Friday, August 22, 2008
Sentence Completion Test - 1
Although great care is ---- in the investigation of a crime scene, the rapid deterioration of some forms of evidence demands ----.
A desirable..haste
B unnecessary..swiftness
C required..thoroughness
D assumed..attention
E common..speed
Faced with a barrage of ---- advice about infant sleep patterns, nutritional requirements, and emotional needs, new mothers are frequently confused.
A useful
B scholarly
C important
D traditional
E conflicting
When Australian cane toads are ----, they release a venom from glands on the back of their heads that has proven to have hallucinogenic effects on potential predators.
A retractable
B curious
C antagonized
D satiated
E somnolent
In order to survive the challenges they found in ---- environments, human ancestors had to be ---- changing circumstances.
A dynamic .. adaptable to
B hospitable .. impervious to
C improving .. resistant to
D stagnant .. untroubled by
E dangerous .. cynical about
At the turn of the eighteenth century, ---- by increased consumption of tea, coffee and sugar worldwide, sugar overtook tobacco as America's most ---- export.
A driven . . dangerous
B influenced . . overlooked
C propelled . . expensive
D spurred . . lucrative
E hindered . . desired
Edgar's ---- writings won fame more for their eccentricity than their message.
A idiosyncratic
B prophetic
C political
D arcane
E esoteric
The problem of world hunger is ---- in sub-Saharan Africa, where one-third of the population is ---- undernourished.
A most palatable . . perpetually
B bleakest . .chronically
C most tangible . . barely
D most serious . . never
E hardiest . . slightly
Despite his ---- of formal training, members of the industry sought out the designer because he offered solutions based on practical ---- rather than textbooks.
A abundance . . formulae
B absence . . theory
C battery . . hearsay
D lack . . experience
E want . . academics
Claiming that they talk ---- of trivial matters, the girls in the outdoors club accuse the school's cheerleaders of being ----.
A candidly . . vacuous
B insightfully . . irritating
C infrequently . . predictable
D profoundly . . cerebral
E incessantly . . vapid
Though the counting method used by the federal census is a seemingly ---- issue, because of its importance in determining funding it is also a politically ---- one.
A innocuous . . viable
B ineluctable . . volatile
C vital . . insignificant
D arcane . . sensitive
E obscure . . uninteresting
One of the most ---- consequences of the Industrial Revolution was that it wiped out the ---- division of society into church, aristocracy, and commoners.
A dramatic . . arcane
B innocuous . . ancient
C radical . . endemic
D enduring . . esoteric
E significant . . tripartite
Some view the French Revolution not as a single uprising but as a collection of ---- revolutions; peasants, bourgeoisie, and artisans expressed their discontent in simultaneous ----.
A concomitant . . excursions
B concurrent . . uprisings
C divergent . . predilections
D successive . . rebellions
E manorial . . demonstrations
If the current movement favoring the use of pharmaceuticals in psychiatric medicine ----, there won't be a single ---- without a drug to prescribe for its treatment.
A continues . . doctor
B persists . . condition
C ceases . . illness
D attenuates . . malady
E intensifies . . cure
The effort to meet the world's growing ---- for energy has led corporations to exploit new technologies and look for alternate sources of energy in ---- places.
A disingenuous . . unexploited
B thirst . . untoward
C need . . desultory
D demand . . unexpected
E desire . . amorous
Though in agreement with most of the ---- of rationalist philosophy, Sigmund Freud had less confidence in the power of reason than some thinkers before him, and unlike them he believed humans were not ---- rational creatures.
A lessons . . immutably
B precepts . . fundamentally
C idioms . . essentially
D innovations . . irreducibly
E versions . . especially
Malcolm's library was both ---- and ----; he had shelf after shelf of titles on every subject.
A monotonous .. exhaustive
B immutable .. extensive
C varied .. voluminous
D heterogeneous .. limited
E diverse .. meager
The explosion of the British art scene in recent years has resulted in a dispersion of galleries in London, as the older ones downtown ---- for attention with newer ones on the ---- of the city.
A vie . . subalterns
B strive . . bottom
C struggle . . inside
D clamor . . outskirts
E compete . . periphery
The paleontologist seemed ---- the punishing heat; she could walk all day intently scanning the ground for fossils.
A cognizant of
B reluctant about
C mournful about
D disappointed by
E oblivious to
Because opium and morphine are ---- the poppy plant, people who have eaten poppy seed bagels or cakes occasionally receive false positives in drug tests.
A hybrids of
B derived from
C prescriptive to
D corollaries of
E antithetical to
Transportation problems are ----; reduced public transit service leads to increased use of automobiles, which results in greater traffic congestion.
A ambiguous
B spontaneous
C interrelated
D superficial
E objective
To test his theory that prehistoric men used frozen lakes as refrigerators for their mammoth meat, the ---- ate horse meat he had left in a local pond for several months.
A immunologist
B abolitionist
C paleontologist
D archivist
E chemist
Because various methods of birth control are more prevalent in affluent nations, population growth is generally much ---- in rich nations than in poor ones.
A more rapid
B more restrained
C more enduring
D less slow
E more steady
Over the years, the apprentice has ---- been gaining ----.
A quickly . . dexterity
B certainly . . wealth
C slowly . . mastery
D steadily . . currency
E inexplicably . . ability
When criticized for his ---- performance, the athlete responded with an angry ---- directed at his coach and his teammates.
A disloyal . . speech
B disastrous . . panegyric
C eccentric . . diatribe
D lackluster . . harangue
E immutable . . invective
From slapstick to satire, tragedy to farce, the theater in early modern Europe took ---- forms.
A bifurcated
B multifarious
C dissipated
D dissonant
E comedic
After years of rapid ----, Atlanta has the longest commutes in the nation and air so polluted that the federal government has threatened to ---- highway funds.
A expansion . . withhold
B deterioration . . cut
C growth . . supplement
D decline . . double
E development . . augment
Irregularities in the orbits of some planets have allowed astronomers to ---- the existence of other, as of yet undiscovered, planets.
A adumbrate
B collate
C infer
D derive
E forestall
Fearful that the matter would ---- into a ----, the company chose to settle the controversy as quickly as possible.
A deteriorate .. obligation
B escalate .. scandal
C ripen .. conspiracy
D improve..annoyance
E blossom..contradiction
Because he enjoyed only ---- support in Congress, the president was forced to ---- the views of his detractors when making his decisions.
A ephemeral . . uphold
B marginal . . consider
C partial . . denigrate
D inconsistent . . formulate
E cosmetic . . evaluate
The frantic expansion of William Randolph Hearst's publishing empire, and the debts New York bankers carried for him, serve as a perfect metaphor for the ---- of the 1920s.
A frugality
B frivolity
C recklessness
D entertainment
E carousing
Attention deficit disorder is so ---- that ---- about its recognition and treatment persists among physicians as well as the public.
A complex .. confusion
B prevalent .. antagonism
C severe .. indifference
D unique .. contempt
E oversimplified .. impatience
Punishment should be ----, when the criminal act is still fresh in the mind of the perpetrators.
A harsh
B appropriate
C carefully considered
D immediate
E thorough
Contrary to popular expectations, the underdog gymnastics team ---- the competition.
A lost
B withdrew from
C entered
D welcomed
E won
Unlike her ---- sister, Maria would boldly join the conversation at any gathering.
A brash
B obstinate
C apathetic
D timid
E humorless
The emperor was responsible for reestablishing friendly relations with the West, forging ---- ties by sending an ambassador to every important city in Europe.
A economic
B political
C social
D religious
E diplomatic
Despite his reputation as a renowned journalist, he wrote an article ---- factual errors and glaring omissions.
A containing
B refuting
C correcting
D inciting
E dismissing
Beginning in 1347, the plague ---- Europe periodically for 150 years, ---- the population in some areas by as much as a third.
A visited . . augmenting
B infected . . lionizing
C ravaged . . reducing
D indoctrinated . . decreasing
E bypassed . . slashing
Although he was ordinarily ----, Mr. Wendell would talk at length about his hobbies.
A reticent
B insistent
C satisfied
D wordy
E persuasive
The young reporter took the ---- assignment, thinking of it as a way station until something better came along.
A career
B interim
C notorious
D prestigious
E sinister
Due to its ---- topography and setting, Gibraltar has an unparalleled variety of flora and fauna.
A commonplace
B useful
C serene
D uncommon
E standard
# The fact that the- of confrontation is no longer as popular as it once was - progress in race relations.
1. insidiousness - reiterates
2. practice - inculcates
3. glimmer - foreshadows
4. technique - presages
5. reticence - indicates
# A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - aggressive.
1. categorized
2. instructed
3. intoned
4. distracted
5. refrained
# President Anwar el - Sadat of Egypt, disregarding - criticism in the Alab world and in his own Government, - accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to address the Israeli parliament.
1. acrimonious - formally
2. blemished - stiffly
3. categorical - previously
4. malignant - plaintively
5. charismatic - meticulously
# In his usual - manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
1. pensive
2. providential
3. indifferent
4. circumspect
5. caustic
# We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a - man.
1. charm - insincere
2. necromancy - pietistic
3. logic - honorable
4. prestidigitation - articulate
5. subterfuge - honest
# The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was - by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
1. unproven
2. banal
3. superficial
4. complex
5. heretical
# Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a - between them.
1. dichotomy
2. congruity
3. reciprocity
4. fusion
5. generosity
# The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest - indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -
1. inventions - know-how
2. wars - viciousness
3. triumphs - civilizations
4. atrocities - development
5. catastrophes - ill-will
# Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater - their efforts to build as Progressive Party than the - of the progressive already elected to the legislature.
1. obstacle to - resistance
2. support for - advocacy
3. praise for - reputation
4. threat to - promise
5. benefit - success
# The simplicity of the theory - its main attraction - is also its - for only by - the assumptions of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.
1. glory - rejecting
2. liability - accepting
3. undoing - supplementing
4. downfall - considering
5. virtue - qualifying
# That the Third Battalion's fifty percent casually rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not - eyewitness reports of its commander's extra-ordinary - in deploying his forces.
1. invalidate - brutality
2. gainsay - cleverness
3. underscore - ineptitude
4. justify - rapidity
5. corroborate -determination
# No longer - by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual - for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
1. satisfied - reasons
2. reassured - justifications
3. restricted - parallels
4. sustained - substitutes
5. hampered - equivalents
# In eighth-century Japan, people who - wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of - fields.
1. cultivated - domestic
2. located - desirable
3. conserved - forested
4. reclaimed - arable
5. irrigated - accessible.
# Clearly refuting sceptics, researchers have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory- it should do.
1. assumed - deducted
2. estimated - accepted
3. supposed - asserted
4. doubted - warranted
5. demonstrated - predicted.
# Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world - of -
1. deprived - polarity
2. full - circumstantiality
3. bereft - theatricality
4. devoid - neutrality
5. composed - adversity.
# Sponsors of the bill were-because there was no opposition to it within the legislative, until after the measure had been signed into law.
1. well-intentioned
2. persistent
3. detained
4. unreliable
5. relieved.
# Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable - through a complex network of producers and consumers.
1. nutrients
2. dividends
3. communications
4. artifacts
5. commodities.
# Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by - the leaders of the movement have recently - most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.
1. proclamation - codified
2. coercion - repudiated
3. participation - moderated
4. intimidation - issued
5. demonstration - deliberated.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. tolerant
2. democratic
3. broadminded
4. emotional
5. intolerant.
# Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain redical newspapers is not - or childish, but an assault on - essential to the revolutionary's purpose.
1. insolent - sociability
2. trivial - decorum
3. belligerent - fallibility
4. serious - propriety
5. deliberate - affectation.
21. The - tones of the flute succeeded in - his tense nerves.
1. rhapsodic - minimising
2. blatant - enhancing
3. hovendous - calming
4. vibrant - portraying
5. mellifluous - soothing.
22. Without the psychiatrist's promise of confidentiality, trust is - and the patient's communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in thercopy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to - it.
1. lost - forget
2. implicit - extend
3. impaired - sacrifise
4. ambiguous - apply
5. assumed - examine.
23. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look -they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the - of natural beauty and human glory.
1. great - immutability
2. joyful - mortality
3. conventional - wildness
4. cheerful - transitoriness
5. colorful - abstractness.
24. Despite the - of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize ''pop culture'' as a key for - the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society.
1. pedantry - reinstating
2. enthusiasm - symbolizing
3. skepticism - deciphering
4. antipathy - involving
5. discernment - evaluating.
25. If duty is the natural - of one's the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
1. outgrowth - control over
2. arbiter - responsibility for
3. correlate - understanding of
4. determinant - involvement in
5. mitigant - preoccupation with .
26. Clearly refuting sceptics, researches have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory - it should do.
1. supposed - asserted
2. voubted -warranted
3. assumed - deduced
4. demonstrated - predicted
5. estimated - accepted
27. The Neolatonists' conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the - of creation.
1. variety
2. economy
3. profusion
4. clarity
5. precision.
28. It is a great - to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible, because the donor's genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with - effects.
1. Disappointment - superfluous
2. Convenience - exquisite
3. Advantage - deleterious
4. Accomplishment - profound
5. Misfortune - unpredictable.
29. While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not - the manufacturer's spokesperson argued that effective - were simply not available.
1. indeterminable - safeguards
2. unusual - alternatives
3. inconsequential - substitutes
4. proven - antidotes
5. increasing - procedures.
30. Human reaction to the realm of though is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that - sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of - facts.
1. emotional - impersonal
2. familiar : symbolic
3. disturbing - ordinary
4. material - remote
5. defenitive - controvoisial.
# Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on earth because of the possibility of - resulting from the carbon atom's ability to form an unending series of different molecules.
1. variety
2. stability
3. deviations
4. invigorations
5. reproduction.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. intolerant
2. democratic
3. emotional
4. patient
5. broadminded.
# An occasional - remark spoiled the - that made the paper memorable.
1. colloquial
2. trite - cliches
3. urbane - sophisticated
4. hackneyed - originality
5. jovial - fun.
# Broadway audiences have become inured to - and so - to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
1. cleverness : eager
2. condescension : disinclined
3. sentimentality : reluctant
4. mediocrity : desperate
5. histrionics : unlikely
# Nineteenth - century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical - or a brilliant - blending Egyptian and Assyruin art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
1. conversion - annexation
2. apparition - amalgam
3. stratagem - appropriation
4. paradigm - construct
5. example - synthesis
# The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in western society during the current decade is - critical.
1. archetypally
2. perennially
3. disturbingly
4. uniquely
5. cautiously
# Even though in today's Soviet union the - Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank - and - file clergy still. Have little - to practice their religion.
1. adversaries of - inclination
2. traditionalists among - incentive
3. practitioners among - opportunity
4. leaders of - latitude
5. dissidents within -obligation
# Unlike the Shakespearean plays, The ''closet dramas'' of the nineteenth century were meant to be - rather than -
1. seen - acted
2. read - acted
3. produced - acted
4. quiet - loud
5. sophisticated - urbane
# The little - known but rapidly expanding use of computers in mapmaking is technologically similar to the more - uses in designing everything from bolts to satellites.
1. ingenuous
2. recent
3. secure
4. publicized
5. successful
# Although his out numbered troops fought bravely, the general felt he had no choice but to - defeat and - a retreat.
1. oversee - reject
2. acknowledge - order
3. hasten - suggest
4. seek - try
5. overcome - request
A desirable..haste
B unnecessary..swiftness
C required..thoroughness
D assumed..attention
E common..speed
Faced with a barrage of ---- advice about infant sleep patterns, nutritional requirements, and emotional needs, new mothers are frequently confused.
A useful
B scholarly
C important
D traditional
E conflicting
When Australian cane toads are ----, they release a venom from glands on the back of their heads that has proven to have hallucinogenic effects on potential predators.
A retractable
B curious
C antagonized
D satiated
E somnolent
In order to survive the challenges they found in ---- environments, human ancestors had to be ---- changing circumstances.
A dynamic .. adaptable to
B hospitable .. impervious to
C improving .. resistant to
D stagnant .. untroubled by
E dangerous .. cynical about
At the turn of the eighteenth century, ---- by increased consumption of tea, coffee and sugar worldwide, sugar overtook tobacco as America's most ---- export.
A driven . . dangerous
B influenced . . overlooked
C propelled . . expensive
D spurred . . lucrative
E hindered . . desired
Edgar's ---- writings won fame more for their eccentricity than their message.
A idiosyncratic
B prophetic
C political
D arcane
E esoteric
The problem of world hunger is ---- in sub-Saharan Africa, where one-third of the population is ---- undernourished.
A most palatable . . perpetually
B bleakest . .chronically
C most tangible . . barely
D most serious . . never
E hardiest . . slightly
Despite his ---- of formal training, members of the industry sought out the designer because he offered solutions based on practical ---- rather than textbooks.
A abundance . . formulae
B absence . . theory
C battery . . hearsay
D lack . . experience
E want . . academics
Claiming that they talk ---- of trivial matters, the girls in the outdoors club accuse the school's cheerleaders of being ----.
A candidly . . vacuous
B insightfully . . irritating
C infrequently . . predictable
D profoundly . . cerebral
E incessantly . . vapid
Though the counting method used by the federal census is a seemingly ---- issue, because of its importance in determining funding it is also a politically ---- one.
A innocuous . . viable
B ineluctable . . volatile
C vital . . insignificant
D arcane . . sensitive
E obscure . . uninteresting
One of the most ---- consequences of the Industrial Revolution was that it wiped out the ---- division of society into church, aristocracy, and commoners.
A dramatic . . arcane
B innocuous . . ancient
C radical . . endemic
D enduring . . esoteric
E significant . . tripartite
Some view the French Revolution not as a single uprising but as a collection of ---- revolutions; peasants, bourgeoisie, and artisans expressed their discontent in simultaneous ----.
A concomitant . . excursions
B concurrent . . uprisings
C divergent . . predilections
D successive . . rebellions
E manorial . . demonstrations
If the current movement favoring the use of pharmaceuticals in psychiatric medicine ----, there won't be a single ---- without a drug to prescribe for its treatment.
A continues . . doctor
B persists . . condition
C ceases . . illness
D attenuates . . malady
E intensifies . . cure
The effort to meet the world's growing ---- for energy has led corporations to exploit new technologies and look for alternate sources of energy in ---- places.
A disingenuous . . unexploited
B thirst . . untoward
C need . . desultory
D demand . . unexpected
E desire . . amorous
Though in agreement with most of the ---- of rationalist philosophy, Sigmund Freud had less confidence in the power of reason than some thinkers before him, and unlike them he believed humans were not ---- rational creatures.
A lessons . . immutably
B precepts . . fundamentally
C idioms . . essentially
D innovations . . irreducibly
E versions . . especially
Malcolm's library was both ---- and ----; he had shelf after shelf of titles on every subject.
A monotonous .. exhaustive
B immutable .. extensive
C varied .. voluminous
D heterogeneous .. limited
E diverse .. meager
The explosion of the British art scene in recent years has resulted in a dispersion of galleries in London, as the older ones downtown ---- for attention with newer ones on the ---- of the city.
A vie . . subalterns
B strive . . bottom
C struggle . . inside
D clamor . . outskirts
E compete . . periphery
The paleontologist seemed ---- the punishing heat; she could walk all day intently scanning the ground for fossils.
A cognizant of
B reluctant about
C mournful about
D disappointed by
E oblivious to
Because opium and morphine are ---- the poppy plant, people who have eaten poppy seed bagels or cakes occasionally receive false positives in drug tests.
A hybrids of
B derived from
C prescriptive to
D corollaries of
E antithetical to
Transportation problems are ----; reduced public transit service leads to increased use of automobiles, which results in greater traffic congestion.
A ambiguous
B spontaneous
C interrelated
D superficial
E objective
To test his theory that prehistoric men used frozen lakes as refrigerators for their mammoth meat, the ---- ate horse meat he had left in a local pond for several months.
A immunologist
B abolitionist
C paleontologist
D archivist
E chemist
Because various methods of birth control are more prevalent in affluent nations, population growth is generally much ---- in rich nations than in poor ones.
A more rapid
B more restrained
C more enduring
D less slow
E more steady
Over the years, the apprentice has ---- been gaining ----.
A quickly . . dexterity
B certainly . . wealth
C slowly . . mastery
D steadily . . currency
E inexplicably . . ability
When criticized for his ---- performance, the athlete responded with an angry ---- directed at his coach and his teammates.
A disloyal . . speech
B disastrous . . panegyric
C eccentric . . diatribe
D lackluster . . harangue
E immutable . . invective
From slapstick to satire, tragedy to farce, the theater in early modern Europe took ---- forms.
A bifurcated
B multifarious
C dissipated
D dissonant
E comedic
After years of rapid ----, Atlanta has the longest commutes in the nation and air so polluted that the federal government has threatened to ---- highway funds.
A expansion . . withhold
B deterioration . . cut
C growth . . supplement
D decline . . double
E development . . augment
Irregularities in the orbits of some planets have allowed astronomers to ---- the existence of other, as of yet undiscovered, planets.
A adumbrate
B collate
C infer
D derive
E forestall
Fearful that the matter would ---- into a ----, the company chose to settle the controversy as quickly as possible.
A deteriorate .. obligation
B escalate .. scandal
C ripen .. conspiracy
D improve..annoyance
E blossom..contradiction
Because he enjoyed only ---- support in Congress, the president was forced to ---- the views of his detractors when making his decisions.
A ephemeral . . uphold
B marginal . . consider
C partial . . denigrate
D inconsistent . . formulate
E cosmetic . . evaluate
The frantic expansion of William Randolph Hearst's publishing empire, and the debts New York bankers carried for him, serve as a perfect metaphor for the ---- of the 1920s.
A frugality
B frivolity
C recklessness
D entertainment
E carousing
Attention deficit disorder is so ---- that ---- about its recognition and treatment persists among physicians as well as the public.
A complex .. confusion
B prevalent .. antagonism
C severe .. indifference
D unique .. contempt
E oversimplified .. impatience
Punishment should be ----, when the criminal act is still fresh in the mind of the perpetrators.
A harsh
B appropriate
C carefully considered
D immediate
E thorough
Contrary to popular expectations, the underdog gymnastics team ---- the competition.
A lost
B withdrew from
C entered
D welcomed
E won
Unlike her ---- sister, Maria would boldly join the conversation at any gathering.
A brash
B obstinate
C apathetic
D timid
E humorless
The emperor was responsible for reestablishing friendly relations with the West, forging ---- ties by sending an ambassador to every important city in Europe.
A economic
B political
C social
D religious
E diplomatic
Despite his reputation as a renowned journalist, he wrote an article ---- factual errors and glaring omissions.
A containing
B refuting
C correcting
D inciting
E dismissing
Beginning in 1347, the plague ---- Europe periodically for 150 years, ---- the population in some areas by as much as a third.
A visited . . augmenting
B infected . . lionizing
C ravaged . . reducing
D indoctrinated . . decreasing
E bypassed . . slashing
Although he was ordinarily ----, Mr. Wendell would talk at length about his hobbies.
A reticent
B insistent
C satisfied
D wordy
E persuasive
The young reporter took the ---- assignment, thinking of it as a way station until something better came along.
A career
B interim
C notorious
D prestigious
E sinister
Due to its ---- topography and setting, Gibraltar has an unparalleled variety of flora and fauna.
A commonplace
B useful
C serene
D uncommon
E standard
# The fact that the- of confrontation is no longer as popular as it once was - progress in race relations.
1. insidiousness - reiterates
2. practice - inculcates
3. glimmer - foreshadows
4. technique - presages
5. reticence - indicates
# A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - aggressive.
1. categorized
2. instructed
3. intoned
4. distracted
5. refrained
# President Anwar el - Sadat of Egypt, disregarding - criticism in the Alab world and in his own Government, - accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to address the Israeli parliament.
1. acrimonious - formally
2. blemished - stiffly
3. categorical - previously
4. malignant - plaintively
5. charismatic - meticulously
# In his usual - manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
1. pensive
2. providential
3. indifferent
4. circumspect
5. caustic
# We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a - man.
1. charm - insincere
2. necromancy - pietistic
3. logic - honorable
4. prestidigitation - articulate
5. subterfuge - honest
# The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was - by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
1. unproven
2. banal
3. superficial
4. complex
5. heretical
# Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a - between them.
1. dichotomy
2. congruity
3. reciprocity
4. fusion
5. generosity
# The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest - indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -
1. inventions - know-how
2. wars - viciousness
3. triumphs - civilizations
4. atrocities - development
5. catastrophes - ill-will
# Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater - their efforts to build as Progressive Party than the - of the progressive already elected to the legislature.
1. obstacle to - resistance
2. support for - advocacy
3. praise for - reputation
4. threat to - promise
5. benefit - success
# The simplicity of the theory - its main attraction - is also its - for only by - the assumptions of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.
1. glory - rejecting
2. liability - accepting
3. undoing - supplementing
4. downfall - considering
5. virtue - qualifying
# That the Third Battalion's fifty percent casually rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not - eyewitness reports of its commander's extra-ordinary - in deploying his forces.
1. invalidate - brutality
2. gainsay - cleverness
3. underscore - ineptitude
4. justify - rapidity
5. corroborate -determination
# No longer - by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual - for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
1. satisfied - reasons
2. reassured - justifications
3. restricted - parallels
4. sustained - substitutes
5. hampered - equivalents
# In eighth-century Japan, people who - wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of - fields.
1. cultivated - domestic
2. located - desirable
3. conserved - forested
4. reclaimed - arable
5. irrigated - accessible.
# Clearly refuting sceptics, researchers have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory- it should do.
1. assumed - deducted
2. estimated - accepted
3. supposed - asserted
4. doubted - warranted
5. demonstrated - predicted.
# Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world - of -
1. deprived - polarity
2. full - circumstantiality
3. bereft - theatricality
4. devoid - neutrality
5. composed - adversity.
# Sponsors of the bill were-because there was no opposition to it within the legislative, until after the measure had been signed into law.
1. well-intentioned
2. persistent
3. detained
4. unreliable
5. relieved.
# Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable - through a complex network of producers and consumers.
1. nutrients
2. dividends
3. communications
4. artifacts
5. commodities.
# Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by - the leaders of the movement have recently - most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.
1. proclamation - codified
2. coercion - repudiated
3. participation - moderated
4. intimidation - issued
5. demonstration - deliberated.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. tolerant
2. democratic
3. broadminded
4. emotional
5. intolerant.
# Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain redical newspapers is not - or childish, but an assault on - essential to the revolutionary's purpose.
1. insolent - sociability
2. trivial - decorum
3. belligerent - fallibility
4. serious - propriety
5. deliberate - affectation.
21. The - tones of the flute succeeded in - his tense nerves.
1. rhapsodic - minimising
2. blatant - enhancing
3. hovendous - calming
4. vibrant - portraying
5. mellifluous - soothing.
22. Without the psychiatrist's promise of confidentiality, trust is - and the patient's communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in thercopy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to - it.
1. lost - forget
2. implicit - extend
3. impaired - sacrifise
4. ambiguous - apply
5. assumed - examine.
23. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look -they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the - of natural beauty and human glory.
1. great - immutability
2. joyful - mortality
3. conventional - wildness
4. cheerful - transitoriness
5. colorful - abstractness.
24. Despite the - of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize ''pop culture'' as a key for - the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society.
1. pedantry - reinstating
2. enthusiasm - symbolizing
3. skepticism - deciphering
4. antipathy - involving
5. discernment - evaluating.
25. If duty is the natural - of one's the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
1. outgrowth - control over
2. arbiter - responsibility for
3. correlate - understanding of
4. determinant - involvement in
5. mitigant - preoccupation with .
26. Clearly refuting sceptics, researches have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory - it should do.
1. supposed - asserted
2. voubted -warranted
3. assumed - deduced
4. demonstrated - predicted
5. estimated - accepted
27. The Neolatonists' conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the - of creation.
1. variety
2. economy
3. profusion
4. clarity
5. precision.
28. It is a great - to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible, because the donor's genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with - effects.
1. Disappointment - superfluous
2. Convenience - exquisite
3. Advantage - deleterious
4. Accomplishment - profound
5. Misfortune - unpredictable.
29. While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not - the manufacturer's spokesperson argued that effective - were simply not available.
1. indeterminable - safeguards
2. unusual - alternatives
3. inconsequential - substitutes
4. proven - antidotes
5. increasing - procedures.
30. Human reaction to the realm of though is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that - sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of - facts.
1. emotional - impersonal
2. familiar : symbolic
3. disturbing - ordinary
4. material - remote
5. defenitive - controvoisial.
# Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on earth because of the possibility of - resulting from the carbon atom's ability to form an unending series of different molecules.
1. variety
2. stability
3. deviations
4. invigorations
5. reproduction.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. intolerant
2. democratic
3. emotional
4. patient
5. broadminded.
# An occasional - remark spoiled the - that made the paper memorable.
1. colloquial
2. trite - cliches
3. urbane - sophisticated
4. hackneyed - originality
5. jovial - fun.
# Broadway audiences have become inured to - and so - to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
1. cleverness : eager
2. condescension : disinclined
3. sentimentality : reluctant
4. mediocrity : desperate
5. histrionics : unlikely
# Nineteenth - century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical - or a brilliant - blending Egyptian and Assyruin art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
1. conversion - annexation
2. apparition - amalgam
3. stratagem - appropriation
4. paradigm - construct
5. example - synthesis
# The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in western society during the current decade is - critical.
1. archetypally
2. perennially
3. disturbingly
4. uniquely
5. cautiously
# Even though in today's Soviet union the - Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank - and - file clergy still. Have little - to practice their religion.
1. adversaries of - inclination
2. traditionalists among - incentive
3. practitioners among - opportunity
4. leaders of - latitude
5. dissidents within -obligation
# Unlike the Shakespearean plays, The ''closet dramas'' of the nineteenth century were meant to be - rather than -
1. seen - acted
2. read - acted
3. produced - acted
4. quiet - loud
5. sophisticated - urbane
# The little - known but rapidly expanding use of computers in mapmaking is technologically similar to the more - uses in designing everything from bolts to satellites.
1. ingenuous
2. recent
3. secure
4. publicized
5. successful
# Although his out numbered troops fought bravely, the general felt he had no choice but to - defeat and - a retreat.
1. oversee - reject
2. acknowledge - order
3. hasten - suggest
4. seek - try
5. overcome - request
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Sentence Completion Test - 1
Although great care is ---- in the investigation of a crime scene, the rapid deterioration of some forms of evidence demands ----.
A desirable..haste
B unnecessary..swiftness
C required..thoroughness
D assumed..attention
E common..speed
Faced with a barrage of ---- advice about infant sleep patterns, nutritional requirements, and emotional needs, new mothers are frequently confused.
A useful
B scholarly
C important
D traditional
E conflicting
When Australian cane toads are ----, they release a venom from glands on the back of their heads that has proven to have hallucinogenic effects on potential predators.
A retractable
B curious
C antagonized
D satiated
E somnolent
In order to survive the challenges they found in ---- environments, human ancestors had to be ---- changing circumstances.
A dynamic .. adaptable to
B hospitable .. impervious to
C improving .. resistant to
D stagnant .. untroubled by
E dangerous .. cynical about
At the turn of the eighteenth century, ---- by increased consumption of tea, coffee and sugar worldwide, sugar overtook tobacco as America's most ---- export.
A driven . . dangerous
B influenced . . overlooked
C propelled . . expensive
D spurred . . lucrative
E hindered . . desired
Edgar's ---- writings won fame more for their eccentricity than their message.
A idiosyncratic
B prophetic
C political
D arcane
E esoteric
The problem of world hunger is ---- in sub-Saharan Africa, where one-third of the population is ---- undernourished.
A most palatable . . perpetually
B bleakest . .chronically
C most tangible . . barely
D most serious . . never
E hardiest . . slightly
Despite his ---- of formal training, members of the industry sought out the designer because he offered solutions based on practical ---- rather than textbooks.
A abundance . . formulae
B absence . . theory
C battery . . hearsay
D lack . . experience
E want . . academics
Claiming that they talk ---- of trivial matters, the girls in the outdoors club accuse the school's cheerleaders of being ----.
A candidly . . vacuous
B insightfully . . irritating
C infrequently . . predictable
D profoundly . . cerebral
E incessantly . . vapid
Though the counting method used by the federal census is a seemingly ---- issue, because of its importance in determining funding it is also a politically ---- one.
A innocuous . . viable
B ineluctable . . volatile
C vital . . insignificant
D arcane . . sensitive
E obscure . . uninteresting
One of the most ---- consequences of the Industrial Revolution was that it wiped out the ---- division of society into church, aristocracy, and commoners.
A dramatic . . arcane
B innocuous . . ancient
C radical . . endemic
D enduring . . esoteric
E significant . . tripartite
Some view the French Revolution not as a single uprising but as a collection of ---- revolutions; peasants, bourgeoisie, and artisans expressed their discontent in simultaneous ----.
A concomitant . . excursions
B concurrent . . uprisings
C divergent . . predilections
D successive . . rebellions
E manorial . . demonstrations
If the current movement favoring the use of pharmaceuticals in psychiatric medicine ----, there won't be a single ---- without a drug to prescribe for its treatment.
A continues . . doctor
B persists . . condition
C ceases . . illness
D attenuates . . malady
E intensifies . . cure
The effort to meet the world's growing ---- for energy has led corporations to exploit new technologies and look for alternate sources of energy in ---- places.
A disingenuous . . unexploited
B thirst . . untoward
C need . . desultory
D demand . . unexpected
E desire . . amorous
Though in agreement with most of the ---- of rationalist philosophy, Sigmund Freud had less confidence in the power of reason than some thinkers before him, and unlike them he believed humans were not ---- rational creatures.
A lessons . . immutably
B precepts . . fundamentally
C idioms . . essentially
D innovations . . irreducibly
E versions . . especially
Malcolm's library was both ---- and ----; he had shelf after shelf of titles on every subject.
A monotonous .. exhaustive
B immutable .. extensive
C varied .. voluminous
D heterogeneous .. limited
E diverse .. meager
The explosion of the British art scene in recent years has resulted in a dispersion of galleries in London, as the older ones downtown ---- for attention with newer ones on the ---- of the city.
A vie . . subalterns
B strive . . bottom
C struggle . . inside
D clamor . . outskirts
E compete . . periphery
The paleontologist seemed ---- the punishing heat; she could walk all day intently scanning the ground for fossils.
A cognizant of
B reluctant about
C mournful about
D disappointed by
E oblivious to
Because opium and morphine are ---- the poppy plant, people who have eaten poppy seed bagels or cakes occasionally receive false positives in drug tests.
A hybrids of
B derived from
C prescriptive to
D corollaries of
E antithetical to
Transportation problems are ----; reduced public transit service leads to increased use of automobiles, which results in greater traffic congestion.
A ambiguous
B spontaneous
C interrelated
D superficial
E objective
To test his theory that prehistoric men used frozen lakes as refrigerators for their mammoth meat, the ---- ate horse meat he had left in a local pond for several months.
A immunologist
B abolitionist
C paleontologist
D archivist
E chemist
Because various methods of birth control are more prevalent in affluent nations, population growth is generally much ---- in rich nations than in poor ones.
A more rapid
B more restrained
C more enduring
D less slow
E more steady
Over the years, the apprentice has ---- been gaining ----.
A quickly . . dexterity
B certainly . . wealth
C slowly . . mastery
D steadily . . currency
E inexplicably . . ability
When criticized for his ---- performance, the athlete responded with an angry ---- directed at his coach and his teammates.
A disloyal . . speech
B disastrous . . panegyric
C eccentric . . diatribe
D lackluster . . harangue
E immutable . . invective
From slapstick to satire, tragedy to farce, the theater in early modern Europe took ---- forms.
A bifurcated
B multifarious
C dissipated
D dissonant
E comedic
After years of rapid ----, Atlanta has the longest commutes in the nation and air so polluted that the federal government has threatened to ---- highway funds.
A expansion . . withhold
B deterioration . . cut
C growth . . supplement
D decline . . double
E development . . augment
Irregularities in the orbits of some planets have allowed astronomers to ---- the existence of other, as of yet undiscovered, planets.
A adumbrate
B collate
C infer
D derive
E forestall
Fearful that the matter would ---- into a ----, the company chose to settle the controversy as quickly as possible.
A deteriorate .. obligation
B escalate .. scandal
C ripen .. conspiracy
D improve..annoyance
E blossom..contradiction
Because he enjoyed only ---- support in Congress, the president was forced to ---- the views of his detractors when making his decisions.
A ephemeral . . uphold
B marginal . . consider
C partial . . denigrate
D inconsistent . . formulate
E cosmetic . . evaluate
The frantic expansion of William Randolph Hearst's publishing empire, and the debts New York bankers carried for him, serve as a perfect metaphor for the ---- of the 1920s.
A frugality
B frivolity
C recklessness
D entertainment
E carousing
Attention deficit disorder is so ---- that ---- about its recognition and treatment persists among physicians as well as the public.
A complex .. confusion
B prevalent .. antagonism
C severe .. indifference
D unique .. contempt
E oversimplified .. impatience
Punishment should be ----, when the criminal act is still fresh in the mind of the perpetrators.
A harsh
B appropriate
C carefully considered
D immediate
E thorough
Contrary to popular expectations, the underdog gymnastics team ---- the competition.
A lost
B withdrew from
C entered
D welcomed
E won
Unlike her ---- sister, Maria would boldly join the conversation at any gathering.
A brash
B obstinate
C apathetic
D timid
E humorless
The emperor was responsible for reestablishing friendly relations with the West, forging ---- ties by sending an ambassador to every important city in Europe.
A economic
B political
C social
D religious
E diplomatic
Despite his reputation as a renowned journalist, he wrote an article ---- factual errors and glaring omissions.
A containing
B refuting
C correcting
D inciting
E dismissing
Beginning in 1347, the plague ---- Europe periodically for 150 years, ---- the population in some areas by as much as a third.
A visited . . augmenting
B infected . . lionizing
C ravaged . . reducing
D indoctrinated . . decreasing
E bypassed . . slashing
Although he was ordinarily ----, Mr. Wendell would talk at length about his hobbies.
A reticent
B insistent
C satisfied
D wordy
E persuasive
The young reporter took the ---- assignment, thinking of it as a way station until something better came along.
A career
B interim
C notorious
D prestigious
E sinister
Due to its ---- topography and setting, Gibraltar has an unparalleled variety of flora and fauna.
A commonplace
B useful
C serene
D uncommon
E standard
# The fact that the- of confrontation is no longer as popular as it once was - progress in race relations.
1. insidiousness - reiterates
2. practice - inculcates
3. glimmer - foreshadows
4. technique - presages
5. reticence - indicates
# A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - aggressive.
1. categorized
2. instructed
3. intoned
4. distracted
5. refrained
# President Anwar el - Sadat of Egypt, disregarding - criticism in the Alab world and in his own Government, - accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to address the Israeli parliament.
1. acrimonious - formally
2. blemished - stiffly
3. categorical - previously
4. malignant - plaintively
5. charismatic - meticulously
# In his usual - manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
1. pensive
2. providential
3. indifferent
4. circumspect
5. caustic
# We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a - man.
1. charm - insincere
2. necromancy - pietistic
3. logic - honorable
4. prestidigitation - articulate
5. subterfuge - honest
# The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was - by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
1. unproven
2. banal
3. superficial
4. complex
5. heretical
# Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a - between them.
1. dichotomy
2. congruity
3. reciprocity
4. fusion
5. generosity
# The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest - indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -
1. inventions - know-how
2. wars - viciousness
3. triumphs - civilizations
4. atrocities - development
5. catastrophes - ill-will
# Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater - their efforts to build as Progressive Party than the - of the progressive already elected to the legislature.
1. obstacle to - resistance
2. support for - advocacy
3. praise for - reputation
4. threat to - promise
5. benefit - success
# The simplicity of the theory - its main attraction - is also its - for only by - the assumptions of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.
1. glory - rejecting
2. liability - accepting
3. undoing - supplementing
4. downfall - considering
5. virtue - qualifying
# That the Third Battalion's fifty percent casually rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not - eyewitness reports of its commander's extra-ordinary - in deploying his forces.
1. invalidate - brutality
2. gainsay - cleverness
3. underscore - ineptitude
4. justify - rapidity
5. corroborate -determination
# No longer - by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual - for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
1. satisfied - reasons
2. reassured - justifications
3. restricted - parallels
4. sustained - substitutes
5. hampered - equivalents
# In eighth-century Japan, people who - wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of - fields.
1. cultivated - domestic
2. located - desirable
3. conserved - forested
4. reclaimed - arable
5. irrigated - accessible.
# Clearly refuting sceptics, researchers have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory- it should do.
1. assumed - deducted
2. estimated - accepted
3. supposed - asserted
4. doubted - warranted
5. demonstrated - predicted.
# Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world - of -
1. deprived - polarity
2. full - circumstantiality
3. bereft - theatricality
4. devoid - neutrality
5. composed - adversity.
# Sponsors of the bill were-because there was no opposition to it within the legislative, until after the measure had been signed into law.
1. well-intentioned
2. persistent
3. detained
4. unreliable
5. relieved.
# Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable - through a complex network of producers and consumers.
1. nutrients
2. dividends
3. communications
4. artifacts
5. commodities.
# Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by - the leaders of the movement have recently - most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.
1. proclamation - codified
2. coercion - repudiated
3. participation - moderated
4. intimidation - issued
5. demonstration - deliberated.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. tolerant
2. democratic
3. broadminded
4. emotional
5. intolerant.
# Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain redical newspapers is not - or childish, but an assault on - essential to the revolutionary's purpose.
1. insolent - sociability
2. trivial - decorum
3. belligerent - fallibility
4. serious - propriety
5. deliberate - affectation.
21. The - tones of the flute succeeded in - his tense nerves.
1. rhapsodic - minimising
2. blatant - enhancing
3. hovendous - calming
4. vibrant - portraying
5. mellifluous - soothing.
22. Without the psychiatrist's promise of confidentiality, trust is - and the patient's communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in thercopy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to - it.
1. lost - forget
2. implicit - extend
3. impaired - sacrifise
4. ambiguous - apply
5. assumed - examine.
23. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look -they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the - of natural beauty and human glory.
1. great - immutability
2. joyful - mortality
3. conventional - wildness
4. cheerful - transitoriness
5. colorful - abstractness.
24. Despite the - of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize ''pop culture'' as a key for - the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society.
1. pedantry - reinstating
2. enthusiasm - symbolizing
3. skepticism - deciphering
4. antipathy - involving
5. discernment - evaluating.
25. If duty is the natural - of one's the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
1. outgrowth - control over
2. arbiter - responsibility for
3. correlate - understanding of
4. determinant - involvement in
5. mitigant - preoccupation with .
26. Clearly refuting sceptics, researches have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory - it should do.
1. supposed - asserted
2. voubted -warranted
3. assumed - deduced
4. demonstrated - predicted
5. estimated - accepted
27. The Neolatonists' conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the - of creation.
1. variety
2. economy
3. profusion
4. clarity
5. precision.
28. It is a great - to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible, because the donor's genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with - effects.
1. Disappointment - superfluous
2. Convenience - exquisite
3. Advantage - deleterious
4. Accomplishment - profound
5. Misfortune - unpredictable.
29. While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not - the manufacturer's spokesperson argued that effective - were simply not available.
1. indeterminable - safeguards
2. unusual - alternatives
3. inconsequential - substitutes
4. proven - antidotes
5. increasing - procedures.
30. Human reaction to the realm of though is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that - sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of - facts.
1. emotional - impersonal
2. familiar : symbolic
3. disturbing - ordinary
4. material - remote
5. defenitive - controvoisial.
# Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on earth because of the possibility of - resulting from the carbon atom's ability to form an unending series of different molecules.
1. variety
2. stability
3. deviations
4. invigorations
5. reproduction.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. intolerant
2. democratic
3. emotional
4. patient
5. broadminded.
# An occasional - remark spoiled the - that made the paper memorable.
1. colloquial
2. trite - cliches
3. urbane - sophisticated
4. hackneyed - originality
5. jovial - fun.
# Broadway audiences have become inured to - and so - to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
1. cleverness : eager
2. condescension : disinclined
3. sentimentality : reluctant
4. mediocrity : desperate
5. histrionics : unlikely
# Nineteenth - century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical - or a brilliant - blending Egyptian and Assyruin art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
1. conversion - annexation
2. apparition - amalgam
3. stratagem - appropriation
4. paradigm - construct
5. example - synthesis
# The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in western society during the current decade is - critical.
1. archetypally
2. perennially
3. disturbingly
4. uniquely
5. cautiously
# Even though in today's Soviet union the - Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank - and - file clergy still. Have little - to practice their religion.
1. adversaries of - inclination
2. traditionalists among - incentive
3. practitioners among - opportunity
4. leaders of - latitude
5. dissidents within -obligation
# Unlike the Shakespearean plays, The ''closet dramas'' of the nineteenth century were meant to be - rather than -
1. seen - acted
2. read - acted
3. produced - acted
4. quiet - loud
5. sophisticated - urbane
# The little - known but rapidly expanding use of computers in mapmaking is technologically similar to the more - uses in designing everything from bolts to satellites.
1. ingenuous
2. recent
3. secure
4. publicized
5. successful
# Although his out numbered troops fought bravely, the general felt he had no choice but to - defeat and - a retreat.
1. oversee - reject
2. acknowledge - order
3. hasten - suggest
4. seek - try
5. overcome - request
A desirable..haste
B unnecessary..swiftness
C required..thoroughness
D assumed..attention
E common..speed
Faced with a barrage of ---- advice about infant sleep patterns, nutritional requirements, and emotional needs, new mothers are frequently confused.
A useful
B scholarly
C important
D traditional
E conflicting
When Australian cane toads are ----, they release a venom from glands on the back of their heads that has proven to have hallucinogenic effects on potential predators.
A retractable
B curious
C antagonized
D satiated
E somnolent
In order to survive the challenges they found in ---- environments, human ancestors had to be ---- changing circumstances.
A dynamic .. adaptable to
B hospitable .. impervious to
C improving .. resistant to
D stagnant .. untroubled by
E dangerous .. cynical about
At the turn of the eighteenth century, ---- by increased consumption of tea, coffee and sugar worldwide, sugar overtook tobacco as America's most ---- export.
A driven . . dangerous
B influenced . . overlooked
C propelled . . expensive
D spurred . . lucrative
E hindered . . desired
Edgar's ---- writings won fame more for their eccentricity than their message.
A idiosyncratic
B prophetic
C political
D arcane
E esoteric
The problem of world hunger is ---- in sub-Saharan Africa, where one-third of the population is ---- undernourished.
A most palatable . . perpetually
B bleakest . .chronically
C most tangible . . barely
D most serious . . never
E hardiest . . slightly
Despite his ---- of formal training, members of the industry sought out the designer because he offered solutions based on practical ---- rather than textbooks.
A abundance . . formulae
B absence . . theory
C battery . . hearsay
D lack . . experience
E want . . academics
Claiming that they talk ---- of trivial matters, the girls in the outdoors club accuse the school's cheerleaders of being ----.
A candidly . . vacuous
B insightfully . . irritating
C infrequently . . predictable
D profoundly . . cerebral
E incessantly . . vapid
Though the counting method used by the federal census is a seemingly ---- issue, because of its importance in determining funding it is also a politically ---- one.
A innocuous . . viable
B ineluctable . . volatile
C vital . . insignificant
D arcane . . sensitive
E obscure . . uninteresting
One of the most ---- consequences of the Industrial Revolution was that it wiped out the ---- division of society into church, aristocracy, and commoners.
A dramatic . . arcane
B innocuous . . ancient
C radical . . endemic
D enduring . . esoteric
E significant . . tripartite
Some view the French Revolution not as a single uprising but as a collection of ---- revolutions; peasants, bourgeoisie, and artisans expressed their discontent in simultaneous ----.
A concomitant . . excursions
B concurrent . . uprisings
C divergent . . predilections
D successive . . rebellions
E manorial . . demonstrations
If the current movement favoring the use of pharmaceuticals in psychiatric medicine ----, there won't be a single ---- without a drug to prescribe for its treatment.
A continues . . doctor
B persists . . condition
C ceases . . illness
D attenuates . . malady
E intensifies . . cure
The effort to meet the world's growing ---- for energy has led corporations to exploit new technologies and look for alternate sources of energy in ---- places.
A disingenuous . . unexploited
B thirst . . untoward
C need . . desultory
D demand . . unexpected
E desire . . amorous
Though in agreement with most of the ---- of rationalist philosophy, Sigmund Freud had less confidence in the power of reason than some thinkers before him, and unlike them he believed humans were not ---- rational creatures.
A lessons . . immutably
B precepts . . fundamentally
C idioms . . essentially
D innovations . . irreducibly
E versions . . especially
Malcolm's library was both ---- and ----; he had shelf after shelf of titles on every subject.
A monotonous .. exhaustive
B immutable .. extensive
C varied .. voluminous
D heterogeneous .. limited
E diverse .. meager
The explosion of the British art scene in recent years has resulted in a dispersion of galleries in London, as the older ones downtown ---- for attention with newer ones on the ---- of the city.
A vie . . subalterns
B strive . . bottom
C struggle . . inside
D clamor . . outskirts
E compete . . periphery
The paleontologist seemed ---- the punishing heat; she could walk all day intently scanning the ground for fossils.
A cognizant of
B reluctant about
C mournful about
D disappointed by
E oblivious to
Because opium and morphine are ---- the poppy plant, people who have eaten poppy seed bagels or cakes occasionally receive false positives in drug tests.
A hybrids of
B derived from
C prescriptive to
D corollaries of
E antithetical to
Transportation problems are ----; reduced public transit service leads to increased use of automobiles, which results in greater traffic congestion.
A ambiguous
B spontaneous
C interrelated
D superficial
E objective
To test his theory that prehistoric men used frozen lakes as refrigerators for their mammoth meat, the ---- ate horse meat he had left in a local pond for several months.
A immunologist
B abolitionist
C paleontologist
D archivist
E chemist
Because various methods of birth control are more prevalent in affluent nations, population growth is generally much ---- in rich nations than in poor ones.
A more rapid
B more restrained
C more enduring
D less slow
E more steady
Over the years, the apprentice has ---- been gaining ----.
A quickly . . dexterity
B certainly . . wealth
C slowly . . mastery
D steadily . . currency
E inexplicably . . ability
When criticized for his ---- performance, the athlete responded with an angry ---- directed at his coach and his teammates.
A disloyal . . speech
B disastrous . . panegyric
C eccentric . . diatribe
D lackluster . . harangue
E immutable . . invective
From slapstick to satire, tragedy to farce, the theater in early modern Europe took ---- forms.
A bifurcated
B multifarious
C dissipated
D dissonant
E comedic
After years of rapid ----, Atlanta has the longest commutes in the nation and air so polluted that the federal government has threatened to ---- highway funds.
A expansion . . withhold
B deterioration . . cut
C growth . . supplement
D decline . . double
E development . . augment
Irregularities in the orbits of some planets have allowed astronomers to ---- the existence of other, as of yet undiscovered, planets.
A adumbrate
B collate
C infer
D derive
E forestall
Fearful that the matter would ---- into a ----, the company chose to settle the controversy as quickly as possible.
A deteriorate .. obligation
B escalate .. scandal
C ripen .. conspiracy
D improve..annoyance
E blossom..contradiction
Because he enjoyed only ---- support in Congress, the president was forced to ---- the views of his detractors when making his decisions.
A ephemeral . . uphold
B marginal . . consider
C partial . . denigrate
D inconsistent . . formulate
E cosmetic . . evaluate
The frantic expansion of William Randolph Hearst's publishing empire, and the debts New York bankers carried for him, serve as a perfect metaphor for the ---- of the 1920s.
A frugality
B frivolity
C recklessness
D entertainment
E carousing
Attention deficit disorder is so ---- that ---- about its recognition and treatment persists among physicians as well as the public.
A complex .. confusion
B prevalent .. antagonism
C severe .. indifference
D unique .. contempt
E oversimplified .. impatience
Punishment should be ----, when the criminal act is still fresh in the mind of the perpetrators.
A harsh
B appropriate
C carefully considered
D immediate
E thorough
Contrary to popular expectations, the underdog gymnastics team ---- the competition.
A lost
B withdrew from
C entered
D welcomed
E won
Unlike her ---- sister, Maria would boldly join the conversation at any gathering.
A brash
B obstinate
C apathetic
D timid
E humorless
The emperor was responsible for reestablishing friendly relations with the West, forging ---- ties by sending an ambassador to every important city in Europe.
A economic
B political
C social
D religious
E diplomatic
Despite his reputation as a renowned journalist, he wrote an article ---- factual errors and glaring omissions.
A containing
B refuting
C correcting
D inciting
E dismissing
Beginning in 1347, the plague ---- Europe periodically for 150 years, ---- the population in some areas by as much as a third.
A visited . . augmenting
B infected . . lionizing
C ravaged . . reducing
D indoctrinated . . decreasing
E bypassed . . slashing
Although he was ordinarily ----, Mr. Wendell would talk at length about his hobbies.
A reticent
B insistent
C satisfied
D wordy
E persuasive
The young reporter took the ---- assignment, thinking of it as a way station until something better came along.
A career
B interim
C notorious
D prestigious
E sinister
Due to its ---- topography and setting, Gibraltar has an unparalleled variety of flora and fauna.
A commonplace
B useful
C serene
D uncommon
E standard
# The fact that the- of confrontation is no longer as popular as it once was - progress in race relations.
1. insidiousness - reiterates
2. practice - inculcates
3. glimmer - foreshadows
4. technique - presages
5. reticence - indicates
# A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - aggressive.
1. categorized
2. instructed
3. intoned
4. distracted
5. refrained
# President Anwar el - Sadat of Egypt, disregarding - criticism in the Alab world and in his own Government, - accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to address the Israeli parliament.
1. acrimonious - formally
2. blemished - stiffly
3. categorical - previously
4. malignant - plaintively
5. charismatic - meticulously
# In his usual - manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
1. pensive
2. providential
3. indifferent
4. circumspect
5. caustic
# We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a - man.
1. charm - insincere
2. necromancy - pietistic
3. logic - honorable
4. prestidigitation - articulate
5. subterfuge - honest
# The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was - by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
1. unproven
2. banal
3. superficial
4. complex
5. heretical
# Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a - between them.
1. dichotomy
2. congruity
3. reciprocity
4. fusion
5. generosity
# The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest - indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -
1. inventions - know-how
2. wars - viciousness
3. triumphs - civilizations
4. atrocities - development
5. catastrophes - ill-will
# Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater - their efforts to build as Progressive Party than the - of the progressive already elected to the legislature.
1. obstacle to - resistance
2. support for - advocacy
3. praise for - reputation
4. threat to - promise
5. benefit - success
# The simplicity of the theory - its main attraction - is also its - for only by - the assumptions of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.
1. glory - rejecting
2. liability - accepting
3. undoing - supplementing
4. downfall - considering
5. virtue - qualifying
# That the Third Battalion's fifty percent casually rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not - eyewitness reports of its commander's extra-ordinary - in deploying his forces.
1. invalidate - brutality
2. gainsay - cleverness
3. underscore - ineptitude
4. justify - rapidity
5. corroborate -determination
# No longer - by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual - for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
1. satisfied - reasons
2. reassured - justifications
3. restricted - parallels
4. sustained - substitutes
5. hampered - equivalents
# In eighth-century Japan, people who - wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of - fields.
1. cultivated - domestic
2. located - desirable
3. conserved - forested
4. reclaimed - arable
5. irrigated - accessible.
# Clearly refuting sceptics, researchers have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory- it should do.
1. assumed - deducted
2. estimated - accepted
3. supposed - asserted
4. doubted - warranted
5. demonstrated - predicted.
# Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world - of -
1. deprived - polarity
2. full - circumstantiality
3. bereft - theatricality
4. devoid - neutrality
5. composed - adversity.
# Sponsors of the bill were-because there was no opposition to it within the legislative, until after the measure had been signed into law.
1. well-intentioned
2. persistent
3. detained
4. unreliable
5. relieved.
# Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable - through a complex network of producers and consumers.
1. nutrients
2. dividends
3. communications
4. artifacts
5. commodities.
# Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by - the leaders of the movement have recently - most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.
1. proclamation - codified
2. coercion - repudiated
3. participation - moderated
4. intimidation - issued
5. demonstration - deliberated.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. tolerant
2. democratic
3. broadminded
4. emotional
5. intolerant.
# Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain redical newspapers is not - or childish, but an assault on - essential to the revolutionary's purpose.
1. insolent - sociability
2. trivial - decorum
3. belligerent - fallibility
4. serious - propriety
5. deliberate - affectation.
21. The - tones of the flute succeeded in - his tense nerves.
1. rhapsodic - minimising
2. blatant - enhancing
3. hovendous - calming
4. vibrant - portraying
5. mellifluous - soothing.
22. Without the psychiatrist's promise of confidentiality, trust is - and the patient's communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in thercopy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to - it.
1. lost - forget
2. implicit - extend
3. impaired - sacrifise
4. ambiguous - apply
5. assumed - examine.
23. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look -they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the - of natural beauty and human glory.
1. great - immutability
2. joyful - mortality
3. conventional - wildness
4. cheerful - transitoriness
5. colorful - abstractness.
24. Despite the - of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize ''pop culture'' as a key for - the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society.
1. pedantry - reinstating
2. enthusiasm - symbolizing
3. skepticism - deciphering
4. antipathy - involving
5. discernment - evaluating.
25. If duty is the natural - of one's the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
1. outgrowth - control over
2. arbiter - responsibility for
3. correlate - understanding of
4. determinant - involvement in
5. mitigant - preoccupation with .
26. Clearly refuting sceptics, researches have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory - it should do.
1. supposed - asserted
2. voubted -warranted
3. assumed - deduced
4. demonstrated - predicted
5. estimated - accepted
27. The Neolatonists' conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the - of creation.
1. variety
2. economy
3. profusion
4. clarity
5. precision.
28. It is a great - to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible, because the donor's genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with - effects.
1. Disappointment - superfluous
2. Convenience - exquisite
3. Advantage - deleterious
4. Accomplishment - profound
5. Misfortune - unpredictable.
29. While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not - the manufacturer's spokesperson argued that effective - were simply not available.
1. indeterminable - safeguards
2. unusual - alternatives
3. inconsequential - substitutes
4. proven - antidotes
5. increasing - procedures.
30. Human reaction to the realm of though is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that - sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of - facts.
1. emotional - impersonal
2. familiar : symbolic
3. disturbing - ordinary
4. material - remote
5. defenitive - controvoisial.
# Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on earth because of the possibility of - resulting from the carbon atom's ability to form an unending series of different molecules.
1. variety
2. stability
3. deviations
4. invigorations
5. reproduction.
# It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. intolerant
2. democratic
3. emotional
4. patient
5. broadminded.
# An occasional - remark spoiled the - that made the paper memorable.
1. colloquial
2. trite - cliches
3. urbane - sophisticated
4. hackneyed - originality
5. jovial - fun.
# Broadway audiences have become inured to - and so - to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
1. cleverness : eager
2. condescension : disinclined
3. sentimentality : reluctant
4. mediocrity : desperate
5. histrionics : unlikely
# Nineteenth - century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical - or a brilliant - blending Egyptian and Assyruin art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
1. conversion - annexation
2. apparition - amalgam
3. stratagem - appropriation
4. paradigm - construct
5. example - synthesis
# The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in western society during the current decade is - critical.
1. archetypally
2. perennially
3. disturbingly
4. uniquely
5. cautiously
# Even though in today's Soviet union the - Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank - and - file clergy still. Have little - to practice their religion.
1. adversaries of - inclination
2. traditionalists among - incentive
3. practitioners among - opportunity
4. leaders of - latitude
5. dissidents within -obligation
# Unlike the Shakespearean plays, The ''closet dramas'' of the nineteenth century were meant to be - rather than -
1. seen - acted
2. read - acted
3. produced - acted
4. quiet - loud
5. sophisticated - urbane
# The little - known but rapidly expanding use of computers in mapmaking is technologically similar to the more - uses in designing everything from bolts to satellites.
1. ingenuous
2. recent
3. secure
4. publicized
5. successful
# Although his out numbered troops fought bravely, the general felt he had no choice but to - defeat and - a retreat.
1. oversee - reject
2. acknowledge - order
3. hasten - suggest
4. seek - try
5. overcome - request
- Unknown said...
Are these question from GRE actual exam?? Anyway i have tried to solve initial 20 problems..anyboby who can chk the ans and give the feedback..will be helpful to other ppl. I will solve other problems next time.
1 C
2 E
3 C
4 A
5 D
6 A
7 B
8 D
9 A
10 D
11 –
12 B
13 A Doubtful
14 D Doubtful
15 B Doubtful
16 C
17 –
18 E
19 B
20 C - June 27, 2009 at 4:03 AM
- nancy john said...
GRE Sentence is very important for this Exam Thanks for sharing information
- February 5, 2013 at 6:10 AM
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Are these question from GRE actual exam?? Anyway i have tried to solve initial 20 problems..anyboby who can chk the ans and give the feedback..will be helpful to other ppl. I will solve other problems next time.
1 C
2 E
3 C
4 A
5 D
6 A
7 B
8 D
9 A
10 D
11 –
12 B
13 A Doubtful
14 D Doubtful
15 B Doubtful
16 C
17 –
18 E
19 B
20 C
GRE Sentence is very important for this Exam Thanks for sharing information
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