Friday, July 25, 2008

25th Aug Gre verbal Que

Today's Words:

1. Ameliorate(v): to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve.
Synonyms: amend, advance, progress, promote, recuperate, reform, uplift.
Antonyms: worsen.

2. Paucity(n): smallness of quantity; scarcity; smallness or insufficiency of number; fewness; an insufficient quantity or number.
Synonyms: dearth, guilty, insufficiency, lack, poverty, scantiness,scarcity, shortage, sparsity.

3. Penurious(adj): extremely stingy; extremely poor; poorly or inadequately supplied; lacking in means or resources; Unwilling to spend money; stingy; Yielding little; barren.
Synonyms: avaricious, barren, destitute, frugal, grasping, indigent,
miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, stingy.
Antonyms: generous.

4. Fastidiousness(adj): excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please; requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking.

5. Modicum(n): A small or moderate quantity or token amount.
Synonyms: iota, tinge.

6. Flippant(adj): frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; showing inappropriate levity.
Synonyms: airy, bold, brassy, brazen, chatty, fluent, glib, irreverent, malapert, pert, sassy, saucy, smart-alecky, voluble.

7. Cardsharp(n): a person, esp. a professional gambler, who cheats at card games; a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games.

8. Masonry(n): work constructed by a mason, esp. stonework; structure built of stone or brick by a mason; the craft or occupation of a mason.
Synonyms: ashlar, brickwork, stonework, trade.

9. Pernickety(adj): characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details.

10. Obfuscate(v): to confuse, bewilder, to make obscure or unclear, to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand; to render indistinct or dim; darken.
Synonyms: bewilder, blur, cloud, confuse, darken, dim, garble, hide, muddle, obscure, perplex, puzzle.
Antonyms: clarify

11. Elucidate(v): to provide clarification; explain; to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; make free from confusion or ambiguity.
Synonyms: clarify, describe, detail, enlighten, explain, expound, illume, illustrate, interpret.

12. Rococo(adj): Immoderately elaborate or complicated; having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation; noting or pertaining to a style of painting developed simultaneously with the rococo in architecture and decoration, characterized chiefly by smallness of scale, delicacy of color, freedom of brushwork, and the selection of playful subjects as thematic material; A very ornate style of speech or writing.
Synonyms: arty, extravagant, flamboyant, gaudy, ornate.

13. Transient(adj): not lasting, enduring, or permanent; lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary; staying only a short time;
remaining in a place only a brief time; passing swiftly away; not durable.
Synonyms: conveyance, deciduous, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, fugitive, impermanent, itinerant, migratory, momentary, short-lived,
temporal, volatile.

14. Conniving(v): to cooperate secretly; conspire; to avoid noticing something that one is expected to oppose or condemn; give aid to
wrongdoing by forbearing to act or speak; to be indulgent toward something others oppose or criticize.
Synonyms: plot, collude.

15. Bucolic(adj): of or pertaining to shepherds; of, pertaining to, or suggesting an idyllic rural life; Of or characteristic of the countryside
or its people.

16. Tenterhooks(n): A hooked nail for securing cloth on a tenter; to be uncertain and anxious about what is going to happen.

17. Sloven(n): a person who is habitually negligent of neatness or cleanliness in dress, appearance, etc; a person who works, acts, speaks, etc, in a negligent, slipshod manner; One who is habitually careless in personal appearance or work.

18. Exacerbant(v): to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate; to embitter the feelings of (a person); irritate;make worse.
Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, enrage, exasperate, infuriate, ire, irritate, provoke, tease, worsen, intensify, inflame.
Antonyms: relieve, soothe, alleviate.

19. Flagrant(adj): shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring; glowing; conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible; very obvious; easily seen.
Synonyms: disgraceful, monstrous, egregious, notorious; scandalous, arrant, glaring, gross.

20. Conceit(n): an excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability, importance, wit, etc; personal opinion or estimation.
Synonyms: arrogant, bumptious, conceited, egomaniac, egotistical, haughty, hubristic, pragmatic, presumptuous, priggish, self-esteem, vanity, egotism, complacency.
Antonyms: humility.

21. Lugubrious(adj): mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner; excessively mournful.
Synonyms: sorrowful, melancholy, bleak, depressing, dismal, doleful, dour, funeral, gloomy, morose, mournful, woebegone, woful.
Antonyms: cheerful

22. Innovation(n): something new or different introduced; introduction of new things or methods; the creation of something in the mind; the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new.
Synonyms:change, departure, introduction, invention, novelty, vicissitude.

23. Virtual(adj): Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination; Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name.
Synonyms: essential, fundamental, implied, tacit.

24. Camouflage(v): to disguise, hide, or deceive by means of camouflage; to conceal, usually through misrepresentation or other artifice; to use protective coloring or garments for concealment.
Synonyms: cloak, conceal, cover, deceptive, disguise, fake, hide, masquerade, screen, mask, blind, front.

25. Malingerer(v): to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc; To feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work.

26. Protract(v): to draw out or lengthen, esp. in time; extend the duration of; prolong; to draw out or lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer.
Synonyms: continue, defer, detract, drag, elongate, extend,procrastinate, prolong, stall, stretch.
Antonyms: curtail.

27. Silhouette(n): a dark image outlined against a lighter background; a dark image, especially a shadow, seen against the light; A drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color.
Synonyms: contour, figuration, outline, portrait, profile, shadow, shape.

28. Indiscrimination(n): an act or instance of not discriminating; the quality or condition of being indiscriminate or of not discriminating;
lack of discrimination.


1. Protract: length

2. Silhouette: shadow

3. Camoflage: Detect

4. Malingerer: Work

Issue Topic:

1. The laws should not be rigid, they should be flexible according to the circumstance, place, time etc.

Monday, July 21, 2008

21st Aug GRE Verbal Que

Today's Words:

1. Bumptious

2. Chimera

3. Disquiet

4. Phlegmatic

5. Euphemism

6. Adamant

7. Radical

8. Segment

9. Sychophant

10. Sonnet

11. Obfuscate

12. Rickety


1. Wood: Carpenter

2. Sychophant: Flattery

3. Poem: Sonnet

4. Glasses: See

5. Obfuscate: Confusion

6. Director: Actor

7. Furniture: Rickety

8. Charishma: Bore

21 july Gre Quants Que

1. 2^-1 + 1/(2)^-1 + (3)^-1 + 1/(3)^-1 = ?

2. A number when divisible by 4, 6 or 7 leaves reminder by 2. What is the remainder, when the same number is divided by 11?

3. Given that a(3b-1) = 0 and a = 0. Find the value of b?

4. If (x+1/x) / (1+1/x) = 99 then Find value of (x-1/x)/(1+1/x) = ?

5. Given that the perimeter of rectangle A > perimeter of rectangle B
Col a: Area of rectangle A
Col b: Area of rectangle B

9. Given that radius and height of a right circular cylinder B are 1/2 the radius and height of cylinder A.
Col A: Volume of Cylinder A
Col B: 4 times the Volume of cylinder B

10. Given N is a positive odd integer between 22 and 99. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place then the value of N?
A. 70B. 90C. 50D. 30

11. There are 15 employees in company, the mean of salaries of the least paid seven employees is given and the mean of the salaries of the highest paid employees is given
Col A: the median of the salaries of the 15 employees.
Col B: some value very close to the mean of the above given means was given.

12. Col A: 10% (sqrt (573.28 ))
Col B: sqrt (57.328)

13. When 10^ (22) + 1 is divided by 11, what is the reminder?

14. If ab is not equal not 0, a is not equal to b, & a/b = b/a
Col A: a+b
Col b: 0

15. If (x - y) = odd value and K is an integer, which of the following is always odd?
A. x
B. y
C. k(x-y)
D. (x-y) ^2
E. (x-y+k)

16. Given a series k, k-1, k+3, k+1, k+2. Find the ratio of mean and its median?
A. k+1
B. k
C. 1
D. 1/k
E. 1/(k+1)

17. A seller marks the price of an article 35% more of the wholesale price and he offers some discount. If he wish to get a profit of 21.5%. What is the percentage difference between marked price and selling price?
A. 12.5
B. 10
C. 25
D. 22.5
E. 15

18. What is the value of l-7l + l3l – l-10l =?

Friday, July 18, 2008

14-july-GRE - Quants

14-july-GRE - Quants

1. Three machines can do a work in 4 hrs, 6 hrs, 8 hrs respectively. If all the 3 machines work together and complete the work, what is the part of the work done by the fastest machine?

2. If W = 10^4, Y = 10^-4 and Z = (W+Y)/3W, then the value of Z = ?

3. Col A: number of prime factors of 300
Col B: number of prime factors of 500

4. ColA: modulus (-7) + modulus(3) - modulus(-10)
ColB: 0

5. ColA: 3^(-8 ) - 3^(-9) - 3^ (-9)
ColB : 3^ (-9)

6. Given an = a(n-1) - a(n-2), a1 = -5 & a2 = 4. For n>2, what is the sum of first 100 terms of n. { i.e (sigma (an) from n= 3 to 103}.
(Here n, n-1, n-2, 1, 2, 100 are suffixes).

7. Given that, there are 500 people in a town and 50% own computers and 26% own computers with internet access. Whatt is the percentage of people who have computers and don’t have access to internet?

8. Col A: Volume of a cube of surface area 150*y^2
Col B: 125*y^3.

9. There are 15 employes in company, the mean of salaries of the least played seven employes is given and the mean of the salaries of the highest payed employees is given
Col A: the median of the salaries of the 15 employes.
Col B: some value very close to the mean of the above given means was given.

10. There are 'X' number of students in a class. 'Y' number of them play football and 'Z' play basket ball. If 'N' number of them play niether then what is the number of students who play both?
(Question is similar to this with numerical values given in place of X, Y, Z & N)

11. Col A: 0.625% of 25
Col B: 6.25% of 25

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Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:41 pm Post subject:

2. 2/3
3. A
4. C
5. C
7. 24
8. C
11. B

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Joined: 29 May 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:22 am Post subject:

10)this one is easy anybody can solve it
let p plays both football and basketball
foot ball =y-p
basket ball =z-p
we can calculate p from this expression


hey if any thing wrong plz correct me, my id

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Download Visa Stuff-------very helpful

A good collection of visa related documents.....

GRE Prep

Helo Vicky-

Can you please point me to the link which provides the daily GRE Questions?

Thanks & Regards,

Download Some Useful GRE Material


Hi guys Please download the GRE WORDS from the big book. Its a zip file. U have frequently asked GRE questions with the number of times appeared in actual GRE is also mentioned a very good one.

BIG BOOK WORDS click here to download


Please download the 27 real GRE tests from the link below. It contains only verbal tests.

BIG BOOK click here to download


Get ten real GRE test with answers !

GRE 10 tests click here to download

4. GRE Cluster

Hi Guys,I have got a GRE cluster word list which would be of great use while preparing for GRE exams ..... it helps u to master important words within a month. And after finishing with cluster go through barrons ..... barrons will be very easy to finish in another two weeks time . Right click the below link and save target as ....

GRE CLUSTER click here to download

5. Word List Test

Here is the link for word list test. U can have word list review as well. A pretty helpful resource.Its a zip file download it and save it in system

WORD LIST TEST click here to download

6. Kaplan Quants

Here is the Kaplan insititue quantitative question guys , but it has no answers ..... got it from a friend. Have solved some questions...... U also do ur part in solving and lets have discussion .........

KAPLAN QUANTS click here to download

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Question

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Que

Today's Words:

1. Zither(n): a musical stringed instrument with strings stretched over a flat sounding board; it is laid flat and played with a plectrum and with fingers

2. Quibble: A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection;an instance of the use of ambiguous, prevaricating, or irrelevant language or arguments to evade a point at issue; petty or carping criticism; a minor objection.
Synonyms: (adj):captious, carping, casuistic, sophistic, sophomoric, specious.(n): evasion, equivocation, sophism, shift, ambiguity.

3. Freaky(adj): Strange or unusual and somewhat frightening; weird; conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual.
Synonyms: grotesque, monstrous.

4. Flockn): a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together; a large number of things; crowd; a band or company of persons.
Synonyms: bevy, covey, flight, gaggle, brood, hatch, shoal, swarm, brood, drove, herd, litter, skein.

5. Itinerant(adj): Traveling from place to place, especially to perform work or a duty; working in one place for a comparatively short time and then moving on to work in another place, usually as a physical or outdoor laborer; characterized by alternating periods of working and wandering.
Synonyms: wandering, nomadic, migratory, unsettled, roving, roaming; peripatetic; ambulatory, vagabond, vagrant, wayfaring.
Antonyms: settled.

6. Transience(n): The state or quality of being transient; the attribute of being brief or fleeting.

7. Phlegmatic(adj): not easily excited to action or display of emotion; self-possessed, calm, or composed; showing little emotion.
Synonyms: aloof, apathetic, calm, dull, impassive, indifferent, lethargic, sluggish, spiritless, unemotional; stoical, uninterested, torpid, unruffled, placid, quiet.

8. Stolid(adj): not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive; Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
Synonyms: anserine, apathetic, asinine, blunt, bovine, brutish, deadpan, dense, impassable, impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, stubborn, lethargic, phlegmatic.

9. Untold(adj): not told; not related; not revealed; not numbered or enumerated; uncounted; inexpressible; incalculable.
Synonyms: boundless, countless, endless, enormous, huge, immeasurable, innumerable, staggering, undisclosed, unrevealed,

10. Deferential(adj): Marked by or exhibiting deference; showing deference; deferent; respectful.
Synonyms: duteous, dutiful, obeisant, respectful; courteous, regardful, dutiful, obedient, reverential.

11. Noxious(adj): harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being; morally harmful; corrupting; injurious to physical or mental health.
Synonyms: hurtful, unwholesome, nocuous, detrimental, deleterious, corruptive, baneful, evil, fetid, lethal, nocent, nocuous, noisome, pernicious, putrid, revolting, stinking, toxic, virulent.
Antonyms: harmless

12. Penchant(n): a strong inclination, taste, or liking for something; A definite liking.
Synonyms: affinity, bent, bias, fancy, fondness, inclination, knack, leaning, partiality, predilection, proneness, propensity, tendency.

13. Rhabdomancy(n): Divination by means of a wand or rod, especially for discovering underground water or ores; searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod

14. Scalawag(n): a scamp; rascal; A reprobate; a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel; one who is playfully mischievous.
Synonyms: (slang) scamp, caitiff, miscreant, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, trickster, varlet,

15. Loquacious(adj): talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; characterized by excessive talk; wordy; full of trivial conversation.
Synonyms: verbose, voluble, chatty, conversational, garrulous, talky.

16. Succinct(adj):expressed in few words;characterized by conciseness or verbal brevity; Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words.
Synonyms: blunt, brief, compact, concise, condensed, curt, summary, terse.

17. Palatable(adj): acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feelings; Acceptable to the taste; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten.
Synonyms: delicious, delectable, palatable, appetizing, tasty, savory, delightful, pleasing, sapid, toothsome.

18. Magnificience(n): the quality or state of being magnificent; splendor; impressiveness of surroundings, Greatness or lavishness of surroundings; splendor, Grand or imposing beauty.

19. Fluvial(adj): of or pertaining to a river; relating to or inhabiting a river or stream; produced by the action of a river or stream.

20. Subterranean(adj): existing or operating out of sight or secretly; hidden or secret; Situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground.
Synonyms: cavern, concealed, hidden, secret, underground.

21. Arboreal(adj): of or pertaining to trees; treelike; relating to or resembling a tree; living in trees; inhabiting or frequenting trees.


1. Loqacious: Succinct

2. Palatable: Magnificience

3. Learn: School

4. Fluvial: River

5. Subterranean: Cave

6. Arboreal: Tree

July-16 - Quants - Question

July-16 - Quants - Question


1. Given that radius and height of a right circular cylinder B are 1/2 the radius and height of cylinder A.
Col A: Volume of Cylinder A
Col B: 4 times the Volume of cylinder B

2. Col A: 25% of 60
Col B: 60% of 25

3. ColA: modulus (-7) + modulus(3) - modulus(-10)
ColB: 0

4. Col A: sqrt(64/100)
Col B: 16/25

5. Given a circle inscribed in a square and the diagonal length of the square is given as 4sqrt(2). Find the area of the circle?

6. If x > 1, then
Col A: x^14
Col B: x^15

7. Given the sector angle measure of a circle as 90. If the radius of the circle is given as 's', then find area of the sector?

8. Given set A = {1, 2, 3} and set B = {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}. If a set M exists, such that set A is a subset of set M and set M is a subset of set B & set M is not equal to set A or set B. How many such possible sets exists?

9. If x>50, then the value of the expression "2- 1/x" is closest to which of the following option?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4

10. In a series of numbers from 1 to 40.
Col A: Sum of all odd integers
Col B: Sum of all even integers

11. If A@B = A^2 + B^2 - 2AB, then
what is the value of 3@1/2?

12. If (x - 25)*(x + 15) / (x + 25)*(x - 15) = 1 then the value of x = ?
A. 15
B. -15
C. 25
D. -25
E. none

13. Given the perimeter of a rectangle as 80m. If the ratio of length and breadth i.e l : b = 3 : 2 then the area of the rectangle is?

14. Col A: 2^0 * 3^0
Col B: 0

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July-15- GRE - Quants - Question

July-15- GRE - Quants - Question

1. Col A: (a-b)^3
Col B: (b-a)^3

2. If Z = 123^4 - 123^3 + 123^2 - 123, then what is the remainder when 'Z' is divided by 122.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4

3. If the product of 1 to n inclusive is divisible by 990 then
Col A: n
Col B: 9

4. Given a bag which contains red and black marbles and red marbles are 5 times black marbles. If we pick 5 marbles randomly, without replacement, then
Col A: Probability of getting red marbles
col b: Probability of getting black marbles

5. What are the number of five digit numbers that can be made using 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1 without repetition of any digit in a number?

6. If ab = 3, bc = 2 and a, b, c lie on a same line. What is the value of ac = ?

7. Given N is a positive odd integer. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place then the value of N?
A. " n>90 "
B. " 30C. " N>50 "
D. " 30

8. If 40*75*160 = 3 * 4^m * 5^k
Col A: m
Col B: k

9. A number between 10 and 100, when divided by 4, 6 OR 7 leaves a remainder of 2.
Col A: Remainder when divided by 11
Col B: 9

10. Given a and b are integers and a-b is even. Which of the following is even?
Ans: a^2 + b(Given by exam taker)

11. Given that perimeter of area X > Perimeter of area Y
Col A: Area of X
ColB: Area of Y

12. Given 8 < 2x < 14 and 9 < x+4 < 16
Col A: x
Col B: 6

13. Given 4x-1 > 9
Col A: x
Col B: 3

14. Given that -3 <= x <= 6 and -10 <= y <= 9. What is the greatest possible value of -(x^2 )+y^4?
A. 10036
B. 10009
C. 10,000
D. 1000

15. Given a circle inscribed in square and the diagonal length of square is given as 16sqrt2. Find the radius of the circle?

16. If X^2 + 2x +10 = y then what is the value of x^2+2x+25 interms of y?

17. A bag contains 3 types of balls. Probability of selecting 2 types of balls is given and asked to find the probability of selecting 3rd type of ball when one attempt is made for selection?

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Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:17 pm Post subject:

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. A
6. 5
7. D
8. C
10. a^2+b
11. A
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. 4sqrt 2
16. y + 15
17. ?

please anyone tell me if its wrong

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Joined: 19 Jun 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:37 am Post subject:

both are equal.the no. is 86.
15. 8
can u solve and tell me how it is 4sqrt(2) ?

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Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:29 pm Post subject:

diagonal of square is 16......
so one side of squqre has calculated by Pythagorean formula...
so a= 8 sqrt 2
its diameter of circle so radius of circle is 4 sqrt 2

now u please explain me ans of question 9

hey the diagonal length is 16sqrt(2) as per the question ..not 16..if u solve it comes to 8.

list out the multiples of 7 till 100 and add 2 to all of them.
the list will be 16 23 30 37 51 58 65 72 79 86 93
now cancel out all those which are divisible by 4 and 6.
so list comes down to 23 37 51 58 65 79 86 93
now divide by 4 or 6 or 7 and check which one has remainder 2
it will come down to 86
just basic elimination....

diagonal is 16 sqrt(2)

side of square be A
SQRT(A^2+A^2 )= 16SQRT(2)
A*SQRT(2)=16 SQRT(2)
r=8 which is the radius of the given circle...

[quote="diabloroxx"]diagonal is 16 sqrt(2)

side of square be A
SQRT(A^2+A^2 )= 16SQRT(2)
A*SQRT(2)=16 SQRT(2)
r=8 which is the radius of the given circle...

ohhhhhhh ya you r right i think its 16
then ans. is 8

3)A ,i think . if n=11.
(1.2.3..... is exactly divisible,since 990=9*10*11.

15 - july - GRE - Verbal _ Question

15 - july - GRE - Verbal _ Question

Today's Words:

1. Vivacity

2. Irascible

3. Rile

4. Excision

5. Revulsion

6. Solebrity

7. Crub

8. Palatable

9. Magnificience

10. Reticent

11. Stricture

12. Imminant

13. Horray

14. Prudigal

15. Impredectable

16. Glut

17. Paucity

18. Tortousness

19. Pelf

20. Impecunious

21. Affront

22. Oeisance

23. esteem


1. Glut: Paucity

2. Soil: Mud

3. Tortousness: Straightforward

4. Pelf: Impecunious

5. Affront: Offensive

6. Oeisance: esteem

Issues Topic:

1. "When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?"

2. "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a Brenton newspaper.
"The Brenton power plant draws water from Scott's River for its cooling system and releases the warmed water back into the river. The town council recommends that the plant install a more efficient cooling system that uses less water, claiming it will be more environmentally sound. However, in Uptown, where the new system is used, a study found that the complex network of pipes in the new system tends to accumulate algae. The build up of algae can be avoided by scrubbing the pipes, which is costly, or by adding an herbicide to the water in the pipes to prevent algae accumulation. But water containing the herbicide cannot be released back into the river and it is known that low water levels can harm river ecosystems accustomed to higher levels. Therefore, Brenton
power plant should continue to use the old cooling system exclusively."

Monday, July 14, 2008

14 - july - GRE Verbal Question

14 - july - GRE Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Stricture(n): a remark or comment, esp. an adverse criticism; an abnormal contraction of any passage or duct of the body; a restriction; the act of enclosing or binding tightly; severe criticism.

2. Unbend(v): to straighten from a bent form or position; to release from the strain of formality, intense effort, etc.; to release from tension, as a bow; to untie or loosen; To become less tense; relax; make less taut;
Synonyms: condescend, relax, slacken, straighten, vouchsafe.

3.Fling(v): to put suddenly or violently; To put or send suddenly or unexpectedly; to project or speak sharply, curtly, or forcefully; to speak harshly or abusively; To throw (oneself) into an activity with abandon and energy.
Synonyms: affair, binge, cast, catapult, chuck, dart, discard, flip, flirt, flounce, heave, hurtle, pitch, plunge, scatter, sling, splurge, spree, toss, whirl.

4. Touchy(adj): sensitive to touch; Tending to take offense with slight cause; oversensitive; Easily ignited; flammable; requiring caution, tactfulness, or expert handling.
Synonyms: cantankerous, choleric, crabby, cranky, delicate, fragile, grouchy, grumpy, huffy, irascible, peevish, precarious, temperamental, tetchy, ticklish, umbrageous, volatile, edgy, snappish.

5. Flock(n): a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together; a large number of things; crowd; a band or company of persons.
Synonyms: bevy, covey, flight, gaggle, brood, hatch, shoal, swarm, brood, drove, herd, litter, skein.

6. Obfuscate(v): to confuse; to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand; to darken; unclear.
Synonyms: muddle, perplex, bewilder, blur, cloud, dim, garble, hide, obscure, puzzle.
Antonyms: clarify.

7. Euphemism(n): an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh; a pleasant name for something that is unpleasant; The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive; the expression so substituted.

8. Nugtory(adj): of no real value; worthless; of no force or effect; ineffective; not valid.
Synonyms: futile, hollow, idle, ineffectual, invalid, trifling, trivial, unavailing; vain, insignificant, frivolous.

9. Evident(adj): plain or clear to the sight or understanding; obvious; clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment; capable of being seen or noticed.
Synonyms: obvious, manifest, palpable, patent, apparent, certain, conclusive, conspicuous, glaring, manifest, noticeable, overt, transparent, unmistakable.

10. Concealed(adj): To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; not accessible to view; hidden on any grounds for any motive; To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight.
Synonyms: abstruse, blindfold, clandestine, covert, disguised, hidden, incognito, latent, occult, perdue, privy, recondite, secreted.

10. Pitfall(n): a lightly covered and unnoticeable pit prepared as a trap for people or animals; any trap or danger for the unwary; an unapparent source of trouble or danger; an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty.
Synonyms: artifice, drawback, hazard, inveiglement, maelstrom, peril, risk, snag, snare, subterfuge, temptation, traps.

11. Inane(adj): lacking sense, significance, or ideas; empty; void; devoid of intelligence; Without contents; empty; something that is empty or void.
Synonyms: pointless, asinine, daft, dumb, fatuitous, feckless, frivolous, idiotic, illogical, imbecile, insubstantial, jejune, nonsensical, puerile, ridiculous, shallow, silly, stratospheric, vacuous, vapid, void, worthless.


1. Judge: laws

2. Assembly: humans

3. Musical band:musicians

4. Inane: weightage

5. Soil: Mud

Issue Topic:

1. "Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial".

2. "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them".

3. "The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little".

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a letter to the school board in the town of Centerville.
"All students should be required to take the driver's education course at Centerville High School. In the past two years several accidents in and around Centerville have involved teenage drivers. Since a number of parents in Centerville have complained that they are too busy to teach their teenagers to drive, some other instruction is necessary to ensure that these teenagers are safe drivers. Although there are two driving schools in Centerville, parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay for driving instruction. Therefore an effective and mandatory program sponsored by the high school is the only solution to this serious problem.

2. The following appeared in a memorandum to faculty from the academic vice president of Waymarsh University.
"So that we can better accomplish Waymarsh University's academic goals, we should adopt the job-opportunity (job-op) program offered at Plateau Technical College and strongly encourage all students at Waymarsh to participate in it. The success of the job-op program at Plateau is evident: Over the past two years, more than 75% of the freshmen at Plateau have enrolled in the optional job-op program. Moreover, at Plateau, the grades of job-op students are consistently higher than those of other students, 90% of the job-op students receive job offers within a month after their graduation, and most former job-op students report much success in their careers.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July-9- GRE - Quants - Question


1.Col A: 3^(-8 ) – 3^(-9) – 3^(-9)
Col B: 3^(-9)

2. If sum of 5 tests score is 120 and at least two of them are less than 20.
Col A: Average of 5 tests
Col B: Median of five tests

3. Given that an = a(n-1) + 3 and a1 = 3.
Col A: a100
Col B: 300
(Here n, n-1, 1, 100 are suffixes)

4.If 20 < 4X < 28 and 8 < x+4 < 11
Col A: x
Col B: 5

5.Col A: 10%(sqrt(573.28 ))
Col B: sqrt(57.328 )


What is the degree of arc ABC?


What is the ratio of Inner Square to the area of outer square if the diameter of the circle is ‘r’?

8. l-7l + l3l – l-10l =?

9.Given x is an integer such that 7x+4 < 8
Col A: x
Col B: 1

10. If m, n, p are prime numbers greater than 10, find the number of factors of m, n, p including mnp and 1.

11. Given total number of students as 120 &
Number of students learning Spanish = 40
Number of students learning French = 60
Number of students learning Russian = 80
Number of students learning 2 languages = 50
Number of students learning all 3 languages = 10
Find number of students learning none of these languages?

12. Given -1 < r < t < 0
Col A: r+rt^2
Col B: -1

13. Given stock price at end of June is x, stock price increase in July is 10% and increase in august is again 10%. If September price = 70% of august price then
Col A: September price
Col B: 0.9x

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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:37 pm Post subject:

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. If they askin for angle ABC , then ans is 40 deg
7. 1/8
8. 0
9. B
10. i feel they askin for factors of mnp includin m , n , p and 1 ..
in tat case the no of factores is 4
11. the total no of students cannot be equal to 120 .. it has 2 be atleast 130..
12. A
13. A[/b]

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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:05 pm Post subject: answers as per my knowledge...if any mistakes plzz correct..

6...i hav doubt so,cant solve it
10.i think the answr is 2..bcoz evry prime num has only two factors 1 and itself..but i dint understand ""including mnp""wat does it mean?
11.d it rt^2 or (rt)^2....anyhow the answer is A

if any mistakes plzz dont hesitate to reply me.....bye.

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Joined: 11 Jul 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:54 pm Post subject:



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Joined: 07 May 2008
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:45 am Post subject:

.If 20 < 4X < 28 and 8 < x+4 < 11
Col A: x
Col B: 5

ans is A: x>5 & x<7 put value in it
if 5.1 20<20.4<28 ,,,,, 8<5.1+4<11
if u think it 's wrong & D plz explain me
reply soon. my gre date is 15 july
vikee patel

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Joined: 19 Jun 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:42 am Post subject:

Hey can someone help me in solving the 11th problem.Please guide me in solving such types of problems.

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Joined: 08 Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Location: BITS, Pilani Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:53 pm Post subject:

4. taking intersection of two cases we will get x lies from (5,7) both excluded. Hence Ans is A.

6. Since AC and BC are radius of the circle both the sides are equal. It is an isosceles triangle with one of the equal angles equal to 50. Therefore the other angle will be 50.

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Joined: 08 Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Location: BITS, Pilani Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:06 pm Post subject:

10. If m, n, p are prime numbers greater than 10, find the number of factors of mnp including m,n,p and 1.
I feel this wud be the question.

In that case writing mnp in factorial form we get mnp = m^1*n^1*p^1.
m,n,p are prime factors. It is a property of ne number that if m^a*n^b*p^c are its prime factors than total no. of divisors are given by (a+1)(b+1)(c+1).

Applying this property here we get 2*2*2 = 8 as the answer.

12. r(1+t^2) is the form in which we can write it. 1+t^2 is greater than 1. Take limiting case of t=r=0. In that case column A is 0. A>B

Take limiting case of t=r=-1. In that case column A is -2. Therefore D is the answer.

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Joined: 08 Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Location: BITS, Pilani Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:09 pm Post subject:

In q11, as rightly pointed out total no. of students cant be 120.
To solve these type of qs draw a Wenn diagram.

Let the total no. of students be N.

Then no. of students not learning any language wud be:

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Joined: 17 Jul 2008
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:35 am Post subject: ans of quant 11

for ques 11 we use the formula==
Total-Neithr=A+B+C-(only two case)-2(all three case)
by putting crrect value we get the ans=10

Monday, July 7, 2008

GRE questions

I think your page of GRE is amazing!! I wondering if you have some information about GRE questions in july, i will take the test in two weeks, i´m so so scared!
I hope you can help me,
Best whises,
Yessika Garcia.

¿Tienes cámara digital, más de una cuenta de email, planeas fiestas o blogueas? Entonces, necesitas Windows Live

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Amazing job: Danica

HI Sharma,
It is an amazing job , posting the real GRE questions, I cannot remain without praising you .

Friday, July 25, 2008

25th Aug Gre verbal Que

Today's Words:

1. Ameliorate(v): to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve.
Synonyms: amend, advance, progress, promote, recuperate, reform, uplift.
Antonyms: worsen.

2. Paucity(n): smallness of quantity; scarcity; smallness or insufficiency of number; fewness; an insufficient quantity or number.
Synonyms: dearth, guilty, insufficiency, lack, poverty, scantiness,scarcity, shortage, sparsity.

3. Penurious(adj): extremely stingy; extremely poor; poorly or inadequately supplied; lacking in means or resources; Unwilling to spend money; stingy; Yielding little; barren.
Synonyms: avaricious, barren, destitute, frugal, grasping, indigent,
miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, stingy.
Antonyms: generous.

4. Fastidiousness(adj): excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please; requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking.

5. Modicum(n): A small or moderate quantity or token amount.
Synonyms: iota, tinge.

6. Flippant(adj): frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; showing inappropriate levity.
Synonyms: airy, bold, brassy, brazen, chatty, fluent, glib, irreverent, malapert, pert, sassy, saucy, smart-alecky, voluble.

7. Cardsharp(n): a person, esp. a professional gambler, who cheats at card games; a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games.

8. Masonry(n): work constructed by a mason, esp. stonework; structure built of stone or brick by a mason; the craft or occupation of a mason.
Synonyms: ashlar, brickwork, stonework, trade.

9. Pernickety(adj): characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details.

10. Obfuscate(v): to confuse, bewilder, to make obscure or unclear, to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand; to render indistinct or dim; darken.
Synonyms: bewilder, blur, cloud, confuse, darken, dim, garble, hide, muddle, obscure, perplex, puzzle.
Antonyms: clarify

11. Elucidate(v): to provide clarification; explain; to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; make free from confusion or ambiguity.
Synonyms: clarify, describe, detail, enlighten, explain, expound, illume, illustrate, interpret.

12. Rococo(adj): Immoderately elaborate or complicated; having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation; noting or pertaining to a style of painting developed simultaneously with the rococo in architecture and decoration, characterized chiefly by smallness of scale, delicacy of color, freedom of brushwork, and the selection of playful subjects as thematic material; A very ornate style of speech or writing.
Synonyms: arty, extravagant, flamboyant, gaudy, ornate.

13. Transient(adj): not lasting, enduring, or permanent; lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary; staying only a short time;
remaining in a place only a brief time; passing swiftly away; not durable.
Synonyms: conveyance, deciduous, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, fugitive, impermanent, itinerant, migratory, momentary, short-lived,
temporal, volatile.

14. Conniving(v): to cooperate secretly; conspire; to avoid noticing something that one is expected to oppose or condemn; give aid to
wrongdoing by forbearing to act or speak; to be indulgent toward something others oppose or criticize.
Synonyms: plot, collude.

15. Bucolic(adj): of or pertaining to shepherds; of, pertaining to, or suggesting an idyllic rural life; Of or characteristic of the countryside
or its people.

16. Tenterhooks(n): A hooked nail for securing cloth on a tenter; to be uncertain and anxious about what is going to happen.

17. Sloven(n): a person who is habitually negligent of neatness or cleanliness in dress, appearance, etc; a person who works, acts, speaks, etc, in a negligent, slipshod manner; One who is habitually careless in personal appearance or work.

18. Exacerbant(v): to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate; to embitter the feelings of (a person); irritate;make worse.
Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, enrage, exasperate, infuriate, ire, irritate, provoke, tease, worsen, intensify, inflame.
Antonyms: relieve, soothe, alleviate.

19. Flagrant(adj): shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring; glowing; conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible; very obvious; easily seen.
Synonyms: disgraceful, monstrous, egregious, notorious; scandalous, arrant, glaring, gross.

20. Conceit(n): an excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability, importance, wit, etc; personal opinion or estimation.
Synonyms: arrogant, bumptious, conceited, egomaniac, egotistical, haughty, hubristic, pragmatic, presumptuous, priggish, self-esteem, vanity, egotism, complacency.
Antonyms: humility.

21. Lugubrious(adj): mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner; excessively mournful.
Synonyms: sorrowful, melancholy, bleak, depressing, dismal, doleful, dour, funeral, gloomy, morose, mournful, woebegone, woful.
Antonyms: cheerful

22. Innovation(n): something new or different introduced; introduction of new things or methods; the creation of something in the mind; the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new.
Synonyms:change, departure, introduction, invention, novelty, vicissitude.

23. Virtual(adj): Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination; Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name.
Synonyms: essential, fundamental, implied, tacit.

24. Camouflage(v): to disguise, hide, or deceive by means of camouflage; to conceal, usually through misrepresentation or other artifice; to use protective coloring or garments for concealment.
Synonyms: cloak, conceal, cover, deceptive, disguise, fake, hide, masquerade, screen, mask, blind, front.

25. Malingerer(v): to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc; To feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work.

26. Protract(v): to draw out or lengthen, esp. in time; extend the duration of; prolong; to draw out or lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer.
Synonyms: continue, defer, detract, drag, elongate, extend,procrastinate, prolong, stall, stretch.
Antonyms: curtail.

27. Silhouette(n): a dark image outlined against a lighter background; a dark image, especially a shadow, seen against the light; A drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color.
Synonyms: contour, figuration, outline, portrait, profile, shadow, shape.

28. Indiscrimination(n): an act or instance of not discriminating; the quality or condition of being indiscriminate or of not discriminating;
lack of discrimination.


1. Protract: length

2. Silhouette: shadow

3. Camoflage: Detect

4. Malingerer: Work

Issue Topic:

1. The laws should not be rigid, they should be flexible according to the circumstance, place, time etc.

Monday, July 21, 2008

21st Aug GRE Verbal Que

Today's Words:

1. Bumptious

2. Chimera

3. Disquiet

4. Phlegmatic

5. Euphemism

6. Adamant

7. Radical

8. Segment

9. Sychophant

10. Sonnet

11. Obfuscate

12. Rickety


1. Wood: Carpenter

2. Sychophant: Flattery

3. Poem: Sonnet

4. Glasses: See

5. Obfuscate: Confusion

6. Director: Actor

7. Furniture: Rickety

8. Charishma: Bore

21 july Gre Quants Que

1. 2^-1 + 1/(2)^-1 + (3)^-1 + 1/(3)^-1 = ?

2. A number when divisible by 4, 6 or 7 leaves reminder by 2. What is the remainder, when the same number is divided by 11?

3. Given that a(3b-1) = 0 and a = 0. Find the value of b?

4. If (x+1/x) / (1+1/x) = 99 then Find value of (x-1/x)/(1+1/x) = ?

5. Given that the perimeter of rectangle A > perimeter of rectangle B
Col a: Area of rectangle A
Col b: Area of rectangle B

9. Given that radius and height of a right circular cylinder B are 1/2 the radius and height of cylinder A.
Col A: Volume of Cylinder A
Col B: 4 times the Volume of cylinder B

10. Given N is a positive odd integer between 22 and 99. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place then the value of N?
A. 70B. 90C. 50D. 30

11. There are 15 employees in company, the mean of salaries of the least paid seven employees is given and the mean of the salaries of the highest paid employees is given
Col A: the median of the salaries of the 15 employees.
Col B: some value very close to the mean of the above given means was given.

12. Col A: 10% (sqrt (573.28 ))
Col B: sqrt (57.328)

13. When 10^ (22) + 1 is divided by 11, what is the reminder?

14. If ab is not equal not 0, a is not equal to b, & a/b = b/a
Col A: a+b
Col b: 0

15. If (x - y) = odd value and K is an integer, which of the following is always odd?
A. x
B. y
C. k(x-y)
D. (x-y) ^2
E. (x-y+k)

16. Given a series k, k-1, k+3, k+1, k+2. Find the ratio of mean and its median?
A. k+1
B. k
C. 1
D. 1/k
E. 1/(k+1)

17. A seller marks the price of an article 35% more of the wholesale price and he offers some discount. If he wish to get a profit of 21.5%. What is the percentage difference between marked price and selling price?
A. 12.5
B. 10
C. 25
D. 22.5
E. 15

18. What is the value of l-7l + l3l – l-10l =?

Friday, July 18, 2008

14-july-GRE - Quants

14-july-GRE - Quants

1. Three machines can do a work in 4 hrs, 6 hrs, 8 hrs respectively. If all the 3 machines work together and complete the work, what is the part of the work done by the fastest machine?

2. If W = 10^4, Y = 10^-4 and Z = (W+Y)/3W, then the value of Z = ?

3. Col A: number of prime factors of 300
Col B: number of prime factors of 500

4. ColA: modulus (-7) + modulus(3) - modulus(-10)
ColB: 0

5. ColA: 3^(-8 ) - 3^(-9) - 3^ (-9)
ColB : 3^ (-9)

6. Given an = a(n-1) - a(n-2), a1 = -5 & a2 = 4. For n>2, what is the sum of first 100 terms of n. { i.e (sigma (an) from n= 3 to 103}.
(Here n, n-1, n-2, 1, 2, 100 are suffixes).

7. Given that, there are 500 people in a town and 50% own computers and 26% own computers with internet access. Whatt is the percentage of people who have computers and don’t have access to internet?

8. Col A: Volume of a cube of surface area 150*y^2
Col B: 125*y^3.

9. There are 15 employes in company, the mean of salaries of the least played seven employes is given and the mean of the salaries of the highest payed employees is given
Col A: the median of the salaries of the 15 employes.
Col B: some value very close to the mean of the above given means was given.

10. There are 'X' number of students in a class. 'Y' number of them play football and 'Z' play basket ball. If 'N' number of them play niether then what is the number of students who play both?
(Question is similar to this with numerical values given in place of X, Y, Z & N)

11. Col A: 0.625% of 25
Col B: 6.25% of 25

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Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:41 pm Post subject:

2. 2/3
3. A
4. C
5. C
7. 24
8. C
11. B

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Joined: 29 May 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:22 am Post subject:

10)this one is easy anybody can solve it
let p plays both football and basketball
foot ball =y-p
basket ball =z-p
we can calculate p from this expression


hey if any thing wrong plz correct me, my id

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Download Visa Stuff-------very helpful

A good collection of visa related documents.....

GRE Prep

Helo Vicky-

Can you please point me to the link which provides the daily GRE Questions?

Thanks & Regards,

Download Some Useful GRE Material


Hi guys Please download the GRE WORDS from the big book. Its a zip file. U have frequently asked GRE questions with the number of times appeared in actual GRE is also mentioned a very good one.

BIG BOOK WORDS click here to download


Please download the 27 real GRE tests from the link below. It contains only verbal tests.

BIG BOOK click here to download


Get ten real GRE test with answers !

GRE 10 tests click here to download

4. GRE Cluster

Hi Guys,I have got a GRE cluster word list which would be of great use while preparing for GRE exams ..... it helps u to master important words within a month. And after finishing with cluster go through barrons ..... barrons will be very easy to finish in another two weeks time . Right click the below link and save target as ....

GRE CLUSTER click here to download

5. Word List Test

Here is the link for word list test. U can have word list review as well. A pretty helpful resource.Its a zip file download it and save it in system

WORD LIST TEST click here to download

6. Kaplan Quants

Here is the Kaplan insititue quantitative question guys , but it has no answers ..... got it from a friend. Have solved some questions...... U also do ur part in solving and lets have discussion .........

KAPLAN QUANTS click here to download

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Question

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Que

Today's Words:

1. Zither(n): a musical stringed instrument with strings stretched over a flat sounding board; it is laid flat and played with a plectrum and with fingers

2. Quibble: A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection;an instance of the use of ambiguous, prevaricating, or irrelevant language or arguments to evade a point at issue; petty or carping criticism; a minor objection.
Synonyms: (adj):captious, carping, casuistic, sophistic, sophomoric, specious.(n): evasion, equivocation, sophism, shift, ambiguity.

3. Freaky(adj): Strange or unusual and somewhat frightening; weird; conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual.
Synonyms: grotesque, monstrous.

4. Flockn): a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together; a large number of things; crowd; a band or company of persons.
Synonyms: bevy, covey, flight, gaggle, brood, hatch, shoal, swarm, brood, drove, herd, litter, skein.

5. Itinerant(adj): Traveling from place to place, especially to perform work or a duty; working in one place for a comparatively short time and then moving on to work in another place, usually as a physical or outdoor laborer; characterized by alternating periods of working and wandering.
Synonyms: wandering, nomadic, migratory, unsettled, roving, roaming; peripatetic; ambulatory, vagabond, vagrant, wayfaring.
Antonyms: settled.

6. Transience(n): The state or quality of being transient; the attribute of being brief or fleeting.

7. Phlegmatic(adj): not easily excited to action or display of emotion; self-possessed, calm, or composed; showing little emotion.
Synonyms: aloof, apathetic, calm, dull, impassive, indifferent, lethargic, sluggish, spiritless, unemotional; stoical, uninterested, torpid, unruffled, placid, quiet.

8. Stolid(adj): not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive; Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
Synonyms: anserine, apathetic, asinine, blunt, bovine, brutish, deadpan, dense, impassable, impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, stubborn, lethargic, phlegmatic.

9. Untold(adj): not told; not related; not revealed; not numbered or enumerated; uncounted; inexpressible; incalculable.
Synonyms: boundless, countless, endless, enormous, huge, immeasurable, innumerable, staggering, undisclosed, unrevealed,

10. Deferential(adj): Marked by or exhibiting deference; showing deference; deferent; respectful.
Synonyms: duteous, dutiful, obeisant, respectful; courteous, regardful, dutiful, obedient, reverential.

11. Noxious(adj): harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being; morally harmful; corrupting; injurious to physical or mental health.
Synonyms: hurtful, unwholesome, nocuous, detrimental, deleterious, corruptive, baneful, evil, fetid, lethal, nocent, nocuous, noisome, pernicious, putrid, revolting, stinking, toxic, virulent.
Antonyms: harmless

12. Penchant(n): a strong inclination, taste, or liking for something; A definite liking.
Synonyms: affinity, bent, bias, fancy, fondness, inclination, knack, leaning, partiality, predilection, proneness, propensity, tendency.

13. Rhabdomancy(n): Divination by means of a wand or rod, especially for discovering underground water or ores; searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod

14. Scalawag(n): a scamp; rascal; A reprobate; a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel; one who is playfully mischievous.
Synonyms: (slang) scamp, caitiff, miscreant, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, trickster, varlet,

15. Loquacious(adj): talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; characterized by excessive talk; wordy; full of trivial conversation.
Synonyms: verbose, voluble, chatty, conversational, garrulous, talky.

16. Succinct(adj):expressed in few words;characterized by conciseness or verbal brevity; Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words.
Synonyms: blunt, brief, compact, concise, condensed, curt, summary, terse.

17. Palatable(adj): acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feelings; Acceptable to the taste; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten.
Synonyms: delicious, delectable, palatable, appetizing, tasty, savory, delightful, pleasing, sapid, toothsome.

18. Magnificience(n): the quality or state of being magnificent; splendor; impressiveness of surroundings, Greatness or lavishness of surroundings; splendor, Grand or imposing beauty.

19. Fluvial(adj): of or pertaining to a river; relating to or inhabiting a river or stream; produced by the action of a river or stream.

20. Subterranean(adj): existing or operating out of sight or secretly; hidden or secret; Situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground.
Synonyms: cavern, concealed, hidden, secret, underground.

21. Arboreal(adj): of or pertaining to trees; treelike; relating to or resembling a tree; living in trees; inhabiting or frequenting trees.


1. Loqacious: Succinct

2. Palatable: Magnificience

3. Learn: School

4. Fluvial: River

5. Subterranean: Cave

6. Arboreal: Tree

July-16 - Quants - Question

July-16 - Quants - Question


1. Given that radius and height of a right circular cylinder B are 1/2 the radius and height of cylinder A.
Col A: Volume of Cylinder A
Col B: 4 times the Volume of cylinder B

2. Col A: 25% of 60
Col B: 60% of 25

3. ColA: modulus (-7) + modulus(3) - modulus(-10)
ColB: 0

4. Col A: sqrt(64/100)
Col B: 16/25

5. Given a circle inscribed in a square and the diagonal length of the square is given as 4sqrt(2). Find the area of the circle?

6. If x > 1, then
Col A: x^14
Col B: x^15

7. Given the sector angle measure of a circle as 90. If the radius of the circle is given as 's', then find area of the sector?

8. Given set A = {1, 2, 3} and set B = {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}. If a set M exists, such that set A is a subset of set M and set M is a subset of set B & set M is not equal to set A or set B. How many such possible sets exists?

9. If x>50, then the value of the expression "2- 1/x" is closest to which of the following option?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4

10. In a series of numbers from 1 to 40.
Col A: Sum of all odd integers
Col B: Sum of all even integers

11. If A@B = A^2 + B^2 - 2AB, then
what is the value of 3@1/2?

12. If (x - 25)*(x + 15) / (x + 25)*(x - 15) = 1 then the value of x = ?
A. 15
B. -15
C. 25
D. -25
E. none

13. Given the perimeter of a rectangle as 80m. If the ratio of length and breadth i.e l : b = 3 : 2 then the area of the rectangle is?

14. Col A: 2^0 * 3^0
Col B: 0

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July-15- GRE - Quants - Question

July-15- GRE - Quants - Question

1. Col A: (a-b)^3
Col B: (b-a)^3

2. If Z = 123^4 - 123^3 + 123^2 - 123, then what is the remainder when 'Z' is divided by 122.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4

3. If the product of 1 to n inclusive is divisible by 990 then
Col A: n
Col B: 9

4. Given a bag which contains red and black marbles and red marbles are 5 times black marbles. If we pick 5 marbles randomly, without replacement, then
Col A: Probability of getting red marbles
col b: Probability of getting black marbles

5. What are the number of five digit numbers that can be made using 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1 without repetition of any digit in a number?

6. If ab = 3, bc = 2 and a, b, c lie on a same line. What is the value of ac = ?

7. Given N is a positive odd integer. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place then the value of N?
A. " n>90 "
B. " 30C. " N>50 "
D. " 30

8. If 40*75*160 = 3 * 4^m * 5^k
Col A: m
Col B: k

9. A number between 10 and 100, when divided by 4, 6 OR 7 leaves a remainder of 2.
Col A: Remainder when divided by 11
Col B: 9

10. Given a and b are integers and a-b is even. Which of the following is even?
Ans: a^2 + b(Given by exam taker)

11. Given that perimeter of area X > Perimeter of area Y
Col A: Area of X
ColB: Area of Y

12. Given 8 < 2x < 14 and 9 < x+4 < 16
Col A: x
Col B: 6

13. Given 4x-1 > 9
Col A: x
Col B: 3

14. Given that -3 <= x <= 6 and -10 <= y <= 9. What is the greatest possible value of -(x^2 )+y^4?
A. 10036
B. 10009
C. 10,000
D. 1000

15. Given a circle inscribed in square and the diagonal length of square is given as 16sqrt2. Find the radius of the circle?

16. If X^2 + 2x +10 = y then what is the value of x^2+2x+25 interms of y?

17. A bag contains 3 types of balls. Probability of selecting 2 types of balls is given and asked to find the probability of selecting 3rd type of ball when one attempt is made for selection?

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Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:17 pm Post subject:

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. A
6. 5
7. D
8. C
10. a^2+b
11. A
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. 4sqrt 2
16. y + 15
17. ?

please anyone tell me if its wrong

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Joined: 19 Jun 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:37 am Post subject:

both are equal.the no. is 86.
15. 8
can u solve and tell me how it is 4sqrt(2) ?

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Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:29 pm Post subject:

diagonal of square is 16......
so one side of squqre has calculated by Pythagorean formula...
so a= 8 sqrt 2
its diameter of circle so radius of circle is 4 sqrt 2

now u please explain me ans of question 9

hey the diagonal length is 16sqrt(2) as per the question ..not 16..if u solve it comes to 8.

list out the multiples of 7 till 100 and add 2 to all of them.
the list will be 16 23 30 37 51 58 65 72 79 86 93
now cancel out all those which are divisible by 4 and 6.
so list comes down to 23 37 51 58 65 79 86 93
now divide by 4 or 6 or 7 and check which one has remainder 2
it will come down to 86
just basic elimination....

diagonal is 16 sqrt(2)

side of square be A
SQRT(A^2+A^2 )= 16SQRT(2)
A*SQRT(2)=16 SQRT(2)
r=8 which is the radius of the given circle...

[quote="diabloroxx"]diagonal is 16 sqrt(2)

side of square be A
SQRT(A^2+A^2 )= 16SQRT(2)
A*SQRT(2)=16 SQRT(2)
r=8 which is the radius of the given circle...

ohhhhhhh ya you r right i think its 16
then ans. is 8

3)A ,i think . if n=11.
(1.2.3..... is exactly divisible,since 990=9*10*11.

15 - july - GRE - Verbal _ Question

15 - july - GRE - Verbal _ Question

Today's Words:

1. Vivacity

2. Irascible

3. Rile

4. Excision

5. Revulsion

6. Solebrity

7. Crub

8. Palatable

9. Magnificience

10. Reticent

11. Stricture

12. Imminant

13. Horray

14. Prudigal

15. Impredectable

16. Glut

17. Paucity

18. Tortousness

19. Pelf

20. Impecunious

21. Affront

22. Oeisance

23. esteem


1. Glut: Paucity

2. Soil: Mud

3. Tortousness: Straightforward

4. Pelf: Impecunious

5. Affront: Offensive

6. Oeisance: esteem

Issues Topic:

1. "When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?"

2. "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a Brenton newspaper.
"The Brenton power plant draws water from Scott's River for its cooling system and releases the warmed water back into the river. The town council recommends that the plant install a more efficient cooling system that uses less water, claiming it will be more environmentally sound. However, in Uptown, where the new system is used, a study found that the complex network of pipes in the new system tends to accumulate algae. The build up of algae can be avoided by scrubbing the pipes, which is costly, or by adding an herbicide to the water in the pipes to prevent algae accumulation. But water containing the herbicide cannot be released back into the river and it is known that low water levels can harm river ecosystems accustomed to higher levels. Therefore, Brenton
power plant should continue to use the old cooling system exclusively."

Monday, July 14, 2008

14 - july - GRE Verbal Question

14 - july - GRE Verbal Question

Today's Words:

1. Stricture(n): a remark or comment, esp. an adverse criticism; an abnormal contraction of any passage or duct of the body; a restriction; the act of enclosing or binding tightly; severe criticism.

2. Unbend(v): to straighten from a bent form or position; to release from the strain of formality, intense effort, etc.; to release from tension, as a bow; to untie or loosen; To become less tense; relax; make less taut;
Synonyms: condescend, relax, slacken, straighten, vouchsafe.

3.Fling(v): to put suddenly or violently; To put or send suddenly or unexpectedly; to project or speak sharply, curtly, or forcefully; to speak harshly or abusively; To throw (oneself) into an activity with abandon and energy.
Synonyms: affair, binge, cast, catapult, chuck, dart, discard, flip, flirt, flounce, heave, hurtle, pitch, plunge, scatter, sling, splurge, spree, toss, whirl.

4. Touchy(adj): sensitive to touch; Tending to take offense with slight cause; oversensitive; Easily ignited; flammable; requiring caution, tactfulness, or expert handling.
Synonyms: cantankerous, choleric, crabby, cranky, delicate, fragile, grouchy, grumpy, huffy, irascible, peevish, precarious, temperamental, tetchy, ticklish, umbrageous, volatile, edgy, snappish.

5. Flock(n): a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together; a large number of things; crowd; a band or company of persons.
Synonyms: bevy, covey, flight, gaggle, brood, hatch, shoal, swarm, brood, drove, herd, litter, skein.

6. Obfuscate(v): to confuse; to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand; to darken; unclear.
Synonyms: muddle, perplex, bewilder, blur, cloud, dim, garble, hide, obscure, puzzle.
Antonyms: clarify.

7. Euphemism(n): an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh; a pleasant name for something that is unpleasant; The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive; the expression so substituted.

8. Nugtory(adj): of no real value; worthless; of no force or effect; ineffective; not valid.
Synonyms: futile, hollow, idle, ineffectual, invalid, trifling, trivial, unavailing; vain, insignificant, frivolous.

9. Evident(adj): plain or clear to the sight or understanding; obvious; clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment; capable of being seen or noticed.
Synonyms: obvious, manifest, palpable, patent, apparent, certain, conclusive, conspicuous, glaring, manifest, noticeable, overt, transparent, unmistakable.

10. Concealed(adj): To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; not accessible to view; hidden on any grounds for any motive; To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight.
Synonyms: abstruse, blindfold, clandestine, covert, disguised, hidden, incognito, latent, occult, perdue, privy, recondite, secreted.

10. Pitfall(n): a lightly covered and unnoticeable pit prepared as a trap for people or animals; any trap or danger for the unwary; an unapparent source of trouble or danger; an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty.
Synonyms: artifice, drawback, hazard, inveiglement, maelstrom, peril, risk, snag, snare, subterfuge, temptation, traps.

11. Inane(adj): lacking sense, significance, or ideas; empty; void; devoid of intelligence; Without contents; empty; something that is empty or void.
Synonyms: pointless, asinine, daft, dumb, fatuitous, feckless, frivolous, idiotic, illogical, imbecile, insubstantial, jejune, nonsensical, puerile, ridiculous, shallow, silly, stratospheric, vacuous, vapid, void, worthless.


1. Judge: laws

2. Assembly: humans

3. Musical band:musicians

4. Inane: weightage

5. Soil: Mud

Issue Topic:

1. "Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial".

2. "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them".

3. "The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little".

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a letter to the school board in the town of Centerville.
"All students should be required to take the driver's education course at Centerville High School. In the past two years several accidents in and around Centerville have involved teenage drivers. Since a number of parents in Centerville have complained that they are too busy to teach their teenagers to drive, some other instruction is necessary to ensure that these teenagers are safe drivers. Although there are two driving schools in Centerville, parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay for driving instruction. Therefore an effective and mandatory program sponsored by the high school is the only solution to this serious problem.

2. The following appeared in a memorandum to faculty from the academic vice president of Waymarsh University.
"So that we can better accomplish Waymarsh University's academic goals, we should adopt the job-opportunity (job-op) program offered at Plateau Technical College and strongly encourage all students at Waymarsh to participate in it. The success of the job-op program at Plateau is evident: Over the past two years, more than 75% of the freshmen at Plateau have enrolled in the optional job-op program. Moreover, at Plateau, the grades of job-op students are consistently higher than those of other students, 90% of the job-op students receive job offers within a month after their graduation, and most former job-op students report much success in their careers.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July-9- GRE - Quants - Question


1.Col A: 3^(-8 ) – 3^(-9) – 3^(-9)
Col B: 3^(-9)

2. If sum of 5 tests score is 120 and at least two of them are less than 20.
Col A: Average of 5 tests
Col B: Median of five tests

3. Given that an = a(n-1) + 3 and a1 = 3.
Col A: a100
Col B: 300
(Here n, n-1, 1, 100 are suffixes)

4.If 20 < 4X < 28 and 8 < x+4 < 11
Col A: x
Col B: 5

5.Col A: 10%(sqrt(573.28 ))
Col B: sqrt(57.328 )


What is the degree of arc ABC?


What is the ratio of Inner Square to the area of outer square if the diameter of the circle is ‘r’?

8. l-7l + l3l – l-10l =?

9.Given x is an integer such that 7x+4 < 8
Col A: x
Col B: 1

10. If m, n, p are prime numbers greater than 10, find the number of factors of m, n, p including mnp and 1.

11. Given total number of students as 120 &
Number of students learning Spanish = 40
Number of students learning French = 60
Number of students learning Russian = 80
Number of students learning 2 languages = 50
Number of students learning all 3 languages = 10
Find number of students learning none of these languages?

12. Given -1 < r < t < 0
Col A: r+rt^2
Col B: -1

13. Given stock price at end of June is x, stock price increase in July is 10% and increase in august is again 10%. If September price = 70% of august price then
Col A: September price
Col B: 0.9x

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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:37 pm Post subject:

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. If they askin for angle ABC , then ans is 40 deg
7. 1/8
8. 0
9. B
10. i feel they askin for factors of mnp includin m , n , p and 1 ..
in tat case the no of factores is 4
11. the total no of students cannot be equal to 120 .. it has 2 be atleast 130..
12. A
13. A[/b]

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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:05 pm Post subject: answers as per my knowledge...if any mistakes plzz correct..

6...i hav doubt so,cant solve it
10.i think the answr is 2..bcoz evry prime num has only two factors 1 and itself..but i dint understand ""including mnp""wat does it mean?
11.d it rt^2 or (rt)^2....anyhow the answer is A

if any mistakes plzz dont hesitate to reply me.....bye.

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Joined: 11 Jul 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:54 pm Post subject:



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Joined: 07 May 2008
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:45 am Post subject:

.If 20 < 4X < 28 and 8 < x+4 < 11
Col A: x
Col B: 5

ans is A: x>5 & x<7 put value in it
if 5.1 20<20.4<28 ,,,,, 8<5.1+4<11
if u think it 's wrong & D plz explain me
reply soon. my gre date is 15 july
vikee patel

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Joined: 19 Jun 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:42 am Post subject:

Hey can someone help me in solving the 11th problem.Please guide me in solving such types of problems.

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Joined: 08 Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Location: BITS, Pilani Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:53 pm Post subject:

4. taking intersection of two cases we will get x lies from (5,7) both excluded. Hence Ans is A.

6. Since AC and BC are radius of the circle both the sides are equal. It is an isosceles triangle with one of the equal angles equal to 50. Therefore the other angle will be 50.

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Joined: 08 Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Location: BITS, Pilani Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:06 pm Post subject:

10. If m, n, p are prime numbers greater than 10, find the number of factors of mnp including m,n,p and 1.
I feel this wud be the question.

In that case writing mnp in factorial form we get mnp = m^1*n^1*p^1.
m,n,p are prime factors. It is a property of ne number that if m^a*n^b*p^c are its prime factors than total no. of divisors are given by (a+1)(b+1)(c+1).

Applying this property here we get 2*2*2 = 8 as the answer.

12. r(1+t^2) is the form in which we can write it. 1+t^2 is greater than 1. Take limiting case of t=r=0. In that case column A is 0. A>B

Take limiting case of t=r=-1. In that case column A is -2. Therefore D is the answer.

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Joined: 08 Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Location: BITS, Pilani Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:09 pm Post subject:

In q11, as rightly pointed out total no. of students cant be 120.
To solve these type of qs draw a Wenn diagram.

Let the total no. of students be N.

Then no. of students not learning any language wud be:

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Joined: 17 Jul 2008
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:35 am Post subject: ans of quant 11

for ques 11 we use the formula==
Total-Neithr=A+B+C-(only two case)-2(all three case)
by putting crrect value we get the ans=10

Monday, July 7, 2008

GRE questions

I think your page of GRE is amazing!! I wondering if you have some information about GRE questions in july, i will take the test in two weeks, i´m so so scared!
I hope you can help me,
Best whises,
Yessika Garcia.

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Amazing job: Danica

HI Sharma,
It is an amazing job , posting the real GRE questions, I cannot remain without praising you .