for; to adjust; correction or reformation.
Synonyms: aid, amendment, amends, assistance, atonement, balancing, change, conciliation, correction, cure, ease, indemnity, justice, offsetting, payment, quittance, recompense, rectification, reestablishment, reformation, rehabilitation, relief, remedy, remission, remodeling, renewal, repair, reparation, reprisal, requital, restitution, retribution, return, revision, reward, reworking, satisfaction, vengeance
Antonyms: hurt, injury.

15. Variable(adj): capable of being varied or changed; alterable; inconstant; fickle; having much variation or diversity.
Synonyms: capricious, changeful, fickle, fitful, flexible, fluctuating, fluid, iffy*, inconstant, irregular, mercurial, mobile, mutable, protean, shifting, shifty, slippery*, spasmodic, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unequable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, volatile, waffling, wavering.
Antonyms: invariable, unchangeable, unchanging, unvarying

16. Vehement(adj): strongly emotional; intense or passionate; marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous; zealous; ardent; impassioned; characterized by rancor or anger; violent; Marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong.
Synonyms: angry, ardent, concentrated, delirious, desperate, eager, earnest, emphatic, enthusiastic, exquisite, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, forceful, forcible, frantic, furious, hearty, heated, hopped up, hyper, impassioned, impetuous, inflamed, intense, lively, on the make, potent, powerful, pronounced, rabid, strong, terrible, vicious, violent, wild, zealous.
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, impassionate.

17. Malodorous (adj): having an unpleasant or offensive odor; smelling bad; foul; having an unpleasant smell.
Synonyms: bad, decayed, decomposed, fetid, foul, frowzy, fusty, infested, lousy, mephitic, musty, nasty, nauseating, noisome, noxious, offensive, pestilential, poisonous, polluted, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, rotten, smelly, stale, stenchful, stinking, strong, tainted, vile.
Antonyms: aromatic, fragrant, perfumed, savory, sweet.


1. Carelessness: Recklessness

2. Malodorous: Scent

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

15th October Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Peripheral

2. Integral

3. Novelty

4. Gadfly

5. Periphery

6. Fetter

7. Extol

8. Glee

9. Succinct

10. Iconoclast

11. Garrulous

12. Cryptic

13. Redolent

14. Slothful

15. Zephyr

16. Seasoned

17. Digression

18. Taciturn

19. Embezzlement

20. Exotic

21. Malicious

22. Delay

23. Beleaguered

24. Assertive


1. Accidental: Incidental

2. Beleaguered: Assertive

3. School: Education

Issue Topic:

1. The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were mad; possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper.
"At present, Mason City residents seldom use the nearby Mason River for any kind of recreational activity, even though surveys of the region's residents consistently rank water sports (swimming, fishing, and boating) as a favorite form of recreation. Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water in the river, residents must be avoiding the river because they think that it is not clean enough. But that situation is about to change: the agency responsible for rivers in our region has announced plans to clean up Mason River. Therefore, recreational use of the river is likely to increase, so the Mason City council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the Mason River."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

7th october Gre Quants Question

1. In a group of men and women, 1/3 are men. If 2 women leave the group, then men will be 2/5 of the group. How many members are there in the group?

2. The value of (5sqrt2+sqrt3)(sqrt2-sqrt3) = ?

3. If a < 0 < b < c, then
Col A: ac/b
Col B: ac


Given a figure like above, here PQRS is a square of length 10 and the line VT is the perpendicular to the diameter of the semicircle PQ and it is also given that PU = 2, then find the length of VT?

5. Given 2 < a < 5 < b < 8 and if the average of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6.2, then find the value of a + b?

6. Given that an investment of a company in 1990 has increased by 15% in a span of 5years i.e. by 1995 and the same investment increased by 30% in a span of 10years i.e. by 2000.
Col A: The percentage increase from 1995 to 2000
Col B: 15%


Given a square PQRS with side length 8 as above and ‘Q’, ‘S’ points are centers of the circles. Find the area of the shaded region?

8. If the below lines are plotted
x + y = 5 &
2x + 2y = 8
Col A: The shortest distance between the lines
Col B: 1

9. Given two circles that are concentric having radii 2, 5. If the tangent to the smaller circle intersects the bigger circle at ‘S’ and ‘T’, then find the length of ‘ST’?

10. If a < 0 & b > 0, then
Col A: a^-7 * b^-2
Col B: (a*b)^-14

11. A Data interpretation question is given, with the data about “The Available number of rooms in Top 12 hotels in a city” and the questions asked were….
i. The Ratio of available rooms of 3 large hotels to the total rooms in a city.
ii. The median value of the number of rooms of the 12 hotels.

Friday, October 3, 2008

3rd Octuber Gre Quants Question

1. Col A: (2^Cool*(15^5)+(2^Cool*(15^5)
Col B: (5^10)*(8^2)

2. A square was given and another square was formed by joining mid points of the square. If perimeter of larger square was given 'X'.
Col A: Perimeter of smaller square
Col B: X/2

3. Col A: (7!)^2
Col B: 13!

4. If f(n,k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!), then
Col A: f(16,3)
Col B: f(16,14)

5. If product of xyz is odd integer, then which of the following is even
A. x(y+z)
B. xy+z
C. yz+x
& so on....

6. There is a series of odd numbers from 1 to n where n is a odd number. What is the probability that a number selected at random will be an odd number?

7. The slope of line XY is given as -1/2.
Col A: X intercept of Line
Col B: Y intercept of Line.







6) N+1/(2N)


Thursday, October 2, 2008

2nd October Gre Quants Question


1. Given Set A = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...m & Set B = 1, 2, 3, ...n where 'n' is even and 'm' is odd.
Col A: Percentage of odd numbers in A
Col B: Percentage of even numbers in B

2. If l(3x-2)l < 8 then find the value of x?

3. If a1, a2, are such that each term is 2 times the preceeding term & p1, p2, are such tht each term is 3 times the preceeding term. If a1= xxxx(some value) and p1 = xxxx(some value) then find the least number of n such that Pn > An?

4. In a school, there are 720 people. If 300 opted for course x, 350 for y, 200 for z, 100 opted for no course and 150 opted for exactly two courses then what is the number of people who opted for all the three courses?

5. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost.If 36 people charter aircraft rather than 40, loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?

6. On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81

7. (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 + 1/2) = ?

8. If -2 < x < -1, then
Col A: 1/x3
Col B: 1/x

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1st October Gre Quants Question


1. If a < 0 < b < c, then
Col A: ac/b
Col B: ac

2. If x & y are not equal to zero, then
Col A: sqrt(x) + sqrt(y)
Col B: sqrt(x+y)

3. If (x-2)(x-3)(2x-15)(4x+1) = 0, then find the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

4. Given that, if a person has 5 pair of socks of different colors and if 2 are chosen at random then what is the probability that both of
them are of same color?

5. If a clock shows exactly 4 '0' clock right now, then what will it show exactly 1195 hours later?

6. If x=! 0, then
Col A: lxl – 2
Col B: lx-2l

7. If a point (1, 2) lies on the line Mx + Ky = 2, then
Col A: k
Col B: 0

8. If it takes ‘t’ mins to travel ‘X’ miles, then
Col A: The time taken in hours to travel 900miles is
Col B: 15t/x

9. The range of list-1 is 16 and range of list-2 is 10(approx values). If both the lists are combined then what will be the minimum value
of their range?

10. If x, y, z are negative integers, then
Col A: x + y + z
Col B: 1/x + y + z

11. Col A: 0.01/1- 0.01
Col B: 0.1/1- 0.1

12. In every month, a hospital is opened only in last week. If 10 people travel through bus to hospital, what is the probability that
atleast two people travel on the same day?

13. If x < 0, then
Col A: -x
Col B: lxl

14. There is a swimming pool in the shape of an upright right circular cylinder whose base diameter is 20ft and depth(of cylinder) is
4ft. What is the volume of water, if the water is present at a uniform depth of 3ft 6inches?

15. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

16. If [z] represents greatest value less than or equal to z and x & y are positive, then
Col A: [x]+[y]
Col B: [x+y]

17. Given that, there is a field with 'r' sections in which there are 's' sub- fields in each section. It is also given that there are 5 employees
for working and each one does the work equally. If there is an employee Annie who does the work of her and also 1/3 work of the
other colleague, then
Col A: Work done by Annie
Col B: rs/4

18. Which of the following operations below, would not affect the standard deviation of the above numbers
A. When 6 is added to each number
B. When 3 is added to each number.
C. When each number is mutiplied by some number x
D. When each number is divided by some number.
(Question is similar to this)

19. There is a square floor with a smaller square carpet. The side of floor is 10% greater than that of carpet and the difference in the
areas were given. What is the side of the carpet?
(Question is similar to this)

20. If the probability of A doing a work is 2/3 and B doing it is 4/7, then what is the probabilty of neither of them do it?

21. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

22. If x, y, z are real positive numbers.
Col A: Median of x, y, z
Col B: Median of x^2, y^2, z^2.

23. If x, y are two real numbers and x>0 & y<1, then
Col A: mod(x-y)
Col B: 1

24. If 100 < x < 225, then
Col A: sqrt(x)+20
Col B: sqrt(900+x)

25. If (n-2)*(n-3) = 0, then
Col A: -2n+1
Col B: 2n-8

26. The probability of A hitting a target is 2/3. And the probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that
neither of them will hit the target?

27. If ak = 1/k-1/(k+1), then find out the summation of a2 to a100?
(Here k, 2 & 100 are suffixes)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

17th September Gre Quants Question

1. What is the value of (-x)(-x)/(-x) =
A. lxl
B. -x

2. If (125)(75) = (3^m)(5^n), then
Col A: m
Col B: n

3. Given x, y & z are three positive integers greater than 1 and if x*y*z = 231, then what is the value of x + y + z = ?
A. 9
B. 15
C. 21
D. Cannot be determined.

4. If the probability of A shooting a target is 0.8 and probability of B shooting the same target is 0.7, then What is the probability that niether of them hite the target?

5. If x + y + z = 4 and -4z = 4, then what is the value of x + y - z = ?

6. If 'x' is a negative integer, then
Col A: 4/x
Col B: x/4

7. If the point (1, 2) lie on the line mx+ky=3, then
Col A: k
Col B: 0

8. A triangle is given with sides x, y & z. If z = 1/4(perimeter) & x + y = 12 then find perimeter.

9. If (4/7) = (4+s)/(7+t), then
Col A: s
Col B: (4t/7)

10. If x(x-15/7)(x+4)(x+3) = 0, then what is the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

11. Col A: 10^12+2^12
Col B: 12^12

12. An area of 1350 is given whose length is 15yards more than the width. Calculate the amount of wire needed for fencing in yards?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

16 september Gre Quants Question


Given a figure of 18 eighteen equilateral triangles as above with each side length of 1. What is the perimeter of the figure?

2. If 8 < 2x < 14 and 6 < x+3 < 9, then
Col A: x
Col B: 5

3. Given a right angled cylinder of diameter 20feet and height 4feet. What is the volume of the cylinder in gallons, when up to a depth of 3 feet and 6 inches? (Hint: 1 foot = 12 inches; 1 gallon = 231cubic.inches)

4. Given a set of numbers as 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19 and another set of numbers were given as 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14. When the two sets were added, how many such different numbers were possible?


If the radius of the given circle is 5units, then how many points lie on the circle?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 16
E. 20

6. If ‘X’ invests Rs.5000 at the rate of 6% for annual and ‘Y’ invests Rs.6000 at the rate 6% for semiannual, then
Col A: The interest ‘X’ gets for 1year
Col B: The interest ‘Y’ gets for 1year

7. Given a triangle with sides 10, 10 and the area of the triangle is given as 32. Find the perimeter of the triangle?

8. Given that ‘r’ is a three digit number such that it contains ‘x’ in its hundredth place, ‘y’ in tens place, ‘z’ in units place. If’ x’ is multiplied by 9, ‘y’ is multiplied by 6 and ‘z’ is multiplied by 2 then what is the value of the N735 (here 735 is given as suffix, & Question mean that r=735)
A. 72
B. 79
C. 86
D. 91
E. & so on…
Ans: D

9. If x < 0 then
Col A: -x
Col B: lxl

10. If the point (2,3) lies on the line mx + ky = 1
Col A: k
Col B: 0


Given equation of the line as x + y – 4 = 0
Col A: Length of OB
Col B: Length of OC

12. If (n-2)(n-3) = 0, then
Col A: -2n-1
Col B: 2n-1

13. 1^-3 + 2^-2 + 3^-1 =?

14. Set A: 10, 30, 50, 70 & 90
Set B: 10, 20, 50, 80 & 90
Col A: standard deviation of A
Col B: standard deviation of B

15. If x, y, z are integers
Col A: yz/x
Col B: y/xz

16. If ak = 1/k – 1/(k+1), then find the summation of a1 to a100?

Friday, September 12, 2008

12th september Gre Quants Question

1. If n is a odd positive integer, then
Col A: (-2)^((n+1)/2)
Col B: (-2)^((n-1)/2)


Given equation of the parabola as y = 2x-x^2.
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

3. A person has 5 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is of same colored pair?

4. How many different 5 digit numbers can formed, such that 1st and last place should be filled up with odd number.
so on….

5. If (4/7) = (4+s)/(7+t), then
Col A: s
Col B: (4t/7)

6. If x(x-15/7)(x+4)(x+3)=0, then what is the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

7. If a square of 125cm3 is fit into a cylinder, then what should be the minimum value of the volume of the cylinder?

8. If (a^2 @ b^2) = a^2-b^2 & (a^2 # b^2) = a^2+b^2, then
Col A: (2^2@-2^2) # (3^2@-3^2)
Col B: 0

9. The Harmonic Mean of 10, 20 is ………..

Thursday, September 11, 2008

11th September Gre Quants Question


If the radius of the larger circle is twice the radius of smaller circle, then find how many times is the shaded region greater than unshaded region?

2. The Value of 0.00004/40000 is.........

3. If x < 0, then
Col A: |x|
Col B: -x

4. Col A: 0.01/1- 0.01
Col B: 0.1/1- 0.1

5. If x is a negative number, then
Col A: mod x + mod(-2)
Col B: mod(x-2)

6. If 6 < 2x < 12 and 4 < x < 7, then
Col A: x
Col B: 5

7. The coordinates ends of base of a square are given, and were asked to find the side of the square?
(Question is similar to this)

8. Given one coordinate of the edge of a square is (3/2, 3/2). What is the equation of the diagonal of a square?

9. Col A: 10^12+2^12
Col B: 12^12

10. If the area of one square is 44% more than that of other square, then by what percentage the side is differed?

11. There is a parabola whose equation was y = 2x-x^2. The parabola was drawn such that, the curvy part was in the first quadrant.. and now if (s, t) is any point between positive x-axis and the curve
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

12. Given:
Value (in cents) - Quantity
5 - x
10 - y
15 - z
If the number of 5 cents coins were equal to number of 10 cents coins and if the total number of coins in the bag were 17 and their total value was 258 cents then how would you calculate the number of 5 cent coins?

answers to Sept 11 thread :
7.Use distance formula

if there are any issues please let me know.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10th September GRE Quants Question

1. Col A: 149!/148!
Col B: (149!*148!-148!)/147!

2. An area of 1350 is given whose length is 15yards more than the width. Calculate the amount of wire needed for fencing in yards?

3. In a college of 700 students, 200 choose maths, 350 choose science, 250 choose history, 150 choose both science and math and 100 chose neither. Calculate the number of sophomores who chose all three?

4. If x and y are positive even numbers, then
Col A: (-1)^(x+y)/2
Col B: (-1)^(x+y

5. If Y = 135degrees and Z = 145degree then find x?

6. A 6 bicylists has to be chosen from 4 adult and 4 children
Col A: How many 3 adult and 4 children teams can be formed
Col B: How many 2 adult and 2 children teams can be formed

7. The probability of A hitting the target is 2/3. And probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?

8. There is a three digit number 'N'. 'X' is in hundreds digit, 'Y' is tens digit and 'Z' is units digit. If X is multipiled by 9, Y is multipied by 6 and 'Z' by 2 and all the three are added up. What is the sum of N-735?

9. If x < 0, then
Col A: [x]
Col B: -x

10. There is a parabola whose equation was y=2x-x^2. The parabola was drawn such that, the curvy part was in the first quadrant.. and now if (s, t) is any point between positive x-axis and the curve
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

9th September GRE Quants Que

1. A circle with centre 'O' has a diameter d. If AB is any chord, then
Col A: perimeter of triangle OAB
Col B: 5d/3

2. If x and y are positive even numbers, then
Col A: (-1)^(x+y)/2
Col B: (-1)^(x+y)

3. How many distinct five digit numbers are there... that begin and end with odd numbers?

4. Given a figure of rectangle with base 15 and height 12, reduce one of the heights to 8 units... now join the shorter height to the longer height.. like a staircase with different heights at each step... the question was to find the length of the staircase?
(Question is similar to this)

5. Col A: 199!/198!
Col B: (199!-198!)/197!

6 A person has 10 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is of same colored pair?
A. 1/5
B. 1/10
C. 1/9
D. 2/9
E. xxx(some value)

7. There is a parabola whose equation is y = 2x - x^2. The parabola was drawn such that, the curvy part was in the first quadrant... now (s, t) is any point between positive x-axis and the curve.
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

8. Mary buys a product at 80% of its value, she buys another product at 70% of its value. If two products are brought together
Col A: What is the total percent of discount
Col B: 75%

9. One bucket with a capacity of V was 1/3rd full.. & another bucket with a capacity of W was 1/4th full. With the same, if the two are emptied into another bucket with capacity of x, what fraction of x is full?
(Question is similar to this)

10. If a clock shows exactly 4 '0' clock right now, then what will it show exactly 1195 hours later?

11. Given a sequence a1, a2........ an. If a1 = 25 & in the sequence if every number is '-2' times the preceding number, then
Col A: a100
Col B: -10,000

12. If 'f' is function such that f(x) = sum of prime factors of x (even repeating prime factors)
Col A: f(256)
Col B: f(210)

13. If f(n) = (n(n+1))/2 and 'm' is an integer >0 then
Col A: (-1)^f(m+1)
Col B: (-1)^f(m+2)

14. A person has 5 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is a same colored pair?

15. If x(x+4)(2x-15)(x+3) = 0, then find the product of the least value and the greatest value of x?

16. The probability of A hitting the target is 2/3. And probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?

try to answer them as soon as possible....

Friday, September 5, 2008

5th September Gre Quants Question

1. Given the measurements of a rectangle as 80ft, 50ft. If the shorter side is increased by x% then the area after increase becomes 5400. What is the value of x?
D. None

2. In a polar axis co-ordinates system, if one point lie at a distance of 3 units from origin subtending an angle ‘Ѳ’ with the origin and another point is at exactly 55 degrees more than the first, find out the distance between the two points and also the angle subtended by the second ,in radians ?

3. Given two points (on exactly opposite ends of a circle) as (-3, 0) and (0, 5). Find radius of the circle?

4. If ‘A’ hits a target with a probability of 2/7 and if ‘B’ hits a same target with a probability of 7/16 then if both of them shoot, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?
A. 1/7
B. 1/21
& so on…

5. If a point in a particular co-ordinate system is (2, 9) and in another co-ordinate system is (-8, 81) then by how many degrees should the first co-ordinate system axis be rotated to get the send co-ordinate axis?

6. Given a container has a capacity V and a liquid is filled up to 1/3 of its capacity. Another container has capacity W and a liquid is filled up to 1/7 of its capacity. If both these are mixed and poured into another container whose capacity is X. Find out the fraction of occupation in the last container.


If one feet = 3yards and painting each yard costs some xxx dollars with canvassing cost 20% extra then cost of painting & canvassing the area is?
8. If n is an integer, the number of primes in between n and n+6 is?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 6
D. 3
E. 4

9. If x > 0 then
Col A: x+(1/x^-2)
Col B: x^2+(1/x)

10. Given an equation of a straight line as x + y = 4. This line makes a right angled triangle intersecting positive x-axis and y-axis. Find out the area of the triangle?

11. Col A: (1/3)^-1
Col B: 3

12. If 1 liter paint is required for painting then find the paint required for painting

13. A 16(n=4) squared box was given. All squares which are on perimeter was given, the corner 4 squares were not painted and the question is... If n>=5, then find the number of shaded squares?

14. Given two lines of the form y = ax+b and y = cx+d which intersect each other. Find y-coordinate?
(Question is similar to this)

15. The value of the expression 1/3*| y - x | (where y = x-1) is ----?

16. If 'x' & 'y' are two integers, then
Col A: 40^x*41^y
Col B: 40^x+1*41^y-1

17. If a line 'm' has points (2,1) and 'l' is the line parallel to 'm'
Col A: Slope of the line m
Col B: Slope of the line l

18. If ky + mx = 4 and the point is (2,3)
Col A: k
Col B: 1

19. If the equal side of an isosceles triangle is 30 then the unequal side can be between
A. 0 to 45
B. 0 to 60
C. 45 to 60
& so on

20. If x < 0 then (-x)(-x)/(-x)= ?
A. x
B. |x|
C. -x
D. -x^2
E. x^2

21. A Geometrical figure of hexagon with 12 equilateral triangles is given and asked to find the perimeter of the hexagon?
(Question is similar to this)

22. A car goes around a circle of radius of 14km in the first round it travels with a speed of 11km/hr in sub sequent rounds its speed increases by 11km/hr in each round how much time does the car take to cover a dist of 440km
A. 14*8/5
B. 15*14/18
C. 18*4/15
D. 4*15/18
E. 7*4/15

23. Given a line which is passing through {1/2, 1/2} & origin. Which of the following equations has same slope?
A. Y = X
& so on...

24. Another question had a series of numbers not arranged in any ascending or descending order and the question asked is to how much more is the median of the series above when compared to the mean of the above series?
(Question is similar to this)

25. Given two lines ‘L’ as y = ax + b and another line ‘M’ as y = dx + c where a=! d and b=! c and ad=! bc. Express the equation of lines in terms of a, b, c, d when the lines are intersected?

26. If t^4 = 16
Col A: t
Col B: 2

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3rd September GRE Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Summit

2. Ambiguous

3. Jocund

4. Mire

5. Peripatetic

6. Rooted

7. Hush

8. Exhortation

9. Misdemeanor

10. Avowal

11. Senility


1. Summit: Mountain

2. Motivation: Exhortation

3. Misdemeanor: crime

4. Senility: Consciousness

Issue Topic:

1. Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.

2. .The character of the leaders of the society can be determined by the character of men and women of the society who chose them.

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Alta Manufacturing.

"During the past year, Alta Manufacturing had thirty percent more on-the-job accidents than nearby Panoply Industries, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts believe that a significant contributing factor in many on-the-job accidents is fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Alta and thereby increase productivity, we should shorten each of our three work shifts by one hour so that our employees will get adequate amounts of sleep."

3rd September Gre Quants Que


1. A person has 10 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is a same colored pair?
A. 1/4
B. 1/5
C. 1/9
D. 1/10
E. 1/(xx)

2. If the LCM of x, y is 24 and the LCM of k, z is 30 then what is the LCM of x, y, k, z?

3. Given that a fruit vendor has 'T' fruits and he sells 150 fruits of them for $0.36. The next day the vendor wants to get the same amount of money he got the previous day, so he changes the price,What is the changed price in terms of 'T'?
(Question is similar to this)

4. If t^4 = 16 then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

5. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 1:2:3 then what is the largest angle?

6. Given set A:{15,16,17,18,19} and set B: {6,7,8,9}. If set C is the sum of set A and set B elements then what are the different possible values of set C?

7. Given an equilateral traingle ABC, & 'D' is the midpoint of BC. If AD = X then what is the perimeter of the triangle in terms of x?

8. Given a line which is passing through {1/2,1/2} & origin. Which of the following equations has same slope?
A. Y = X
& so on...

9. If the volume of the cylinder 'A'(whose radius is 'R' and height is 'H') is 'K' then what is the volume of an another cylinder B whose radius & height is double the radius & height of cylinder A?
Col A: K
Col B: 4K

10. Which of the following is equal to 586?
A. -(384 -586)+384
.. & so on...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2nd September GRE Verbal Question

I could remember only these

1. Arid
2. Omnipotent
3. Lung::Respire
4. Exasperate
5. hamper
6. reverent::sincerity
7. fervid

2nd september GRE Quants Que

1. The telephone question which appeared in the previous threads
2. col a 3^50 colb 2^25
3. s={1 2 3 4 5 } t={6 7 8 9 10} when the values in s added with t how many different values will be formed..
4. 6 bicylists has to be chosen from 4 adult and 4 children
cola: how many 3 adult and 4 children teams can be formed
colb : How many 2 adult and 2 chldren teams can be formed
5. It take 1 litre of enamel to paint 16 sq mtrs. Then how much litres of enamel is required to paint 64 cubic metrs.

6. if a line m has points (2,1) and l is the line parallel to m
col a: slope of the line m
col b: slope of the line l

7. if ky+mx=4 and the point is (2,3)
col a k
col b 1

I didnt get any problems related with circles.

Friday, August 29, 2008

29 August Gre Verbal Question





5. Repudiate

6. Complaisance

7. Encomium

8. Embezzle

9. Adamant

10. Demoralized

11. Natatorium

12. Imbue

13. Vapid

14. Clairvoyant

15. Obscene


1.Game: Stadium

2.Brake: speed

3.Embezzling: stealing

4.Generator: Electricity

5.Factory: Product

29th august GRE Quants Question

1. If a/b @ c = (a/b) / c then (7/3) @ 4 =?

2. Col A: 100! / 99!
Col B: (100! – 99!) / 98!

3. Given three points a, b, c. If a, b lie on the same line and if all these three points are at same distance between each other, then
A. None of the points lie on the same plane.
B. Only one point lies on the plane.
C. Two points lie on the plane.
D. More than two points lie on the plane.
E. None of the above.

4. Given a series -9, 10, -11, 12, -13. . . . . . . . . . .80
Col A: sum of first 27 numbers
Col B: -22

5. If 100 < Y
Col A: 2y
Col B: 400


As in above figure a, b and c are three angles & it is given that RQ is parallel to NO and PQ is parallel to MN.
Col A: a
Col B: b+c

Thursday, August 28, 2008

28 th August GRE Quats Question

1. If N is an odd and negative integer and it is a product of ten different integers.
Col A: no. of odd integers used in the product to get N
Col B: no. of negative integers used in the product to get N

2. Given a figure of combination of two triangles, in which first triangle contains 90, x, y degree angles and second triangle contains 90, z, w degrees. Which of the following conditions must be true?
I. x - w = z - y
II. x + y = w
III. z = 90 - w
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III only
& so on....

3. Given a sequence -9, 10, -11, 12, -13, 14, -15..... Find the sum of first 40 integers in sequence?

4. If n > 1 then
Col A: (-1)^(4n-3)
Col B: (-1)^(4n-2)


If all the seven circles are shaded like above then what is the area of unshaded region?

6. The standard deviation of the series 3, 7, 9, 13, 17 is?

7. Col A: 77!/78!
Col B: 87!/88!

8. If 2^n > 10^15n then which of the following options satisfies the condition
A. 30
B. 45
C. 60
D. 75

9. If x, y are the prime numbers greater than 10, then which of following must be even?
A. (x^2)*(y^2)
B. x^2 + x*y
C. 2*x*y + x
& so on....

10. Given a line in xy-plane with slope k = -3 & the points are (2, k), (-3, m)
Col A: k-m
Col B: -15

11. The approximate value of ((61.16)(.9Cool^2)/sqrt(401) is
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
E. 1

12. Col A: 0.9999/0.9998
Col B: 1.0002/1.0001

13. There is a junior and senior team who has taken tests. The average of junior team members who have taken tests are 88 and the average of senior team members is 92
Col A: the average of senior and junior team
Col B: 90

14. When a number is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. What is the remainder when the square of that number is divided by 8?

15. If the selling price of a product is 25% lesser than its list price and 40% greater than its cost price, then what is the list price of the product if the cost price = 30 ?

16. Last year, 1/4 of factory workers are architects. One year ago 60 workers newly joined in which 50 are architects and no one left the factory since last year and if now 1/3 of factory workers are architects then find the total number of workers?

17. When 'w' is divided by 14, the remainder is zero. If 'w' is three lesser than it value and when divided by 15, its remainder is 14. What is the value of 'w'?

18. If RST is isosceles triangle with RS = ST and P be a point on the side RT, then which of the following conditions must be true:
i) SP < ST
ii) SP < RT
iii)SP < PT

Monday, August 25, 2008

25th August Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Exacerbate

2. Stern

3. Debauched

4. Lampoon

5. Impeachable

6. Gratuitous

7. Feral

8. Amenable

9. Futility

10. Pragmatic

11. Saboteur

12. Disrupt


1. Starryeyed: Pragmatic

2. Saboteur: Disrupt

3. choreograph:movement

25th August Gre Quants Question

If AB = BC, CI = IH & DE = EF then
Col A: Area of Rectangle GDEF
Col B: Sum of areas of Rectangle ABCD & CIHE

2. What is the closest integer to sqrt(171)?

3. If an = n { (-1)^n – 1)}, and a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 are the terms then what is the difference between greatest & least term?

4. No. of Members Least weight Range
20 members 100 29
21members 130 35
When two groups are joined, what is the median weight of the group?

5. Col A: 0.9999/0.9998
Col B: 1.0002/1.0001

6. If (2x+7) < 13 then
Col A: x^2
Col B: 9


If AC = x, then find the perimeter of the figure?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Barrons Gre Flash Card

Just Take out the print out and fold the Card in appropriate manner so that u can hide the answer of gre word and check your answer by seeing back.

Read this document on Scribd: Barron FlashCard

22 august gre quats question

1. There is a junior and senior team who have taken tests. The average of junior team members who have taken tests are 88 and the average of senior team members is 92
Col A: the average of senior and junior team
Col B: 90

2. Given 0.61 Col A: square root(x)
Col B: 0.73

3. A toy manufturer company manufactures 20,000 toys and exports ¾ and 1/10 and donates some (xxx) value for charitable trust.
Find the number of toys left in the company?

4. There are rooms from 101 to 550 inclusive in which the starting rooms are numbered from 1, 2, 3 and the waiting rooms are numbered from 4,5,6. What is the probability that the rooms 4, 5, 6 will be choosed randomly?

5. One side of a triangle is given as 6 and the triangle is equilateral triangle & another triangle is joined with it whose side is 10
Col A: perimeter of polygon
Col B: 30
(Question is similar to this)

6. Given a line in xy plane with slope k = -1/2
Col A: x-intercept
Col B: y-intercept

7. If x < y then
Col A: x^2+x+1
Col B: y^2+y+1

8. Which of the following number is nearer to sqrt(171)?

9. When a number is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. What is the remainder when the square of that number is divided by 8?

10. The area of circle of radius 'r' is twice the the area of triangle then r in terms of h is?

11. Col A: 0.001^-1 + 0.999^-1
Col B: 0.002^-1 + 0.998^-1

12. If the selling price of a product is 25% lesser than its list price and 40% greater than its cost price, then what is the list price of the product if the cost price = 30 ?
A. 52
B. 53
C. 56
& so on.....

13. If x and y are prime numbers greater than 10 then which of the following is an even integer?
A. x^2+xy
B. x^y +2
C. xy +2
D. 2xy +xy

14. If z>1 & z(x+y+z) = zx+zy+z
Col A: z
Col B: 0

15. If x<2 & y<3
Col A: xy
Col B: 6

16. The average salary of n employees is 32000, average salary of another different group of n-1 employees is 33000
Col A: The average salary of 2n-1 employees
Col B: 32500

17. The range of 'p' numbers is 9.5 and the range for 'q' numbers is 21.5, what is the least range value when p and q are combined together?

18. A series was given as 1, -3, 5,-7 ,9,-11,13............ In this series odd numbers are negative integers. Find the sum of first 25 numbers in the series?

19. If n is an integer then
Col A: (-1)^6n+9
Col B: (-1)^2n-1

20. A trapezoid is given whose area is 12, length of it is given as 6 & height of it is given as 3. Find the perimeter of trapezoid?

Antonyms Test 2


(A) boil : heat
(B) rubble : demolish
(C) flattery : compliment
(D) remnant : cut
(E) nut : shell


(A) animal : tame
(B) acrobat : limber
(C) dignitary : proud
(D) prisoner : repentant
(E) politician : liberal


(A) tributary : river
(B) trunk : tree
(C) article : magazine
(D) kernel : husk
(E) language : dictionary


(A) spread : knife
(B) fly : airplane
(C) obstruct : plug
(D) point : finger
(E) cover : coat


(A) obsolete : preserve
(B) confusing : obscure
(C) popular : criticize
(D) insignificant : highlight
(E) belligerent : appease


(A) brush : applicator
(B) lawmaker : government
(C) costume : gala
(D) conductor : orchestra
(E) novice : competitor


(A) play : game
(B) worship : church
(C) explore : cave
(D) relax : vacation
(E) steer : automobile


(A) expose : dormancy
(B) arrive : presence
(C) submerge : buoyancy
(D) season : blandness
(E) know : ignorance


(A) staple : collate
(B) funeral : mourn
(C) siphon : squeeze
(D) panacea : remedy
(E) monarch : serve


(A) reason : think
(B) accumulate : hoard
(C) neglect : abandon
(D) surpass : cheat
(E) discourage : burde


A. soldier : weapon
B. lawyer : law
C. blacksmith : forge
D. teacher : pupil
E. carpenter : wood


A. predictable : event
B. coordinated : movement
C. dangerous : disease
D. active : thought
E. erratic : path


A. departure : arrival
B. culmination : upshot
C. refutation : approval
D. approach : return
E. escapade : punishment


A. erudite : wisdom
B. desultory : error
C. boisterous : calm
D. cautious : restraint
E. exalted : elevation


A. envision : memory
B. aggravate : problem
C. conceal : oblivion
D. illuminate : light
E. mystify enlightenment


A. seed : flower
B. smoke : fire
C. dish : menu
D. chair : furniture
E. splinter : wood


A. dismount : devolve
B. abrogate : deny
C. abridge : shorten
D. enervate : weaken
E. miscarry : succeed


A. starvation : sustenance
B. independence : freedom
C. infirmity : illness
D. reality : foresight
E. spontaneity : care


A. impenetrable : jungle
B. navigable : waterway
C. fertile : fertilizer
D. shallow : pond
E. flat : field


A. exacerbate : problem
B. modify : accent
C. dampen : enthusiasm
D. elongate : line
E. dramatize : play


A. vegetable : garbage
B. factory : goods
C. fire : ashes
D. automobile : gasoline
E. silo : grain


A. obdurate : foolish
B. ascetic : austere
C. clamorous : captive
D. loquacious : taciturn
E. peremptory : spontaneous


A. religious : private
B. expensive : profligate
C. conservative : stoic
D. mendacious : truthful
E. fulsome : generous


A. remove : doubt
B. capture : runaway
C. seize : time
D. ruminate : idea
E. curl : hair


A. stale : porosity
B. facile : delicacy
C. ponderous : lightness
D. central : vitality
E. relevant : pertinence


A. enrolled : graduation
B. condemned : execution
C. chosen : selection
D. gathered : exhibition
E. appointed : interview


A. patent : inventor
B. royalty : author
C. wage : employer
D. interest : banker
E. investment : investor


A. village : hamlet
B. constellation : star
C. river : sea
D. finger : hand
E. tongue : mouth


A. comprehension : understanding
B. revision : correction
C. simplification : decoration
D. accuracy : abnormality
E. expurgation : distortion


A. bang : sound
B. wave : gesture
C. waltz : dance
D. simper : smile
E. hike : run


A. indulgent : intolerant
B. exhausted : energetic
C. languid : lethargic
D. unconcerned : involved
E. profligate : flippant


A. indifferent : biased
B. furtive : open
C. impecunious : voracious
D. discreet : careful
E. munificent : generous


A. admiration : jealousy
B. condescension : hatred
C. affection : love
D. pretence : truth
E. gratitude : charity


A. philanthropist : generous
B. virtuoso : glamorous
C. hedonist : indulgent
D. servant : servile
E. miser : charitable


A. tend : plant
B. impede : anger
C. calm : fear
D. fell : tree
E. exacerbate : worry


A. volatile : evanescent
B. mature : ripe
C. diurnal : annual
D. permanent : temporary
E. majestic : mean


A. list : number
B. catalogue : shop
C. thesaurus : fact
D. dictionary : spelling
E. encyclopaedia : solecism


A. employee : superior
B. socialite : recluse
C. tyro : expert
D. native : inhabitant
E. applicant : member


A. tiptoe : stamp
B. hit : hurt
C. lumber : stumble
D. talk : chat
E. pump : water


A. farce : actor
B. cartoon : film
C. prosody : poem
D. accident : ambulance
E. epigram : anecdote


A. glare : anger
B. swagger : gait
C. stare : sight
D. grow : height
E. enrage : anger


A. jeopardize : protect
B. efface : inscribe
C. assuage : increase
D. deride : ridicule
E. decrease : augment


A. pretentious : harmful
B. reprehensible : praiseworthy
C. strong : delicate
D. epidemic : widespread
E. antiseptic : medical


A. quiet : volume
B. normal : austerity
C. stagnant : light
D. scribbled : writing
E. tidy : mind


A. despoil : beautiful
B. beautify : ugly
C. glamorize : rich
D. damage : corporeal
E. improve : dull


A. aesthete : austere
B. servant : servile
C. hedonist : pretentious
D. priest : orthodox
E. philanthropist : generous


A. fallacious : fraught
B. fastidious : particular
C. exemplary : arrogant
D. apprehensive : eager
E. neutral : objective


A. fast : speed
B. suspicious : origin
C. diverse : route
D. contemporary : time
E. disparate : place


A. sensual : audible
B. irrevocable : changed
C. elastic : stretched
D. ignominious : denounced
E. sensitive : felt


A. immune : dangerous
B. conventional : unorthodox
C. pious : religious
D. eccentric : strange
E. reticent : chaotic


A. mitigate : severe
B. provoke : angry
C. endorse : tough
D. infer : certain
E. scrutinize : clear


A. chapter : novel
B. prose : verse
C. stave : music
D. song : chorus
E. overture : opera


A. subversive : undermine
B. diffident : confide
C. profligate : spend
D. gregarious : participate
E. submissive : assert


A. engage : marry
B. loose : tighten
C. splinter : join
D. mend : rend
E. diverge : convex


A. new : old
B. blooming : withered
C. fertile : barren
D. fresh : stale
E. fecund : fervid

Antonyms Test -1


A apogee
B nadir
C collapse
D apotheosis
E denial


A naive
B insincere
C thrifty
D lachrymose
E innocuous


A mollify
B dilute
C enhance
D incapacitate
E distend


A cynic
B critic
C philanderer
D philanthropist
E follower


A candor
B silence
C denunciation
D powerlessness
E gentility


A diffident
B gregarious
C egregious
D facetious
E overbearing


A rectitude
B infidelity
C corruptibility
D infamy
E uprightness


A perturbed
B pedantic
C trite
D pessimistic
E defective


A pastoral
B urban
C idyllic
D chimerical
E chromatic


A tacit
B brittle
C docile
D durable
E delicate


A concise
B drab
C vivacious
D terse
E sane


A pollution
B lavation
C fumigation
D debasement
E decompositon


A inchoate
B mundane
C compliant
D celebrated
E messy


A fastidious
B scandalous
C decent
D voluptuous
E evocative


A decrepit
B habitual
C chronic
D conditional
E novel


A grandiose
B extravagant
C trivial
D magnanimous
E immense


A assess
B appreciate
C misestimate
D depreciate
E disdain


A excitement
B torpor
C delirium
D drowsiness
E verve


A detrimental
B mendacious
C indignant
D incorruptible
E elevated


A serious
B prompt
C undefeated
D jovial
E indolent


A initial
B ultimate
C penultimate
D conterminous
E determinate


A beautiful
B domineering
C unobservant
D dynamic
E persuasive


A staid
B capricious
C dedicated
D irascible
E simple


A power
B control
C impotence
D insignificance
E illegitimacy


A infirm
B healthy
C cancerous
D injured
E vigorous


A analgesic
B mature
C callous
D arousing
E emphatic


A timid
B deleterious
C inoffensive
D pragmatic
E erratic


A arrogant
B divisive
C creative
D indecisive
E unsentimental


A feral
B cordial
C affable
D prodigal
E irascible


A glib
B infinitesimal
C taciturn
D boisterous
E frigid


A hedonist
B accomplice
C protegee
D friend
E ascetic


A excitable
B dogmatic
C destructive
D ineluctable
E handsome


A imprudence
B misconduct
C indiscretion
D finesse
E thoughtlessness


A purify
B rectify
C infuse
D organize
E restore


A clandestine
B overt
C covert
D stealthy
E rife


A passive
B complacent
C meek
D conciliatory
E forward


A commendation
B liberation
C qualification
D alliance
E disapproval


A illness
B convalescence
C vaccination
D inexperience
E ebullience


A docile
B intractable
C derogatory
D impressionable
E voracious


A unfettered
B cramped
C deleterious
D callous
E egregious


solid state
speech loss




























make worse












1. loathe
2. despise
3. adore
4. abhor
5. attach


1. servile
2. first
3. fawning
4. supercilious
5. improper


1. not resonant
2. not reddish
3. not eager
4. pompous
5. loud


1. entangle
2. rescue
3. fail
4. assert
5. predict


1. defer
2. vacillate
3. sever
4. conjoin
5. laud


1. luxury
2. magnificence
3. richness
4. contentment
5. scarcity


1. decent
2. savage
3. major
4. volatile
5. scabby


1. praise
2. repetition
3. escape
4. ratification
5. addition


1. deteriorate
2. weaken
3. constrict
4. concentrate
5. fold


1. cast aspersions on
2. deny the relevance of
3. placate
4. withhold consent
5. misrepresent


1. fervid
2. florid
3. pristine
4. extraneous
5. abundant


1. renovate
2. entrust
3. unfasten
4. encourage
5. emphasize


1. tact
2. generosity
3. thoroughness
4. loyalty
5. gratitude


1. conventional
2. prolific
3. unchanging
4. transparent
5. noticeable


1. reversed
2. lofty
3. horizontal
4. thin
5. light


1. undistinguished
2. unexpected
3. stubborn
4. restrained
5. discouraged


1. quality
2. certainty
3. plenitude
4. stability
5. incontinence


1. knit
2. omit
3. remain silent
4. measure
5. increase in value


1. irrelevance
2. inconstancy
3. inequality
4. intemperance
5. incompetence.


1. openly
2. fashionably
3. under the owse
4. simply
5. clandestinely

Friday, December 5, 2008

5th December Gre Quants Question


1. Given N is a positive odd integer. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place then what is the value of N?
A. n>90
B. 30C. N>50
D. 30

2. Given a series of numbers 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3.......
Col A: The sum of the first 67 terms
Col B: 34


Given a figure like above, with the sector angle given as 45degree & the side of the square is given as 'x'. Find the area of the shaded region?

4. If a, b, c are three integers with value 0, 1 or 2 and if (3^2)a + 3b + c = 25, then what is the value of a + b + c?

5. Given
3.s(n) = 1; if n is even
3.s(n) = -1; if n is odd
then what is 2^s(3) - 3^s(4)?

6. Given length of hall is 48 feet and width of hall is 10 feet. If it has to be covered by square tiles of length 8 inches and tiles come in packets of 100 tiles, then how many packets have to be brought?

7. Given four consecutive numbers and if the least number is x, then what is the arithmetic mean in terms of x?
(given question is similar to this)

8. If y > 0, 2x = y + 1, then for xy>0 what is the value of x?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3rd dec Gre Quants Question


1. There are 1 badger and 1 panderer. If each badger has 6 flavors and each panderer has 3 flavors, then what is the total number of ways of selecting 4 flavors from badger and 1 flavor from panderer?

2. Given 'A' works 25mins to produce 1 ton of oil and 'B' works 30mins to produce 1 ton of oil, If they work simultaneously, then in how many hours they can produce 15 tons of oil?

3. 1/2(10^6) =??
A. 5*10^5
& four other options were given.

4. Col A: (0.02)^2
Col B: (-0.05)^2

5. If -10 <= X <= 6, then what is the maximum possible greatest value of -X^2+X^4?

6. If length of the triangle is 16 and perimeter is 40, then what is the area of the rectangle?

7. If 'A' is three times of 'B' and 'B' is five times of 'C', then how many times is 'A' when compared to 'C'?
& so on....

8. If the arithmetic mean of 4 boys salary is X and average of 3 girls salary is y, then
Col A: Mean of 7 members salary
Col B: (x+y)/2

9. Given that there are 'x' girls and boys are 4 more than girls, if the probability of girls from the total(G+B) is 3/7, then totally how many girls are there?

10. In a line, if x-intercept is given as 2 and Y-intercept is given as 8, then which of the following below is true?
A. y-intercept is always 4 times of x-intercept.
B. y-intercept is always 6 more than x-intercept.
& 3 more options were given

11. A graph is given, in that 2 lines are drawn. Line L1 is drawn from left-right downward and line L2 is drawn left-right upward.
Col A: Slope of line L1
Col B: Slope of line L2
(Given question is something like this)

12. There are 4 members and each of their salary is 'h' and the mean of their salary is 'x' dollars & there are other 3 members each of their salary is 2h and the mean of their salary is 'y' dollars.
Col A: Standard Deviation of salary of 4 members
Col B: Standard Deviation of salary of all 7 members
(Given question is similar to this).


Here ‘C’ is the centre and those lines are tangents to the circle which meets at ‘O’. If the angle it makes is 60`(or 30`-- not sure), then what is the circumference of the circle?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

25th November GRE Quants Question


1. If the median of first 40 students score is 74 and last 65 students score is 78, then what is the median of all 115 scores?

2. If f(x) = 2x-3 & f(g(x)) = x, then
g(x) = ?
A. (x+3)/2
& 4 other options were given.

3. If the sum of 5Y2 and 257 is 8N9 & 8N9 is divisible by 3, then what is the least possible values of N and Y?
Col A: Y+N
Col B: 9

4. Which of the following is less than 3% of 1
A. 3/17
B. 1/3
C. 22/25
D. 0.6
& so on…

5. Given two points A(3, 1) & B(-1, 5) and a perpendicular is drawn from point ‘p’ to this line AB
Col A: Slope of the perpendicular line
Col B: 1


Which of the following is true?
A. L^2 + W^2 = 50
B. L^2 + W^2 = 25
C. L^2 + W^2 = 100
D. L^2 + W^2 = 75
E. L^2 + W^2 = 125

7. If a rectangle's length is increased by 15% and width is decreased by 15%, then
Col A: Area of the initial rectangle
Col B: Area of the later(changed) rectangle

8. If g(x) = 3^(x-1), then what is the value of [g(x+1)-g(x)]/2?

9. Col A: 2^x * 4^ x
Col B: 2^3x

10. There are two names given JOHNSON and JONES. If one letter is picked from both simultaneously at random, then find the probability that the letter is same?

11. Given a series p1, p2, p3, p4................ If p1 = 1 & pn = 24*p(n-1)+8, then
Col A: The remainder when p66 is divided by 6
Col B: 4
(Here 1, 2, 3, 4, 66, n & n-1 are suffixes)

12. There are two similar cylinders. One cylinder ‘A’ has water filled to half of its height and is standing on its base. Other cylinder ‘B’ is lying down with water filled to two third of its height (i.e. its diameter).
Col A: Volume of the Cylinder A
Col B: Volume of the Cylinder B

13. If the average of 6, x and y is 0, then what is the average of x and y?

14. If n is a positive integer, then
Col A: Remainder when n^2 - n is divided by 2
Col B: 0

15. Col A: (n^2 + 2n)/(n^3+2n^2)
Col B: 1/n

16. Col A: x^2 + y^2
Col B: (x-1)^2 + (y+1)^2

17. If x/y = (sqrt(2)-1)/2 & z = x + y, then the value of z/y?

18. A hexagon is embedded in a circle with radius xxx(some value). Find the perimeter of the hexagon in terms of diameter?
(Question is similar to this)

19. If class A has the average score of 40 for 65 students & class B has the average score of XXX for 55 students, then
Col A: Total average score
Col B: Total number of students

20. An equilateral triangle is given with its side around some 20(approx). If its height is 20x, then find the value of x?

21. A question with Venn diagram is given like this...
A class has above 100 students. If a teacher took 100 answer sheets & out of them she corrected 22 and all of these 22 got 'A' grade & if 25% of the remaining get 'A' grade, then find the total number of students with 'A' grade?

22. There are two plants 'A' & 'B'.
If the plant 'A', in
1st week grows 1/4th
2nd week grows 1/5th
3rd week grows 1/6th
4th week grows 1/7th
5th week grows 1/8th
6th week grows 1/9th
& if plant B grows 3/4th in these 6weeks period, then
Col A: Growth of plant 'A' in 6weeks
Col B: Growth of plant 'B' in 6weeks.

23. For any series, which of these options are equal normally?
I. Mean
II. Median
III. Mode
A. I
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II and III

24. If a wheel 'A' has half the diameter of wheel B, then
Col A: Number of revolutions made by wheel A to cover 5000 miles
Col B: Number of revolutions made by wheel B to cover 2500 miles

25. Col A: The distance from origin to the point (3, 4)
Col B: The distance from origin to the (5, 2)

26. Given a rectangle field whose length ‘l’ and breath ‘b’ is made area=25000, such that its length is increased by 10% and its breadth is been decreased by 5 %.
Col A: Change in area of the rectangle
Col B: 1200

27. Given numbers from 1 to 10. Two numbers are to be selected from these 10 numbers and they can be same also. What is the probability that at least one of them is even?
A. 1/2
B. 3/4
C. 1/4
& so on....


Given a figure like above with a circle inscribed in an equilateral triangle whose length of one side is given as 6
Col A: Area of circular region
Col B: 9 pi

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

18th November Gre Quants Question


1. How many integers are there between 176 and 256, which are not the multiples of 7?

2. Which is the greatest prime factor of 3^100 - 3^97?

3. Find the area of the square which has its diagonal length 10?

4. The x and y coordinates of two points were given and was asked to find its slope.

5. Given coordinates of two points P, Q on a graph
Col A:Distance of point 'P' from origin
Col B:Distance of Point 'Q' from origin
(Question is similar to this.. with P & Q values given)

6. If 'n' is an integer and 26n is a multiple of 12, then
Col A: Value of n
Col B: 11

7. If x^2 = 9, then
Col A: x-2
Col B: 0

8. Two frequency distribution tables are given.
Table I:
Value Frequency
-1 2
-2 3
-3 5
0 7
1 1
2 3
3 3

Table II:
Value Frequency
-1 3
-2 1
-3 4
0 6
1 1
2 3
3 4
Out of mean, median & mode which quantity is common for both tables?
A. Mean only
B. Median only
C. Mode only
D. Median & Mode
E. Mean & mode

9. There are two plants 'A' & 'B'. The plant 'A'
In, 1st week grows 1/4th
2nd week grows 1/5th
3rd week grows 1/6th
4th week grows 1/7th
5th week grows 1/8th
6th week grows 1/9th
& if plant B grows 3/4th in these 6weeks period, then
Col A: Growth of plant 'A' in 6weeks
Col B: Growth of plant 'B' in 6weeks.

10. A company gives a employee code to each of its employees. It consists of 4 alphabets followed by two numbers. All alphabets from A to Z (except A, E, I, O, U, Z) can be used & all numbers from 0 to 9 can be used. How many different possible employee codescan be made using these conditions?

11. A solid has dimensions of 12inchesx20inchesx15 inches. If the solid has a mass of 7kg, then what is the density of the box & its volume in cubic foot?
(Question is similar to this)

12. Two figures R & S given. R is a square with side 9 each & S is a square whose top right quater part has been cut(it is similar to R just a square part on top right is removed) & have side of 9 each. However the dimension of the area removed from top right quater is not given.
Col A: Area of R
Col B: 4/3 of are of S

Monday, November 17, 2008

17th Nov Gre Quants Question

1. If from 1982 to 1990, a company made 210000$ profit & from 1988 to 1992 the same company made 180000$ profit, then what is the profit the company made between 1988 and 1990?


Given a figure as above, with a square ABCD of side 'x'
Col A: Area of shaded region
Col B: x^2/4

3. If Bn = (-1)^n (T)^n-1, then find B5?
Col A: -1-t^2-t^3-t^4
Col B: -1+t^2-t^3+t^4

4. Find the closest value of a100, if an = [n^4+(n+100)^2]/xxx(some bigger value).
(Question is similar to this)

5. Which of the following is less than 30% of 1
A. 3/17
B. 1/3
C. 22/25
D. 0.6

6. The value of 208 + 1/2 (208) + 1/4 (208) is ………….


Given a figure similar to the above, as EFGH inscribed in ABCD, 'E' on AB, 'H' on AD; 'F' is on BC and is the midpoint of BC & a line segment connecting H and C. The point where 'F' intersects HC is G. Here E and H are not mid-pts of respective sides as “F”. If angle DHC=45 and side AE=5, then find the area of rectangle EFGH?

8. Given two points A(3, 1) & B(-1, 5) and a perpendicular is drawn from point ‘p’ to this line AB
Col A: Slope of the perpendicular line
Col B: 1


If the area of ABCD is 180, then find the value of ‘X’?

10. What is the highest prime factor of 3^100 - 3^97?

11. Col A: Sqrt(120) + Sqrt(50)
Col B: Sqrt( 80) + Sqrt(90)

12. If 0 < M < N < P < Q < R, then
Col A: Median of M, N, P, Q & R
Col B: Arithmetic Mean of M, N, P, Q & R.

13. If perimeter of a rectangle A is 20 & perimeter of rectangle B is 24, then
Col A: Area of the rectangle
Col B: Area of the rectangle


Given a figure as above with circle inside a square, if the area of the square is 16, then
Col A: Area of circle
Col B: 4PIE

15.If 61% supports ‘X’ and 55% supports ‘Y’ and out of those who support ‘Y’ 80% also supports ‘X’ , then what percentage of people supports neither ‘X’ nor ‘Y’?

16. If the probability of getting females in a group of people is 3/5, then
Col A: Ratio of male to female in that group
Col B: 3/2

17. Given x, y as integers. If A = 896*355*(x-1)(y+2), then
Col A: Unit digit of A
Col B: 0

18.Given an equation of the form [x+3] < =5 ( [ ] implies mod) and there were number lines given
A. Number line saying x lies between -2 to 8
B. Number line saying x lies between -2 to 2
C. Number line saying x lies between -8 to 2
D. Number line saying x lies between -8 to 8
& so on....

19. Given three variables a, b & c which can take any of the three values 0, 1 or 2. If a^2(9) + b(3) + c = 25, then what is the value of a + b + c?

20. If x > 0, then
Col A: [(2x)^0 + (2x)^1] / [(2x) + (2x)^2 ]
Col B: (2X)^-1

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5th november Gre Quants Question

1. What is the range of numbers between 400 and 700 that are divisible by 2 and 3?

2. Col A: x^2 + y^2
Col B: (x + 1)^2 * (y + 1)^2

3. Given a series p1, p2, p3, p4................ If p1 = 1 & pn = 24*p(n-1)+8, then
Col A: The remainder when p66 is divided by 6
Col B: 4
(Here 1, 2, 3, 4, 66, n & n-1 are suffixes)

4. If 1pen & 1stapler costs 12.50$ and 3pens & 2staplers costs 25$, then
Col A: Cost of 1pen
Col B: 4.20$

5. Given a circle in the coordinate system with centre at (3, 4), find the radius of the circle?

6. Given average of a & b as 10. When 'c' is added to a & b, then the average is 10(again).
Col A: Value of 'c'
Col B: 10

7. If -1 < x < 0, then which of the following will have greater value?
B. 1/sqrt(x)
C. (5x)/6
D. sqrt(x)
& so on......


Col A: a^2 + b^2 + c^2
Col B: f^2

Answers and Explanations

1. 51. Since the question asks for both divisible by 2 and 3. We need to find the numbers divisible by 6. Now 402 is the first number in the range that is divisible by 6. Starting from 402 there are 17 numbers in the range 400 to 500 divisible by 6. 17 again in 500 to 600 as well as 600 to 700. So the answer is 17*3= 51

2. Relationship cannot be determined. take x and y 0 and take x and y -1 and test.

3. Col B is greater. because the first term is Pn is multiplied by 24 so it will give remainder 0 when divided by 6 but the +8 in the end will give remainder 2.

However P66 = 24^66 + 8*24^65 + 8*24^64 + .... + 8*24 + 8

4. I think the answer is Col B is greater. its given that 1pen & 1stapler costs $12.50 which means 2pen & 2stapler costs $25. But its also given that 3pens & 2staplers costs $25. his is only possible when pens are given for free i.e. zero cost.

5. Radius of the circle cannon be found just from the center

6. Col A and Col B are equal

7. based on the given options the answer is A. As 5/6 is .83 and B and D are not feasible as complex number is not in GRE syllabus.

8. Both Cols are equal.

Friday, October 31, 2008

31st october Gre Quants Question


1. If the area of rectangle 'S' is twice that of the rectangle 'T', then
Col A: The side of rectangle S
Col B: The diagonal side of rectangle T

2. If n > 10,000, then which of the following is the closest to 3?
A. 1/(3^n)
B. 3 + 1/3^n
C. n/(3^n)
& so on....

3. If 2 < a < 6 < b < 10 & the arithmetic mean of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6.2, then
Col A: 6 - a
Col B: b - 6

4. A line passes through a point (p, r) and its slope is 'p'. If pr < 0, then
Col A: The x-intercept of the line
Col B: 0

5. A ball is dropped from 6metres. If it bounces a height of 90% of previous height, then after 5 bounces to how much height will it bounce?

6. Given two points (3, 0) & (3, 3) in the coordinate system. If these two points are equidistant from a point (x, y), then
Col A: x
Col B: 3

7. Given an equation of a line and asked to find the x-intercept of that?


Given that L1 is parallel to L2. If AB = BC, then
Col A: x
Col B: 60

9. Given ‘x’ is an integer. If x^2 – 10 < 0, then how many such values of ‘x’ satisfies the given condition?
A. one
B. Two
C. Three
& so on…

10. Col A: Standard Deviation of numbers having an average 60
Col B: Standard Deviation of numbers having an average 65

11. Given n > 10,000;
Col A: The unit digit value of ‘n’ when divided by 8
Col B: 7

12. Given a set of numbers 19, 22, 25, 26 & 28. When each number is added by ‘k’, then the sum of the numbers would be 142.5. Find the median of the numbers?

13. For a rectangle, if the breadth is 8 & A(area) + L(length) = 130, then the area of the rectangle 'A' is?

14. If 0 < x < y < z, then
Col A: x/y
Col B: y/z

15. Given a series 3 + 3^2 + 3^3 +….+3^k. What is the value of 'k' at which the summation will be divisible by 6?
A. 15
B. 18
C. 21
D. 28
E. 53

16. Given that, when ‘N’ is divided by 7, it leaves a remainder of 4.
If N^2 +5 is divided by 7, then the remainder is?

17. In a distribution of 8500 parameters, if 26.7 is 56 percentile & 37.1 is 78 percentile, then what is the percentile of x (26.7 <= x <= 37), that is closest in this range?
A. 1888
B. 4500
D. 6650

18. The probability of a person getting a line busy every time when she calls is 1/3 and if she makes one call on each of 4 consecutive days, then
Col A: Probability of getting the line busy on each of the 4 days
Col B: ¼

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

29 October Gre Quants Que


1. If 3/5 =x/y
Col A: X - 3
Col B: Y - 5

2. If the letters of the word A, F, T, E, R are permuted and arranged in a dictionary form like after, then for some (n > 2) how many other possible ways are there?
A. 119
B. 117
C. 88
& so on....

3. Given y = ax+b and if x-intercept is 5 and slope =2
Col A: x-intercept
Col B: -10

4. If x is negative integer, then
Col A: (-x)^(3*x)
Col B: (-3*x)^(x)

5. In how many ways can 5 prizes, each having 1st, 2nd, 3rdpositions can be given to 3 boys?

6. Given three points (2,4), (5,3) & (k,1). If these three points are collinear, then find value of k?

7. There were 37 employees in a company. If the month July has more number of birthdays than any other month then what is the number of birthdays in July? (Provided every month should have at least 3 birthdays)
Col A: Number of birthdays in July
Col B: 3

8. Given two parallel lines 'L1' and 'L2' which are cut by a transversal at 'B' and 'A' respectively. 'E' is a point on 'L2' such that angle BAE = 58. 'C' is a point on 'L1' on the other side of transversal as 'E' such that BC = CA.
Col A: Angle BCA
Col B: 60
Note: All angles are in degrees and figure was given.

9. Given a square with vertex ‘O’ and centre ‘C’, when rotated by 45 degree with respect to vertex ‘O’ the centre is changed to ‘C1’.
Col A: Distance between centre’s ‘C’ & ‘C1’
Col B: {5*sqrt(2)}/2

10. Given following table
Data Percentile
16.8 43th percentile
17.1 49th percentile
17.3 52th percentile
17.8 55th percentile
18.2 60th percentile
Find the median of the above observation?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

22nd October Gre Quants Question


1. If an integer n>2 takes the form k! And this satisfies if and only if the product of the 'n' numbers in that factorial should be less than or equal to k.
Col A: n!/(n-1)!
Col B: n!-(n-1)!/(n-2)!

2. Given a table
X f
0 n
1 100-n
Col A: Value of n for mean to be greater than 0.5
Col B: 50

3. If S1 = 2 and if Sn =S(n-1)*1/2 then
Col A: S6
Col B: 2^14(S20)

4. A bar graph with number of students and marks obtained.
Marks No. of students
40 3
60 4
70 14
80 8
90 11
If the total number of students is 40, then
Col A: Median of the data
Col B: Average of the data
(@ all: this is the appropriate question)

5. If 14% people have ovens and 27% have washing machines, then what is the range of the people having neither oven nor washing machines?
A. 0-14%
B. 27-41%
C. 59-73%
D. 73-86%
(Options were something like that)

6. For a line 'l', if x-intercept = y-intercept = 4, then
Col A: Slope of line 'l'
Col B: -1

7. If 2 < a < 6 < b < 10 & the arithmetic mean of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6.2, then
Col A: 6 - a
Col B: b - 6

8. If there is a list of some numbers, whose mean is 10.8 and standard deviation is '0', then
Col A: Range of that list
Col B: 0

9. If 'x' is 130% of 'y', then 'y' is what percentage of x?

10. If the total amount is calculated, by multiplying the number of goods and the price of each good, then if the number of goods is decreased by 20%, by what percentage must the price should increase to compensate the decrease?

11. If xy =! 0 and y^-1 = 3x^-1, then which of the following is equivalent to it?
Options in terms of x & y were given
(To the given options, examiners answer: y = x/3)

12. If 0 < x < y < z, then
Col A: x/y
Col B: y/z

13. If b = -8 & (a+b)^2 = 36, then
Col A: a
Col B: 14

14. In 1990, the wages of the employees in a company is 'x'. If from 1990-1995, the increment of wages is 15% and from 1990-2000 the increment is 30% then
Col A: Percentage increment form 1995-2000
Col B: 15%

15. How many number of even squares are their between 60 and 625.
A. one
B. Two
& so on..


If x < y, then
Col A: Area of the triangle ABC
Col B: Area of the triangle PQR

22nd October Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Callous

2. Compassion

3. Indigenous

4. Gullibility

5. Credulity

6. Prosaic

7. Plucky

8. Oblivious

9. Obfuscate

10. Aesthetic

11. Gregarious

12. Sociable

13. Tractable

14. Venerate

15. Demagogue

16. Resplendent

17. Slur

18. Curb

19. Presumptuous

20. Pontificate


1. Callous: Compassion

2. Gullibility: Credulity

Issue Topic:

1. "It is not good to conclude without enough data".

2. "Socialization decides the future of society".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

21st October Gre Quants Question


1. The value of (5*4) + 2(5-8+3) = ?

2. Col A: (-36)^49
Col B: 36^(-49)

3. If x > 0, then
Col A: 2^2 * sqrt(x)
Col B: 4^2 * sqrt(x^2)

4. If t^2 = -3(2t + 3), then the value of t is?


If the area of the above circle is 4pie and area of the triangle
is 3, then find the hypotenuse “PQ”?

6. A bar graph with number of students and marks obtained.
Marks No. of students
40 3
60 4
70 14
80 2
90 11
If the total number of students is 40, then
Col A: Median of the data
Col B: Average of the data

7. Given a table of Category and Number of students
Category No. of students
Elementary school 5
Junior school 4
High school 17
College 9
If total students = 35
Col A: probability that a student chosen randomly will not cross junior school
Col B: probability that a student chosen randomly is from college

8. Given x-intercept and y-intercept and asked to find the slope?

9. Given slope as 2.5 and a point on the line as (30, 50).
Col A: y-intercept
Col B: xxx (some value)

10. Given two points and asked to find the distance between the points.

11. If x =! 1, then
Col A: 1/( 2x+2)
Col B: 2x+2

12. Data Interpretation: Minimum wage per person is given for 5 countries.
First question was "percentage by which one countries wage per person was more than the other".
Second question: What is the per person wage of country X & O combined?
Country X - 564 & Country O - 705 --- (given in the data)
a. 500
b. 600
c. 635
d. 692
e. 705

13. If an integer n>2 takes the form k! and this satisfies if and only if the product of the 'n' numbers in that factorial should be less than or equal to k.
Col A: n!/(n-1)!
Col B: n!-(n-1)!/(n-2)!

21st October Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Court(v): to try to win the favor, preference, or goodwill of; to seek the affections of; (of animals) to attempt to attract (a mate) by engaging in certain species-specific behaviors; to act in such a manner as to cause, lead to, or provoke; to seek another's love.
Synonyms: adjective, aulic, forensic, in camera, judicial, judiciary, juridical, juristic, justiciable, sub judice, substantive.

2. Conscientious(adj):careful; characterized by extreme care and great effort; controlled by or done according to conscience; guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong.
Synonyms: complete, diligent, exact, exacting, faithful, fastidious, fussy, hanging in, heedful, meticulous, painstaking, particular, playing safe, punctilious, punctual, reliable, tough, just, upright, honest, faithful, devoted.
Antonyms: careless, inexact, irresponsible, uncareful, unconscientious, unscrupulous.

3. Watershed(n): the region or area drained by a river, stream, etc.; drainage area. ; an important point of division or transition between two phases, conditions, etc.; an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend.

4. Apostasy(n): a total desertion of or departure from one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc. ; the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause.
Synonyms: recreance, recreancy, tergiversation.

5. Trite(adj): lacking in freshness or effectiveness because of constant use or excessive repetition; characterized by hackneyed expressions, ideas, etc; Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; frayed or worn out by use; repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
Synonyms: ordinary
Antonyms: original.

6. Malefeasance(n): the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used esp. of an act in violation of a public trust); Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
Synonyms: crime, delinquency, misconduct, wrongdoing.

7. Mollify(v): To calm in temper or feeling; soothe; To reduce the rigidity of; cause to be more favorably inclined; make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate; to assuage, as pain or irritation, to appease, as excited feeling or passion; to pacify; to calm.
Synonyms: abate, allay, alleviate, ameliorate, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, compose, conciliate, cool, cushion, decrease, diminish, dulcify, ease, fix up, lessen, lighten, lull, mellow, mitigate, moderate, modify, pacify, patch things up, placate, propitiate, quell, quiet, reduce, relieve, soften, sweeten, take sting out, temper, tranquilize.
Antonyms: agitate, depress, exasperate, harass, incite, provoke, trouble, upset, worry.

8. Banality(n): Something commonplace, hackneyed, or trivial; The condition or quality of being banal; triviality; Something that is trite, obvious, or predictable.
Synonyms: adage, buzzword, hokum, old chestnut, platitude, prosaicism, prosaism, trite phrase, trivia, triviality, truism
Antonyms: coinage, nuance, original saying.

9. Extol(v): to praise highly; laud; eulogize; To place on high; to lift up; to elevate; To elevate by praise; to eulogize; to praise; to magnify.
Synonyms: acclaim, applaud, bless, boost, celebrate, commend, cry up, eulogize, exalt, give a boost to, givea bouquet, glorify, hand it to, hats off to, hear it for, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize, pay tribute to, praise, puff up, push, rave, root.
Antonyms: blame, criticize, disparage.

10. Sapient(adj): having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; acutely insightful and wise; Having great wisdom and discernment.
Synonyms: acute, astucious, astute, cagey*, canny, clear-sighted, clever, contemplative, discerning, discriminating, educated, enlightened, experienced, farsighted, foxy*, informed, insightful, intelligent, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, reflective, sage, scholarly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smart, thoughtful, wise.

11. Explicate(v): to make plain or clear; explain; interpret; to develop (a principle, theory, etc.); To make clear the meaning of; explain; make plain and comprehensible; elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; To unfold; to expand; to lay open; To unfold the meaning or sense of; to explain; to clear of difficulties or obscurity.
Synonyms: amplify, clear up, construe, demonstrate, develop, dilate, elucidate, enlarge upon, enucleate, expatiate, explain, expound, give the big picture, illustrate, interpret, make clear, make explicit, make plain, run down, unfold, untangle, work out.
Antonyms: cloud, complicate, confuse, mystify, obscure, tangle.

12. Hackneyed(adj): made commonplace or trite; stale; banal; A coach or carriage for hire; To cause to become banal and trite through overuse; To hire out; let; Overfamiliar through overuse; repeated too often,
Synonyms: antiquated, banal, common, commonplace, conventional, everyday, familiar tune, obsolete, old, old-chestnut, old-hat, old-saw, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, overworked, quotidian, stale, stereotyped, stock, timeworn, tripe, trite, unoriginal, well-worn.
Antonyms: fresh, new, original, uncommon

13. Exegesis(n): critical explanation or interpretation of a text or portion of a text; Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text; Exposition.
Synonyms: analysis, critique, explanation, exposition, interpretation.

14. Pontificate(v): to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner; to express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way; talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner; the state or dignity of a high priest; specifically, the office of the pope.
Synonyms: address, admonish, dogmatize, evangelize, get on a soapbox, give sermon, harangue, lecture, minister, moralize, preach, pulpiteer, teach.

15. Gregarious(adj): fond of company; pertaining to a flock or crowd; living in flocks or herds, as animals; Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.
Synonyms: affable, clubby, companionable, convivial, cordial, fun, outgoing, sociable, genial, outgoing, convivial, companionable, friendly, extroverted.
Antonyms: cold, cool, introverted, unfriendly, unhospitable, unsociable.

16. Excoriate(v):to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally; to strip off or remove the skin from; to tear or wear off the skin of; abrade; express strong disapproval of.
Synonyms: abrade, chafe, flay, fret, gall, peel, rub, scarify, scratch, skin, strip.

17. Awning(n): a rooflike shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, from the top of a window, over a deck, etc., in order to provide protection, as from the sun; a shelter; a rooflike structure, often made of canvas or plastic, that serves as a shelter, as over a storefront, window, door, or deck.
Synonyms: covering, door cover, marquee, protection, shade, shelter, sunshade, tent.


1. Awning: Sun

Issue Topic:

1. Art reveals the hidden impulses of the society

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.
"The population of Balmer Island increases to 100,000 duing the summer months. To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians, the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day during the summer season. By limiting the number of rentals, the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in moped accidents that was achieved last year in the neighboring island of Torseau, when Torseau's town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals."

Monday, October 20, 2008

20nd October Gre verbal Quants

Today's Words:

1. Plumb

2. Trenchancy

3. Lackluster

4. Burnish

5. Expatriate

6. Diaphanous

7. Periphery

8. Proximity

9. Guffaw

10. Amusement

11. Exonerate

12. Trudge

13. Sapient

14. Bellicose

15. Didactic

16. Mellifluous

17. Gullible

18. Naive

19. Futile

20. Innocuous

21. Jest

22. Skirt

23. Iridescent

24. Exalt


1. Lackluster: Burnish

2. Guffaw: Amusement

3. Exonerate: Blame

4. Balm: Soothing

Issue Topic:

1. Now-a- days people choose their career on the basis of economy, money and job opportunities in future rather than talent, skill and interest.

2. With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society—including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences—will benefit greatly from international influences.

Friday, October 17, 2008

17 October Gre Verbal Questions

Today's Words:

1. Obstreperous

2. Animate

3. Balm

4. Deplore

5. Fringe

6. Fertile

7. Censorious

8. Bellicose

9. Idiosyncratic

10. Hiatus

11. Abatement

12. Supine

13. Acerbic

14. Trenchancy


1. Ambrosial x Unsavory

2. Timorous x Tardy

3. Cogent x Unconvincing

4. Congenital x not innate

5. Torpor x Animation

6. Natty x Sloven

7. Succinct x Prolixity

8. Gregarious x Aloofness

9. Aligned x Neutral


1. Pragmatist: Practicability

2. Encomiastic: Eulogy

3. Defer: Leader

4. Admire: Hero

5. Impressionable: Influence

6. Servile: Compliant

7. Belligerent: Assertive

8. Quibbler: Cavil

9. Guffaw: Amusement

10. Trenchancy: Insipid

Issue Topic:

1. "It is the artist and not the critic who is of some value to the society."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

16th October Gre vaerbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Guffaw(n): a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter; a hearty, boisterous burst of laughter.
Synonyms: belly laugh, deep laugh, howl, howling, laughter, loud laugh, roar, shout, shriek, snort.

2. Sapient(adj): having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; acutely insightful and wise.
Synonyms: acute, astucious, astute, canny, clear-sighted, clever, contemplative, discerning, discriminating, educated, enlightened, experienced, farsighted, informed, insightful, intelligent, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, reflective, sage, scholarly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smart, thoughtful, wise.

3. Natty(adj): neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners.
Synonyms: neat, chic, dapper, fashionable, jaunty, neat, posh, smart, spruce, tidy, trim.

4. Trenchancy(adj): clearly or sharply defined; effective; energetic; Forceful; Distinct; clear-cut; keenness and forcefulness of thought or expression or intellect; incisive or keen; vigorous; caustic.
Synonyms: sharp, biting, acute

5. Novice(n): a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner; tyro; A person who has entered a religious order but has not yet taken final vows; a recent convert to christianity.
Synonyms: amateur, apprentice, beginner, first of May, fledgling, greenhorn, gremlin, know from nothing, learner, neophyte, newcomer, new kid on the block, novitiate, plebe, postulant, prentice, probationer, proselyte, pupil, recruit, rookie, starter, student, trainee.

6. Pretend(adj): to appear falsely; to make believe; to cause or attempt to cause (what is not so) to seem so; to allege or profess, esp. insincerely or falsely; counterfeit.
Synonyms:affected, affectional, barmecidal, bogus, disingenuous, hypocritical, ostensible, ostensive, pretended, quasi, self-styled, sham, simulated, so-called; simulate, fake, sham, counterfeit.

7. Illicit(adj): not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful; disapproved of or not permitted for moral or ethical reasons; Not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful;Improperly formed; ungrammatical; contrary to accepted morality.
Synonyms: adulterous, black-market, clandestine, contraband, contrary to law, criminal, crooked, felonious, furtive, guilty, illegal, illegitimate, immoral, improper, in violation of law, lawless, out of line, prohibited, racket, unauthorized, unlawful, unlicensed, wrong, wrongful.
Antonyms: blessed, good, legal, legitimate, licit, moral, noble, proper, right.

8. Brazenness(adj): shameless or impudent; made of brass, like brass, as in sound, color, or strength; to face boldly or shamelessly; Having a loud, usually harsh, resonant sound; Marked by flagrant and insolent audacity.
Synonyms: assumption, audaciousness, audacity, boldness, brashness, cheek, cheekiness, chutzpah, discourtesy, disrespect, effrontery, face, familiarity, forwardness, gall, impertinence, impudency, incivility, insolence, nerve, nerviness, overconfidence, pertness,presumptuousness, pushiness, rudeness, sassiness, sauciness.

9. Cogitate(v): to think about; to think hard; ponder; meditate; To take careful thought or think carefully about; consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind; use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
Synonyms: Cerebrate, chew the cud, conceive, consider, contemplate, deliberate, envisage, envision, figure, flash on, imagine, meditate, mull over, muse, noodle around, ponder, reason, reflect, ruminate, speculate, stew over.
Antonyms: ignore.

10. Propensity(n): a natural inclination or tendency; favorable disposition or partiality; an innate inclination; a tendency; The quality or state of being propense; disposition to do good or evil; bias; bent; tendency.
Synonyms: ability, aptness, bias, capacity, competence, disposition, flash, inclining, leaning, liability, partiality, penchant, predilection,predisposition, proclivity, proneness, susceptibility, sweet tooth, talent, tendency, yen.
Antonyms:antipathy, disinclination, dislike, hate.

11. Succinct(adj): expressed in few words;compressed into a small area, scope, or compass; Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; briefly giving the gist of something.
Synonyms: blunt, boiled down, breviloquent, brusque, compact, compendiary, compendious, concise, condensed, curt, cut to the bone, in a nutshell, in few words, laconic, pithy, short, summary, terse
Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded, wordy.

12. Slovenly(adj): untidy or unclean in appearance or habits;untidy or unclean in appearance or habits; negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt.
Synonyms: bedraggled, botched, careless, dingy, disheveled, disorderly, dowdy, grody, grubby, heedless, loose, messed up, messy, mussy, negligent, raunchy, seedy, slack, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy, tacky, topsy-turvy, unfastidious, unkempt, unthorough, untidy.
Antonyms: clean, ordered, organized.

13. Dapper(adj): lively and brisk; neat; trim; smart; small and active; Very stylish in dress.
Synonyms: bandbox, brisk, chic, chichi, classy, clean, dainty, dashing, doggy, dressed to kill, dressed to nines, jaunty, natty, nice, nifty, nimble, nobby, posh, prim, rakish, ritzy, sassy, sharp, showy, smart, snug, spiff, spiffy, spruce, spry, stylish, swank, swanky, swell, trim, turned out, well turned out.
Antonyms: dirty, dishevelled, ruffled, rumpled, scruffy, shabby, sloppy, tousled, ungroomed, wrinkled.

14. Redress(n): the setting right of what is wrong; relief from wrong or injury; compensation or satisfaction for a wrong or injury; To make amends for; to adjust; correction or reformation.
Synonyms: aid, amendment, amends, assistance, atonement, balancing, change, conciliation, correction, cure, ease, indemnity, justice, offsetting, payment, quittance, recompense, rectification, reestablishment, reformation, rehabilitation, relief, remedy, remission, remodeling, renewal, repair, reparation, reprisal, requital, restitution, retribution, return, revision, reward, reworking, satisfaction, vengeance
Antonyms: hurt, injury.

15. Variable(adj): capable of being varied or changed; alterable; inconstant; fickle; having much variation or diversity.
Synonyms: capricious, changeful, fickle, fitful, flexible, fluctuating, fluid, iffy*, inconstant, irregular, mercurial, mobile, mutable, protean, shifting, shifty, slippery*, spasmodic, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unequable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, volatile, waffling, wavering.
Antonyms: invariable, unchangeable, unchanging, unvarying

16. Vehement(adj): strongly emotional; intense or passionate; marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous; zealous; ardent; impassioned; characterized by rancor or anger; violent; Marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong.
Synonyms: angry, ardent, concentrated, delirious, desperate, eager, earnest, emphatic, enthusiastic, exquisite, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, forceful, forcible, frantic, furious, hearty, heated, hopped up, hyper, impassioned, impetuous, inflamed, intense, lively, on the make, potent, powerful, pronounced, rabid, strong, terrible, vicious, violent, wild, zealous.
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, impassionate.

17. Malodorous (adj): having an unpleasant or offensive odor; smelling bad; foul; having an unpleasant smell.
Synonyms: bad, decayed, decomposed, fetid, foul, frowzy, fusty, infested, lousy, mephitic, musty, nasty, nauseating, noisome, noxious, offensive, pestilential, poisonous, polluted, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, rotten, smelly, stale, stenchful, stinking, strong, tainted, vile.
Antonyms: aromatic, fragrant, perfumed, savory, sweet.


1. Carelessness: Recklessness

2. Malodorous: Scent

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

15th October Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Peripheral

2. Integral

3. Novelty

4. Gadfly

5. Periphery

6. Fetter

7. Extol

8. Glee

9. Succinct

10. Iconoclast

11. Garrulous

12. Cryptic

13. Redolent

14. Slothful

15. Zephyr

16. Seasoned

17. Digression

18. Taciturn

19. Embezzlement

20. Exotic

21. Malicious

22. Delay

23. Beleaguered

24. Assertive


1. Accidental: Incidental

2. Beleaguered: Assertive

3. School: Education

Issue Topic:

1. The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were mad; possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper.
"At present, Mason City residents seldom use the nearby Mason River for any kind of recreational activity, even though surveys of the region's residents consistently rank water sports (swimming, fishing, and boating) as a favorite form of recreation. Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water in the river, residents must be avoiding the river because they think that it is not clean enough. But that situation is about to change: the agency responsible for rivers in our region has announced plans to clean up Mason River. Therefore, recreational use of the river is likely to increase, so the Mason City council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the Mason River."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

7th october Gre Quants Question

1. In a group of men and women, 1/3 are men. If 2 women leave the group, then men will be 2/5 of the group. How many members are there in the group?

2. The value of (5sqrt2+sqrt3)(sqrt2-sqrt3) = ?

3. If a < 0 < b < c, then
Col A: ac/b
Col B: ac


Given a figure like above, here PQRS is a square of length 10 and the line VT is the perpendicular to the diameter of the semicircle PQ and it is also given that PU = 2, then find the length of VT?

5. Given 2 < a < 5 < b < 8 and if the average of 3, 6, 9, a, b is 6.2, then find the value of a + b?

6. Given that an investment of a company in 1990 has increased by 15% in a span of 5years i.e. by 1995 and the same investment increased by 30% in a span of 10years i.e. by 2000.
Col A: The percentage increase from 1995 to 2000
Col B: 15%


Given a square PQRS with side length 8 as above and ‘Q’, ‘S’ points are centers of the circles. Find the area of the shaded region?

8. If the below lines are plotted
x + y = 5 &
2x + 2y = 8
Col A: The shortest distance between the lines
Col B: 1

9. Given two circles that are concentric having radii 2, 5. If the tangent to the smaller circle intersects the bigger circle at ‘S’ and ‘T’, then find the length of ‘ST’?

10. If a < 0 & b > 0, then
Col A: a^-7 * b^-2
Col B: (a*b)^-14

11. A Data interpretation question is given, with the data about “The Available number of rooms in Top 12 hotels in a city” and the questions asked were….
i. The Ratio of available rooms of 3 large hotels to the total rooms in a city.
ii. The median value of the number of rooms of the 12 hotels.

Friday, October 3, 2008

3rd Octuber Gre Quants Question

1. Col A: (2^Cool*(15^5)+(2^Cool*(15^5)
Col B: (5^10)*(8^2)

2. A square was given and another square was formed by joining mid points of the square. If perimeter of larger square was given 'X'.
Col A: Perimeter of smaller square
Col B: X/2

3. Col A: (7!)^2
Col B: 13!

4. If f(n,k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!), then
Col A: f(16,3)
Col B: f(16,14)

5. If product of xyz is odd integer, then which of the following is even
A. x(y+z)
B. xy+z
C. yz+x
& so on....

6. There is a series of odd numbers from 1 to n where n is a odd number. What is the probability that a number selected at random will be an odd number?

7. The slope of line XY is given as -1/2.
Col A: X intercept of Line
Col B: Y intercept of Line.







6) N+1/(2N)


Thursday, October 2, 2008

2nd October Gre Quants Question


1. Given Set A = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...m & Set B = 1, 2, 3, ...n where 'n' is even and 'm' is odd.
Col A: Percentage of odd numbers in A
Col B: Percentage of even numbers in B

2. If l(3x-2)l < 8 then find the value of x?

3. If a1, a2, are such that each term is 2 times the preceeding term & p1, p2, are such tht each term is 3 times the preceeding term. If a1= xxxx(some value) and p1 = xxxx(some value) then find the least number of n such that Pn > An?

4. In a school, there are 720 people. If 300 opted for course x, 350 for y, 200 for z, 100 opted for no course and 150 opted for exactly two courses then what is the number of people who opted for all the three courses?

5. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost.If 36 people charter aircraft rather than 40, loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?

6. On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81

7. (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 + 1/2) = ?

8. If -2 < x < -1, then
Col A: 1/x3
Col B: 1/x

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1st October Gre Quants Question


1. If a < 0 < b < c, then
Col A: ac/b
Col B: ac

2. If x & y are not equal to zero, then
Col A: sqrt(x) + sqrt(y)
Col B: sqrt(x+y)

3. If (x-2)(x-3)(2x-15)(4x+1) = 0, then find the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

4. Given that, if a person has 5 pair of socks of different colors and if 2 are chosen at random then what is the probability that both of
them are of same color?

5. If a clock shows exactly 4 '0' clock right now, then what will it show exactly 1195 hours later?

6. If x=! 0, then
Col A: lxl – 2
Col B: lx-2l

7. If a point (1, 2) lies on the line Mx + Ky = 2, then
Col A: k
Col B: 0

8. If it takes ‘t’ mins to travel ‘X’ miles, then
Col A: The time taken in hours to travel 900miles is
Col B: 15t/x

9. The range of list-1 is 16 and range of list-2 is 10(approx values). If both the lists are combined then what will be the minimum value
of their range?

10. If x, y, z are negative integers, then
Col A: x + y + z
Col B: 1/x + y + z

11. Col A: 0.01/1- 0.01
Col B: 0.1/1- 0.1

12. In every month, a hospital is opened only in last week. If 10 people travel through bus to hospital, what is the probability that
atleast two people travel on the same day?

13. If x < 0, then
Col A: -x
Col B: lxl

14. There is a swimming pool in the shape of an upright right circular cylinder whose base diameter is 20ft and depth(of cylinder) is
4ft. What is the volume of water, if the water is present at a uniform depth of 3ft 6inches?

15. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

16. If [z] represents greatest value less than or equal to z and x & y are positive, then
Col A: [x]+[y]
Col B: [x+y]

17. Given that, there is a field with 'r' sections in which there are 's' sub- fields in each section. It is also given that there are 5 employees
for working and each one does the work equally. If there is an employee Annie who does the work of her and also 1/3 work of the
other colleague, then
Col A: Work done by Annie
Col B: rs/4

18. Which of the following operations below, would not affect the standard deviation of the above numbers
A. When 6 is added to each number
B. When 3 is added to each number.
C. When each number is mutiplied by some number x
D. When each number is divided by some number.
(Question is similar to this)

19. There is a square floor with a smaller square carpet. The side of floor is 10% greater than that of carpet and the difference in the
areas were given. What is the side of the carpet?
(Question is similar to this)

20. If the probability of A doing a work is 2/3 and B doing it is 4/7, then what is the probabilty of neither of them do it?

21. If t^4 = 16, then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

22. If x, y, z are real positive numbers.
Col A: Median of x, y, z
Col B: Median of x^2, y^2, z^2.

23. If x, y are two real numbers and x>0 & y<1, then
Col A: mod(x-y)
Col B: 1

24. If 100 < x < 225, then
Col A: sqrt(x)+20
Col B: sqrt(900+x)

25. If (n-2)*(n-3) = 0, then
Col A: -2n+1
Col B: 2n-8

26. The probability of A hitting a target is 2/3. And the probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that
neither of them will hit the target?

27. If ak = 1/k-1/(k+1), then find out the summation of a2 to a100?
(Here k, 2 & 100 are suffixes)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

17th September Gre Quants Question

1. What is the value of (-x)(-x)/(-x) =
A. lxl
B. -x

2. If (125)(75) = (3^m)(5^n), then
Col A: m
Col B: n

3. Given x, y & z are three positive integers greater than 1 and if x*y*z = 231, then what is the value of x + y + z = ?
A. 9
B. 15
C. 21
D. Cannot be determined.

4. If the probability of A shooting a target is 0.8 and probability of B shooting the same target is 0.7, then What is the probability that niether of them hite the target?

5. If x + y + z = 4 and -4z = 4, then what is the value of x + y - z = ?

6. If 'x' is a negative integer, then
Col A: 4/x
Col B: x/4

7. If the point (1, 2) lie on the line mx+ky=3, then
Col A: k
Col B: 0

8. A triangle is given with sides x, y & z. If z = 1/4(perimeter) & x + y = 12 then find perimeter.

9. If (4/7) = (4+s)/(7+t), then
Col A: s
Col B: (4t/7)

10. If x(x-15/7)(x+4)(x+3) = 0, then what is the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

11. Col A: 10^12+2^12
Col B: 12^12

12. An area of 1350 is given whose length is 15yards more than the width. Calculate the amount of wire needed for fencing in yards?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

16 september Gre Quants Question


Given a figure of 18 eighteen equilateral triangles as above with each side length of 1. What is the perimeter of the figure?

2. If 8 < 2x < 14 and 6 < x+3 < 9, then
Col A: x
Col B: 5

3. Given a right angled cylinder of diameter 20feet and height 4feet. What is the volume of the cylinder in gallons, when up to a depth of 3 feet and 6 inches? (Hint: 1 foot = 12 inches; 1 gallon = 231cubic.inches)

4. Given a set of numbers as 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19 and another set of numbers were given as 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14. When the two sets were added, how many such different numbers were possible?


If the radius of the given circle is 5units, then how many points lie on the circle?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 16
E. 20

6. If ‘X’ invests Rs.5000 at the rate of 6% for annual and ‘Y’ invests Rs.6000 at the rate 6% for semiannual, then
Col A: The interest ‘X’ gets for 1year
Col B: The interest ‘Y’ gets for 1year

7. Given a triangle with sides 10, 10 and the area of the triangle is given as 32. Find the perimeter of the triangle?

8. Given that ‘r’ is a three digit number such that it contains ‘x’ in its hundredth place, ‘y’ in tens place, ‘z’ in units place. If’ x’ is multiplied by 9, ‘y’ is multiplied by 6 and ‘z’ is multiplied by 2 then what is the value of the N735 (here 735 is given as suffix, & Question mean that r=735)
A. 72
B. 79
C. 86
D. 91
E. & so on…
Ans: D

9. If x < 0 then
Col A: -x
Col B: lxl

10. If the point (2,3) lies on the line mx + ky = 1
Col A: k
Col B: 0


Given equation of the line as x + y – 4 = 0
Col A: Length of OB
Col B: Length of OC

12. If (n-2)(n-3) = 0, then
Col A: -2n-1
Col B: 2n-1

13. 1^-3 + 2^-2 + 3^-1 =?

14. Set A: 10, 30, 50, 70 & 90
Set B: 10, 20, 50, 80 & 90
Col A: standard deviation of A
Col B: standard deviation of B

15. If x, y, z are integers
Col A: yz/x
Col B: y/xz

16. If ak = 1/k – 1/(k+1), then find the summation of a1 to a100?

Friday, September 12, 2008

12th september Gre Quants Question

1. If n is a odd positive integer, then
Col A: (-2)^((n+1)/2)
Col B: (-2)^((n-1)/2)


Given equation of the parabola as y = 2x-x^2.
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

3. A person has 5 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is of same colored pair?

4. How many different 5 digit numbers can formed, such that 1st and last place should be filled up with odd number.
so on….

5. If (4/7) = (4+s)/(7+t), then
Col A: s
Col B: (4t/7)

6. If x(x-15/7)(x+4)(x+3)=0, then what is the product of maximum and minimum value of x?

7. If a square of 125cm3 is fit into a cylinder, then what should be the minimum value of the volume of the cylinder?

8. If (a^2 @ b^2) = a^2-b^2 & (a^2 # b^2) = a^2+b^2, then
Col A: (2^2@-2^2) # (3^2@-3^2)
Col B: 0

9. The Harmonic Mean of 10, 20 is ………..

Thursday, September 11, 2008

11th September Gre Quants Question


If the radius of the larger circle is twice the radius of smaller circle, then find how many times is the shaded region greater than unshaded region?

2. The Value of 0.00004/40000 is.........

3. If x < 0, then
Col A: |x|
Col B: -x

4. Col A: 0.01/1- 0.01
Col B: 0.1/1- 0.1

5. If x is a negative number, then
Col A: mod x + mod(-2)
Col B: mod(x-2)

6. If 6 < 2x < 12 and 4 < x < 7, then
Col A: x
Col B: 5

7. The coordinates ends of base of a square are given, and were asked to find the side of the square?
(Question is similar to this)

8. Given one coordinate of the edge of a square is (3/2, 3/2). What is the equation of the diagonal of a square?

9. Col A: 10^12+2^12
Col B: 12^12

10. If the area of one square is 44% more than that of other square, then by what percentage the side is differed?

11. There is a parabola whose equation was y = 2x-x^2. The parabola was drawn such that, the curvy part was in the first quadrant.. and now if (s, t) is any point between positive x-axis and the curve
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

12. Given:
Value (in cents) - Quantity
5 - x
10 - y
15 - z
If the number of 5 cents coins were equal to number of 10 cents coins and if the total number of coins in the bag were 17 and their total value was 258 cents then how would you calculate the number of 5 cent coins?

answers to Sept 11 thread :
7.Use distance formula

if there are any issues please let me know.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10th September GRE Quants Question

1. Col A: 149!/148!
Col B: (149!*148!-148!)/147!

2. An area of 1350 is given whose length is 15yards more than the width. Calculate the amount of wire needed for fencing in yards?

3. In a college of 700 students, 200 choose maths, 350 choose science, 250 choose history, 150 choose both science and math and 100 chose neither. Calculate the number of sophomores who chose all three?

4. If x and y are positive even numbers, then
Col A: (-1)^(x+y)/2
Col B: (-1)^(x+y

5. If Y = 135degrees and Z = 145degree then find x?

6. A 6 bicylists has to be chosen from 4 adult and 4 children
Col A: How many 3 adult and 4 children teams can be formed
Col B: How many 2 adult and 2 children teams can be formed

7. The probability of A hitting the target is 2/3. And probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?

8. There is a three digit number 'N'. 'X' is in hundreds digit, 'Y' is tens digit and 'Z' is units digit. If X is multipiled by 9, Y is multipied by 6 and 'Z' by 2 and all the three are added up. What is the sum of N-735?

9. If x < 0, then
Col A: [x]
Col B: -x

10. There is a parabola whose equation was y=2x-x^2. The parabola was drawn such that, the curvy part was in the first quadrant.. and now if (s, t) is any point between positive x-axis and the curve
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

9th September GRE Quants Que

1. A circle with centre 'O' has a diameter d. If AB is any chord, then
Col A: perimeter of triangle OAB
Col B: 5d/3

2. If x and y are positive even numbers, then
Col A: (-1)^(x+y)/2
Col B: (-1)^(x+y)

3. How many distinct five digit numbers are there... that begin and end with odd numbers?

4. Given a figure of rectangle with base 15 and height 12, reduce one of the heights to 8 units... now join the shorter height to the longer height.. like a staircase with different heights at each step... the question was to find the length of the staircase?
(Question is similar to this)

5. Col A: 199!/198!
Col B: (199!-198!)/197!

6 A person has 10 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is of same colored pair?
A. 1/5
B. 1/10
C. 1/9
D. 2/9
E. xxx(some value)

7. There is a parabola whose equation is y = 2x - x^2. The parabola was drawn such that, the curvy part was in the first quadrant... now (s, t) is any point between positive x-axis and the curve.
Col A: t
Col B: 2s-s^2

8. Mary buys a product at 80% of its value, she buys another product at 70% of its value. If two products are brought together
Col A: What is the total percent of discount
Col B: 75%

9. One bucket with a capacity of V was 1/3rd full.. & another bucket with a capacity of W was 1/4th full. With the same, if the two are emptied into another bucket with capacity of x, what fraction of x is full?
(Question is similar to this)

10. If a clock shows exactly 4 '0' clock right now, then what will it show exactly 1195 hours later?

11. Given a sequence a1, a2........ an. If a1 = 25 & in the sequence if every number is '-2' times the preceding number, then
Col A: a100
Col B: -10,000

12. If 'f' is function such that f(x) = sum of prime factors of x (even repeating prime factors)
Col A: f(256)
Col B: f(210)

13. If f(n) = (n(n+1))/2 and 'm' is an integer >0 then
Col A: (-1)^f(m+1)
Col B: (-1)^f(m+2)

14. A person has 5 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is a same colored pair?

15. If x(x+4)(2x-15)(x+3) = 0, then find the product of the least value and the greatest value of x?

16. The probability of A hitting the target is 2/3. And probability of B hitting the same target is 4/7. So, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?

try to answer them as soon as possible....

Friday, September 5, 2008

5th September Gre Quants Question

1. Given the measurements of a rectangle as 80ft, 50ft. If the shorter side is increased by x% then the area after increase becomes 5400. What is the value of x?
D. None

2. In a polar axis co-ordinates system, if one point lie at a distance of 3 units from origin subtending an angle ‘Ѳ’ with the origin and another point is at exactly 55 degrees more than the first, find out the distance between the two points and also the angle subtended by the second ,in radians ?

3. Given two points (on exactly opposite ends of a circle) as (-3, 0) and (0, 5). Find radius of the circle?

4. If ‘A’ hits a target with a probability of 2/7 and if ‘B’ hits a same target with a probability of 7/16 then if both of them shoot, what is the probability that neither of them will hit the target?
A. 1/7
B. 1/21
& so on…

5. If a point in a particular co-ordinate system is (2, 9) and in another co-ordinate system is (-8, 81) then by how many degrees should the first co-ordinate system axis be rotated to get the send co-ordinate axis?

6. Given a container has a capacity V and a liquid is filled up to 1/3 of its capacity. Another container has capacity W and a liquid is filled up to 1/7 of its capacity. If both these are mixed and poured into another container whose capacity is X. Find out the fraction of occupation in the last container.


If one feet = 3yards and painting each yard costs some xxx dollars with canvassing cost 20% extra then cost of painting & canvassing the area is?
8. If n is an integer, the number of primes in between n and n+6 is?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 6
D. 3
E. 4

9. If x > 0 then
Col A: x+(1/x^-2)
Col B: x^2+(1/x)

10. Given an equation of a straight line as x + y = 4. This line makes a right angled triangle intersecting positive x-axis and y-axis. Find out the area of the triangle?

11. Col A: (1/3)^-1
Col B: 3

12. If 1 liter paint is required for painting then find the paint required for painting

13. A 16(n=4) squared box was given. All squares which are on perimeter was given, the corner 4 squares were not painted and the question is... If n>=5, then find the number of shaded squares?

14. Given two lines of the form y = ax+b and y = cx+d which intersect each other. Find y-coordinate?
(Question is similar to this)

15. The value of the expression 1/3*| y - x | (where y = x-1) is ----?

16. If 'x' & 'y' are two integers, then
Col A: 40^x*41^y
Col B: 40^x+1*41^y-1

17. If a line 'm' has points (2,1) and 'l' is the line parallel to 'm'
Col A: Slope of the line m
Col B: Slope of the line l

18. If ky + mx = 4 and the point is (2,3)
Col A: k
Col B: 1

19. If the equal side of an isosceles triangle is 30 then the unequal side can be between
A. 0 to 45
B. 0 to 60
C. 45 to 60
& so on

20. If x < 0 then (-x)(-x)/(-x)= ?
A. x
B. |x|
C. -x
D. -x^2
E. x^2

21. A Geometrical figure of hexagon with 12 equilateral triangles is given and asked to find the perimeter of the hexagon?
(Question is similar to this)

22. A car goes around a circle of radius of 14km in the first round it travels with a speed of 11km/hr in sub sequent rounds its speed increases by 11km/hr in each round how much time does the car take to cover a dist of 440km
A. 14*8/5
B. 15*14/18
C. 18*4/15
D. 4*15/18
E. 7*4/15

23. Given a line which is passing through {1/2, 1/2} & origin. Which of the following equations has same slope?
A. Y = X
& so on...

24. Another question had a series of numbers not arranged in any ascending or descending order and the question asked is to how much more is the median of the series above when compared to the mean of the above series?
(Question is similar to this)

25. Given two lines ‘L’ as y = ax + b and another line ‘M’ as y = dx + c where a=! d and b=! c and ad=! bc. Express the equation of lines in terms of a, b, c, d when the lines are intersected?

26. If t^4 = 16
Col A: t
Col B: 2

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3rd September GRE Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Summit

2. Ambiguous

3. Jocund

4. Mire

5. Peripatetic

6. Rooted

7. Hush

8. Exhortation

9. Misdemeanor

10. Avowal

11. Senility


1. Summit: Mountain

2. Motivation: Exhortation

3. Misdemeanor: crime

4. Senility: Consciousness

Issue Topic:

1. Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.

2. .The character of the leaders of the society can be determined by the character of men and women of the society who chose them.

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Alta Manufacturing.

"During the past year, Alta Manufacturing had thirty percent more on-the-job accidents than nearby Panoply Industries, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts believe that a significant contributing factor in many on-the-job accidents is fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Alta and thereby increase productivity, we should shorten each of our three work shifts by one hour so that our employees will get adequate amounts of sleep."

3rd September Gre Quants Que


1. A person has 10 pairs of sox and each are differently colored. If a person picks one pair of sox simultaneously, what is the probability that it is a same colored pair?
A. 1/4
B. 1/5
C. 1/9
D. 1/10
E. 1/(xx)

2. If the LCM of x, y is 24 and the LCM of k, z is 30 then what is the LCM of x, y, k, z?

3. Given that a fruit vendor has 'T' fruits and he sells 150 fruits of them for $0.36. The next day the vendor wants to get the same amount of money he got the previous day, so he changes the price,What is the changed price in terms of 'T'?
(Question is similar to this)

4. If t^4 = 16 then
Col A: t
Col B: 2

5. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 1:2:3 then what is the largest angle?

6. Given set A:{15,16,17,18,19} and set B: {6,7,8,9}. If set C is the sum of set A and set B elements then what are the different possible values of set C?

7. Given an equilateral traingle ABC, & 'D' is the midpoint of BC. If AD = X then what is the perimeter of the triangle in terms of x?

8. Given a line which is passing through {1/2,1/2} & origin. Which of the following equations has same slope?
A. Y = X
& so on...

9. If the volume of the cylinder 'A'(whose radius is 'R' and height is 'H') is 'K' then what is the volume of an another cylinder B whose radius & height is double the radius & height of cylinder A?
Col A: K
Col B: 4K

10. Which of the following is equal to 586?
A. -(384 -586)+384
.. & so on...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2nd September GRE Verbal Question

I could remember only these

1. Arid
2. Omnipotent
3. Lung::Respire
4. Exasperate
5. hamper
6. reverent::sincerity
7. fervid

2nd september GRE Quants Que

1. The telephone question which appeared in the previous threads
2. col a 3^50 colb 2^25
3. s={1 2 3 4 5 } t={6 7 8 9 10} when the values in s added with t how many different values will be formed..
4. 6 bicylists has to be chosen from 4 adult and 4 children
cola: how many 3 adult and 4 children teams can be formed
colb : How many 2 adult and 2 chldren teams can be formed
5. It take 1 litre of enamel to paint 16 sq mtrs. Then how much litres of enamel is required to paint 64 cubic metrs.

6. if a line m has points (2,1) and l is the line parallel to m
col a: slope of the line m
col b: slope of the line l

7. if ky+mx=4 and the point is (2,3)
col a k
col b 1

I didnt get any problems related with circles.

Friday, August 29, 2008

29 August Gre Verbal Question





5. Repudiate

6. Complaisance

7. Encomium

8. Embezzle

9. Adamant

10. Demoralized

11. Natatorium

12. Imbue

13. Vapid

14. Clairvoyant

15. Obscene


1.Game: Stadium

2.Brake: speed

3.Embezzling: stealing

4.Generator: Electricity

5.Factory: Product

29th august GRE Quants Question

1. If a/b @ c = (a/b) / c then (7/3) @ 4 =?

2. Col A: 100! / 99!
Col B: (100! – 99!) / 98!

3. Given three points a, b, c. If a, b lie on the same line and if all these three points are at same distance between each other, then
A. None of the points lie on the same plane.
B. Only one point lies on the plane.
C. Two points lie on the plane.
D. More than two points lie on the plane.
E. None of the above.

4. Given a series -9, 10, -11, 12, -13. . . . . . . . . . .80
Col A: sum of first 27 numbers
Col B: -22

5. If 100 < Y
Col A: 2y
Col B: 400


As in above figure a, b and c are three angles & it is given that RQ is parallel to NO and PQ is parallel to MN.
Col A: a
Col B: b+c

Thursday, August 28, 2008

28 th August GRE Quats Question

1. If N is an odd and negative integer and it is a product of ten different integers.
Col A: no. of odd integers used in the product to get N
Col B: no. of negative integers used in the product to get N

2. Given a figure of combination of two triangles, in which first triangle contains 90, x, y degree angles and second triangle contains 90, z, w degrees. Which of the following conditions must be true?
I. x - w = z - y
II. x + y = w
III. z = 90 - w
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III only
& so on....

3. Given a sequence -9, 10, -11, 12, -13, 14, -15..... Find the sum of first 40 integers in sequence?

4. If n > 1 then
Col A: (-1)^(4n-3)
Col B: (-1)^(4n-2)


If all the seven circles are shaded like above then what is the area of unshaded region?

6. The standard deviation of the series 3, 7, 9, 13, 17 is?

7. Col A: 77!/78!
Col B: 87!/88!

8. If 2^n > 10^15n then which of the following options satisfies the condition
A. 30
B. 45
C. 60
D. 75

9. If x, y are the prime numbers greater than 10, then which of following must be even?
A. (x^2)*(y^2)
B. x^2 + x*y
C. 2*x*y + x
& so on....

10. Given a line in xy-plane with slope k = -3 & the points are (2, k), (-3, m)
Col A: k-m
Col B: -15

11. The approximate value of ((61.16)(.9Cool^2)/sqrt(401) is
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
E. 1

12. Col A: 0.9999/0.9998
Col B: 1.0002/1.0001

13. There is a junior and senior team who has taken tests. The average of junior team members who have taken tests are 88 and the average of senior team members is 92
Col A: the average of senior and junior team
Col B: 90

14. When a number is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. What is the remainder when the square of that number is divided by 8?

15. If the selling price of a product is 25% lesser than its list price and 40% greater than its cost price, then what is the list price of the product if the cost price = 30 ?

16. Last year, 1/4 of factory workers are architects. One year ago 60 workers newly joined in which 50 are architects and no one left the factory since last year and if now 1/3 of factory workers are architects then find the total number of workers?

17. When 'w' is divided by 14, the remainder is zero. If 'w' is three lesser than it value and when divided by 15, its remainder is 14. What is the value of 'w'?

18. If RST is isosceles triangle with RS = ST and P be a point on the side RT, then which of the following conditions must be true:
i) SP < ST
ii) SP < RT
iii)SP < PT

Monday, August 25, 2008

25th August Gre Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Exacerbate

2. Stern

3. Debauched

4. Lampoon

5. Impeachable

6. Gratuitous

7. Feral

8. Amenable

9. Futility

10. Pragmatic

11. Saboteur

12. Disrupt


1. Starryeyed: Pragmatic

2. Saboteur: Disrupt

3. choreograph:movement

25th August Gre Quants Question

If AB = BC, CI = IH & DE = EF then
Col A: Area of Rectangle GDEF
Col B: Sum of areas of Rectangle ABCD & CIHE

2. What is the closest integer to sqrt(171)?

3. If an = n { (-1)^n – 1)}, and a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 are the terms then what is the difference between greatest & least term?

4. No. of Members Least weight Range
20 members 100 29
21members 130 35
When two groups are joined, what is the median weight of the group?

5. Col A: 0.9999/0.9998
Col B: 1.0002/1.0001

6. If (2x+7) < 13 then
Col A: x^2
Col B: 9


If AC = x, then find the perimeter of the figure?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Barrons Gre Flash Card

Just Take out the print out and fold the Card in appropriate manner so that u can hide the answer of gre word and check your answer by seeing back.

Read this document on Scribd: Barron FlashCard

22 august gre quats question

1. There is a junior and senior team who have taken tests. The average of junior team members who have taken tests are 88 and the average of senior team members is 92
Col A: the average of senior and junior team
Col B: 90

2. Given 0.61 Col A: square root(x)
Col B: 0.73

3. A toy manufturer company manufactures 20,000 toys and exports ¾ and 1/10 and donates some (xxx) value for charitable trust.
Find the number of toys left in the company?

4. There are rooms from 101 to 550 inclusive in which the starting rooms are numbered from 1, 2, 3 and the waiting rooms are numbered from 4,5,6. What is the probability that the rooms 4, 5, 6 will be choosed randomly?

5. One side of a triangle is given as 6 and the triangle is equilateral triangle & another triangle is joined with it whose side is 10
Col A: perimeter of polygon
Col B: 30
(Question is similar to this)

6. Given a line in xy plane with slope k = -1/2
Col A: x-intercept
Col B: y-intercept

7. If x < y then
Col A: x^2+x+1
Col B: y^2+y+1

8. Which of the following number is nearer to sqrt(171)?

9. When a number is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. What is the remainder when the square of that number is divided by 8?

10. The area of circle of radius 'r' is twice the the area of triangle then r in terms of h is?

11. Col A: 0.001^-1 + 0.999^-1
Col B: 0.002^-1 + 0.998^-1

12. If the selling price of a product is 25% lesser than its list price and 40% greater than its cost price, then what is the list price of the product if the cost price = 30 ?
A. 52
B. 53
C. 56
& so on.....

13. If x and y are prime numbers greater than 10 then which of the following is an even integer?
A. x^2+xy
B. x^y +2
C. xy +2
D. 2xy +xy

14. If z>1 & z(x+y+z) = zx+zy+z
Col A: z
Col B: 0

15. If x<2 & y<3
Col A: xy
Col B: 6

16. The average salary of n employees is 32000, average salary of another different group of n-1 employees is 33000
Col A: The average salary of 2n-1 employees
Col B: 32500

17. The range of 'p' numbers is 9.5 and the range for 'q' numbers is 21.5, what is the least range value when p and q are combined together?

18. A series was given as 1, -3, 5,-7 ,9,-11,13............ In this series odd numbers are negative integers. Find the sum of first 25 numbers in the series?

19. If n is an integer then
Col A: (-1)^6n+9
Col B: (-1)^2n-1

20. A trapezoid is given whose area is 12, length of it is given as 6 & height of it is given as 3. Find the perimeter of trapezoid?

Antonyms Test 2


(A) boil : heat
(B) rubble : demolish
(C) flattery : compliment
(D) remnant : cut
(E) nut : shell


(A) animal : tame
(B) acrobat : limber
(C) dignitary : proud
(D) prisoner : repentant
(E) politician : liberal


(A) tributary : river
(B) trunk : tree
(C) article : magazine
(D) kernel : husk
(E) language : dictionary


(A) spread : knife
(B) fly : airplane
(C) obstruct : plug
(D) point : finger
(E) cover : coat


(A) obsolete : preserve
(B) confusing : obscure
(C) popular : criticize
(D) insignificant : highlight
(E) belligerent : appease


(A) brush : applicator
(B) lawmaker : government
(C) costume : gala
(D) conductor : orchestra
(E) novice : competitor


(A) play : game
(B) worship : church
(C) explore : cave
(D) relax : vacation
(E) steer : automobile


(A) expose : dormancy
(B) arrive : presence
(C) submerge : buoyancy
(D) season : blandness
(E) know : ignorance


(A) staple : collate
(B) funeral : mourn
(C) siphon : squeeze
(D) panacea : remedy
(E) monarch : serve


(A) reason : think
(B) accumulate : hoard
(C) neglect : abandon
(D) surpass : cheat
(E) discourage : burde


A. soldier : weapon
B. lawyer : law
C. blacksmith : forge
D. teacher : pupil
E. carpenter : wood


A. predictable : event
B. coordinated : movement
C. dangerous : disease
D. active : thought
E. erratic : path


A. departure : arrival
B. culmination : upshot
C. refutation : approval
D. approach : return
E. escapade : punishment


A. erudite : wisdom
B. desultory : error
C. boisterous : calm
D. cautious : restraint
E. exalted : elevation


A. envision : memory
B. aggravate : problem
C. conceal : oblivion
D. illuminate : light
E. mystify enlightenment


A. seed : flower
B. smoke : fire
C. dish : menu
D. chair : furniture
E. splinter : wood


A. dismount : devolve
B. abrogate : deny
C. abridge : shorten
D. enervate : weaken
E. miscarry : succeed


A. starvation : sustenance
B. independence : freedom
C. infirmity : illness
D. reality : foresight
E. spontaneity : care


A. impenetrable : jungle
B. navigable : waterway
C. fertile : fertilizer
D. shallow : pond
E. flat : field


A. exacerbate : problem
B. modify : accent
C. dampen : enthusiasm
D. elongate : line
E. dramatize : play


A. vegetable : garbage
B. factory : goods
C. fire : ashes
D. automobile : gasoline
E. silo : grain


A. obdurate : foolish
B. ascetic : austere
C. clamorous : captive
D. loquacious : taciturn
E. peremptory : spontaneous


A. religious : private
B. expensive : profligate
C. conservative : stoic
D. mendacious : truthful
E. fulsome : generous


A. remove : doubt
B. capture : runaway
C. seize : time
D. ruminate : idea
E. curl : hair


A. stale : porosity
B. facile : delicacy
C. ponderous : lightness
D. central : vitality
E. relevant : pertinence


A. enrolled : graduation
B. condemned : execution
C. chosen : selection
D. gathered : exhibition
E. appointed : interview


A. patent : inventor
B. royalty : author
C. wage : employer
D. interest : banker
E. investment : investor


A. village : hamlet
B. constellation : star
C. river : sea
D. finger : hand
E. tongue : mouth


A. comprehension : understanding
B. revision : correction
C. simplification : decoration
D. accuracy : abnormality
E. expurgation : distortion


A. bang : sound
B. wave : gesture
C. waltz : dance
D. simper : smile
E. hike : run


A. indulgent : intolerant
B. exhausted : energetic
C. languid : lethargic
D. unconcerned : involved
E. profligate : flippant


A. indifferent : biased
B. furtive : open
C. impecunious : voracious
D. discreet : careful
E. munificent : generous


A. admiration : jealousy
B. condescension : hatred
C. affection : love
D. pretence : truth
E. gratitude : charity


A. philanthropist : generous
B. virtuoso : glamorous
C. hedonist : indulgent
D. servant : servile
E. miser : charitable


A. tend : plant
B. impede : anger
C. calm : fear
D. fell : tree
E. exacerbate : worry


A. volatile : evanescent
B. mature : ripe
C. diurnal : annual
D. permanent : temporary
E. majestic : mean


A. list : number
B. catalogue : shop
C. thesaurus : fact
D. dictionary : spelling
E. encyclopaedia : solecism


A. employee : superior
B. socialite : recluse
C. tyro : expert
D. native : inhabitant
E. applicant : member


A. tiptoe : stamp
B. hit : hurt
C. lumber : stumble
D. talk : chat
E. pump : water


A. farce : actor
B. cartoon : film
C. prosody : poem
D. accident : ambulance
E. epigram : anecdote


A. glare : anger
B. swagger : gait
C. stare : sight
D. grow : height
E. enrage : anger


A. jeopardize : protect
B. efface : inscribe
C. assuage : increase
D. deride : ridicule
E. decrease : augment


A. pretentious : harmful
B. reprehensible : praiseworthy
C. strong : delicate
D. epidemic : widespread
E. antiseptic : medical


A. quiet : volume
B. normal : austerity
C. stagnant : light
D. scribbled : writing
E. tidy : mind


A. despoil : beautiful
B. beautify : ugly
C. glamorize : rich
D. damage : corporeal
E. improve : dull


A. aesthete : austere
B. servant : servile
C. hedonist : pretentious
D. priest : orthodox
E. philanthropist : generous


A. fallacious : fraught
B. fastidious : particular
C. exemplary : arrogant
D. apprehensive : eager
E. neutral : objective


A. fast : speed
B. suspicious : origin
C. diverse : route
D. contemporary : time
E. disparate : place


A. sensual : audible
B. irrevocable : changed
C. elastic : stretched
D. ignominious : denounced
E. sensitive : felt


A. immune : dangerous
B. conventional : unorthodox
C. pious : religious
D. eccentric : strange
E. reticent : chaotic


A. mitigate : severe
B. provoke : angry
C. endorse : tough
D. infer : certain
E. scrutinize : clear


A. chapter : novel
B. prose : verse
C. stave : music
D. song : chorus
E. overture : opera


A. subversive : undermine
B. diffident : confide
C. profligate : spend
D. gregarious : participate
E. submissive : assert


A. engage : marry
B. loose : tighten
C. splinter : join
D. mend : rend
E. diverge : convex


A. new : old
B. blooming : withered
C. fertile : barren
D. fresh : stale
E. fecund : fervid

Antonyms Test -1


A apogee
B nadir
C collapse
D apotheosis
E denial


A naive
B insincere
C thrifty
D lachrymose
E innocuous


A mollify
B dilute
C enhance
D incapacitate
E distend


A cynic
B critic
C philanderer
D philanthropist
E follower


A candor
B silence
C denunciation
D powerlessness
E gentility


A diffident
B gregarious
C egregious
D facetious
E overbearing


A rectitude
B infidelity
C corruptibility
D infamy
E uprightness


A perturbed
B pedantic
C trite
D pessimistic
E defective


A pastoral
B urban
C idyllic
D chimerical
E chromatic


A tacit
B brittle
C docile
D durable
E delicate


A concise
B drab
C vivacious
D terse
E sane


A pollution
B lavation
C fumigation
D debasement
E decompositon


A inchoate
B mundane
C compliant
D celebrated
E messy


A fastidious
B scandalous
C decent
D voluptuous
E evocative


A decrepit
B habitual
C chronic
D conditional
E novel


A grandiose
B extravagant
C trivial
D magnanimous
E immense


A assess
B appreciate
C misestimate
D depreciate
E disdain


A excitement
B torpor
C delirium
D drowsiness
E verve


A detrimental
B mendacious
C indignant
D incorruptible
E elevated


A serious
B prompt
C undefeated
D jovial
E indolent


A initial
B ultimate
C penultimate
D conterminous
E determinate


A beautiful
B domineering
C unobservant
D dynamic
E persuasive


A staid
B capricious
C dedicated
D irascible
E simple


A power
B control
C impotence
D insignificance
E illegitimacy


A infirm
B healthy
C cancerous
D injured
E vigorous


A analgesic
B mature
C callous
D arousing
E emphatic


A timid
B deleterious
C inoffensive
D pragmatic
E erratic


A arrogant
B divisive
C creative
D indecisive
E unsentimental


A feral
B cordial
C affable
D prodigal
E irascible


A glib
B infinitesimal
C taciturn
D boisterous
E frigid


A hedonist
B accomplice
C protegee
D friend
E ascetic


A excitable
B dogmatic
C destructive
D ineluctable
E handsome


A imprudence
B misconduct
C indiscretion
D finesse
E thoughtlessness


A purify
B rectify
C infuse
D organize
E restore


A clandestine
B overt
C covert
D stealthy
E rife


A passive
B complacent
C meek
D conciliatory
E forward


A commendation
B liberation
C qualification
D alliance
E disapproval


A illness
B convalescence
C vaccination
D inexperience
E ebullience


A docile
B intractable
C derogatory
D impressionable
E voracious


A unfettered
B cramped
C deleterious
D callous
E egregious


solid state
speech loss




























make worse












1. loathe
2. despise
3. adore
4. abhor
5. attach


1. servile
2. first
3. fawning
4. supercilious
5. improper


1. not resonant
2. not reddish
3. not eager
4. pompous
5. loud


1. entangle
2. rescue
3. fail
4. assert
5. predict


1. defer
2. vacillate
3. sever
4. conjoin
5. laud


1. luxury
2. magnificence
3. richness
4. contentment
5. scarcity


1. decent
2. savage
3. major
4. volatile
5. scabby


1. praise
2. repetition
3. escape
4. ratification
5. addition


1. deteriorate
2. weaken
3. constrict
4. concentrate
5. fold


1. cast aspersions on
2. deny the relevance of
3. placate
4. withhold consent
5. misrepresent


1. fervid
2. florid
3. pristine
4. extraneous
5. abundant


1. renovate
2. entrust
3. unfasten
4. encourage
5. emphasize


1. tact
2. generosity
3. thoroughness
4. loyalty
5. gratitude


1. conventional
2. prolific
3. unchanging
4. transparent
5. noticeable


1. reversed
2. lofty
3. horizontal
4. thin
5. light


1. undistinguished
2. unexpected
3. stubborn
4. restrained
5. discouraged


1. quality
2. certainty
3. plenitude
4. stability
5. incontinence


1. knit
2. omit
3. remain silent
4. measure
5. increase in value


1. irrelevance
2. inconstancy
3. inequality
4. intemperance
5. incompetence.


1. openly
2. fashionably
3. under the owse
4. simply
5. clandestinely