Friday, December 28, 2007

28th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

28th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000.
Ans: 3

2. A group of 1 proffessor and 3 students have to be made from 4 proffessor and 5 students.
Col a: Different ways in which the groups can be formed
Col b: 40
Ans: C

3. Given |x| = |y| & xy<0
Col a : x+y
Col b : 0
Ans: C

4. Given x is the principal amount deposited at 6% and y is the principal amount deposited at 10%. If y=3/4x
Col A: Interest for Rs. 10000 invested at 6%.
Col B: Interest for Rs. y invested at 10%
Ans: B

5. A man sells 2 houses, one at 20% loss on the purchase price and other at 20 % profit on the purchase price. If the selling price of both is Rs.192000 then what is the difference between the sum of the two purchase price and 384000.?

6. In a rectangular co-ordinate system point ( 5,5) is equidistant from pt (x,0) and pt (y,0)
cola : x intercept
col b: y intercept
Ans: D

7. Given 'x' is an integer, when this 'x' is divided by 5 remainder is 3.
Col a: x
Col b: 8
Ans: D

28th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

28th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Imbue

2. Absorb

3. Disheartened

4. Tortuous

5. Petulant


1. Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, it should be flexible according to circumstances, time and places.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

27th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

27th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. xCol a: xy
Col b: yz
Ans: D

2. Col A: A triangle was given which was a right angled triangle and some portion of it was cut( like a portion of it as another triangle). Its side was given has 6.Then the area of the cut portion is
Col B: 18

3. Given -14, -11, -7 , 9, 10,13.... is the series
I. Median is greater than mean
II. S.D is greater than range
III. Mean is greater than median
A.1 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C.1,2 an 3 only
D. None of these

27th - December - GRE Question - Verbal

27th - December - GRE Question - Verbal











1.Fretwork: ornamentation

2.Truculent: light

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

26th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

26th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Square root of [(2^4 ) * (3^8)] is

2. Col A: [(2+ sqrt(3)) / (2 - sqrt(3)]^3
Col B: (10^6 / 3^6)

3. Col A: 1+ 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16
Col B: 2(1-1/2+1/4-1/8+1/16-1/32)

4. Given two rectangular solids. If smaller one has edges of 80% of the larger ones then
Col A: the ratio of smaller solid to the bigger is
ColB: 66/200

26th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

26th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Self-effacement

2. Placid

3. Fraught


1. It was some shit about the government imposing regulations in the development of science and technology.


1. The sale of Super-Gym and the usual flawed statistics are claimed to be very profitable to open a new franchise.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

25th - December - GRE questions - Quant

25th - December - GRE questions - Quant

1. Col a: |-x| - |-2|
Col b: |x-2|

2. Given x>100 rounded off value of

--------- is
a. 2
Ans: b

3. Mary earns a monthly salary of Rs.20,000. She bought a TV ..... and 40% of the remaining money was invested in bank for 6% annual simple interest and remaining 10% for simple interest for 1 year. If the total amount received by bank per one year is 1250. What was the cost of that TV?

4. Col a : x^ -x
Col b: 1/ (x^ -x)
Ans : D

5. If a square is inscribed inside in a circle of radius r. Then find the perimeter of the square is...

6. Given Line 1 with slope 'l' : 5x-y-3=0
and Line 2 with slope m : 5x+y+3=0
Col a: 'l"
Col b : m

7. If n is an odd positive integer then n^2 - 1 is a multiple of....
a. 5
b. 8
c. 10
d. 7

25th - December - GRE questions - Verbal

25th - December - GRE questions - Verbal



2. Voluble

3. Mulish

4. Opine

5. Pundit

6. Equivocation

7. Go-getter

8. Glacier


10. Intimidate

11. Odious



14. Natatorium

15. Luculent

16. Qurush

17. Gravitas

18. Skullduggery

19. Limpid

20. Modicum

21. Mirth

22. Avarice

23. Crotch


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Posts: 121

Re: 25th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 11:27:28 PM »


1. Indelible: forget

2. Glacier: slow

3. Approach: intimidate


1. A study shows that in their conversations people made 23 references to television viewing and just one reference to reading fiction. So, this may indicate that television industry is making more profits that the print media. Hence, to make a better career, the writers should write for television industry and less for print media"


1. To raise the quality of education in schools and colleges, it is required by the entire faculty to work in the field which they teach the students."

Monday, December 24, 2007

24th - December - GRE - Quant

24th - December - GRE - Quant

1. A right triangle AEC with AE=EC=6 (AE & EC are base & height). B is apoint on the hypotenuse AC and D is a point on EC. BD is joined.
Col A: area of quadrilateral AEDB
Col B: 18

2. If surface area of a cube is 36. Then Volume of the cube is?

3. Given Points (-5,-7) and (3,-4) lie on the line, if point (x,13) lies on the same line, find x?

4. Out of 100 people 40 liked cereal A, 38 liked cereal B. Some people liked both and twice the number who liked it did not liked either of them. Find the number of people who liked the both?
A. 15
B. 11
C. 32
D. 22
E. 14
Ans: 22

5. Given x+y=43 and x and y are positive primes.
Col a: xy
Col b: 86

6.If the sides of a right angled triangle are n, 2n-1, 2n+1 and 'n' being positive, then the value of 'hypotenuse' ?
Ans: d

7. A and B are independent events, p(A)=0.6 and p(B)=0.8.
Col a : probobality of happening event A or B is
Col b : 0.92
Ans: C

8. When 't' is divided by 9, the remainder is 1 and when it is divided by 11 remainder is 8. Find 't'?

24th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

24th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Fixed

2. Elucidate

3. Desultory

4. Banal

Issue Topic:

1. Technology does more bad than good, and affects quality of life.

Friday, December 21, 2007

21th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

21th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Col a : | -2x + 1 |
Col b : |-2x | + 1
Ans: D

2. A man sells 2 cars(which are of same cost) , one at 20% loss on the purchase price and other at 20 % profit on the purchase price. If the selling price of both is Rs.192000 then whats the difference between the sum of the two purchase price(c.p) and 384000.

3. Perimeter of square is less than the perimeter of the triangle.
Col a : Ratio of side of square upon the side of a triangle
Col b : 3/4
Ans: D

4. Given ax + by = c is a straight ine and 0Col a :x intercept
Col b :y intercept
Ans: A

5. Given |x| = |y| & xy<0
Col a : x+y
Col b : 0
Ans: C

6. P = (n)(n+1)(n+2)(n+3) where n is a positive integer
Col a : Remainder when P is divided by 3
Col b : 1
Ans: B

7. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000

8. How many rectangular cuboids are required to form a cube with least possible dimensions when the rectangle cuboid is of dimensions 7X5X3.

9. If ak = (1/k) - (1/k-1); then find a4+a5+a6+a7+a8+a9=?
Ans: 6

10. If the circumference of a circle 'C' is equal to perimeter of a square 'S' then
Col A: area of a square 'S'
Col B: area of circle 'C'

11. If |s|=r
Col A: s
Col B: r
Ans: D

12. Col A: sqrt( 2^4*3^8)
Col B: sqrt(2^2*3^4)

13. ColA : 7^8
ColB : 8^7
Ans: A

21th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

21th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal














13.Go getter



1.Novelist: book

2.Mulish : persuaded

3.Pundit : opine

4.Impetuous: hesitancy

5.Fretwork: ornamentation

6.Equivocation: ambiguous


1.The purest achievement of the nation lies in rulers, artists and scientists….. the general welfare of the people."

2.Developing technology is decreasing the quality of life.


1. Patients are suffering from severe Muscle strain. Regarding this problem all the patients get divided into two groups. First group patients were treated by the Dr. (XXX), who is a specialist in curing the problems faced by sports pupil. He treated them with antibiotics. The recovery period of this treatment was 40% more as expected. Second group were treated by another Dr. (XXX) who is a general physician. He treated them with sugar pills. And recovery time was not given."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

20th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

20th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 21, 2007, 08:18:34 AM »

20th - December - GRE - Quant

1. A line y = mx + b on the xy-coordinate makes a y-intercept which is twice the x-intercept.
Col A: m
Col B: -2
Ans: C

2. Col A: 1/ (0.01)^-10
Col B: 1/10^-20
Ans: B

3. Col A: (10^18 - 10^16)/9
Col B: 11(10^16)

4. A right triangle AEC with AE=EC=6 (AE & EC are base & height). B is apoint on the hypotenuse AC and D is a point on EC. BD is joined.
Col A: area of quadrilateral AEDB
Col B: 18

5. 1/ (1/6+1/6+1/6) = ?
Ans: 2

6. In how many ways can 1 professor and 5 students can be taken from 4 professors and 10 students.
Ans: 4c1 * 10c5

7. If 't' is ten's digit and 'u' is unit digit and 'N' is an integer such that 624<685. Which of the following is divisible by 3.
c) ..... etc.

8. Given x is the principal amount deposited at 6% and y is the principal amount deposited at 10%. If y=3/4x
Col A: Interest for Rs. 10000 invested at 6%.
Col B: Interest for Rs. y invested at 10%
Ans: B

9. Given -1If 1, -1, x, x^2, x^3 is the series. Find median?
Ans: x^3

10. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000


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Posts: 133

Re: 20th - December - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 08:18:53 AM »

11. n is a integer, then which of these is an odd number
I. n+3
II. n^2+4
III. n^3+5
A. none
B. 1 only
C. 2 only
D. 3 only
E. 1 and 3 only
Ans: A

2. If surface area of a cube is 36. Then Volume of the cube is?

13. If (2)^n / (2)^3 = 8 then n = ?
Ans: n = 6

4. Given a rhombus... with its side d1 = 24, and area = somevalue(XXX). Find d2?

15. A person buys two items of the same kind. If he sells one at 25% of profit and other at 25% of loss then what is the price of the item?
.. question is something like this....

16. If n is positive and ab=1
Col A:a^n
Col B:b^n
Ans: D

17. (33 1/3)% of (40) / (100)% of (160) = X % of 800. Then X= ?

18. Col a: 1+1/2-1/4+1/8-1/16+1/32
Col b: 2(1-1/2+1/4-1/8+1/16-1/32)

19. Find the percent increase in area of a rectangle, if length is increased by 10% and breadth is decreased by 5% .

20. In the xy plane, if x-intercept is c and y-intercept is r. Whats is the slope of that line?
Ans: -r/c

20th - December - GRE questions - Verbal

20th - December - GRE questions - Verbal


1. Din

2. Absorb

3. Exude

4. Falter

5. Alluring

6. Bestow

7. Flu rate

8. Entice

9. Esteem

10. Venerate

11. Temerity

12. Probity

13. Pervasiveness

14. Gaunt

15. Repudiate

16. Obtain

17. Gainsay

18. Ungainly

19. Belie

20. Bliss

21. Couch

22. Complaisance


Full Member

Posts: 133


1. Ineluctable: avoid

2. Fraught: placidity

3. Mishap: accident

4. Fretwork: ornament

Issue topic:

1. The surest indicator of the greatness of a nation is not the achievements of its scientists, rulers or artists but the general welfare of the people.

2. Teachers should be paid according to their academic performance of their students.

Argument Topic:

1. A statement from president of excels food products.
An article about organic food products in a town, something related to rising of organic food production.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

19th - December - GRE questions - Quant

19th - December - GRE questions - Quant

1. 1 / (1/6+1/6+1/6 ) = ?
Ans: 2

2. Col a: (0.54)^5(0.54)^4
Col b: (0.54)^10

3. Given x is a positive integer y=2(x+1)+1
I.y is a +ve integer
II y is an odd number
III. y is a multiple of 3
Which of the above is true?
Ans: I & II are true

4. If Perimeter of circle is equal to perimeter of square then find ratio of areas?

5. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 1000 .
Ans: 3

6. 2, x, 7 are in Arthematic progression.... then valve of x is?
Ans: 4.5


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Posts: 119

Re: 19th - December - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 11:12:52 PM »

7. Sqrt(2^4* 3^6) = ?

8. If 10000 @ x% interest and 8000 @ y% interest are given and x=3/4 * y then which gives more interest in a year?
Ans: 'y' gives more interest
9. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly?
Ans: 37.5 miles

10. When a number is multiplied by 13,it will become greater to 105 by an amount with which it is lesser to105 by now.what is the number?
Ans: 15

11. Guru's draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color?
a. 14
b. 15
c. 13
d. 16
Ans: b

12. Which of the following is a parellogram:-
(a)130,50,130,50(angle in deg)
(d)a & c
Ans: d

19th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

19th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Majesty

2. Happenstance

3. Intermittent

4. Accolade

5. Agility

6. Sham

7. Disparate

8. Revel

9. Covert

10. Hull

11. Maverick

12. Rescind

13. Mind

14. Regimen

15. Reinforce

16. Aggrandize

17. Taciturn

18. Teetotalism

19. Harbor


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Posts: 119

Re: 19th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 11:11:44 PM »


1. Banquet: meal

2. Comprehensive: dire

3. Soup: ladle

4. Visa: country

5. Insect: aphid

6. Insipid: bore


1. Importance of moral and ethical values for a public official to be an effective leader.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

18th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

18th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Given Points (-2,3) and (3,-4) lie on the line, if point (x,13) lies on the same line, find x?

2. Out of 100 people 40 liked cereal A, 38 liked cereal B. Some people liked both and twice the number who liked it did not liked either of them. Find the number of people who liked the both?
A. 15
B. 11
C. 32
D. 22
E. 14
Ans: D

3. |X-3|<5
Col A: X
Col B: -8
Ans: A

4. Given a set say X = {1,3,7,4,8,9,0}
Col A : How many 5 digit numbers can be formed using the set such tht each digit can be used only once in a number.
Col B : 7*6*5*4*3
Ans: B
5. In a group there are 4 proffesionals and 5 students. If a group is formed of 3 students and 1 proffesionals, then....
Col A : No. of ways in which group can be formed.
Col B : 40
Ans : C

6. Col a: 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16
Col b: 2(1/2 + 1/4 - 1/8 +1/16 - 1/32)
Ans: B

7. ( 33 1/2) of (40)% of (240) is (x)% of 160. Find x?
Ans: 20%

8. If -1<0 then the median for x, -1, 1, x^2, x^3
Ans: x^3

18th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

18th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal
























23. Modicum


25. Pulchritude








33. Jejune

34. Didactic

35. Rebuke

36. Vapid

37. Conscientious

38. Perturbation

39. Stoical
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Posts: 138

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Re: 18th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 11:39:53 PM »


1.Soup: ladle

2.Unstable: volatile

3.Office: resignation

Monday, December 17, 2007

17th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

17th - December - GRE Questions- Verbal














13. Candid

14. Belie

15. Dissemble

16. Penurious

17. Lavish

18. Surreptitiously

19. Schism
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Posts: 138

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Re: 17th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 11:36:56 PM »


1.Dank: moisture

2.Unstable: volatile

3.Harangue: mollify

4.Appointment: official

5.Gully: erosion

6.Candy: sugar

7.Banquet: meal

8.Comprehensive: dire


1. Academic discipline changes the way we perceive things.

17th - December - GRE Questions- Quant

17th - December - GRE Questions- Quant

1. If there are 3 hooks and 5 pictures. Then find the numbers of ways to select 3 picture combinatons for each hook (given: repeatitions is not allowed).

2. Col A: (0.2)^-1
Col B: (0.1)^-2

3. Anu's monthly salary is Rs.20,000. She bought a TV ..... and 40% of the remaining money was invested in bank for 6% annual simple interest and remaining 10% for simple interest for 1 year. If the total amount received by bank per one year is 1250. What was the cost of that TV?

4. Balls are distributed one at a time, into six baskets.The 1st ball goes into basket one,the 2nd into basket two,and soon. If this is repeated....then 74th ball goes into which basket?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 2

5. Given two rectangular solids. If smaller one has edges of 80% of the larger ones, then ratio of smaller solid to bigger is?

6. The inside dimensions of a rectangular wooden box are 6*8*10. A cylindrical canister is to be placed inside the box so that it stands upstraight when closed box rests on one of its six faces. Of all such canisters that could be used , What is the radius of one that has maximum volume?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 8

7. If 7n is a multiple of 4 and 7n lies between 45 to75 then n is?

8. Given x+y=43 and x and y are positive primes.
Col a: xy
Col b: 86

9. If pq!=0 then (p+q)^2 p^2+q^2 = ?

10.Given x
Col A: xy
Col B: yz

11. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000
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Posts: 138

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Re: 17th - December - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 11:38:35 PM »

12. Col A: n^3(n-1) / n
Col B: n^3(n+1)/n

13. Which pair have their Arithmetic mean and median equal
l. x,x+1,x+2,x+3,x+4
II. x,2x,3x,4x,5x
III. 1/x,2/x,3/x,4/x,5/x

14. Given xy is not equal to 0
(x)^-1 - (y)^-1 = (xy)^-1
Col a: x-y
Col b: 1

15. A semicircle was given. If the end the angles formed by lines from end points of diameter to the circumference was given 90 and the angle between one of the chords and diameter was 'x'.
Col a :x
Col b :45

16. In a group of 100 people, if 20% weighed 60 kg.... 45% weighed 70 kg.. and remaining weighed 50 kg. Find the mean weight of the group.

17. If 252 ^ 5 is divisible by 6 ^ n then what is the highest possible value of n?

18. 3 negative numbers followed by 0 and followed by 3 positive numbers
e.g: -12, -14, -7 , 0, 4, 2, 8
I. Median is greater than mean
II S.D is greater that mean
III.S.D is greater than median
A. Only I is true
B. Only II .....etc

19. Find the value of 1/{(1/6)+(1/6)+(1/6)}

20. Compare
Col A: ((5^20)-(5^19))/20
Col B: 5^18

21. Compare
Col A: (x)^-x
Col B: (-x)^x

22. A right triangle was given with base and height as 6 cm AB base..BC hypotenuse...CA height... If a line was drawn from a point E on CA to a point F on BC.
Col a :Area of ABC
Col b: Area of quadrilateral ABFE

23. If circumference of square S is equal to circumference of Circle C with daimeter 'd' then what is the ratio of their areas?

GRE quant question on 17th Dec.

Hi, I would like to post the following question in your blog:
P,Q and R are three points in the xy plane with the following coordinates,
(1,4), (5,c) and (8,4). c is greater than 4.
Left col: Length of PQ
Right col: Length of QR

Friday, December 14, 2007

14th - December - GRE - Quant Questions

14th - December - GRE - Quant Questions

1. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000 .

2. Find the percent increase in area of a rectangle, if length is increased by 10% and breadth is decreased by 5% .

3. k-3 is a multiple of 5 and k+2 is a multiple of 2 find k^2.

4. Given -1<0.
If 1, -1, x, x^2, x^3 is the series. Find median?
Ans: x^3

5. If Slope of line 'L' is 2 , then find the slope of line M.. which is perpendicular to the line L.
Col a : m
Col b : 2
Ans: B

14th - December - GRE - Verbal Questions

14th - December - GRE - Verbal Questions


1. Mind


3. Majesty

4. Complaisance

5. Dire

6. Fuse

7. Veto

8. Quandary

9. Maverick

10. Accolade

11. Injurious

12. Dispassionate

13. Deviate

14. Stagnant

15. Majesty


1. "Telecast of proceedings of government helps in development of society"

Thursday, December 13, 2007

13th - December - GRE - Quant Questions

13th - December - GRE - Quant questions

1. If the sides of a right angled triangle are n, 2n-1, 2n+1 and 'n' being positive, then the value of 'n' is?
Ans: B

2. x<1
Col A : x/y
Col B : x+y
Ans: D

3. A and B are independent events, p(A)=0.6 and p(B)=0.8.
Col a : probobality of happening event A or B is
Col b : 0.92
Ans: C

4. Col a: 1+1/2-1/4+1/8-1/16+1/32
Col b: 2(1-1/2+1/4-1/8+1/16-1/32)

5. 1cake +1pie=11.25 and 4cakes+5pie=50
Col a: cost of cake
Col b: cost of pie
Ans: A

6. What is the value of 'n' when 252^5 is divided by 6^n.
Ans : 10

13th - December - GRE questions- Verbal

13th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:16:40 AM »

13th - December - GRE - Verbal







1.Marriage: Wedding


1.It is much better if ideas are shared in the form of images rather than the verbal communication when large group need to be addressed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12th - December - GRE - Quant

12th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: Today at 05:55:02 AM »

12th - December - GRE - Quant

1. If c=25/3 +16/7 then c lies in between.
a. 6<7
b. 7<8
c. 8<9
d. 9<10
e. <10<11
Ans: e

2. If x+2y =2; and(x+y)^2=9, which of the following is the possible value for y?
a) -8
b) -5
c) -3/2
d) 3/2
e) 5
Ans: e

12th - December - GRE - Verbal

12th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: Today at 05:54:01 AM »

12th - December - GRE - Verbal










1.Soup: Ladle

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

11th - December - GRE - Quant

11th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 12, 2007, 12:56:06 AM »

11th - December - GRE - Quant

1. If Y+3 is a multiple of 5 and Y-5 is a multiple of 3,then What is the multiple of y^2?

2. Given numbers -17, -13, -9, 7, 14,19. Find range, median, standard deviation?

3. Given a number line with numbers 6/32, 6/19, 9/32. Find the greatest number?
Ans : 6/19

4. x=0.01
Col a: square root x
Col b: 1/x

5. From even numbers between 1 to 9 two different numbers are chosen at random. What is probablity that their sum will be 8.

6. Given pq not equal to zero
Col a : (p+q)^2
Col b :p^2+q^2
Ans: D

7. Given series a1,a2, .......,ar, ak-1, ak (here 1,2,r,k,k-1 are suffix) and a1=3, ak=ak- 1 + 4. Find a20?
Ans: 79

8. There are 43 persons in a group. 'D' is the shortest person in height among all 43 persons and 'E' is the tallest person among all 43 persons.
Cola :range of all 43 persons
Colb :range of only the two persons(D & E).
Ans : C

9. (33 1/2)% of (40) / (100)% of (160) = X % of 800. Then X= ?

11th - December - GRE - Verbal

11th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 12, 2007, 12:55:06 AM »

11th - December - GRE - Verbal








7. Herculean

8. Trifling


10. Polemical

11. Bromide

12. Hackneyed

13. Gratuitous

14. Wedding


1. Marriage: Wedding

2.Gratuitous: justification

3. Bromide: hackneyed


1. Now-a-days people are copying role models rather than understanding their own needs

Friday, December 7, 2007

7th - December - GRE - Verbal

7th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 08, 2007, 01:24:49 AM »

7th - December - GRE - Verbal


1.Quandary : a state of perplexity or uncertainty; dilemma.
Synonyms: bewilderment, mire, predicament, strait.
Antonyms: certainty, decisiveness

2.Transgression : violation of a law, command, etc; sin.
Synonyms: breach, contravention, defiance, encroachment, erring, infringement, iniquity, misdemeanor, trespass.
Antonyms: obedience

3.Polemical : a controversial argument, as one against some opinion
Synonyms: arguable, contentious, contestable, dubious, litigious, moot.
Antonyms: agreeable, unequivocal.

4.Hiatus : a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, any gap or opening.
Synonyms: aperture, breach, chasm, interim, lacuna, lapse, rift.

5.Addle : to make or become confused.

6.Encipher : to convert (a message, communication, etc.)

7.Emulate : to try to equal or excel;
Synonyms: compete, contend, imitate, mimic, out vie.

8.Saunter : a leisurely walk or ramble;
Synonyms: airing, amble, constitutional, promenade, ramble.

9.Succor : to help or relieve.
Synonyms: aid, ameliorate, assist, avail
Antonyms: disfavor, hinder.

10.Pulchritude : physical beauty; comeliness.
Synonyms: adorableness, allure, elegance, exquisiteness, glamour.

11.Dauntless : fearless;
Synonyms: courageous, gallant, intrepid, invincible, stouthearted, valiant, valorous
Antonyms: daunted, irresolute, poltroon.

12.Abate : to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc;
Synonyms: allay, diminish, dwindle, quell, recede, subdue.
Antonyms: enhance, intensify, prolong, surge

13. Peremptory : leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal.
Synonyms: arbitrary, assertive, autocratic, bossy, dogmatic, imperative, intolerant, obligatory, obstinate, rigorous, stringent, tyrannical.

14.Timorous : full of fear; fearful.
Synonyms: abashed, aghast, anxious, apprehensive, blanched, cowed, daunted, dismayed, intimidated, panic-stricken, perplexed, perturbed, rattled, spooked.
Antonyms: bold, courageous, valiant .

15. Formulate : to express in precise form, to devise or develop.
Synonyms: codify, contrive, forge, systematize, vamp.

16.Cameo: a technique of engraving upon a gem or other stone, as onyx, in such a way that an underlying stone of one color is exposed as a background for a low-relief design of another color.

17. Disparate : distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar.
Synonyms: contrary, discrepant, incommensurate.
Antonyms: alike, analogous, equivalent .

18.Tantalizing : having or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest, or desire.

19. Vile : highly offensive, unpleasant.
Synonyms: abandoned, abject, appalling, coarse, contemptible, debased, depraved, despicable, filthy, grungy, loathsome, nefarious, raunchy,repugnant, skuzzy, wretched.
Antonyms: gentle, kind

20. Vex : to irritate;
Synonyms: abrade, afflict, aggravate, agitate, annoy, exasperate, fret, hassle, irk, noodge, peeve, perplex, plague.
Antonyms: aid, assist, help, soothe

21. Vapid : lacking or having lost life; without liveliness or spirit.
Synonyms: bland, inane, insipid, jejune, stale, tame, tedious, unpalatable, vacant. Antonyms: lively, sharp
Jr. Member
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Re: 7th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 01:25:38 AM »


1.Pinch: quantity

2.Peep: sound

3.Herculean: trifling

Thursday, December 6, 2007

6th - December - GRE - Verbal

6th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:27:10 AM »

6th - December - GRE - Verbal
















15. Ostentatious

16. Gravitas

17. Ascetic

18. Formulate


20. Peremptory

21. Abate

22. Pulchritude

23. Boorish

24. Sophisticated

25. Succor

26. Pliant

27. Persuasive

28. Coy

29. Rebuff

30. Cumbersome


32. Venerate

33. Flounder

34. Desiccate

35. Reifies

36. Obdurate

37. Sagacity
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Re: 6th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 12:27:37 AM »


1.Saunter: walk

2.Marriage :wedding

3.Gratuitous : justification

4.Bromide : hackneyed

5.Cameo: sculpture

Argument Topic:

1. Statistical data taken from dentists showed that men were 3 times likely to faint during a dental visit compared to women. It is therefore concluded that nervousness is the cause and dentists should try to keep advertisements especially for men so as to reassure them and understand the sensitivity.

6th - December - GRE - Quant

6th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:28:59 AM »

6th - December - GRE - Quant

1. Given there are 50 numbers, if the average of the first 25 numbers is 16 ,next 10 numbers is 15 and the last set is 20. What is the average of the entire set ?
Ans: 17

2. /X-3/<5
Col A: X
Col B: -8
Ans: A

3. Given Set={1,3,4,5,7,8,9}
Col a: number of ways in which 5 digit number can be formed
Col b: 7*6*5*4*3
Ans: A

4. A number divided by 5 leaves a reminder 3 and when divided by 7 leaves a reminder 4
Ans: C

5. If x<0, then the median for x, -1, 1, x^2, x^3 is
Ans: -1

6. 0 Col a: x intercept
Col b: y intercept
Ans: A

7. Col a: 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16
Col b:2(1/2 + 1/4 - 1/8 +1/16 - 1/32)
Ans: B

8. A line passing through (5,5) touches x-axis and y-axis at (x,0) and (0,y) respectively.
Col a:x
Col b:y
Ans: D

9. Of the following numbers which of them has highest Standard Deviation?
1. 25,26,27,28,29,30
2. 28,28,28,28,28,28
3. 23,24,25,26,26,26

10. Col A : sqrt(26)
Col B : sqrt(24) + 1
Ans: B

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

5th - December - GRE - Verbal

5th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:24:12 AM »

5th - December - GRE - Verbal













12. Transgression

13. Intangible

14. Bolster

15. Coy

16. Covert

17. Truculent

18. Laconic

19. Peep

20. Pinch

21. Ostracize
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Re: 5th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 12:24:38 AM »


1. Disguise: alter

2. Crutch: support

3. Pinch: measure

4. Peep: sound

5. Hardness: mass

6. Ruler: length

7. Degree: centigrade

8. Insect: aphid

9. Wary: gulled


1. When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?

5th - December - GRE - Quant

5th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:26:14 AM »

5th - December - GRE - Quant

1. When 't' is divided by 9, the remainder is 1 and when it is divided by 11 remainder is 8. Find 't'?

2. x=!0
Col a : x^-x
Col b : 1/(x^-x)

3. Col a : (10^18-10^16)/9
Col b : 11
Ans: A

4.Col A : 0.01^-2
Col B : 10^-20
Ans : A

5th DEC- GRE Verbal....this section sucks

5th DEC- GRE Verbal....this section sucks
« on: Today at 06:53:55 AM »

Hi Guys,
All the best !!!!
Words encountered during the GRE test.
1. Matter-of-fact
2. Flounder
3. Desiccate
4. Civilist
5. reifies
6. obdurate
7. pliant
8. persuasive
9. Gratuitous : justification
9. sagacity
10. bromide : hackneyed
11. boorish
12. sophisticated
13. suffrage
14. ostentatious

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

4th - December - GRE - Quant

4th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: Today at 01:07:15 AM »

4th - December - GRE - Quant

1.From even numbers between 1 to 9 two different numbers are chosen at random. What is probablity that their sum wil be 8.
Ans: c

2.A person saved $2 on first day, $4 on second day and $6 on third day and so on.... Find the total amount saved in the month of june.
Ans: $930

4th - December - GRE - Verbal

4th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: Today at 01:05:40 AM »

4th - December - GRE - Verbal


1.Unobservable : not accessible to direct observation;
Synonyms: airy, disembodied, imprecise, nebulous, tenuous, vague.
Antonyms: palpable, tangible

2.Lightheartedness : the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you;
Synonyms: coquetting, dallying, flippancy, folly, frivolousness, gaiety, jest, levity, puerility, trifling, volatility, whimsy.
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity

3.Laconic : using few words; expressing much in few words;
Synonyms: breviloquent, brusque, compendious, crisp, curt, pithy, succinct, terse
Antonyms: loquacious

4.Kiosk : a small structure having one or more sides open
Synonyms: bandstand, booth, rotunda, stall.

5.Intangible : not definite or clear to the mind
Synonyms: abstract, abstruse, airy, elusive, ethereal, evanescent, evasive, impalpable, obscured, vague.
Antonyms: tangible

6.Coy : artfully or affectedly shy or reserved;
Synonyms: bashful, coquettish, demure, diffident, evasive, flirtatious, kittenish, prudish, self-effacing, skittish, timid, unassertive.
Antonyms: aggressive, assertive, bold, cheeky, forward.

7.Befriend : to make friends or become friendly with.
Synonyms: aid, assist, patronize, sustain, uphold.
Antonyms: ignore, neglect, reject, shun.

8.Transgression : violation of a law, command, etc.; sin.
Synonyms: breach, contravention, defiance, encroachment, erring, iniquity, trespass.
Antonyms: obedience
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Re: 4th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: Today at 01:06:00 AM »


1. It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician

2. Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity
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Re: 4th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #2 on: Today at 01:06:23 AM »


1. The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.

"Many other companies have recently stated that having their employees take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course has greatly improved productivity. One graduate of the course was able to read a five-hundred-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company in under a year. Obviously, the faster you can read, the more information you can absorb in a single workday. Moreover, Easy Read costs only $500 per employee — a small price to pay when you consider the benefits to Acme. Included in this fee is a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscription to the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of our employees to take the Easy Read course."
2. The following is a recommendation from the business manager of Monarch Books.

"Monarch Books should open a cafe in its store to attract more customers and better compete with Regal Books, which recently opened a cafe. Monarch, which has been in business at the same location for more than twenty years, has a large customer following because it is known for its wide selection of books on all subjects. Opening the cafe would clearly attract more customers. The cafe would require relatively little space. Space could be made for the cafe by discontinuing the children's book section, which will likely become less popular given that the last national census indicated a significant decline in the percent of the population who are under age ten."

Monday, December 3, 2007

3rd - December - GRE - Quant

3rd - December - GRE - Quant
« on: Today at 01:04:24 AM »

3rd - December - GRE - Quant

1. x^2, x^3, x, -1, 1 are the 5 given no. Find the median if x<-1.
Ans: -1

2. If A's speed is 50 km/h and B's speed is 55 km/h. If A covers distance in 5 hours, how much time B will take to cover the same distance.
Ans: 4.5 hrs

3. What is the value of 'n', if 254^5 is divisible by 6^n?

4. |s|
sqroot of r^2.

Col A.......s
Col B.......r
Ans: D

5. In a group there are 4 proffesionals and 5 students. If a group is formed of 3 students and 1 proffesionals, then....
Col A : No. of ways in which group can be formed.
Col B : 40
Ans: C

3rd - December - GRE - Verbal

3rd - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: Today at 01:02:35 AM »

3rd - December - GRE - Verbal

TODAY'S WORDS with Meanings:

1.Quandary : A state of uncertainty or perplexity; dilemma.
Synonyms: bewilderment, impasse, mire, perplexity, plight, predicament, strait.
Antonyms: certainty, decisiveness.

2.Swarthy : Having a dark complexion or color;
Synonyms: black, brown, brunet, dusky, exotic, swart, tan, tawny
Antonyms: fair, light, pale.

3. Gaunt : extremely thin and bony;
Synonyms: angular, attenuated, bare, bleak, cadaverous, desolate, emaciated, forlorn, haggard, lank, meager, scraggy, scrawny.

4.Covert : A covering or cover.
Synonyms: camouflaged, cloaked, creep, furtive, obscured, stealthy, surreptitious, veiled.
Antonyms: open, overt, unconcealed, up-front.

5.Truculent : Disposed to fight or exhibiting violence;
Synonyms: abusive, antagonistic, barbarous, bellicose, browbeating, bullying, contentious, contumelious, ferocious, intimidating, invective, mordacious, mordant, obstreperous, pugnacious,scurrilous, trenchant,vituperative.

6.Bore :to weary by dullness; a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person.
Synonyms: bromide, drone, dullsville, grunge, lump, nag, nudge, soporific.
Antonyms: charmer, exciter.

7. Stagnant : Not moving or flowing; motionless, inactive;
Synonyms: brackish, dormant, filthy, inert, passive, putrid, sluggish, stale.
Antonyms: active, flowing.

8. Crass : So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility;
Synonyms: Philistine, asinine, boorish, bovine, churlish, coarse, doltish, indelicate, loutish, lumpish, uncouth, witless.
Antonyms: delicate, refined, sensitive, tactful.

9. Luminary : An object, such as a celestial body, that gives light; a person who is an inspiration to others. Synonyms: celebrity, dignitary, eminence, leader, notability, personage, worthy .
Antonyms: nobody.
10. Dank : unpleasantly moist or humid;
Synonyms: chilly, damp, dewy, muggy, soggy.
Antonyms: arid, dry, parched.

11. Bummer : any unpleasant or disappointing experience;
Synonyms:disappointment, disaster, misfortune.

12. Fir : the wood of any coniferous tree.

13. Insipid : without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities;
Synonyms: anemic, arid, banal, beige, driveling, dullsville, feeble, inane, jejune, mundane, nebbish, prosaic, tenous, trite, vapid, wearisome, yawn.
Antonyms: interesting

14. Obstinate : not easily controlled or overcome;
Synonyms: adamant, cantankerous, contumacious, dogmatic, indomitable, obdurate, pertinacious, recalcitrant, willful.
Antonyms: amenable, compliant
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Re: 3rd - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: Today at 01:03:13 AM »


1. Humanity level is increased compared to the last century. The innovations of technology is responsible, but poverty, war, violence is the same. Technolgy cannot change the condition of poverty, war and violence.

Argument Topic:

1.Monarch books should open a cafe, to increase customers and to compete with XXX books. Monarch books cover the books of all the subject. Being on one place since last 20 years, its customers XXX increased a lot. If it will open a cafe it will definatly attract lot of customers. It will take very little space which can be adjusted by discounting the childrens section. Because according to last national census report, the population of people below 10 is decreased.

Friday, November 30, 2007

November - 30th - GRE - Quant

November - 30th - GRE - Quant
« on: December 01, 2007, 12:39:24 AM »

November - 30th - GRE - Quant

1. (0.401)(0.211)(0.197)
--------------------------- = ?

2. When n is divided by 7 reminder is 4; what is reminder when (n*2+5)/7?
Ans: 6

3. Col A: Sqrt(11+6)
Col B: Sqrt (11) + sqrt(6)
Ans: B

4. A line intersects the Y-axis at (0,a) and X-axis at (a,0). If the line passes through the point (-3,-3), find the value of a.
Ans: -6

5. In a room there are more than 12 members which are divided into a 5 member,8 member and a 12 member group.Find the least possible members in room such that finally non are left.
Ans: 120
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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 12:39:43 AM »

6. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost.If 36 people charter aircraft rather than 40,loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?

7. A figure was given in which (2x+1) degree and 75 degree forms a straight angle. Find X ?
Ans: 52

8. r^3 = (5^9/5^6)
Col A : r
Col B : 5
Ans: C

9. Col A: (5^n/5^k)^2
Col B: (n/k)^2
Ans: D

10. 3x+6y = 6
Col A : x intercept
Col B : y intercept
Ans: A
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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2007, 12:40:41 AM »

11. Three points in the coordinate system were given (4,5), (-2,-1) and (1,k) and all lie on the same line.
Col A: k
Col B: 2
Ans: C

12. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A
13. x1, x2, x3, x4 & x5 are the events Rate of occurance of them are r1, r2, r3, r4 & r5
E = x1r1+x2r2+x3r3+x4r4+x5r5/(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)
x5=r5=5. Find E?
Ans: 11/3

14. Two concentric circles with the inner circle having radius 6 feet. The path around the inner circle is 2 feet wide and a wall is to be constructed on the path. If the concrete is to be 0.06 deep, then how much concrete will be required?
Ans: 1.68 pi

15. x is an integer such that x > 2
Cola: number of even factors of 2x
Colb: number of odd factors of 3x
Ans: D

16. A semicircle was given with area =2pie. Find the perimeter of the semicircle?
Ans: 2pie+4

17. check the diag here ->

Given x= y and EF || BC
COL A: area of triangle ABC
COL B: area of triangle DEF
Ans: (if EF = BC then ans is C)

November - 30th - GRE - Verbal

November - 30th - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 01, 2007, 12:37:14 AM »

November - 30th - GRE - Verbal


1.Stagnant : Not moving or flowing; motionless, inactive;
Synonyms: brackish, dormant, filthy, inert, passive, putrid, sluggish, stale..
Antonyms: active, flowing.

2.Luminary : An object, such as a celestial body, that gives light; a person who is an inspiration to others.
Synonyms: celebrity, dignitary, eminence, leader, notability, personage, worthy .
Antonyms: nobody

3.Malaise : a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort.
Synonyms: angst, anxiety, debility, decrepitude, depression, despair, doldrums, enervation, feebleness, infirmity, lassitude, melancholy, uneasiness.
Antonyms: healthy, well-being
4.Exculpate: to clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame;
Synonyms: absolve, acquit, amnesty, condone, disculpate, dismiss, exonerate, pardon, rationalize, remit, vindicate .
Antonyms: blame, condemn, convict, inculpate, indict, sentence.

5.Majesty : supreme greatness or authority;
Synonyms: Atticism, Ciceronianism, Hellenism, dignity, elegance, eloquence, grandeur, lucidity, neoclassicism, nobility, sobriety, sublimity.
Antonyms: romanticism

6.Abjectness : Being of the most miserable kind;
Synonyms: contemptible, degraded, dejected, deplorable, destitute, downtrodden, fawning, forlorn, groveling, pathetic, squalid, stark, submissive, wretched.
Antonyms: commendable, dignified, esteemed, exalted, honorable.

7.Satiate : to supply with anything to excess; to satisfy to the full.
Synonyms: cloy, glut, gorge, gratify, indulge, jade, nauseate, pall, sate, slake, surfeit.
Antonyms: deprive, dissatisfy, starve.

8.Slake : to make less active, vigorous, intense, etc;

9. Exhaustive : tending to exhaust or drain
Synonyms: comprehensive, embracive, encyclopedic, intensive, profound, radical.
Antonyms: cursory, incomplete, perfunctory, shallow, superficial.

10.Appeal : an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.;
Synonyms: adjuration, bid, claim, entreaty, imploration, invocation, overture, recourse, requisition, solicitation, supplication.
Antonyms: refusal, rejection

11.Green :
Synonyms: blooming, bosky, burgeoning, callow, flourishing, foliate, immature, juvenile, pliable, puerile, sprouting, supple, verdant.
Antonyms: old

12. Pelf : informal terms for money;

13.Rapport : relation; connection
Synonyms: affinity, compatibility, concord, empathy, groovy, harmony.

14.Culpable : deserving blame or censure; blameworthy.
Synonyms: amiss, censurable, demeritorious, impeachable, indictable, liable, reprehensible, sinful.
Antonyms: blameless, inculpable, innocent, not guilty.

15.Condemnation : an expression of strong disapproval;
Synonyms: accusation, censure, conviction, damnation, denouncement, denunciation, doom, proscription, reprobation, reproof, stricture.
Antonyms: absolution, approval, praise
16.Whimsy : excessively playful; fanciful; caprice;

Jr. Member
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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 12:37:25 AM »

17.Volatile : Tending to vary often or widely;
Synonyms: airy, buoyant, capricious, effervescent, elusive, ephemeral, erratic, fickle, fleeting, frivolous, fugitive, lubricious, resilient, whimsical. Antonyms: calm, stable, steadfast.

18.Irascible : easily provoked to anger; very irritable;
Synonyms: bristly, cantankerous, cranky, feisty, fractious, grouchy, hasty, ireful, ogre, peevish, petulant, querulous, ratty, snappish.

19.Thrifty : careful and diligent in the use of resources;
Synonyms: Scotch, canny, chary, frugal, parsimonious, preserving, prudent, skimpy, sparing.
Antonyms: extravagant, spendthrift, wasteful

20.Miserly :
Synonyms: abject, avaricious, churlish, covetous, illiberal, parsimonious, penurious, screw, sordid, stingy.
Antonyms: extravagant, generous

21.Accolade : any award, honor.
Synonyms: approval, award, badge, decoration, distinction, honor, laurels. Antonyms: criticism.

22.Banquet : a lavish meal; feast.
Synonyms: feast, fete, regale.
Antonyms: light meal, snack.
Jr. Member
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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2007, 12:37:58 AM »


1.Fir: Tree

2.Culpable: Condemnation

3.Flexible: bent

4.Censure: denunciation

5.Gully: erosion

6.Banquet: meal

7.Dank: moisture


1.Images are better communicative than language.

2.Imagination is more important than knowledge in professional and academic fields.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

November - 29th - GRE - Quant

November - 29th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:54:30 AM »

November - 29th - GRE - Quant

1.2^(2n+1)- 2^2n = 2^1000. Find n?
Ans: A

2.Col A: (0.91^2/1.1^2)+(1.1^2/0.91^2)
Col B: 2
Ans: B

3.Col A: Perimeter of a square with area 32
Col B: Perimeter of a rectangle with area 42
Ans: D

4. A formula was given to find the value for n years in thousands .
Formula: 0.01n^2 + 10n + 2000 .
Col a : value for 10 years.
Col b : 2100000
Ans: A

5. Col A : (5^n/5^k) ^2
Col B : (n/k)^2
Ans: D

6. w+6,S+6,p+6 has Standard Deviation k then what will be the Standard Deviation for w,s,p?
e. none
Ans: e

7.On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81
E. 128
Ans: D

8.There is a circular water fountain of Diameter 12m. The wall of the tank has a width of 2m. If the thickness of the fountain is 0.06m, what is the volume of the concrete used in constructing the tank?
Ans: 1.68pi cu.m
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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 12:54:51 AM »

9.Compare :
Col A: square root of (125+169)
Col B: sqaure root of 125 +square root of 169.
Ans: B

10. Given two lines 'l' and 'm' which are parallel to each other. There are two points 'a' and 'b' on line 'l' and two points 'c' and 'd' of the same length is on line 'm'. If M is a mid point between 'a' and 'b' then
Col A: MC
Col B: MD
Ans: D

11. Col A : (1/9 + 1/10 + 1/11 + 1/12 + 1/13 + 1/14 + 1/15)
Col B : 7/12
Ans : Col A

12. If f(x)= 3(x)^2 - 4x + 25
Col a: what is the least number to satisfy the condiation
Col b: 0
Ans: A

13. John's salary for a particular month is given by the equation: 1520 + 0.15x where x is the amount obtained from the sales made by John. In July 2000, John got $300 more than June 2000. By how much did John's sales increase in July 2000 as compared to June 2000?
Ans : $2000

14.A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A

15.A telephone call charges at the rate x for first 1 minute, and y for the remaining time of the call. If the total charge for the call was $2.49, what was the call duration in terms of x and y.
Ans : ($2.49 – x)/y + 1

16. In a triangle the three angles are given as X,X,Y. and the avg of two angles is 65, then what is the possible value of Y in the below options?
A. 60
B. 65
C. 70
D. 75
E. 80
Ans: E
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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 12:55:09 AM »

17. If x = -1 then (1/x)+(1/x^2)+(1/x^3)+(1/x^4)=?
Ans: 0

18. Given f(n+3)=f(n) and
f(0)= 5
f(1) = 4
then the value of f(Cool is
Ans: 6

19. Area of a square is 9 and that of a rectangle is 8.
Col A: perimeter of square
Col B: perimeter of rectangle
Ans: D

20. A company sold a product for x dollars in 1990. The price of product would increase by 2.5% every year. Which of the following expressions could be used to calculate the price of the product in the year 2000?
Ans : x*(1.025)^10

21.(1/2 + 1/3)+ (1/4 -1/3) + (1/2-1/4) = 1
22. 4 points A,B,C,D on a straight line such that AD:AB = 9:1 and AD:AC = 4:1 points A,B,C,D are:-
A. -20, -8, -10, 16
B. -20, -16, 11, 16
C. -20, -16, -11, 16
D. -20, -16, -11, 7
E. -20, -10, -11, 7
Ans: C

23. A circle was given with radius 6,it contained a shaded area. The degree measure of the unshaded area was 260. Find the area of shaded region.

Col A: {[Sqrt(6) + Sqrt(7)] [Sqrt(6) - Sqrt(7)]} / Sqrt(6)
Col B: {[Sqrt(7) + Sqrt(6)] [Sqrt(7) - Sqrt(6)]} / Sqrt(7)

25. Tom brought 'n' shares for 't' dollars( n> 20).Then he sold 'n-20' shares at 't+1' per share and sold the remaining shares at 't+3' per share.
Col A: total value of shares sold - total value of shares he bought
Col B: t+40
Ans: D

November - 29th - GRE - Verbal

November - 29th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:51:29 AM »

November - 29th - GRE - Verbal











10. Divest


















28. Nimble

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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 12:52:08 AM »


1.Gully: Erosion.

2.Bone: Fossilization

3.Banquet: Meal

4.Dank: Moisture

5.Swelling: Heat

6.Duck : drake

7.Nimble: movement

8.Collude: cooperation

9.Insouciant: worry

10.Experience: green

11.Theater: play

12.Culpable: condemnation
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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 12:52:42 AM »


1.Most people choose career on latest things happening, hardly anyone choose job on their talent.

2.Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work

Argument Topic:

1.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.

"The population of Balmer Island increases to 100,000 during the summer months. To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians, the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day during the summer season. By limiting the number of rentals, the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in moped accidents that was achieved last year in the neighboring island of Torseau, when Torseau's town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November - 28th - GRE - Quant

November - 28th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 29, 2007, 01:42:23 AM »

November - 28th - GRE - Quant

1. A line 'l' passes through (3,-2) and cuts the coordinate axis. line 'm ' is perpendicular to line 'l' .
Column A : Slope of line m
Column B : 3/2

2. The distance travelled by a train is 'd' and the time taken is h hrs. Next day the train travels the same distance but reaches 15 min early. What is the average speed in terms of 'd' and 'h'?

3. 7 is the digit on tens place for X and 8 is the digit for tens place for Y. What is the Tens digit for (X+Y)
Ans: 5

4. 0<1
col A : 1/x
col B : 1/x^2

5. If n * sqrt(0.01) = 1 then What is the value of n?
Ans: 10
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Re: November - 28th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 01:42:48 AM »

6. (0.5)^-2 , (0.5)^-1 , (0.5)^0 , (0.5)^1 , (0.5)^2. Find the range of the above numbers
Ans: 3.75

7. If a line passes through (-3,2) and cuts coordinate axis.
Col A: x-intercept of line
Col B: y-intercept of line
Ans: B

8. Given f(x)=x^2+x
Col a: f(x+1)
Col b: f(x) + f(1)
Ans: D

9. If a square is inside the circle with its side 's' then What is the area of the circle?
Ans: pi * s^2/2

10. Tom brought 'n' shares for 't' dollars( n> 20).Then he sold 'n-20' shares at 't+1' per share and sold the remaining shares at 't+3' per share.
Col A: total value of shares sold - total value of shares he bought
Col B: t+40
Ans: C

November - 28th - GRE - Verbal

November - 28th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 29, 2007, 01:41:08 AM »

November - 28th - GRE - Verbal









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Re: November - 28th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 01:41:27 AM »


1.Culpable: Condemnation

2.Theatre: play

3.Courtroom: trial

4.Flexible: bent

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November - 27th - GRE - QUANT

November - 27th - GRE - QUANT
« on: November 28, 2007, 01:39:09 AM »

November - 27th - GRE - QUANT

1. Three points in the coordinate system were given (4,5), (-2,-1) n (1,k) and all lie on the same line…
Col A: k
Col B: 2
Ans: C

2. A company sold a product for x dollars in 1990. The price of the product would increase by 2.5% every year. Which of the following expressions could be used to calculate the price of the product in the year 2000?
A. x * (25)^10
B. x * (0.25)^10
C. x * (1.25) ^ 10
D. x * (1.025)^10
E. x * (0.125) ^ 10
Ans: D

3.There is a circular water fountain of Diameter 12m. The wall of the tank has a width of 2m. If the thickness of the fountain is 0.06m, what is the volume of the concrete used in constructing the tank? On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81
E. 128
Ans: D

4. 3,1,4,2,3,1,4,2...... is a series in which 3,1,4,2 are repeated for every 4 terms then what is the product of the 67th,68th term?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
E. 3
Ans: C

5. n and k are positive numbers
col a: (3^n/ 5^k)^2
colb: (n/k)^2
Ans: D

6. A+B=1 and M+T=2
A and M are positive and B and T are negative
Cola :A^2 + B^2
Col b: M^2 + N^2
Ans: D

7.The number of numbers that can be formed by the digits 1,2,3,4,3,2,1. the odd digits are at odd places is given by
A) 430
B) 215
C) 93
D) 36
E) 18
Ans: E

8. The number of numbers that can be formed by the digits 1,2,3,4,3,2,1. the odd digits are at odd places is given by
A) 430
B) 215
C) 93
D) 36
E) 18
Ans: E
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Re: November - 27th - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 01:39:28 AM »

9. Given a semicircle with radius 2 and its area is 2pie. Find the perimeter of the semicircle.
Ans: 4+2pie

10. Two lines 3x-5y=10 and 2x-10y=-3 were given and the point of intersection of these lines lies in which quadrant?
Ans: IVth quadrant

11. Given x ,10-x, 2x+3 are three numbers. If mean of these 3 numbers is 24. Find median.

12. If mode of a group of numbers is 78 then what is the range of the numbers.
Ans: D
13. If x is not equal to 0.
Col a : (x+y)^2
Col b : x^2 +y^2
Ans: D

14. Given a cylinder having volume V. There is one more cylinder that had radius and height both twice of that of the given cylinder, so what is the volume of 2nd cylinder in terms of V?
Ans : 8V

15. (x^2+y^2)/2=xy then,
col A: x
col B: y
Ans: D

16. There are 37 employees in a company X. The month of july has more number of birthdays (of employees) than any other month in the year.
Col A: Number of Birthdays in July
Col B: 3
Ans: A
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Re: November - 27th - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 01:39:47 AM »

17. {(0.401)*(0.211)*(0.197)} / {(0.some number)*(0.155)*(0.343)} = this type of question was given .

18. In a triangle the three angles are given as X,X,Y. and the avg of two angles is 65, then what is the possible value of Y in the below options?
A. 60
B. 65
C. 70
D. 75
E. 80
Ans: E

19. x is an integer such that x > 3
Col a: number of even factors of 2x
Col b: number of odd factors of 3x
Ans: D

20. A set contains following no.'s a1,a2,a3.........a100
An= ((n+1)/n)+1) for n odd integer
An= -An-1 for n even integer
Find it's range...

21. lj+2l<3 and (k-1)^2=16
coll a:jk
col b:15
Ans: B

22. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A

23. Three cuboids R, S and T were given…
Sides of R x, y, z
Sides of S x+10, y, z
Sides of T x, y, z+10
Col A: volume of s minus volume of R
Col B: volume of T minus volume of R
Ans: D

24. John's salary for a particular month is given by the equation: 1520 + 0.15x where x is the amount obtained from the sales made by John. In July 2000, John got $300 more than June 2000. By how much did John's sales increase in July 2000 as compared to June 2000?
Ans : $2000

25. A company has 54 employees. There are more birthdays on Wednesdays then on any other day of the week.
Col A: minimum no. of birthdays on Wednesdays
Col B: 8
Ans: A

November - 27th - GRE - Verbal

November - 27th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 28, 2007, 01:37:34 AM »

November - 27th - GRE - Verbal

1.Pulchritude: Great physical beauty and appeal.
Synonyms : adorableness, allure, allurement, attraction, elegance, exquisiteness, glamour, good looks, handsomeness, loveliness, physical attractiveness, prettiness, shapeliness
Antonyms: plainness, repulsiveness, ugliness

2.Dire : causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible
Synonyms: acute, burning, clamant, clamorous, climacteric, critical, crucial, crying, desperate, drastic, exigent, extreme, immoderate, imperative, importunate, instant, pressing
Antonyms: insignificant, trivial, unimportant

3.Inapt: not apt or fitting, without aptitude or capacity
Synonyms: awkward, banal, clumsy, gauche, inadept, incongruous, inept, infelicitous, insipid, jejune, maladroit, malapropos, undexterous, unproficient, unskilled.
Antonyms: competent

4.Convert (v): to change (something) into a different form or properties
Synonyms: adapt, alter, apply, appropriate, commute, interchange, make, metamorphose, modify, remodel, reorganize, restyle, revise, switch, switch over, transfigure, transform, translate, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, turn.
Antonyms: endure, hold, keep, persist, remain, stay.

5.Intractable: not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable
Synonyms: awkward, bull-headed, cantankerous, contrary, fractious, hang tough, hard-line, headstrong, incurable, indocile, indomitable, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, pat, pertinacious, perverse, pig-headed, recalcitrant, refractory, resolute, self-willed, stubborn, tenacious, unbending, unpliable, unruly, unyielding, wayward, wild, willful
Antonyms: manageable

6.Tinge: To apply a trace of color to
Synonyms: cast, colorant, coloration, coloring, dye, dyestuff, hue, nib, pigment, shade, stain, tincture, tint, tone, wash
Antonyms: white

7.Vex: to irritate, to disturb by motion
Synonyms: abrade, afflict, aggravate, agitate, anger, annoy, be at, bug, chafe, depress, exasperate, fret, gall, harass, Harry, hassle, infuriate, irk, irritate, molest, nettle, offend, peeve, perplex, pester, pique, plague, rasp, ride, rile, tease, torment.
Antonyms: aid, assist, help, soothe

Synonyms: apperception, attention, capacity, cognizance, conception, consciousness, genius, ingenuity, instinct, intellect, intuition, lucidity, perception, psyche, ratiocination, sanity, soundness, talent, wisdom, wits.

9.Tranquility: quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness;
Synonyms: ataraxia, calmness, composure, equanimity, hush, imperturbability, imperturbation, peacefulness, placidity, quiet, sedateness, serenity, stillness.
Antonyms: chaos, violence, wildness

10. Jargon (n): any talk or writing that one does not understand.
Synonyms: blubbering, burble, chatter, clamor, drivel, gab, gibberish, gossip, gushing, idle talk, jabber, jabbering, jargon, murmur, muttering, prattle, ranting, tattling.
Antonyms: quietness, silence, stillness

11. Altercation: a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversy.
Synonyms: argument, bickering, combat, contest, controversy, dispute, embroilment, falling-out, fuss, hassle, punch out, quarrel, rhubarb, row, spat, squabbling
Antonyms: agreement, concord, harmony, peace, union, unity.

12.Phlegmatic: not easily excited to action or display of emotion
Synonyms: apathetic, cold-blooded, distant, emotionless, frigid, frosty, glacial, impersonal, imperturbable, indifferent, inhibited, lukewarm, matter-of-fact, passionless, spiritless, standoffish, stony, unenthusiastic, unimpassioned.
Antonyms: animated, enthusiastic, excited, fervid, friendly, warm.

13.Magniloquent: speaking or expressed in a lofty or grandiose style; pompous
Synonyms: aureate, balderdash, bullshitting, declamatory, euphuistic, fustian, grandiloquent, grandiose, histrionic, inflated, loudmouth, magniloquent, orotund, ostentatious, ranting, rhapsodic, rhetorical, Sonorous, swollen, tumid, turgid, verbose.
Antonyms: humble, quiet, reserved, restrained, subtle, understated


15. Excise

16. Altercation

17. Matter-of-fact

18. Lithe

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Re: November - 27th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 01:37:56 AM »


1.Actor: cast

2.Nimble: movement

3.Collude: cooperate

4.Insect: insipid

5.Disguise: alter

Monday, November 26, 2007

November - 26th - GRE -Quant

November - 26th - GRE -Quant
« on: November 27, 2007, 01:38:21 AM »

November - 26rd - GRE -Quant

1. In xy coordinate a square is drawn by connecting y, x, -y and -x coordinate. The area of the square is 36.
Col A:Distance between the center of the coordinate and the point in –y coordinate
Col B: 2.4

2. x is multiple of 3 and 3x has unit digit 7.
Col A: x
Col B: 69

Ans: D

3. In a company there are 54 members. If wednesday has more numbers of birthdays then what is the least number of birthdays on
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
E. 10
Ans: D

4. x and y are positive integers.
Col A: remainder when xy+x(y+2) is devided by 2.
Col B: 0
Ans: C

5. |J+2|<3 and (k-1)^2=16
Col A: jk
Col B: 15
Ans: B

6. If x-x/2-x/4-x/8 = 16 find x?
Ans: 128

7. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A
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Re: November - 26th - GRE -Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 01:39:09 AM »

8. A label of vertical width w is stick on a cylinderical vessel with area A(some number) and height 10 cm.
Cola: w
Colb: 4.5
Ans: D

9. A circle was given with radius 6, it contained a shaded area. The degree measure of the unshaded area was 260. Find the area of
shaded region.

10. There is a circular water fountain of Diameter 12m. The wall of the tank has a width of 2m. If the thickness of the fountain is
0.06m, what is the volume of the concrete used in constructing the tank?
Ans: 1.68pi cu.m

11. 3^(4n+1) divided by 10
Col A: Remainder
Col B: 0

12. x1, x2, x3, x4 & x5 are the events Rate of occurance of them are r1, r2, r3, r4 & r5
E = x1r1+x2r2+x3r3+x4r4+x5r5/(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)
x5=r5=5. Find E?
Ans: 11/3

13. Given ax^2+bx+c=0, (2x+3)(2x-3)=0
Col a:a+b+c
Col b: -5
Ans: C

14. Given average(arithmetic mean) of t,u,v is x.
Col a:arithmetic mean of t,u,v and x
Col b:x
Ans: C

15. Col a: (-2)^-5
Col b: 1
Ans: B

November - 26th - GRE - Verbal

November - 26th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 27, 2007, 01:36:42 AM »

November - 26th - GRE - Verbal

1) Matter of fact :Something of a factual nature, as an actual occurrence.
Synonyms:brusque, crude, crusty, gruff, snappy, discourteous, impetuous, snippy, uncivil, ungracious
Antonyms:at ease, calm, civil, courteous, gracious, kind, polite

2) Subsidize:to furnish or aid with a subsidy, To assist or support with a subsidy
synonyms:abet, alleviate, assist, lighten, mitigate, promote, relieve, support, befriend, benefact
antonyms:block, hinder, hurt, impede, injure, obstruct.

3) Jocose:characterized by jokes and good humor
Synonyms:amusing, blithe, cheerful, daffy, facetious, flaky frolicsome, humorous, jesting, joshing, ludicrous, roguish, wacky, waggish, witty whimsical.
Antonyms:morose, serious, unfunny

4) Imaginative:Lacking truth; fanciful, having exceptional powers of imagination
Synonyms:artistic, avant-garde, extravagant, fictive, ingenious, inventive, kinky, quixotic, utopian, visionary, vivid, whimsical.
Antonyms: pedestrian, unimaginative

5) Agape :with the mouth wide open, as in wonder, surprise, or eagerness
Synonyms:agog, anxious, appalled, astonished, awestruck,confounded, dumbfounded, overwhelmed, startled.
Antonyms:undisturbed, unperturbed, unsurprised.

6) Effectual:Producing or capable of producing an intended effect; adequate.
Synonyms:accomplishing, binding, determinative, efficacious, forcible, fulfilling, lawful, licit, potent, powerful, practicable, virtuous
Antonyms:impotent, incapable, ineffectual, unproductive, unsuccessful, weak

7) Endurance:the ability or strength to continue, lasting quality
Synonyms:allowance, courage, forbearance, fortitude, grit, guts, mettle, spunk, perseverance, pertinacity restraint, tenacity, vitality
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 01:39:29 AM by shilpa » Logged
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Re: November - 26rd - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 01:37:14 AM »


1. Ballad: song

2. Plumage: bird

3. Wedding: marriage

4. Experience: green

5. Insouciant: worry


1. Most of the species are on verge of extinction due to natural processes. So society must not take efforts to preserve them by controlling extinction due to human processes. This will save time and money

2. Using charcoal would reduce pollution.

Argument Topic:

1. "Medical reports show the years 1970, 1980, 1997, 2000 were worst flu affected years all over the world and these were years having high sunspot activity ( high radiation) , so in order to prevent our self from flu people must avoid going out in sun.

2. Can TVs replace books?

Friday, November 23, 2007

November - 23rd - GRE - Quant

November - 23rd - GRE - Quant
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:40:14 AM »

November - 23rd - GRE - Quant

1. If 0.8 is the probability that a person gets infected with the disease amongst a group, in which a person in a group is infected.
Col A : the probablity that a person getting infected if none of the others among the group is infected.
Col B : 0.4
Ans: D

2. Given Users of mixers are 14% and Users of AC's are 27%. Find the Range of users excluding the users of mixers and ACs.
A) 41% to 59%
B) 59% to 73%
C)21% to 41%
Ans: B

3. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: D

4. Bryan and Kathleen live 150 miles apart. They each drive toward the other's house along a straight road connecting the two,
Bryan at a constant rate of 30 miles per hour and Kathleen at a constant rate of 50 miles per hour. If Bryan and Kathleen leave their
houses at the same time, how many miles are they from Bryan's house when they meet?
A) 40
B) 51.5
C) 56.25
D) 75
E) 93.75
Ans: C

5.The area of rectangular region R is equal to the area of rectangular region T.
The Ratio of the length to the width of R is 3 to 1.
the length & width of T are 12 & W, respectively.
Col A : w
Col B : 4
Ans: D

6. (0.5)^-2 , (0.5)^-1 , (0.5)^0 , (0.5)^1 , (0.5)^2. Find the range of the above numbers
Ans: 3.75

7.Two semicircles with thier diameters coincident...outer semicircle has diameter 12 feet and inner semicircle has diameter 8 feet.The outer minus inner was painted with green paint at some cost per sq feet and the inner was painted with red at the same cost per sq feet.
Col A: cost of green paint
Col B: cost of red paint
Ans: A

8. A label of vertical width w is stick on a cylinderical vessel with area A(some number) and height 10 cm.
Cola: w
Colb: 4.5
Ans: D

November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal

November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:38:23 AM »

November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal











10. Laud

11. Lithe
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Re: November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 11:39:00 AM »


1.Disguise: alter






1.“To truly know your own culture, you need to know atleast one other culture so as to understand the difference."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

November - 22st - GRE - Quant

November - 22st - GRE - Quant
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:36:17 AM »

November - 22st - GRE - Quant

1. If d is the standard deviation of x,y and z then what is the standard of x+6,y+6 and z+6?
B. 6d
Ans: E

2. Out of 45, 25 are married and 38 are houseowners.
col A: least no.of houseowners who are married
col b: 18
Ans: C

3. A two digit number is a multiple of 3 and thrice this number has 7 in its units place.
col a: the number is
col B: 69
Ans: D

4. (0.5)^-2 , (0.5)^-1 , (0.5)^0 , (0.5)^1 , (0.5)^2. Find the range of the above numbers
Ans: 3.75

5. If n is an integer when divided by 17 leaves a reminder 4, what is the reminder when 5n is divided by 17
Ans : 3

6. In a set of 5 numbers, if 7 is the median, 4 is the mode & mean of the largest & second largest number is 20. Find average of 5
Ans: 11

7. Where will the point of intersection of the lines 3x + 5y = 7 and 2x - 10y = - 3 lie?
A. On X-Axis
B. On Y-Axis
C. In Quadrant I
D. In Quadrant III
E. In Quadrant IV
Ans: E
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Re: November - 22st - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 11:36:51 AM »

8.On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with
a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81
E. 128
Ans: D

9. A B
+ B A
Col A: B
Col B: 2

Ans: C

10.There was a $25 discount on every purchase of $75 there was a 10% charge on shipping which was added before the discount
and 20% sales tax after the discount was added. If john paid total $300, what was the original amount of purchase if no sales tax
was added per $75
Ans : 240.

11. Consider circle with centre O. AB is a chord of the circle. AOB is a right triangle C is a point on the circumference of circle such
that angle BOC = 60 degrees Compare.
Col A : area of triangle AOB
Col B : area of sector BOC.
Ans : B

12. A company sold a product for x dollars in 1990. The price of product would increase by 2.5% every year. Which of the following
expressions could be used to calculate the price of the product in the year 2000?
Ans : x*(1.025)^10

13. Given ABCD is a square with perimeter k and M, N, O, P are the midpoints of the square. If with this midpoints another
square MNOP is formed then
Col A: perimeter of inner square is
Col B: 1/2 k
Ans: A

14. If x is an integer and (x-5)/2 is an integer. Then which of the following is an integer?
A. (x+2)^2/9
B. (x+2)^2/4 .......

Ans: A
15. Col A: The number of real roots of 2x-3/7=0
Col B: The number of real roots of x^2+3=0
Ans: A

November - 22st - GRE - Verbal

November - 22st - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:31:17 AM »

November - 22st - GRE - Verbal







6. Din













19. Tedium






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Re: November - 22st - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 11:31:39 AM »


1.Insects: aphid

2.Disguise: alter

3.Quibble: obstruction

4.Gratuitous: Justification

5.Plumage: bird

6.Passion: emotions

7.Crunch: support

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November - 21st - GRE - QUANT

November - 21st - GRE - QUANT
« on: November 22, 2007, 01:01:38 AM »

November - 21st - GRE - QUANT

1. x-y =5 & xy != 0
Col a: 1/x-1/y
Col b: 5

2. Given f(n+3)=f(n) and
f(0)= 5
f(1) = 4
then the value of f(Cool is
Ans: 6

3. Given 0<1
Col A: X^50+X^51+x^52
ColB : 3(x^52)

4. A circle is inscribed in a square of side 2m.
ColA: area of circle
ColB: pie
Ans: C

5. x^2+2x-8=0
Col A:The sum of the roots
Col B: -2
Ans: C
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Re: November - 21st - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 01:01:55 AM »

6. An regular pentagon and an equilateral triangle were given. The perimeter of pentagon is twice that of triangle.
Col A: Side of pentagon
Col B: Side of triangle
Ans: A

7. A telephone company has no.'s between 3000-3799. A Company called X uses the numbers from 3300-3499. Out of these
managers of Division1 level use numbers ending with 0 or 1. What percent of the telephone company numbers are used by
Managers of Division1 level of Comany X?
Ans: 5%

8. x^2=1/5(x^2+(8/x^2)) find the value of x?
Col A: x
Col B: 2

9. A triangle ABC is given. A point D divides the side AB such that a trainge ADC is formed and AD/DB=1/3. If the area of the triangle ABC is r. Find the area of the triangle ADC in terms of r?
Ans: r/4

10. If x = -1 then (1/x)+(1/x^2)+(1/x^3)+(1/x^4)=?
Ans: 0

11. If x is a positive number which leaves a remainder 2 when divided by 8 and when divided by 5 it leaves a remainder 3. Find the least possible number?
col A: x
col B: 18
Ans: C
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Re: November - 21st - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2007, 01:02:13 AM »

12. In a room there are more than 12 members which are divided into a 5 member group and a 8member group and a 12 member
group. Find the least possible members in that room such that finally none were left?
Col A the members in the room
Col B: 120
Ans: C

13. |x-2|>4 then which of the following is true with the above realation
A) -26
B) -4<4
C) -2<4
D) -6<6
Ans: A

14. A rectangular aquarium base has dimensions 10*8 and height 10. Aquarium is filled upto the height of 6, a solid bar is immersed
into it... there by increasing the water level to 7.
Col a: the bar dimensions
Col b: 100 cubics

15. Col A: 50 square + 51 Square + 52 square
Col B: 3(square of 52)
Ans: B

16. Mode of certain list is given as 45
Col A: find the mean
Col B: 45
Ans: D

November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL

November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL
« on: November 22, 2007, 01:00:01 AM »

November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL



2. Toil

3. Din

4. Natatorium









13. Temerity

14. Isthmus




18. Agape




22. Arduous

23. Exacting

24. Unctuous

25. Schism

26. Frail


28. Immutable

29. Altered

30. Implacable
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Re: November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 01:00:23 AM »


1.Abridge: length

2.Attenuate: thickness

3.Passions: emotions

4.Crunch : support

5.Disguise : alter

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November - 20th - GRE - Quant

November - 20th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 22, 2007, 12:57:55 AM »

November - 20th - GRE - Quant

1)Twice the sum of 3 integers x ,y and z when divided by 7 gives remainder 1
what is the remainder when x+y+z is divided by 7?
Ans: 4

2) (1/2 + 1/3)+ (1/4 -1/3) + (1/2-1/4) = 1

3) 4 points A,B,C,D on a straight line such that AD:AB = 9:1 and AD:AC = 4:1
points A,B,C,D are:-
A. -20, -8, -10, 16
B. -20, -16, 11, 16
C. -20, -16, -11, 16
D. -20, -16, -11, 7
E. -20, -10, -11, 7
Ans: C

4) If probability of event M occuring is <1/4
Col a: prob of event M not occuring
Col b: 3/4

5) A semicircle was given with area 2pie find the perimeter of the semicircle
Ans: 2pie+4

6) x when divided by 7 leaves remainder 4.What is the remainder when 2x + 5 is divided by 7?
Ans: 6
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Re: November - 20th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 12:58:17 AM »

7) The probability of raining tomorrow night is 0.46
Col a Col b
Probability of raining tomorrow night
and at high heat temp of 85degress is 0.54
Ans: B

Cool |x|<= 6, |y|<=4.
Col a Col b
The maximum value of |y/x| 1
Ans: D

9) The volume and height of a cylinder is given as 54pi and 6. Find the circumference of the base of cylinder?
Ans: 6*pie

10) Given circle is x^2 + y^2 = 49 points on circle are A(3,a) and B(0,b) and given 'a' is positive and 'b' is negative.
Col A : length of segment AB
Col B : 12
Ans: A

11) Given a figure of triangle with sides t, t, n. If the average of two angles of the triangle is 65 then what is the value of n?
Ans: 80

12) 0<1
Col a Col b
x y^2
Ans: D

13) xy+x(y+2) when divided by 2 leaves a remainder
Cola Colb
Remainder 0
Ans: D

November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL

November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL
« on: November 22, 2007, 12:55:30 AM »

November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL
















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Re: November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 12:56:02 AM »


1)The primary goal of technological advances should be to provide people with leisure time.

2)Another Issue topic is regarding education pattern.... Whether the education pattern should be same for 1 nation, or should be
different for each state.


1. The author of the article claims that wearing helmets in a particular state increased from 20% to 80% in a span of 10 years, but in
the same decade the accident cases increased by 200%. Hence safety regulations should be taught instead of imposing people to
wear helmets.

Monday, November 19, 2007

November - 19th - GRE - Quant

November - 19th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 20, 2007, 01:04:47 AM »

November - 19th - GRE - Quant

1. Col A : Least +ve integer with 3 different prime factors, each greater than 6
Col B : 1001
Ans: C

2. Twice the sum of 3 integers x ,y and z when divided by 7 gives remainder =1
wt is the remainder when x+y+z is divided by 7.?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
Ans : E

3.The area of rectangular region R is equal to the area of rectangular region T.
The Ratio of the length to the width of R is 3 to 1.
the length & width of T are 12 & W, respectively.
Col A : w
Col B : 4
Ans: C

4. Area of a square is 9 and that of a rectangle is 8.
ColA ColB
perimeter of square perimeter of rectangle
Ans: D

5. Where will the point of intersection of the lines 3x - 5y = 7 and 2x + 10y = - 3 lie?
A. On X-Axis
B. On Y-Axis
C. In Quadrant I
D. In Quadrant III
E. In Quadrant IV
Ans : E
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Re: November - 19th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2007, 01:05:05 AM »

6. There are 37 employees in a company X. The month of july has more number of birthdays (of employees) than any other month
in the year.
Col A: Number of Birthdays in July
Col B: 3
Ans: A

7. (1/2 + 1/3)+ (1/4 -1/3) + (1/2-1/4)
Ans : 1

8. X^2-x-2 = 0. Number of possible value of X..?
Ans: 2

9. F(x) = x^2 + x
Col A : F(x+1)
Col B : F(x) + F(1)
Ans : A

10. Two Isosceles triangle was drawn, equal sides are 1, 1 in both triangle. Angle between equal side in one triangle is X, and in
second is Y. and given X > Y.
Col A: area of triangle with angle X
Col B: area of triangle with angle Y
Ans: A

11. Consider circle with centre O. AB is a chord of the circle. AOB is a right angle. C is a point on the circumference of the circle
such that angle BOC = 60 degrees. Compare:
Col A: Area of Triangle AOB
Col B: Area of sector BOC
Ans: A

November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL

November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL
« on: November 20, 2007, 01:02:58 AM »

November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL






















21. Esteem

22. Inexorable

23. Discreet

24. Insane

25. Scad

26. Brazen

27. Venerate

28. Spurn
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Re: November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2007, 01:03:19 AM »


1.Trite: novel

2.Venerate: despise

3.Obstreperous: control

4.Isthmus :land

5.Strait: water

6.Rebellious :insurgent

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Re: November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 01:03:53 AM »

Issue Topic:

1."It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public"

2.In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time
working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach

Argument Topic:

1.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a newspaper serving the villages of Castroville and Polluxton.
"Both the villages of Castroville and Polluxton have experienced sharp declines in the numbers of residents who pay property
taxes. To save money and improve service, the two villages recently merged their once separate garbage collection departments
into a single department located in Castroville, and the new department has reported few complaints about its service. Last year
the library in Polluxton had 20 percent fewer users than during the previous year. It follows that we should now further economize
and improve service, as we did with garbage collection, by closing the library in Polluxton and using the library in Castroville to
serve both villages."

Friday, December 28, 2007

28th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

28th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000.
Ans: 3

2. A group of 1 proffessor and 3 students have to be made from 4 proffessor and 5 students.
Col a: Different ways in which the groups can be formed
Col b: 40
Ans: C

3. Given |x| = |y| & xy<0
Col a : x+y
Col b : 0
Ans: C

4. Given x is the principal amount deposited at 6% and y is the principal amount deposited at 10%. If y=3/4x
Col A: Interest for Rs. 10000 invested at 6%.
Col B: Interest for Rs. y invested at 10%
Ans: B

5. A man sells 2 houses, one at 20% loss on the purchase price and other at 20 % profit on the purchase price. If the selling price of both is Rs.192000 then what is the difference between the sum of the two purchase price and 384000.?

6. In a rectangular co-ordinate system point ( 5,5) is equidistant from pt (x,0) and pt (y,0)
cola : x intercept
col b: y intercept
Ans: D

7. Given 'x' is an integer, when this 'x' is divided by 5 remainder is 3.
Col a: x
Col b: 8
Ans: D

28th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

28th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Imbue

2. Absorb

3. Disheartened

4. Tortuous

5. Petulant


1. Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, it should be flexible according to circumstances, time and places.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

27th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

27th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. xCol a: xy
Col b: yz
Ans: D

2. Col A: A triangle was given which was a right angled triangle and some portion of it was cut( like a portion of it as another triangle). Its side was given has 6.Then the area of the cut portion is
Col B: 18

3. Given -14, -11, -7 , 9, 10,13.... is the series
I. Median is greater than mean
II. S.D is greater than range
III. Mean is greater than median
A.1 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C.1,2 an 3 only
D. None of these

27th - December - GRE Question - Verbal

27th - December - GRE Question - Verbal











1.Fretwork: ornamentation

2.Truculent: light

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

26th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

26th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Square root of [(2^4 ) * (3^8)] is

2. Col A: [(2+ sqrt(3)) / (2 - sqrt(3)]^3
Col B: (10^6 / 3^6)

3. Col A: 1+ 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16
Col B: 2(1-1/2+1/4-1/8+1/16-1/32)

4. Given two rectangular solids. If smaller one has edges of 80% of the larger ones then
Col A: the ratio of smaller solid to the bigger is
ColB: 66/200

26th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

26th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Self-effacement

2. Placid

3. Fraught


1. It was some shit about the government imposing regulations in the development of science and technology.


1. The sale of Super-Gym and the usual flawed statistics are claimed to be very profitable to open a new franchise.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

25th - December - GRE questions - Quant

25th - December - GRE questions - Quant

1. Col a: |-x| - |-2|
Col b: |x-2|

2. Given x>100 rounded off value of

--------- is
a. 2
Ans: b

3. Mary earns a monthly salary of Rs.20,000. She bought a TV ..... and 40% of the remaining money was invested in bank for 6% annual simple interest and remaining 10% for simple interest for 1 year. If the total amount received by bank per one year is 1250. What was the cost of that TV?

4. Col a : x^ -x
Col b: 1/ (x^ -x)
Ans : D

5. If a square is inscribed inside in a circle of radius r. Then find the perimeter of the square is...

6. Given Line 1 with slope 'l' : 5x-y-3=0
and Line 2 with slope m : 5x+y+3=0
Col a: 'l"
Col b : m

7. If n is an odd positive integer then n^2 - 1 is a multiple of....
a. 5
b. 8
c. 10
d. 7

25th - December - GRE questions - Verbal

25th - December - GRE questions - Verbal



2. Voluble

3. Mulish

4. Opine

5. Pundit

6. Equivocation

7. Go-getter

8. Glacier


10. Intimidate

11. Odious



14. Natatorium

15. Luculent

16. Qurush

17. Gravitas

18. Skullduggery

19. Limpid

20. Modicum

21. Mirth

22. Avarice

23. Crotch


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Posts: 121

Re: 25th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 11:27:28 PM »


1. Indelible: forget

2. Glacier: slow

3. Approach: intimidate


1. A study shows that in their conversations people made 23 references to television viewing and just one reference to reading fiction. So, this may indicate that television industry is making more profits that the print media. Hence, to make a better career, the writers should write for television industry and less for print media"


1. To raise the quality of education in schools and colleges, it is required by the entire faculty to work in the field which they teach the students."

Monday, December 24, 2007

24th - December - GRE - Quant

24th - December - GRE - Quant

1. A right triangle AEC with AE=EC=6 (AE & EC are base & height). B is apoint on the hypotenuse AC and D is a point on EC. BD is joined.
Col A: area of quadrilateral AEDB
Col B: 18

2. If surface area of a cube is 36. Then Volume of the cube is?

3. Given Points (-5,-7) and (3,-4) lie on the line, if point (x,13) lies on the same line, find x?

4. Out of 100 people 40 liked cereal A, 38 liked cereal B. Some people liked both and twice the number who liked it did not liked either of them. Find the number of people who liked the both?
A. 15
B. 11
C. 32
D. 22
E. 14
Ans: 22

5. Given x+y=43 and x and y are positive primes.
Col a: xy
Col b: 86

6.If the sides of a right angled triangle are n, 2n-1, 2n+1 and 'n' being positive, then the value of 'hypotenuse' ?
Ans: d

7. A and B are independent events, p(A)=0.6 and p(B)=0.8.
Col a : probobality of happening event A or B is
Col b : 0.92
Ans: C

8. When 't' is divided by 9, the remainder is 1 and when it is divided by 11 remainder is 8. Find 't'?

24th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

24th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Fixed

2. Elucidate

3. Desultory

4. Banal

Issue Topic:

1. Technology does more bad than good, and affects quality of life.

Friday, December 21, 2007

21th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

21th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Col a : | -2x + 1 |
Col b : |-2x | + 1
Ans: D

2. A man sells 2 cars(which are of same cost) , one at 20% loss on the purchase price and other at 20 % profit on the purchase price. If the selling price of both is Rs.192000 then whats the difference between the sum of the two purchase price(c.p) and 384000.

3. Perimeter of square is less than the perimeter of the triangle.
Col a : Ratio of side of square upon the side of a triangle
Col b : 3/4
Ans: D

4. Given ax + by = c is a straight ine and 0Col a :x intercept
Col b :y intercept
Ans: A

5. Given |x| = |y| & xy<0
Col a : x+y
Col b : 0
Ans: C

6. P = (n)(n+1)(n+2)(n+3) where n is a positive integer
Col a : Remainder when P is divided by 3
Col b : 1
Ans: B

7. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000

8. How many rectangular cuboids are required to form a cube with least possible dimensions when the rectangle cuboid is of dimensions 7X5X3.

9. If ak = (1/k) - (1/k-1); then find a4+a5+a6+a7+a8+a9=?
Ans: 6

10. If the circumference of a circle 'C' is equal to perimeter of a square 'S' then
Col A: area of a square 'S'
Col B: area of circle 'C'

11. If |s|=r
Col A: s
Col B: r
Ans: D

12. Col A: sqrt( 2^4*3^8)
Col B: sqrt(2^2*3^4)

13. ColA : 7^8
ColB : 8^7
Ans: A

21th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

21th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal














13.Go getter



1.Novelist: book

2.Mulish : persuaded

3.Pundit : opine

4.Impetuous: hesitancy

5.Fretwork: ornamentation

6.Equivocation: ambiguous


1.The purest achievement of the nation lies in rulers, artists and scientists….. the general welfare of the people."

2.Developing technology is decreasing the quality of life.


1. Patients are suffering from severe Muscle strain. Regarding this problem all the patients get divided into two groups. First group patients were treated by the Dr. (XXX), who is a specialist in curing the problems faced by sports pupil. He treated them with antibiotics. The recovery period of this treatment was 40% more as expected. Second group were treated by another Dr. (XXX) who is a general physician. He treated them with sugar pills. And recovery time was not given."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

20th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

20th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 21, 2007, 08:18:34 AM »

20th - December - GRE - Quant

1. A line y = mx + b on the xy-coordinate makes a y-intercept which is twice the x-intercept.
Col A: m
Col B: -2
Ans: C

2. Col A: 1/ (0.01)^-10
Col B: 1/10^-20
Ans: B

3. Col A: (10^18 - 10^16)/9
Col B: 11(10^16)

4. A right triangle AEC with AE=EC=6 (AE & EC are base & height). B is apoint on the hypotenuse AC and D is a point on EC. BD is joined.
Col A: area of quadrilateral AEDB
Col B: 18

5. 1/ (1/6+1/6+1/6) = ?
Ans: 2

6. In how many ways can 1 professor and 5 students can be taken from 4 professors and 10 students.
Ans: 4c1 * 10c5

7. If 't' is ten's digit and 'u' is unit digit and 'N' is an integer such that 624<685. Which of the following is divisible by 3.
c) ..... etc.

8. Given x is the principal amount deposited at 6% and y is the principal amount deposited at 10%. If y=3/4x
Col A: Interest for Rs. 10000 invested at 6%.
Col B: Interest for Rs. y invested at 10%
Ans: B

9. Given -1If 1, -1, x, x^2, x^3 is the series. Find median?
Ans: x^3

10. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000


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Posts: 133

Re: 20th - December - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 08:18:53 AM »

11. n is a integer, then which of these is an odd number
I. n+3
II. n^2+4
III. n^3+5
A. none
B. 1 only
C. 2 only
D. 3 only
E. 1 and 3 only
Ans: A

2. If surface area of a cube is 36. Then Volume of the cube is?

13. If (2)^n / (2)^3 = 8 then n = ?
Ans: n = 6

4. Given a rhombus... with its side d1 = 24, and area = somevalue(XXX). Find d2?

15. A person buys two items of the same kind. If he sells one at 25% of profit and other at 25% of loss then what is the price of the item?
.. question is something like this....

16. If n is positive and ab=1
Col A:a^n
Col B:b^n
Ans: D

17. (33 1/3)% of (40) / (100)% of (160) = X % of 800. Then X= ?

18. Col a: 1+1/2-1/4+1/8-1/16+1/32
Col b: 2(1-1/2+1/4-1/8+1/16-1/32)

19. Find the percent increase in area of a rectangle, if length is increased by 10% and breadth is decreased by 5% .

20. In the xy plane, if x-intercept is c and y-intercept is r. Whats is the slope of that line?
Ans: -r/c

20th - December - GRE questions - Verbal

20th - December - GRE questions - Verbal


1. Din

2. Absorb

3. Exude

4. Falter

5. Alluring

6. Bestow

7. Flu rate

8. Entice

9. Esteem

10. Venerate

11. Temerity

12. Probity

13. Pervasiveness

14. Gaunt

15. Repudiate

16. Obtain

17. Gainsay

18. Ungainly

19. Belie

20. Bliss

21. Couch

22. Complaisance


Full Member

Posts: 133


1. Ineluctable: avoid

2. Fraught: placidity

3. Mishap: accident

4. Fretwork: ornament

Issue topic:

1. The surest indicator of the greatness of a nation is not the achievements of its scientists, rulers or artists but the general welfare of the people.

2. Teachers should be paid according to their academic performance of their students.

Argument Topic:

1. A statement from president of excels food products.
An article about organic food products in a town, something related to rising of organic food production.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

19th - December - GRE questions - Quant

19th - December - GRE questions - Quant

1. 1 / (1/6+1/6+1/6 ) = ?
Ans: 2

2. Col a: (0.54)^5(0.54)^4
Col b: (0.54)^10

3. Given x is a positive integer y=2(x+1)+1
I.y is a +ve integer
II y is an odd number
III. y is a multiple of 3
Which of the above is true?
Ans: I & II are true

4. If Perimeter of circle is equal to perimeter of square then find ratio of areas?

5. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 1000 .
Ans: 3

6. 2, x, 7 are in Arthematic progression.... then valve of x is?
Ans: 4.5


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Posts: 119

Re: 19th - December - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 11:12:52 PM »

7. Sqrt(2^4* 3^6) = ?

8. If 10000 @ x% interest and 8000 @ y% interest are given and x=3/4 * y then which gives more interest in a year?
Ans: 'y' gives more interest
9. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly?
Ans: 37.5 miles

10. When a number is multiplied by 13,it will become greater to 105 by an amount with which it is lesser to105 by now.what is the number?
Ans: 15

11. Guru's draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color?
a. 14
b. 15
c. 13
d. 16
Ans: b

12. Which of the following is a parellogram:-
(a)130,50,130,50(angle in deg)
(d)a & c
Ans: d

19th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

19th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal


1. Majesty

2. Happenstance

3. Intermittent

4. Accolade

5. Agility

6. Sham

7. Disparate

8. Revel

9. Covert

10. Hull

11. Maverick

12. Rescind

13. Mind

14. Regimen

15. Reinforce

16. Aggrandize

17. Taciturn

18. Teetotalism

19. Harbor


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Posts: 119

Re: 19th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 11:11:44 PM »


1. Banquet: meal

2. Comprehensive: dire

3. Soup: ladle

4. Visa: country

5. Insect: aphid

6. Insipid: bore


1. Importance of moral and ethical values for a public official to be an effective leader.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

18th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

18th - December - GRE Questions - Quant

1. Given Points (-2,3) and (3,-4) lie on the line, if point (x,13) lies on the same line, find x?

2. Out of 100 people 40 liked cereal A, 38 liked cereal B. Some people liked both and twice the number who liked it did not liked either of them. Find the number of people who liked the both?
A. 15
B. 11
C. 32
D. 22
E. 14
Ans: D

3. |X-3|<5
Col A: X
Col B: -8
Ans: A

4. Given a set say X = {1,3,7,4,8,9,0}
Col A : How many 5 digit numbers can be formed using the set such tht each digit can be used only once in a number.
Col B : 7*6*5*4*3
Ans: B
5. In a group there are 4 proffesionals and 5 students. If a group is formed of 3 students and 1 proffesionals, then....
Col A : No. of ways in which group can be formed.
Col B : 40
Ans : C

6. Col a: 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16
Col b: 2(1/2 + 1/4 - 1/8 +1/16 - 1/32)
Ans: B

7. ( 33 1/2) of (40)% of (240) is (x)% of 160. Find x?
Ans: 20%

8. If -1<0 then the median for x, -1, 1, x^2, x^3
Ans: x^3

18th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

18th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal
























23. Modicum


25. Pulchritude








33. Jejune

34. Didactic

35. Rebuke

36. Vapid

37. Conscientious

38. Perturbation

39. Stoical
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Re: 18th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 11:39:53 PM »


1.Soup: ladle

2.Unstable: volatile

3.Office: resignation

Monday, December 17, 2007

17th - December - GRE Questions - Verbal

17th - December - GRE Questions- Verbal














13. Candid

14. Belie

15. Dissemble

16. Penurious

17. Lavish

18. Surreptitiously

19. Schism
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Re: 17th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 11:36:56 PM »


1.Dank: moisture

2.Unstable: volatile

3.Harangue: mollify

4.Appointment: official

5.Gully: erosion

6.Candy: sugar

7.Banquet: meal

8.Comprehensive: dire


1. Academic discipline changes the way we perceive things.

17th - December - GRE Questions- Quant

17th - December - GRE Questions- Quant

1. If there are 3 hooks and 5 pictures. Then find the numbers of ways to select 3 picture combinatons for each hook (given: repeatitions is not allowed).

2. Col A: (0.2)^-1
Col B: (0.1)^-2

3. Anu's monthly salary is Rs.20,000. She bought a TV ..... and 40% of the remaining money was invested in bank for 6% annual simple interest and remaining 10% for simple interest for 1 year. If the total amount received by bank per one year is 1250. What was the cost of that TV?

4. Balls are distributed one at a time, into six baskets.The 1st ball goes into basket one,the 2nd into basket two,and soon. If this is repeated....then 74th ball goes into which basket?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 2

5. Given two rectangular solids. If smaller one has edges of 80% of the larger ones, then ratio of smaller solid to bigger is?

6. The inside dimensions of a rectangular wooden box are 6*8*10. A cylindrical canister is to be placed inside the box so that it stands upstraight when closed box rests on one of its six faces. Of all such canisters that could be used , What is the radius of one that has maximum volume?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 8

7. If 7n is a multiple of 4 and 7n lies between 45 to75 then n is?

8. Given x+y=43 and x and y are positive primes.
Col a: xy
Col b: 86

9. If pq!=0 then (p+q)^2 p^2+q^2 = ?

10.Given x
Col A: xy
Col B: yz

11. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000
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Re: 17th - December - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 11:38:35 PM »

12. Col A: n^3(n-1) / n
Col B: n^3(n+1)/n

13. Which pair have their Arithmetic mean and median equal
l. x,x+1,x+2,x+3,x+4
II. x,2x,3x,4x,5x
III. 1/x,2/x,3/x,4/x,5/x

14. Given xy is not equal to 0
(x)^-1 - (y)^-1 = (xy)^-1
Col a: x-y
Col b: 1

15. A semicircle was given. If the end the angles formed by lines from end points of diameter to the circumference was given 90 and the angle between one of the chords and diameter was 'x'.
Col a :x
Col b :45

16. In a group of 100 people, if 20% weighed 60 kg.... 45% weighed 70 kg.. and remaining weighed 50 kg. Find the mean weight of the group.

17. If 252 ^ 5 is divisible by 6 ^ n then what is the highest possible value of n?

18. 3 negative numbers followed by 0 and followed by 3 positive numbers
e.g: -12, -14, -7 , 0, 4, 2, 8
I. Median is greater than mean
II S.D is greater that mean
III.S.D is greater than median
A. Only I is true
B. Only II .....etc

19. Find the value of 1/{(1/6)+(1/6)+(1/6)}

20. Compare
Col A: ((5^20)-(5^19))/20
Col B: 5^18

21. Compare
Col A: (x)^-x
Col B: (-x)^x

22. A right triangle was given with base and height as 6 cm AB base..BC hypotenuse...CA height... If a line was drawn from a point E on CA to a point F on BC.
Col a :Area of ABC
Col b: Area of quadrilateral ABFE

23. If circumference of square S is equal to circumference of Circle C with daimeter 'd' then what is the ratio of their areas?

GRE quant question on 17th Dec.

Hi, I would like to post the following question in your blog:
P,Q and R are three points in the xy plane with the following coordinates,
(1,4), (5,c) and (8,4). c is greater than 4.
Left col: Length of PQ
Right col: Length of QR

Friday, December 14, 2007

14th - December - GRE - Quant Questions

14th - December - GRE - Quant Questions

1. Find the number of numbers which has both square root and cube root between 1 and 2000 .

2. Find the percent increase in area of a rectangle, if length is increased by 10% and breadth is decreased by 5% .

3. k-3 is a multiple of 5 and k+2 is a multiple of 2 find k^2.

4. Given -1<0.
If 1, -1, x, x^2, x^3 is the series. Find median?
Ans: x^3

5. If Slope of line 'L' is 2 , then find the slope of line M.. which is perpendicular to the line L.
Col a : m
Col b : 2
Ans: B

14th - December - GRE - Verbal Questions

14th - December - GRE - Verbal Questions


1. Mind


3. Majesty

4. Complaisance

5. Dire

6. Fuse

7. Veto

8. Quandary

9. Maverick

10. Accolade

11. Injurious

12. Dispassionate

13. Deviate

14. Stagnant

15. Majesty


1. "Telecast of proceedings of government helps in development of society"

Thursday, December 13, 2007

13th - December - GRE - Quant Questions

13th - December - GRE - Quant questions

1. If the sides of a right angled triangle are n, 2n-1, 2n+1 and 'n' being positive, then the value of 'n' is?
Ans: B

2. x<1
Col A : x/y
Col B : x+y
Ans: D

3. A and B are independent events, p(A)=0.6 and p(B)=0.8.
Col a : probobality of happening event A or B is
Col b : 0.92
Ans: C

4. Col a: 1+1/2-1/4+1/8-1/16+1/32
Col b: 2(1-1/2+1/4-1/8+1/16-1/32)

5. 1cake +1pie=11.25 and 4cakes+5pie=50
Col a: cost of cake
Col b: cost of pie
Ans: A

6. What is the value of 'n' when 252^5 is divided by 6^n.
Ans : 10

13th - December - GRE questions- Verbal

13th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:16:40 AM »

13th - December - GRE - Verbal







1.Marriage: Wedding


1.It is much better if ideas are shared in the form of images rather than the verbal communication when large group need to be addressed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12th - December - GRE - Quant

12th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: Today at 05:55:02 AM »

12th - December - GRE - Quant

1. If c=25/3 +16/7 then c lies in between.
a. 6<7
b. 7<8
c. 8<9
d. 9<10
e. <10<11
Ans: e

2. If x+2y =2; and(x+y)^2=9, which of the following is the possible value for y?
a) -8
b) -5
c) -3/2
d) 3/2
e) 5
Ans: e

12th - December - GRE - Verbal

12th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: Today at 05:54:01 AM »

12th - December - GRE - Verbal










1.Soup: Ladle

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

11th - December - GRE - Quant

11th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 12, 2007, 12:56:06 AM »

11th - December - GRE - Quant

1. If Y+3 is a multiple of 5 and Y-5 is a multiple of 3,then What is the multiple of y^2?

2. Given numbers -17, -13, -9, 7, 14,19. Find range, median, standard deviation?

3. Given a number line with numbers 6/32, 6/19, 9/32. Find the greatest number?
Ans : 6/19

4. x=0.01
Col a: square root x
Col b: 1/x

5. From even numbers between 1 to 9 two different numbers are chosen at random. What is probablity that their sum will be 8.

6. Given pq not equal to zero
Col a : (p+q)^2
Col b :p^2+q^2
Ans: D

7. Given series a1,a2, .......,ar, ak-1, ak (here 1,2,r,k,k-1 are suffix) and a1=3, ak=ak- 1 + 4. Find a20?
Ans: 79

8. There are 43 persons in a group. 'D' is the shortest person in height among all 43 persons and 'E' is the tallest person among all 43 persons.
Cola :range of all 43 persons
Colb :range of only the two persons(D & E).
Ans : C

9. (33 1/2)% of (40) / (100)% of (160) = X % of 800. Then X= ?

11th - December - GRE - Verbal

11th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 12, 2007, 12:55:06 AM »

11th - December - GRE - Verbal








7. Herculean

8. Trifling


10. Polemical

11. Bromide

12. Hackneyed

13. Gratuitous

14. Wedding


1. Marriage: Wedding

2.Gratuitous: justification

3. Bromide: hackneyed


1. Now-a-days people are copying role models rather than understanding their own needs

Friday, December 7, 2007

7th - December - GRE - Verbal

7th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 08, 2007, 01:24:49 AM »

7th - December - GRE - Verbal


1.Quandary : a state of perplexity or uncertainty; dilemma.
Synonyms: bewilderment, mire, predicament, strait.
Antonyms: certainty, decisiveness

2.Transgression : violation of a law, command, etc; sin.
Synonyms: breach, contravention, defiance, encroachment, erring, infringement, iniquity, misdemeanor, trespass.
Antonyms: obedience

3.Polemical : a controversial argument, as one against some opinion
Synonyms: arguable, contentious, contestable, dubious, litigious, moot.
Antonyms: agreeable, unequivocal.

4.Hiatus : a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, any gap or opening.
Synonyms: aperture, breach, chasm, interim, lacuna, lapse, rift.

5.Addle : to make or become confused.

6.Encipher : to convert (a message, communication, etc.)

7.Emulate : to try to equal or excel;
Synonyms: compete, contend, imitate, mimic, out vie.

8.Saunter : a leisurely walk or ramble;
Synonyms: airing, amble, constitutional, promenade, ramble.

9.Succor : to help or relieve.
Synonyms: aid, ameliorate, assist, avail
Antonyms: disfavor, hinder.

10.Pulchritude : physical beauty; comeliness.
Synonyms: adorableness, allure, elegance, exquisiteness, glamour.

11.Dauntless : fearless;
Synonyms: courageous, gallant, intrepid, invincible, stouthearted, valiant, valorous
Antonyms: daunted, irresolute, poltroon.

12.Abate : to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc;
Synonyms: allay, diminish, dwindle, quell, recede, subdue.
Antonyms: enhance, intensify, prolong, surge

13. Peremptory : leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal.
Synonyms: arbitrary, assertive, autocratic, bossy, dogmatic, imperative, intolerant, obligatory, obstinate, rigorous, stringent, tyrannical.

14.Timorous : full of fear; fearful.
Synonyms: abashed, aghast, anxious, apprehensive, blanched, cowed, daunted, dismayed, intimidated, panic-stricken, perplexed, perturbed, rattled, spooked.
Antonyms: bold, courageous, valiant .

15. Formulate : to express in precise form, to devise or develop.
Synonyms: codify, contrive, forge, systematize, vamp.

16.Cameo: a technique of engraving upon a gem or other stone, as onyx, in such a way that an underlying stone of one color is exposed as a background for a low-relief design of another color.

17. Disparate : distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar.
Synonyms: contrary, discrepant, incommensurate.
Antonyms: alike, analogous, equivalent .

18.Tantalizing : having or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest, or desire.

19. Vile : highly offensive, unpleasant.
Synonyms: abandoned, abject, appalling, coarse, contemptible, debased, depraved, despicable, filthy, grungy, loathsome, nefarious, raunchy,repugnant, skuzzy, wretched.
Antonyms: gentle, kind

20. Vex : to irritate;
Synonyms: abrade, afflict, aggravate, agitate, annoy, exasperate, fret, hassle, irk, noodge, peeve, perplex, plague.
Antonyms: aid, assist, help, soothe

21. Vapid : lacking or having lost life; without liveliness or spirit.
Synonyms: bland, inane, insipid, jejune, stale, tame, tedious, unpalatable, vacant. Antonyms: lively, sharp
Jr. Member
Posts: 76

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Re: 7th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 01:25:38 AM »


1.Pinch: quantity

2.Peep: sound

3.Herculean: trifling

Thursday, December 6, 2007

6th - December - GRE - Verbal

6th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:27:10 AM »

6th - December - GRE - Verbal
















15. Ostentatious

16. Gravitas

17. Ascetic

18. Formulate


20. Peremptory

21. Abate

22. Pulchritude

23. Boorish

24. Sophisticated

25. Succor

26. Pliant

27. Persuasive

28. Coy

29. Rebuff

30. Cumbersome


32. Venerate

33. Flounder

34. Desiccate

35. Reifies

36. Obdurate

37. Sagacity
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Re: 6th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 12:27:37 AM »


1.Saunter: walk

2.Marriage :wedding

3.Gratuitous : justification

4.Bromide : hackneyed

5.Cameo: sculpture

Argument Topic:

1. Statistical data taken from dentists showed that men were 3 times likely to faint during a dental visit compared to women. It is therefore concluded that nervousness is the cause and dentists should try to keep advertisements especially for men so as to reassure them and understand the sensitivity.

6th - December - GRE - Quant

6th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:28:59 AM »

6th - December - GRE - Quant

1. Given there are 50 numbers, if the average of the first 25 numbers is 16 ,next 10 numbers is 15 and the last set is 20. What is the average of the entire set ?
Ans: 17

2. /X-3/<5
Col A: X
Col B: -8
Ans: A

3. Given Set={1,3,4,5,7,8,9}
Col a: number of ways in which 5 digit number can be formed
Col b: 7*6*5*4*3
Ans: A

4. A number divided by 5 leaves a reminder 3 and when divided by 7 leaves a reminder 4
Ans: C

5. If x<0, then the median for x, -1, 1, x^2, x^3 is
Ans: -1

6. 0 Col a: x intercept
Col b: y intercept
Ans: A

7. Col a: 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16
Col b:2(1/2 + 1/4 - 1/8 +1/16 - 1/32)
Ans: B

8. A line passing through (5,5) touches x-axis and y-axis at (x,0) and (0,y) respectively.
Col a:x
Col b:y
Ans: D

9. Of the following numbers which of them has highest Standard Deviation?
1. 25,26,27,28,29,30
2. 28,28,28,28,28,28
3. 23,24,25,26,26,26

10. Col A : sqrt(26)
Col B : sqrt(24) + 1
Ans: B

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

5th - December - GRE - Verbal

5th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:24:12 AM »

5th - December - GRE - Verbal













12. Transgression

13. Intangible

14. Bolster

15. Coy

16. Covert

17. Truculent

18. Laconic

19. Peep

20. Pinch

21. Ostracize
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Re: 5th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 12:24:38 AM »


1. Disguise: alter

2. Crutch: support

3. Pinch: measure

4. Peep: sound

5. Hardness: mass

6. Ruler: length

7. Degree: centigrade

8. Insect: aphid

9. Wary: gulled


1. When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?

5th - December - GRE - Quant

5th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:26:14 AM »

5th - December - GRE - Quant

1. When 't' is divided by 9, the remainder is 1 and when it is divided by 11 remainder is 8. Find 't'?

2. x=!0
Col a : x^-x
Col b : 1/(x^-x)

3. Col a : (10^18-10^16)/9
Col b : 11
Ans: A

4.Col A : 0.01^-2
Col B : 10^-20
Ans : A

5th DEC- GRE Verbal....this section sucks

5th DEC- GRE Verbal....this section sucks
« on: Today at 06:53:55 AM »

Hi Guys,
All the best !!!!
Words encountered during the GRE test.
1. Matter-of-fact
2. Flounder
3. Desiccate
4. Civilist
5. reifies
6. obdurate
7. pliant
8. persuasive
9. Gratuitous : justification
9. sagacity
10. bromide : hackneyed
11. boorish
12. sophisticated
13. suffrage
14. ostentatious

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

4th - December - GRE - Quant

4th - December - GRE - Quant
« on: Today at 01:07:15 AM »

4th - December - GRE - Quant

1.From even numbers between 1 to 9 two different numbers are chosen at random. What is probablity that their sum wil be 8.
Ans: c

2.A person saved $2 on first day, $4 on second day and $6 on third day and so on.... Find the total amount saved in the month of june.
Ans: $930

4th - December - GRE - Verbal

4th - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: Today at 01:05:40 AM »

4th - December - GRE - Verbal


1.Unobservable : not accessible to direct observation;
Synonyms: airy, disembodied, imprecise, nebulous, tenuous, vague.
Antonyms: palpable, tangible

2.Lightheartedness : the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you;
Synonyms: coquetting, dallying, flippancy, folly, frivolousness, gaiety, jest, levity, puerility, trifling, volatility, whimsy.
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity

3.Laconic : using few words; expressing much in few words;
Synonyms: breviloquent, brusque, compendious, crisp, curt, pithy, succinct, terse
Antonyms: loquacious

4.Kiosk : a small structure having one or more sides open
Synonyms: bandstand, booth, rotunda, stall.

5.Intangible : not definite or clear to the mind
Synonyms: abstract, abstruse, airy, elusive, ethereal, evanescent, evasive, impalpable, obscured, vague.
Antonyms: tangible

6.Coy : artfully or affectedly shy or reserved;
Synonyms: bashful, coquettish, demure, diffident, evasive, flirtatious, kittenish, prudish, self-effacing, skittish, timid, unassertive.
Antonyms: aggressive, assertive, bold, cheeky, forward.

7.Befriend : to make friends or become friendly with.
Synonyms: aid, assist, patronize, sustain, uphold.
Antonyms: ignore, neglect, reject, shun.

8.Transgression : violation of a law, command, etc.; sin.
Synonyms: breach, contravention, defiance, encroachment, erring, iniquity, trespass.
Antonyms: obedience
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Re: 4th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: Today at 01:06:00 AM »


1. It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician

2. Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity
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Re: 4th - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #2 on: Today at 01:06:23 AM »


1. The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.

"Many other companies have recently stated that having their employees take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course has greatly improved productivity. One graduate of the course was able to read a five-hundred-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company in under a year. Obviously, the faster you can read, the more information you can absorb in a single workday. Moreover, Easy Read costs only $500 per employee — a small price to pay when you consider the benefits to Acme. Included in this fee is a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscription to the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of our employees to take the Easy Read course."
2. The following is a recommendation from the business manager of Monarch Books.

"Monarch Books should open a cafe in its store to attract more customers and better compete with Regal Books, which recently opened a cafe. Monarch, which has been in business at the same location for more than twenty years, has a large customer following because it is known for its wide selection of books on all subjects. Opening the cafe would clearly attract more customers. The cafe would require relatively little space. Space could be made for the cafe by discontinuing the children's book section, which will likely become less popular given that the last national census indicated a significant decline in the percent of the population who are under age ten."

Monday, December 3, 2007

3rd - December - GRE - Quant

3rd - December - GRE - Quant
« on: Today at 01:04:24 AM »

3rd - December - GRE - Quant

1. x^2, x^3, x, -1, 1 are the 5 given no. Find the median if x<-1.
Ans: -1

2. If A's speed is 50 km/h and B's speed is 55 km/h. If A covers distance in 5 hours, how much time B will take to cover the same distance.
Ans: 4.5 hrs

3. What is the value of 'n', if 254^5 is divisible by 6^n?

4. |s|
sqroot of r^2.

Col A.......s
Col B.......r
Ans: D

5. In a group there are 4 proffesionals and 5 students. If a group is formed of 3 students and 1 proffesionals, then....
Col A : No. of ways in which group can be formed.
Col B : 40
Ans: C

3rd - December - GRE - Verbal

3rd - December - GRE - Verbal
« on: Today at 01:02:35 AM »

3rd - December - GRE - Verbal

TODAY'S WORDS with Meanings:

1.Quandary : A state of uncertainty or perplexity; dilemma.
Synonyms: bewilderment, impasse, mire, perplexity, plight, predicament, strait.
Antonyms: certainty, decisiveness.

2.Swarthy : Having a dark complexion or color;
Synonyms: black, brown, brunet, dusky, exotic, swart, tan, tawny
Antonyms: fair, light, pale.

3. Gaunt : extremely thin and bony;
Synonyms: angular, attenuated, bare, bleak, cadaverous, desolate, emaciated, forlorn, haggard, lank, meager, scraggy, scrawny.

4.Covert : A covering or cover.
Synonyms: camouflaged, cloaked, creep, furtive, obscured, stealthy, surreptitious, veiled.
Antonyms: open, overt, unconcealed, up-front.

5.Truculent : Disposed to fight or exhibiting violence;
Synonyms: abusive, antagonistic, barbarous, bellicose, browbeating, bullying, contentious, contumelious, ferocious, intimidating, invective, mordacious, mordant, obstreperous, pugnacious,scurrilous, trenchant,vituperative.

6.Bore :to weary by dullness; a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person.
Synonyms: bromide, drone, dullsville, grunge, lump, nag, nudge, soporific.
Antonyms: charmer, exciter.

7. Stagnant : Not moving or flowing; motionless, inactive;
Synonyms: brackish, dormant, filthy, inert, passive, putrid, sluggish, stale.
Antonyms: active, flowing.

8. Crass : So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility;
Synonyms: Philistine, asinine, boorish, bovine, churlish, coarse, doltish, indelicate, loutish, lumpish, uncouth, witless.
Antonyms: delicate, refined, sensitive, tactful.

9. Luminary : An object, such as a celestial body, that gives light; a person who is an inspiration to others. Synonyms: celebrity, dignitary, eminence, leader, notability, personage, worthy .
Antonyms: nobody.
10. Dank : unpleasantly moist or humid;
Synonyms: chilly, damp, dewy, muggy, soggy.
Antonyms: arid, dry, parched.

11. Bummer : any unpleasant or disappointing experience;
Synonyms:disappointment, disaster, misfortune.

12. Fir : the wood of any coniferous tree.

13. Insipid : without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities;
Synonyms: anemic, arid, banal, beige, driveling, dullsville, feeble, inane, jejune, mundane, nebbish, prosaic, tenous, trite, vapid, wearisome, yawn.
Antonyms: interesting

14. Obstinate : not easily controlled or overcome;
Synonyms: adamant, cantankerous, contumacious, dogmatic, indomitable, obdurate, pertinacious, recalcitrant, willful.
Antonyms: amenable, compliant
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Re: 3rd - December - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: Today at 01:03:13 AM »


1. Humanity level is increased compared to the last century. The innovations of technology is responsible, but poverty, war, violence is the same. Technolgy cannot change the condition of poverty, war and violence.

Argument Topic:

1.Monarch books should open a cafe, to increase customers and to compete with XXX books. Monarch books cover the books of all the subject. Being on one place since last 20 years, its customers XXX increased a lot. If it will open a cafe it will definatly attract lot of customers. It will take very little space which can be adjusted by discounting the childrens section. Because according to last national census report, the population of people below 10 is decreased.

Friday, November 30, 2007

November - 30th - GRE - Quant

November - 30th - GRE - Quant
« on: December 01, 2007, 12:39:24 AM »

November - 30th - GRE - Quant

1. (0.401)(0.211)(0.197)
--------------------------- = ?

2. When n is divided by 7 reminder is 4; what is reminder when (n*2+5)/7?
Ans: 6

3. Col A: Sqrt(11+6)
Col B: Sqrt (11) + sqrt(6)
Ans: B

4. A line intersects the Y-axis at (0,a) and X-axis at (a,0). If the line passes through the point (-3,-3), find the value of a.
Ans: -6

5. In a room there are more than 12 members which are divided into a 5 member,8 member and a 12 member group.Find the least possible members in room such that finally non are left.
Ans: 120
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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 12:39:43 AM »

6. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost.If 36 people charter aircraft rather than 40,loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?

7. A figure was given in which (2x+1) degree and 75 degree forms a straight angle. Find X ?
Ans: 52

8. r^3 = (5^9/5^6)
Col A : r
Col B : 5
Ans: C

9. Col A: (5^n/5^k)^2
Col B: (n/k)^2
Ans: D

10. 3x+6y = 6
Col A : x intercept
Col B : y intercept
Ans: A
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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2007, 12:40:41 AM »

11. Three points in the coordinate system were given (4,5), (-2,-1) and (1,k) and all lie on the same line.
Col A: k
Col B: 2
Ans: C

12. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A
13. x1, x2, x3, x4 & x5 are the events Rate of occurance of them are r1, r2, r3, r4 & r5
E = x1r1+x2r2+x3r3+x4r4+x5r5/(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)
x5=r5=5. Find E?
Ans: 11/3

14. Two concentric circles with the inner circle having radius 6 feet. The path around the inner circle is 2 feet wide and a wall is to be constructed on the path. If the concrete is to be 0.06 deep, then how much concrete will be required?
Ans: 1.68 pi

15. x is an integer such that x > 2
Cola: number of even factors of 2x
Colb: number of odd factors of 3x
Ans: D

16. A semicircle was given with area =2pie. Find the perimeter of the semicircle?
Ans: 2pie+4

17. check the diag here ->

Given x= y and EF || BC
COL A: area of triangle ABC
COL B: area of triangle DEF
Ans: (if EF = BC then ans is C)

November - 30th - GRE - Verbal

November - 30th - GRE - Verbal
« on: December 01, 2007, 12:37:14 AM »

November - 30th - GRE - Verbal


1.Stagnant : Not moving or flowing; motionless, inactive;
Synonyms: brackish, dormant, filthy, inert, passive, putrid, sluggish, stale..
Antonyms: active, flowing.

2.Luminary : An object, such as a celestial body, that gives light; a person who is an inspiration to others.
Synonyms: celebrity, dignitary, eminence, leader, notability, personage, worthy .
Antonyms: nobody

3.Malaise : a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort.
Synonyms: angst, anxiety, debility, decrepitude, depression, despair, doldrums, enervation, feebleness, infirmity, lassitude, melancholy, uneasiness.
Antonyms: healthy, well-being
4.Exculpate: to clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame;
Synonyms: absolve, acquit, amnesty, condone, disculpate, dismiss, exonerate, pardon, rationalize, remit, vindicate .
Antonyms: blame, condemn, convict, inculpate, indict, sentence.

5.Majesty : supreme greatness or authority;
Synonyms: Atticism, Ciceronianism, Hellenism, dignity, elegance, eloquence, grandeur, lucidity, neoclassicism, nobility, sobriety, sublimity.
Antonyms: romanticism

6.Abjectness : Being of the most miserable kind;
Synonyms: contemptible, degraded, dejected, deplorable, destitute, downtrodden, fawning, forlorn, groveling, pathetic, squalid, stark, submissive, wretched.
Antonyms: commendable, dignified, esteemed, exalted, honorable.

7.Satiate : to supply with anything to excess; to satisfy to the full.
Synonyms: cloy, glut, gorge, gratify, indulge, jade, nauseate, pall, sate, slake, surfeit.
Antonyms: deprive, dissatisfy, starve.

8.Slake : to make less active, vigorous, intense, etc;

9. Exhaustive : tending to exhaust or drain
Synonyms: comprehensive, embracive, encyclopedic, intensive, profound, radical.
Antonyms: cursory, incomplete, perfunctory, shallow, superficial.

10.Appeal : an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.;
Synonyms: adjuration, bid, claim, entreaty, imploration, invocation, overture, recourse, requisition, solicitation, supplication.
Antonyms: refusal, rejection

11.Green :
Synonyms: blooming, bosky, burgeoning, callow, flourishing, foliate, immature, juvenile, pliable, puerile, sprouting, supple, verdant.
Antonyms: old

12. Pelf : informal terms for money;

13.Rapport : relation; connection
Synonyms: affinity, compatibility, concord, empathy, groovy, harmony.

14.Culpable : deserving blame or censure; blameworthy.
Synonyms: amiss, censurable, demeritorious, impeachable, indictable, liable, reprehensible, sinful.
Antonyms: blameless, inculpable, innocent, not guilty.

15.Condemnation : an expression of strong disapproval;
Synonyms: accusation, censure, conviction, damnation, denouncement, denunciation, doom, proscription, reprobation, reproof, stricture.
Antonyms: absolution, approval, praise
16.Whimsy : excessively playful; fanciful; caprice;

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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 12:37:25 AM »

17.Volatile : Tending to vary often or widely;
Synonyms: airy, buoyant, capricious, effervescent, elusive, ephemeral, erratic, fickle, fleeting, frivolous, fugitive, lubricious, resilient, whimsical. Antonyms: calm, stable, steadfast.

18.Irascible : easily provoked to anger; very irritable;
Synonyms: bristly, cantankerous, cranky, feisty, fractious, grouchy, hasty, ireful, ogre, peevish, petulant, querulous, ratty, snappish.

19.Thrifty : careful and diligent in the use of resources;
Synonyms: Scotch, canny, chary, frugal, parsimonious, preserving, prudent, skimpy, sparing.
Antonyms: extravagant, spendthrift, wasteful

20.Miserly :
Synonyms: abject, avaricious, churlish, covetous, illiberal, parsimonious, penurious, screw, sordid, stingy.
Antonyms: extravagant, generous

21.Accolade : any award, honor.
Synonyms: approval, award, badge, decoration, distinction, honor, laurels. Antonyms: criticism.

22.Banquet : a lavish meal; feast.
Synonyms: feast, fete, regale.
Antonyms: light meal, snack.
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Re: November - 30th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2007, 12:37:58 AM »


1.Fir: Tree

2.Culpable: Condemnation

3.Flexible: bent

4.Censure: denunciation

5.Gully: erosion

6.Banquet: meal

7.Dank: moisture


1.Images are better communicative than language.

2.Imagination is more important than knowledge in professional and academic fields.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

November - 29th - GRE - Quant

November - 29th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:54:30 AM »

November - 29th - GRE - Quant

1.2^(2n+1)- 2^2n = 2^1000. Find n?
Ans: A

2.Col A: (0.91^2/1.1^2)+(1.1^2/0.91^2)
Col B: 2
Ans: B

3.Col A: Perimeter of a square with area 32
Col B: Perimeter of a rectangle with area 42
Ans: D

4. A formula was given to find the value for n years in thousands .
Formula: 0.01n^2 + 10n + 2000 .
Col a : value for 10 years.
Col b : 2100000
Ans: A

5. Col A : (5^n/5^k) ^2
Col B : (n/k)^2
Ans: D

6. w+6,S+6,p+6 has Standard Deviation k then what will be the Standard Deviation for w,s,p?
e. none
Ans: e

7.On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81
E. 128
Ans: D

8.There is a circular water fountain of Diameter 12m. The wall of the tank has a width of 2m. If the thickness of the fountain is 0.06m, what is the volume of the concrete used in constructing the tank?
Ans: 1.68pi cu.m
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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 12:54:51 AM »

9.Compare :
Col A: square root of (125+169)
Col B: sqaure root of 125 +square root of 169.
Ans: B

10. Given two lines 'l' and 'm' which are parallel to each other. There are two points 'a' and 'b' on line 'l' and two points 'c' and 'd' of the same length is on line 'm'. If M is a mid point between 'a' and 'b' then
Col A: MC
Col B: MD
Ans: D

11. Col A : (1/9 + 1/10 + 1/11 + 1/12 + 1/13 + 1/14 + 1/15)
Col B : 7/12
Ans : Col A

12. If f(x)= 3(x)^2 - 4x + 25
Col a: what is the least number to satisfy the condiation
Col b: 0
Ans: A

13. John's salary for a particular month is given by the equation: 1520 + 0.15x where x is the amount obtained from the sales made by John. In July 2000, John got $300 more than June 2000. By how much did John's sales increase in July 2000 as compared to June 2000?
Ans : $2000

14.A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A

15.A telephone call charges at the rate x for first 1 minute, and y for the remaining time of the call. If the total charge for the call was $2.49, what was the call duration in terms of x and y.
Ans : ($2.49 – x)/y + 1

16. In a triangle the three angles are given as X,X,Y. and the avg of two angles is 65, then what is the possible value of Y in the below options?
A. 60
B. 65
C. 70
D. 75
E. 80
Ans: E
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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 12:55:09 AM »

17. If x = -1 then (1/x)+(1/x^2)+(1/x^3)+(1/x^4)=?
Ans: 0

18. Given f(n+3)=f(n) and
f(0)= 5
f(1) = 4
then the value of f(Cool is
Ans: 6

19. Area of a square is 9 and that of a rectangle is 8.
Col A: perimeter of square
Col B: perimeter of rectangle
Ans: D

20. A company sold a product for x dollars in 1990. The price of product would increase by 2.5% every year. Which of the following expressions could be used to calculate the price of the product in the year 2000?
Ans : x*(1.025)^10

21.(1/2 + 1/3)+ (1/4 -1/3) + (1/2-1/4) = 1
22. 4 points A,B,C,D on a straight line such that AD:AB = 9:1 and AD:AC = 4:1 points A,B,C,D are:-
A. -20, -8, -10, 16
B. -20, -16, 11, 16
C. -20, -16, -11, 16
D. -20, -16, -11, 7
E. -20, -10, -11, 7
Ans: C

23. A circle was given with radius 6,it contained a shaded area. The degree measure of the unshaded area was 260. Find the area of shaded region.

Col A: {[Sqrt(6) + Sqrt(7)] [Sqrt(6) - Sqrt(7)]} / Sqrt(6)
Col B: {[Sqrt(7) + Sqrt(6)] [Sqrt(7) - Sqrt(6)]} / Sqrt(7)

25. Tom brought 'n' shares for 't' dollars( n> 20).Then he sold 'n-20' shares at 't+1' per share and sold the remaining shares at 't+3' per share.
Col A: total value of shares sold - total value of shares he bought
Col B: t+40
Ans: D

November - 29th - GRE - Verbal

November - 29th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:51:29 AM »

November - 29th - GRE - Verbal











10. Divest


















28. Nimble

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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 12:52:08 AM »


1.Gully: Erosion.

2.Bone: Fossilization

3.Banquet: Meal

4.Dank: Moisture

5.Swelling: Heat

6.Duck : drake

7.Nimble: movement

8.Collude: cooperation

9.Insouciant: worry

10.Experience: green

11.Theater: play

12.Culpable: condemnation
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Re: November - 29th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 12:52:42 AM »


1.Most people choose career on latest things happening, hardly anyone choose job on their talent.

2.Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work

Argument Topic:

1.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.

"The population of Balmer Island increases to 100,000 during the summer months. To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians, the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day during the summer season. By limiting the number of rentals, the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in moped accidents that was achieved last year in the neighboring island of Torseau, when Torseau's town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November - 28th - GRE - Quant

November - 28th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 29, 2007, 01:42:23 AM »

November - 28th - GRE - Quant

1. A line 'l' passes through (3,-2) and cuts the coordinate axis. line 'm ' is perpendicular to line 'l' .
Column A : Slope of line m
Column B : 3/2

2. The distance travelled by a train is 'd' and the time taken is h hrs. Next day the train travels the same distance but reaches 15 min early. What is the average speed in terms of 'd' and 'h'?

3. 7 is the digit on tens place for X and 8 is the digit for tens place for Y. What is the Tens digit for (X+Y)
Ans: 5

4. 0<1
col A : 1/x
col B : 1/x^2

5. If n * sqrt(0.01) = 1 then What is the value of n?
Ans: 10
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Re: November - 28th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 01:42:48 AM »

6. (0.5)^-2 , (0.5)^-1 , (0.5)^0 , (0.5)^1 , (0.5)^2. Find the range of the above numbers
Ans: 3.75

7. If a line passes through (-3,2) and cuts coordinate axis.
Col A: x-intercept of line
Col B: y-intercept of line
Ans: B

8. Given f(x)=x^2+x
Col a: f(x+1)
Col b: f(x) + f(1)
Ans: D

9. If a square is inside the circle with its side 's' then What is the area of the circle?
Ans: pi * s^2/2

10. Tom brought 'n' shares for 't' dollars( n> 20).Then he sold 'n-20' shares at 't+1' per share and sold the remaining shares at 't+3' per share.
Col A: total value of shares sold - total value of shares he bought
Col B: t+40
Ans: C

November - 28th - GRE - Verbal

November - 28th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 29, 2007, 01:41:08 AM »

November - 28th - GRE - Verbal









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Re: November - 28th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 01:41:27 AM »


1.Culpable: Condemnation

2.Theatre: play

3.Courtroom: trial

4.Flexible: bent

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November - 27th - GRE - QUANT

November - 27th - GRE - QUANT
« on: November 28, 2007, 01:39:09 AM »

November - 27th - GRE - QUANT

1. Three points in the coordinate system were given (4,5), (-2,-1) n (1,k) and all lie on the same line…
Col A: k
Col B: 2
Ans: C

2. A company sold a product for x dollars in 1990. The price of the product would increase by 2.5% every year. Which of the following expressions could be used to calculate the price of the product in the year 2000?
A. x * (25)^10
B. x * (0.25)^10
C. x * (1.25) ^ 10
D. x * (1.025)^10
E. x * (0.125) ^ 10
Ans: D

3.There is a circular water fountain of Diameter 12m. The wall of the tank has a width of 2m. If the thickness of the fountain is 0.06m, what is the volume of the concrete used in constructing the tank? On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81
E. 128
Ans: D

4. 3,1,4,2,3,1,4,2...... is a series in which 3,1,4,2 are repeated for every 4 terms then what is the product of the 67th,68th term?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
E. 3
Ans: C

5. n and k are positive numbers
col a: (3^n/ 5^k)^2
colb: (n/k)^2
Ans: D

6. A+B=1 and M+T=2
A and M are positive and B and T are negative
Cola :A^2 + B^2
Col b: M^2 + N^2
Ans: D

7.The number of numbers that can be formed by the digits 1,2,3,4,3,2,1. the odd digits are at odd places is given by
A) 430
B) 215
C) 93
D) 36
E) 18
Ans: E

8. The number of numbers that can be formed by the digits 1,2,3,4,3,2,1. the odd digits are at odd places is given by
A) 430
B) 215
C) 93
D) 36
E) 18
Ans: E
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Re: November - 27th - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 01:39:28 AM »

9. Given a semicircle with radius 2 and its area is 2pie. Find the perimeter of the semicircle.
Ans: 4+2pie

10. Two lines 3x-5y=10 and 2x-10y=-3 were given and the point of intersection of these lines lies in which quadrant?
Ans: IVth quadrant

11. Given x ,10-x, 2x+3 are three numbers. If mean of these 3 numbers is 24. Find median.

12. If mode of a group of numbers is 78 then what is the range of the numbers.
Ans: D
13. If x is not equal to 0.
Col a : (x+y)^2
Col b : x^2 +y^2
Ans: D

14. Given a cylinder having volume V. There is one more cylinder that had radius and height both twice of that of the given cylinder, so what is the volume of 2nd cylinder in terms of V?
Ans : 8V

15. (x^2+y^2)/2=xy then,
col A: x
col B: y
Ans: D

16. There are 37 employees in a company X. The month of july has more number of birthdays (of employees) than any other month in the year.
Col A: Number of Birthdays in July
Col B: 3
Ans: A
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Re: November - 27th - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 01:39:47 AM »

17. {(0.401)*(0.211)*(0.197)} / {(0.some number)*(0.155)*(0.343)} = this type of question was given .

18. In a triangle the three angles are given as X,X,Y. and the avg of two angles is 65, then what is the possible value of Y in the below options?
A. 60
B. 65
C. 70
D. 75
E. 80
Ans: E

19. x is an integer such that x > 3
Col a: number of even factors of 2x
Col b: number of odd factors of 3x
Ans: D

20. A set contains following no.'s a1,a2,a3.........a100
An= ((n+1)/n)+1) for n odd integer
An= -An-1 for n even integer
Find it's range...

21. lj+2l<3 and (k-1)^2=16
coll a:jk
col b:15
Ans: B

22. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A

23. Three cuboids R, S and T were given…
Sides of R x, y, z
Sides of S x+10, y, z
Sides of T x, y, z+10
Col A: volume of s minus volume of R
Col B: volume of T minus volume of R
Ans: D

24. John's salary for a particular month is given by the equation: 1520 + 0.15x where x is the amount obtained from the sales made by John. In July 2000, John got $300 more than June 2000. By how much did John's sales increase in July 2000 as compared to June 2000?
Ans : $2000

25. A company has 54 employees. There are more birthdays on Wednesdays then on any other day of the week.
Col A: minimum no. of birthdays on Wednesdays
Col B: 8
Ans: A

November - 27th - GRE - Verbal

November - 27th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 28, 2007, 01:37:34 AM »

November - 27th - GRE - Verbal

1.Pulchritude: Great physical beauty and appeal.
Synonyms : adorableness, allure, allurement, attraction, elegance, exquisiteness, glamour, good looks, handsomeness, loveliness, physical attractiveness, prettiness, shapeliness
Antonyms: plainness, repulsiveness, ugliness

2.Dire : causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible
Synonyms: acute, burning, clamant, clamorous, climacteric, critical, crucial, crying, desperate, drastic, exigent, extreme, immoderate, imperative, importunate, instant, pressing
Antonyms: insignificant, trivial, unimportant

3.Inapt: not apt or fitting, without aptitude or capacity
Synonyms: awkward, banal, clumsy, gauche, inadept, incongruous, inept, infelicitous, insipid, jejune, maladroit, malapropos, undexterous, unproficient, unskilled.
Antonyms: competent

4.Convert (v): to change (something) into a different form or properties
Synonyms: adapt, alter, apply, appropriate, commute, interchange, make, metamorphose, modify, remodel, reorganize, restyle, revise, switch, switch over, transfigure, transform, translate, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, turn.
Antonyms: endure, hold, keep, persist, remain, stay.

5.Intractable: not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable
Synonyms: awkward, bull-headed, cantankerous, contrary, fractious, hang tough, hard-line, headstrong, incurable, indocile, indomitable, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, pat, pertinacious, perverse, pig-headed, recalcitrant, refractory, resolute, self-willed, stubborn, tenacious, unbending, unpliable, unruly, unyielding, wayward, wild, willful
Antonyms: manageable

6.Tinge: To apply a trace of color to
Synonyms: cast, colorant, coloration, coloring, dye, dyestuff, hue, nib, pigment, shade, stain, tincture, tint, tone, wash
Antonyms: white

7.Vex: to irritate, to disturb by motion
Synonyms: abrade, afflict, aggravate, agitate, anger, annoy, be at, bug, chafe, depress, exasperate, fret, gall, harass, Harry, hassle, infuriate, irk, irritate, molest, nettle, offend, peeve, perplex, pester, pique, plague, rasp, ride, rile, tease, torment.
Antonyms: aid, assist, help, soothe

Synonyms: apperception, attention, capacity, cognizance, conception, consciousness, genius, ingenuity, instinct, intellect, intuition, lucidity, perception, psyche, ratiocination, sanity, soundness, talent, wisdom, wits.

9.Tranquility: quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness;
Synonyms: ataraxia, calmness, composure, equanimity, hush, imperturbability, imperturbation, peacefulness, placidity, quiet, sedateness, serenity, stillness.
Antonyms: chaos, violence, wildness

10. Jargon (n): any talk or writing that one does not understand.
Synonyms: blubbering, burble, chatter, clamor, drivel, gab, gibberish, gossip, gushing, idle talk, jabber, jabbering, jargon, murmur, muttering, prattle, ranting, tattling.
Antonyms: quietness, silence, stillness

11. Altercation: a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversy.
Synonyms: argument, bickering, combat, contest, controversy, dispute, embroilment, falling-out, fuss, hassle, punch out, quarrel, rhubarb, row, spat, squabbling
Antonyms: agreement, concord, harmony, peace, union, unity.

12.Phlegmatic: not easily excited to action or display of emotion
Synonyms: apathetic, cold-blooded, distant, emotionless, frigid, frosty, glacial, impersonal, imperturbable, indifferent, inhibited, lukewarm, matter-of-fact, passionless, spiritless, standoffish, stony, unenthusiastic, unimpassioned.
Antonyms: animated, enthusiastic, excited, fervid, friendly, warm.

13.Magniloquent: speaking or expressed in a lofty or grandiose style; pompous
Synonyms: aureate, balderdash, bullshitting, declamatory, euphuistic, fustian, grandiloquent, grandiose, histrionic, inflated, loudmouth, magniloquent, orotund, ostentatious, ranting, rhapsodic, rhetorical, Sonorous, swollen, tumid, turgid, verbose.
Antonyms: humble, quiet, reserved, restrained, subtle, understated


15. Excise

16. Altercation

17. Matter-of-fact

18. Lithe

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Re: November - 27th - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 01:37:56 AM »


1.Actor: cast

2.Nimble: movement

3.Collude: cooperate

4.Insect: insipid

5.Disguise: alter

Monday, November 26, 2007

November - 26th - GRE -Quant

November - 26th - GRE -Quant
« on: November 27, 2007, 01:38:21 AM »

November - 26rd - GRE -Quant

1. In xy coordinate a square is drawn by connecting y, x, -y and -x coordinate. The area of the square is 36.
Col A:Distance between the center of the coordinate and the point in –y coordinate
Col B: 2.4

2. x is multiple of 3 and 3x has unit digit 7.
Col A: x
Col B: 69

Ans: D

3. In a company there are 54 members. If wednesday has more numbers of birthdays then what is the least number of birthdays on
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
E. 10
Ans: D

4. x and y are positive integers.
Col A: remainder when xy+x(y+2) is devided by 2.
Col B: 0
Ans: C

5. |J+2|<3 and (k-1)^2=16
Col A: jk
Col B: 15
Ans: B

6. If x-x/2-x/4-x/8 = 16 find x?
Ans: 128

7. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: A
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Re: November - 26th - GRE -Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 01:39:09 AM »

8. A label of vertical width w is stick on a cylinderical vessel with area A(some number) and height 10 cm.
Cola: w
Colb: 4.5
Ans: D

9. A circle was given with radius 6, it contained a shaded area. The degree measure of the unshaded area was 260. Find the area of
shaded region.

10. There is a circular water fountain of Diameter 12m. The wall of the tank has a width of 2m. If the thickness of the fountain is
0.06m, what is the volume of the concrete used in constructing the tank?
Ans: 1.68pi cu.m

11. 3^(4n+1) divided by 10
Col A: Remainder
Col B: 0

12. x1, x2, x3, x4 & x5 are the events Rate of occurance of them are r1, r2, r3, r4 & r5
E = x1r1+x2r2+x3r3+x4r4+x5r5/(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)
x5=r5=5. Find E?
Ans: 11/3

13. Given ax^2+bx+c=0, (2x+3)(2x-3)=0
Col a:a+b+c
Col b: -5
Ans: C

14. Given average(arithmetic mean) of t,u,v is x.
Col a:arithmetic mean of t,u,v and x
Col b:x
Ans: C

15. Col a: (-2)^-5
Col b: 1
Ans: B

November - 26th - GRE - Verbal

November - 26th - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 27, 2007, 01:36:42 AM »

November - 26th - GRE - Verbal

1) Matter of fact :Something of a factual nature, as an actual occurrence.
Synonyms:brusque, crude, crusty, gruff, snappy, discourteous, impetuous, snippy, uncivil, ungracious
Antonyms:at ease, calm, civil, courteous, gracious, kind, polite

2) Subsidize:to furnish or aid with a subsidy, To assist or support with a subsidy
synonyms:abet, alleviate, assist, lighten, mitigate, promote, relieve, support, befriend, benefact
antonyms:block, hinder, hurt, impede, injure, obstruct.

3) Jocose:characterized by jokes and good humor
Synonyms:amusing, blithe, cheerful, daffy, facetious, flaky frolicsome, humorous, jesting, joshing, ludicrous, roguish, wacky, waggish, witty whimsical.
Antonyms:morose, serious, unfunny

4) Imaginative:Lacking truth; fanciful, having exceptional powers of imagination
Synonyms:artistic, avant-garde, extravagant, fictive, ingenious, inventive, kinky, quixotic, utopian, visionary, vivid, whimsical.
Antonyms: pedestrian, unimaginative

5) Agape :with the mouth wide open, as in wonder, surprise, or eagerness
Synonyms:agog, anxious, appalled, astonished, awestruck,confounded, dumbfounded, overwhelmed, startled.
Antonyms:undisturbed, unperturbed, unsurprised.

6) Effectual:Producing or capable of producing an intended effect; adequate.
Synonyms:accomplishing, binding, determinative, efficacious, forcible, fulfilling, lawful, licit, potent, powerful, practicable, virtuous
Antonyms:impotent, incapable, ineffectual, unproductive, unsuccessful, weak

7) Endurance:the ability or strength to continue, lasting quality
Synonyms:allowance, courage, forbearance, fortitude, grit, guts, mettle, spunk, perseverance, pertinacity restraint, tenacity, vitality
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 01:39:29 AM by shilpa » Logged
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Re: November - 26rd - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 01:37:14 AM »


1. Ballad: song

2. Plumage: bird

3. Wedding: marriage

4. Experience: green

5. Insouciant: worry


1. Most of the species are on verge of extinction due to natural processes. So society must not take efforts to preserve them by controlling extinction due to human processes. This will save time and money

2. Using charcoal would reduce pollution.

Argument Topic:

1. "Medical reports show the years 1970, 1980, 1997, 2000 were worst flu affected years all over the world and these were years having high sunspot activity ( high radiation) , so in order to prevent our self from flu people must avoid going out in sun.

2. Can TVs replace books?

Friday, November 23, 2007

November - 23rd - GRE - Quant

November - 23rd - GRE - Quant
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:40:14 AM »

November - 23rd - GRE - Quant

1. If 0.8 is the probability that a person gets infected with the disease amongst a group, in which a person in a group is infected.
Col A : the probablity that a person getting infected if none of the others among the group is infected.
Col B : 0.4
Ans: D

2. Given Users of mixers are 14% and Users of AC's are 27%. Find the Range of users excluding the users of mixers and ACs.
A) 41% to 59%
B) 59% to 73%
C)21% to 41%
Ans: B

3. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.
Col A: p
Col B: r
Ans: D

4. Bryan and Kathleen live 150 miles apart. They each drive toward the other's house along a straight road connecting the two,
Bryan at a constant rate of 30 miles per hour and Kathleen at a constant rate of 50 miles per hour. If Bryan and Kathleen leave their
houses at the same time, how many miles are they from Bryan's house when they meet?
A) 40
B) 51.5
C) 56.25
D) 75
E) 93.75
Ans: C

5.The area of rectangular region R is equal to the area of rectangular region T.
The Ratio of the length to the width of R is 3 to 1.
the length & width of T are 12 & W, respectively.
Col A : w
Col B : 4
Ans: D

6. (0.5)^-2 , (0.5)^-1 , (0.5)^0 , (0.5)^1 , (0.5)^2. Find the range of the above numbers
Ans: 3.75

7.Two semicircles with thier diameters coincident...outer semicircle has diameter 12 feet and inner semicircle has diameter 8 feet.The outer minus inner was painted with green paint at some cost per sq feet and the inner was painted with red at the same cost per sq feet.
Col A: cost of green paint
Col B: cost of red paint
Ans: A

8. A label of vertical width w is stick on a cylinderical vessel with area A(some number) and height 10 cm.
Cola: w
Colb: 4.5
Ans: D

November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal

November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:38:23 AM »

November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal











10. Laud

11. Lithe
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Re: November - 23rd - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 11:39:00 AM »


1.Disguise: alter






1.“To truly know your own culture, you need to know atleast one other culture so as to understand the difference."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

November - 22st - GRE - Quant

November - 22st - GRE - Quant
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:36:17 AM »

November - 22st - GRE - Quant

1. If d is the standard deviation of x,y and z then what is the standard of x+6,y+6 and z+6?
B. 6d
Ans: E

2. Out of 45, 25 are married and 38 are houseowners.
col A: least no.of houseowners who are married
col b: 18
Ans: C

3. A two digit number is a multiple of 3 and thrice this number has 7 in its units place.
col a: the number is
col B: 69
Ans: D

4. (0.5)^-2 , (0.5)^-1 , (0.5)^0 , (0.5)^1 , (0.5)^2. Find the range of the above numbers
Ans: 3.75

5. If n is an integer when divided by 17 leaves a reminder 4, what is the reminder when 5n is divided by 17
Ans : 3

6. In a set of 5 numbers, if 7 is the median, 4 is the mode & mean of the largest & second largest number is 20. Find average of 5
Ans: 11

7. Where will the point of intersection of the lines 3x + 5y = 7 and 2x - 10y = - 3 lie?
A. On X-Axis
B. On Y-Axis
C. In Quadrant I
D. In Quadrant III
E. In Quadrant IV
Ans: E
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Re: November - 22st - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 11:36:51 AM »

8.On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with
a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4
B. 24
C. 64
D. 81
E. 128
Ans: D

9. A B
+ B A
Col A: B
Col B: 2

Ans: C

10.There was a $25 discount on every purchase of $75 there was a 10% charge on shipping which was added before the discount
and 20% sales tax after the discount was added. If john paid total $300, what was the original amount of purchase if no sales tax
was added per $75
Ans : 240.

11. Consider circle with centre O. AB is a chord of the circle. AOB is a right triangle C is a point on the circumference of circle such
that angle BOC = 60 degrees Compare.
Col A : area of triangle AOB
Col B : area of sector BOC.
Ans : B

12. A company sold a product for x dollars in 1990. The price of product would increase by 2.5% every year. Which of the following
expressions could be used to calculate the price of the product in the year 2000?
Ans : x*(1.025)^10

13. Given ABCD is a square with perimeter k and M, N, O, P are the midpoints of the square. If with this midpoints another
square MNOP is formed then
Col A: perimeter of inner square is
Col B: 1/2 k
Ans: A

14. If x is an integer and (x-5)/2 is an integer. Then which of the following is an integer?
A. (x+2)^2/9
B. (x+2)^2/4 .......

Ans: A
15. Col A: The number of real roots of 2x-3/7=0
Col B: The number of real roots of x^2+3=0
Ans: A

November - 22st - GRE - Verbal

November - 22st - GRE - Verbal
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:31:17 AM »

November - 22st - GRE - Verbal







6. Din













19. Tedium






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Re: November - 22st - GRE - Verbal
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 11:31:39 AM »


1.Insects: aphid

2.Disguise: alter

3.Quibble: obstruction

4.Gratuitous: Justification

5.Plumage: bird

6.Passion: emotions

7.Crunch: support

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November - 21st - GRE - QUANT

November - 21st - GRE - QUANT
« on: November 22, 2007, 01:01:38 AM »

November - 21st - GRE - QUANT

1. x-y =5 & xy != 0
Col a: 1/x-1/y
Col b: 5

2. Given f(n+3)=f(n) and
f(0)= 5
f(1) = 4
then the value of f(Cool is
Ans: 6

3. Given 0<1
Col A: X^50+X^51+x^52
ColB : 3(x^52)

4. A circle is inscribed in a square of side 2m.
ColA: area of circle
ColB: pie
Ans: C

5. x^2+2x-8=0
Col A:The sum of the roots
Col B: -2
Ans: C
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Re: November - 21st - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 01:01:55 AM »

6. An regular pentagon and an equilateral triangle were given. The perimeter of pentagon is twice that of triangle.
Col A: Side of pentagon
Col B: Side of triangle
Ans: A

7. A telephone company has no.'s between 3000-3799. A Company called X uses the numbers from 3300-3499. Out of these
managers of Division1 level use numbers ending with 0 or 1. What percent of the telephone company numbers are used by
Managers of Division1 level of Comany X?
Ans: 5%

8. x^2=1/5(x^2+(8/x^2)) find the value of x?
Col A: x
Col B: 2

9. A triangle ABC is given. A point D divides the side AB such that a trainge ADC is formed and AD/DB=1/3. If the area of the triangle ABC is r. Find the area of the triangle ADC in terms of r?
Ans: r/4

10. If x = -1 then (1/x)+(1/x^2)+(1/x^3)+(1/x^4)=?
Ans: 0

11. If x is a positive number which leaves a remainder 2 when divided by 8 and when divided by 5 it leaves a remainder 3. Find the least possible number?
col A: x
col B: 18
Ans: C
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Re: November - 21st - GRE - QUANT
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2007, 01:02:13 AM »

12. In a room there are more than 12 members which are divided into a 5 member group and a 8member group and a 12 member
group. Find the least possible members in that room such that finally none were left?
Col A the members in the room
Col B: 120
Ans: C

13. |x-2|>4 then which of the following is true with the above realation
A) -26
B) -4<4
C) -2<4
D) -6<6
Ans: A

14. A rectangular aquarium base has dimensions 10*8 and height 10. Aquarium is filled upto the height of 6, a solid bar is immersed
into it... there by increasing the water level to 7.
Col a: the bar dimensions
Col b: 100 cubics

15. Col A: 50 square + 51 Square + 52 square
Col B: 3(square of 52)
Ans: B

16. Mode of certain list is given as 45
Col A: find the mean
Col B: 45
Ans: D

November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL

November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL
« on: November 22, 2007, 01:00:01 AM »

November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL



2. Toil

3. Din

4. Natatorium









13. Temerity

14. Isthmus




18. Agape




22. Arduous

23. Exacting

24. Unctuous

25. Schism

26. Frail


28. Immutable

29. Altered

30. Implacable
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Re: November - 21st - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 01:00:23 AM »


1.Abridge: length

2.Attenuate: thickness

3.Passions: emotions

4.Crunch : support

5.Disguise : alter

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November - 20th - GRE - Quant

November - 20th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 22, 2007, 12:57:55 AM »

November - 20th - GRE - Quant

1)Twice the sum of 3 integers x ,y and z when divided by 7 gives remainder 1
what is the remainder when x+y+z is divided by 7?
Ans: 4

2) (1/2 + 1/3)+ (1/4 -1/3) + (1/2-1/4) = 1

3) 4 points A,B,C,D on a straight line such that AD:AB = 9:1 and AD:AC = 4:1
points A,B,C,D are:-
A. -20, -8, -10, 16
B. -20, -16, 11, 16
C. -20, -16, -11, 16
D. -20, -16, -11, 7
E. -20, -10, -11, 7
Ans: C

4) If probability of event M occuring is <1/4
Col a: prob of event M not occuring
Col b: 3/4

5) A semicircle was given with area 2pie find the perimeter of the semicircle
Ans: 2pie+4

6) x when divided by 7 leaves remainder 4.What is the remainder when 2x + 5 is divided by 7?
Ans: 6
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Re: November - 20th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 12:58:17 AM »

7) The probability of raining tomorrow night is 0.46
Col a Col b
Probability of raining tomorrow night
and at high heat temp of 85degress is 0.54
Ans: B

Cool |x|<= 6, |y|<=4.
Col a Col b
The maximum value of |y/x| 1
Ans: D

9) The volume and height of a cylinder is given as 54pi and 6. Find the circumference of the base of cylinder?
Ans: 6*pie

10) Given circle is x^2 + y^2 = 49 points on circle are A(3,a) and B(0,b) and given 'a' is positive and 'b' is negative.
Col A : length of segment AB
Col B : 12
Ans: A

11) Given a figure of triangle with sides t, t, n. If the average of two angles of the triangle is 65 then what is the value of n?
Ans: 80

12) 0<1
Col a Col b
x y^2
Ans: D

13) xy+x(y+2) when divided by 2 leaves a remainder
Cola Colb
Remainder 0
Ans: D

November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL

November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL
« on: November 22, 2007, 12:55:30 AM »

November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL
















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Re: November - 20th - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 12:56:02 AM »


1)The primary goal of technological advances should be to provide people with leisure time.

2)Another Issue topic is regarding education pattern.... Whether the education pattern should be same for 1 nation, or should be
different for each state.


1. The author of the article claims that wearing helmets in a particular state increased from 20% to 80% in a span of 10 years, but in
the same decade the accident cases increased by 200%. Hence safety regulations should be taught instead of imposing people to
wear helmets.

Monday, November 19, 2007

November - 19th - GRE - Quant

November - 19th - GRE - Quant
« on: November 20, 2007, 01:04:47 AM »

November - 19th - GRE - Quant

1. Col A : Least +ve integer with 3 different prime factors, each greater than 6
Col B : 1001
Ans: C

2. Twice the sum of 3 integers x ,y and z when divided by 7 gives remainder =1
wt is the remainder when x+y+z is divided by 7.?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
Ans : E

3.The area of rectangular region R is equal to the area of rectangular region T.
The Ratio of the length to the width of R is 3 to 1.
the length & width of T are 12 & W, respectively.
Col A : w
Col B : 4
Ans: C

4. Area of a square is 9 and that of a rectangle is 8.
ColA ColB
perimeter of square perimeter of rectangle
Ans: D

5. Where will the point of intersection of the lines 3x - 5y = 7 and 2x + 10y = - 3 lie?
A. On X-Axis
B. On Y-Axis
C. In Quadrant I
D. In Quadrant III
E. In Quadrant IV
Ans : E
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Re: November - 19th - GRE - Quant
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2007, 01:05:05 AM »

6. There are 37 employees in a company X. The month of july has more number of birthdays (of employees) than any other month
in the year.
Col A: Number of Birthdays in July
Col B: 3
Ans: A

7. (1/2 + 1/3)+ (1/4 -1/3) + (1/2-1/4)
Ans : 1

8. X^2-x-2 = 0. Number of possible value of X..?
Ans: 2

9. F(x) = x^2 + x
Col A : F(x+1)
Col B : F(x) + F(1)
Ans : A

10. Two Isosceles triangle was drawn, equal sides are 1, 1 in both triangle. Angle between equal side in one triangle is X, and in
second is Y. and given X > Y.
Col A: area of triangle with angle X
Col B: area of triangle with angle Y
Ans: A

11. Consider circle with centre O. AB is a chord of the circle. AOB is a right angle. C is a point on the circumference of the circle
such that angle BOC = 60 degrees. Compare:
Col A: Area of Triangle AOB
Col B: Area of sector BOC
Ans: A

November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL

November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL
« on: November 20, 2007, 01:02:58 AM »

November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL






















21. Esteem

22. Inexorable

23. Discreet

24. Insane

25. Scad

26. Brazen

27. Venerate

28. Spurn
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Re: November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2007, 01:03:19 AM »


1.Trite: novel

2.Venerate: despise

3.Obstreperous: control

4.Isthmus :land

5.Strait: water

6.Rebellious :insurgent

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Re: November - 19th - GRE - VERBAL
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 01:03:53 AM »

Issue Topic:

1."It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public"

2.In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time
working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach

Argument Topic:

1.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a newspaper serving the villages of Castroville and Polluxton.
"Both the villages of Castroville and Polluxton have experienced sharp declines in the numbers of residents who pay property
taxes. To save money and improve service, the two villages recently merged their once separate garbage collection departments
into a single department located in Castroville, and the new department has reported few complaints about its service. Last year
the library in Polluxton had 20 percent fewer users than during the previous year. It follows that we should now further economize
and improve service, as we did with garbage collection, by closing the library in Polluxton and using the library in Castroville to
serve both villages."