Wednesday, July 16, 2008

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Question

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Que

Today's Words:

1. Zither(n): a musical stringed instrument with strings stretched over a flat sounding board; it is laid flat and played with a plectrum and with fingers

2. Quibble: A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection;an instance of the use of ambiguous, prevaricating, or irrelevant language or arguments to evade a point at issue; petty or carping criticism; a minor objection.
Synonyms: (adj):captious, carping, casuistic, sophistic, sophomoric, specious.(n): evasion, equivocation, sophism, shift, ambiguity.

3. Freaky(adj): Strange or unusual and somewhat frightening; weird; conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual.
Synonyms: grotesque, monstrous.

4. Flockn): a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together; a large number of things; crowd; a band or company of persons.
Synonyms: bevy, covey, flight, gaggle, brood, hatch, shoal, swarm, brood, drove, herd, litter, skein.

5. Itinerant(adj): Traveling from place to place, especially to perform work or a duty; working in one place for a comparatively short time and then moving on to work in another place, usually as a physical or outdoor laborer; characterized by alternating periods of working and wandering.
Synonyms: wandering, nomadic, migratory, unsettled, roving, roaming; peripatetic; ambulatory, vagabond, vagrant, wayfaring.
Antonyms: settled.

6. Transience(n): The state or quality of being transient; the attribute of being brief or fleeting.

7. Phlegmatic(adj): not easily excited to action or display of emotion; self-possessed, calm, or composed; showing little emotion.
Synonyms: aloof, apathetic, calm, dull, impassive, indifferent, lethargic, sluggish, spiritless, unemotional; stoical, uninterested, torpid, unruffled, placid, quiet.

8. Stolid(adj): not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive; Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
Synonyms: anserine, apathetic, asinine, blunt, bovine, brutish, deadpan, dense, impassable, impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, stubborn, lethargic, phlegmatic.

9. Untold(adj): not told; not related; not revealed; not numbered or enumerated; uncounted; inexpressible; incalculable.
Synonyms: boundless, countless, endless, enormous, huge, immeasurable, innumerable, staggering, undisclosed, unrevealed,

10. Deferential(adj): Marked by or exhibiting deference; showing deference; deferent; respectful.
Synonyms: duteous, dutiful, obeisant, respectful; courteous, regardful, dutiful, obedient, reverential.

11. Noxious(adj): harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being; morally harmful; corrupting; injurious to physical or mental health.
Synonyms: hurtful, unwholesome, nocuous, detrimental, deleterious, corruptive, baneful, evil, fetid, lethal, nocent, nocuous, noisome, pernicious, putrid, revolting, stinking, toxic, virulent.
Antonyms: harmless

12. Penchant(n): a strong inclination, taste, or liking for something; A definite liking.
Synonyms: affinity, bent, bias, fancy, fondness, inclination, knack, leaning, partiality, predilection, proneness, propensity, tendency.

13. Rhabdomancy(n): Divination by means of a wand or rod, especially for discovering underground water or ores; searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod

14. Scalawag(n): a scamp; rascal; A reprobate; a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel; one who is playfully mischievous.
Synonyms: (slang) scamp, caitiff, miscreant, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, trickster, varlet,

15. Loquacious(adj): talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; characterized by excessive talk; wordy; full of trivial conversation.
Synonyms: verbose, voluble, chatty, conversational, garrulous, talky.

16. Succinct(adj):expressed in few words;characterized by conciseness or verbal brevity; Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words.
Synonyms: blunt, brief, compact, concise, condensed, curt, summary, terse.

17. Palatable(adj): acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feelings; Acceptable to the taste; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten.
Synonyms: delicious, delectable, palatable, appetizing, tasty, savory, delightful, pleasing, sapid, toothsome.

18. Magnificience(n): the quality or state of being magnificent; splendor; impressiveness of surroundings, Greatness or lavishness of surroundings; splendor, Grand or imposing beauty.

19. Fluvial(adj): of or pertaining to a river; relating to or inhabiting a river or stream; produced by the action of a river or stream.

20. Subterranean(adj): existing or operating out of sight or secretly; hidden or secret; Situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground.
Synonyms: cavern, concealed, hidden, secret, underground.

21. Arboreal(adj): of or pertaining to trees; treelike; relating to or resembling a tree; living in trees; inhabiting or frequenting trees.


1. Loqacious: Succinct

2. Palatable: Magnificience

3. Learn: School

4. Fluvial: River

5. Subterranean: Cave

6. Arboreal: Tree

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Question

16 - July - GRE - Verbal - Que

Today's Words:

1. Zither(n): a musical stringed instrument with strings stretched over a flat sounding board; it is laid flat and played with a plectrum and with fingers

2. Quibble: A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection;an instance of the use of ambiguous, prevaricating, or irrelevant language or arguments to evade a point at issue; petty or carping criticism; a minor objection.
Synonyms: (adj):captious, carping, casuistic, sophistic, sophomoric, specious.(n): evasion, equivocation, sophism, shift, ambiguity.

3. Freaky(adj): Strange or unusual and somewhat frightening; weird; conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual.
Synonyms: grotesque, monstrous.

4. Flockn): a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together; a large number of things; crowd; a band or company of persons.
Synonyms: bevy, covey, flight, gaggle, brood, hatch, shoal, swarm, brood, drove, herd, litter, skein.

5. Itinerant(adj): Traveling from place to place, especially to perform work or a duty; working in one place for a comparatively short time and then moving on to work in another place, usually as a physical or outdoor laborer; characterized by alternating periods of working and wandering.
Synonyms: wandering, nomadic, migratory, unsettled, roving, roaming; peripatetic; ambulatory, vagabond, vagrant, wayfaring.
Antonyms: settled.

6. Transience(n): The state or quality of being transient; the attribute of being brief or fleeting.

7. Phlegmatic(adj): not easily excited to action or display of emotion; self-possessed, calm, or composed; showing little emotion.
Synonyms: aloof, apathetic, calm, dull, impassive, indifferent, lethargic, sluggish, spiritless, unemotional; stoical, uninterested, torpid, unruffled, placid, quiet.

8. Stolid(adj): not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive; Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
Synonyms: anserine, apathetic, asinine, blunt, bovine, brutish, deadpan, dense, impassable, impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, stubborn, lethargic, phlegmatic.

9. Untold(adj): not told; not related; not revealed; not numbered or enumerated; uncounted; inexpressible; incalculable.
Synonyms: boundless, countless, endless, enormous, huge, immeasurable, innumerable, staggering, undisclosed, unrevealed,

10. Deferential(adj): Marked by or exhibiting deference; showing deference; deferent; respectful.
Synonyms: duteous, dutiful, obeisant, respectful; courteous, regardful, dutiful, obedient, reverential.

11. Noxious(adj): harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being; morally harmful; corrupting; injurious to physical or mental health.
Synonyms: hurtful, unwholesome, nocuous, detrimental, deleterious, corruptive, baneful, evil, fetid, lethal, nocent, nocuous, noisome, pernicious, putrid, revolting, stinking, toxic, virulent.
Antonyms: harmless

12. Penchant(n): a strong inclination, taste, or liking for something; A definite liking.
Synonyms: affinity, bent, bias, fancy, fondness, inclination, knack, leaning, partiality, predilection, proneness, propensity, tendency.

13. Rhabdomancy(n): Divination by means of a wand or rod, especially for discovering underground water or ores; searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod

14. Scalawag(n): a scamp; rascal; A reprobate; a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel; one who is playfully mischievous.
Synonyms: (slang) scamp, caitiff, miscreant, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, trickster, varlet,

15. Loquacious(adj): talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; characterized by excessive talk; wordy; full of trivial conversation.
Synonyms: verbose, voluble, chatty, conversational, garrulous, talky.

16. Succinct(adj):expressed in few words;characterized by conciseness or verbal brevity; Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words.
Synonyms: blunt, brief, compact, concise, condensed, curt, summary, terse.

17. Palatable(adj): acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feelings; Acceptable to the taste; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten.
Synonyms: delicious, delectable, palatable, appetizing, tasty, savory, delightful, pleasing, sapid, toothsome.

18. Magnificience(n): the quality or state of being magnificent; splendor; impressiveness of surroundings, Greatness or lavishness of surroundings; splendor, Grand or imposing beauty.

19. Fluvial(adj): of or pertaining to a river; relating to or inhabiting a river or stream; produced by the action of a river or stream.

20. Subterranean(adj): existing or operating out of sight or secretly; hidden or secret; Situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground.
Synonyms: cavern, concealed, hidden, secret, underground.

21. Arboreal(adj): of or pertaining to trees; treelike; relating to or resembling a tree; living in trees; inhabiting or frequenting trees.


1. Loqacious: Succinct

2. Palatable: Magnificience

3. Learn: School

4. Fluvial: River

5. Subterranean: Cave

6. Arboreal: Tree

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