Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30th June Gre Quants Question

1. There are 90 cows which are either white or brown or a combination of white and brown. If 55 of them are white or partially white and 75 are brown or partially brown, then how many of them are completely white?

2. Given an isosceles right angled triangle of perimeter 2+2√2. Find its area?

3. Given volume of two cubes ‘A’ and ‘B’ as 1728cubic.mts and 13824cubic.mts
Col A: The ratio of their surface area
Col B: 1/2
(Similar to this)

4. Given the mean of 18 numbers as ‘m’ and standard Deviation as ‘s’. If two numbers among 18 numbers are equal to m, then
Col A: Standard Deviation of rest 16 numbers
Col B: s

5. The value of 1/(1/9 + 1/9 + 1/9) is ….?

6. On a sales of $250,000, if a person gets a commission of $6000 which is 5% of profit, then what are his earnings, if his commission is 3% of profit?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prob 2
the problem number 2 has an error.
It is impossible that the perimeter of an isosceles right angled triangle is 2+2√2,BUT 2+√2 or 4+2√2;(2a+a√2 == when a is one leg of the triangle). Therefore, the AREA should be 0.5 or 2

Prob 3

I think the answer should be D; because they dont mention in which way the ratio must be measured, for example, Surface area of cube A over Surface area of cube B or the other way around. Surface area of cube B over Surface area of cube A.

In the first case A/B is 1/4 but B/A is 4 therefore there is not enough information.

Hope anyone can discuss what I mentioned further.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30th June Gre Quants Question

1. There are 90 cows which are either white or brown or a combination of white and brown. If 55 of them are white or partially white and 75 are brown or partially brown, then how many of them are completely white?

2. Given an isosceles right angled triangle of perimeter 2+2√2. Find its area?

3. Given volume of two cubes ‘A’ and ‘B’ as 1728cubic.mts and 13824cubic.mts
Col A: The ratio of their surface area
Col B: 1/2
(Similar to this)

4. Given the mean of 18 numbers as ‘m’ and standard Deviation as ‘s’. If two numbers among 18 numbers are equal to m, then
Col A: Standard Deviation of rest 16 numbers
Col B: s

5. The value of 1/(1/9 + 1/9 + 1/9) is ….?

6. On a sales of $250,000, if a person gets a commission of $6000 which is 5% of profit, then what are his earnings, if his commission is 3% of profit?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prob 2
the problem number 2 has an error.
It is impossible that the perimeter of an isosceles right angled triangle is 2+2√2,BUT 2+√2 or 4+2√2;(2a+a√2 == when a is one leg of the triangle). Therefore, the AREA should be 0.5 or 2

Prob 3

I think the answer should be D; because they dont mention in which way the ratio must be measured, for example, Surface area of cube A over Surface area of cube B or the other way around. Surface area of cube B over Surface area of cube A.

In the first case A/B is 1/4 but B/A is 4 therefore there is not enough information.

Hope anyone can discuss what I mentioned further.